
dixiechick Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 10:54:14

*waves to VILSE*. Thanks for clearing that up. TBH, I never figured the 9 year vendetta had anything to do with it. You know this server has little birds talking all the time. We had been told we pissed off a clan who was building to war us when we hit SOF and they had to wait until they could use a "reason" to come in. We were not given a name but it was clear once Imag hit us. Also knowing Imag's love to war and other clans actively warring others they probaly figured it was our time on their docket.

Though no one will admitt it now we did a solid strike on SOF and the numbers were only 6 different at the time and untags had names that looked like the ones SOF had used so we figured it was pretty even. Without going into "old reasons" Ivan knows why this war really happened.

What is done is done but had Imag not stepped in SOF would have been toast. Nuff said. carry on "trolls"

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 0:45:38

"Fair enough. The one I can't stand is entirely spoken, and it's the word "experiment". I've always pronounced it "eksp-AIR-iment" but there's a trend towards saying "esp-EAR-iment" which drives me nuts. Carrie on mythbusters does it and it bothers me enough that I rarely watch the show anymore.

well I would drive you nuts then. LOL I am from the south and we say "esp-EAR-iment".

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 21:42:24

Not everyone uses spell check in their work. So the word interview has come up a few times where someone has spelled enterview. Happened recently at the college I work for. :P

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 21:14:23

One error I have encountered a lot is Enterview instead of Interview.

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 18:10:41

Beeing?? like in a bee hive?

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 10:13:00

Well good. Now that you all feel so great you can go cancel all your therapy appointents if you have held a grudge that many years, through that many game owners. he he.

It did floor me to read the top post. I have been in ICN for 6 years and I have heard through the ages about certain wars, but never you guys.

I just wish someone was still in ICN that fought that war so I could defend but tbh no one really remembers. All old archieves died with ES and Earth 2025 (where is my bud Super Todd when you need him) :)

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 2:14:25

so you are saying they want ICN to pack up and leave the game?

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 1st 2010, 21:41:43

so since we are almost tag killed by Imag, who is your next target. I see you name other clans in your grievence post.

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 1st 2010, 20:05:08

See that whole war is lost on me. I never even knew where you played Patience.

But if ICN warred everyone who ever blindsided them we would be some busy people. :)

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 1st 2010, 18:17:38

llaar to answer your question from ICN side. maybe one or two are still here. not sure. I can ask Nole or The Watcher. I was not here then and I know most in ICN were not here then. I just made 6 years here this month. TBH I never knew ICN fought Imag back then.

I do know that the ICN/SOF war dates back to what happened in EC about a year and 1/2 ago. I could always post that i guess. we had about 40 members then. They decided we had hugged trees long enough. they farmed us for over 100k land. we asked them to stop. they said they would. but that did not happen. we lost about 1/2 of our netters and the game lost players (whom have no desire to return I am told) and so then we warred SOF over it. Relations have not been the same since. There were/possibly still are some good people in SOF and I don't hold against them what their leaders did. but if you want to look at old sores like Imag posted and call it getting even then I guess I can relate because that is why we war SOF. *shrugs*

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 1st 2010, 10:32:58

We didn't feed you dear. we refused to acknowledge your existance on this planet. :)

Now go away you are being a nuisance. :) we have better things to do.

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 1st 2010, 9:55:12

Someone told me this week they did not like me this week because I did not have enough drama on these forums. That it took all the fun out of it.

Oh well. Still don't see the need to feed you trolls.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 13:21:25

MM plays FFA but is still a dear friend. Please leave her out of the post please as she is a woman in her own right and is not a part of this war.

*waves to Oats*. still love ya

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 3:38:24

Imag everyone knows you don't really care about SOF. You just like to war and could not find a real one of your own so you jumped in on someone elses. well we are not at war with you. you should find your own toys.

Ivan you I am surprised at. I seriously thought you believed in yourself and your clan better than having to sell yourself out for help. I know we were winning but are you that sore of a loser? TBH i thought you had more pride than that. seriously I did.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 3:07:37

we have no war with imag. sorry if you do with us but a pact is a pact.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 3:04:13

I guess you do what you have to do. however, we have decided that we did sign that pact and our war is with SOF not imag.

Our police are free to farm you if they want the land if they are not pacted to you. that is up to them.

our war is to stay on course.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 2:37:41

actually Soviet it was your sig we have. but then you know that unless your memory is bad. too bad you did not honor your own name.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 2:24:21

Imag you came to me and wished us luck and we have where we signed the coalition along with you guys. So why break the pact now?

SOF it does give me a chuckle. last set we turned down allies to assist us to be fair one on one with you guys. and now this set we have a one on one and you cannot be men enough to fight us one on one? come on? really?

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 0:19:04


dixiechick Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 0:16:24

so Havoc loves Ivan? :)

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 23:25:47

Makiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. hey guy. where you been? :)

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 22:57:47

all hits on ICN ourside of war. :) huggs LCN you sexy devils

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 15:56:19

Monks are great people. If you are netting, should make you a good home. Don't let the politics of this game run you off. I mean that sincerely.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 15:10:56

*waves to Martian* you handsome devil. :)

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 15:09:26

Just like we were not ready last set. It works that way in a war many times.

lets just all have some fun now.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 13:52:23

:) passes out some cheese to go with that whine.:)

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 13:44:21

Ivan, two sets ago, your member farmed us. we retaled. he RoRed. you did nothing to stop him. So we killed him.

Our history goes back to EC where you guys decided to kill all tree huggers beginning with us. We fought back and lost but we kept on coming.

If you get tired of this after this set we can sit down and talk, if not, well then I guess we can both sides keep doing what we are doing.

End of story.

P.S. Don't you ever get tired of whinning?

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 2:07:13

LOL Police are welcome for both sides i am sure.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 2:03:46

well actualy some of them went out for beer but close. :)

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 1:25:57

Sorry guys nothing personal. well maybe a little.. just had to see what it felt like to be the first runner out of the gate for a change.

Everyone please put ICN and SOF on DNH while we play hit tag for a few days. Gotta see what it feels like. Huggs Ivan. Sorry guy. can sign a pact when this is over if you still like.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 23rd 2010, 13:31:44

ok thanks. will read it.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 23rd 2010, 10:42:56

You know how to reach me or you can reach any of our FA's .

my icq is 348761196
or my msn is

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 12th 2010, 21:36:30

Could be but then you know what happens when we get to pondering together. :)

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 12th 2010, 0:25:33

we are xICNx this set :) LCN is sexy. :)

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 6th 2010, 23:12:03

ICN is xICNx

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 6th 2010, 0:39:01

Yep!! Gonna have to hurt him.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 2:43:59

*what? *

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 19:45:07

She is always welcome in ICN. Sorry to see the name Rogue go. but you can always use is in a country name. huggs Galleria.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 15:19:28

Congrats EvO. :)

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 20:37:08

lOL yeah I do have blonde hair.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 17:58:45

dang I knewt there as something i forgot to do. oh well. sorry. better luck next time.

dixiechick Game profile


Jul 28th 2010, 21:01:34

you think?

dixiechick Game profile


Jul 28th 2010, 2:57:30

I was on for a while but I guess all parties were asleep.

dixiechick Game profile


Jul 28th 2010, 0:32:35

did someone say a "call"?

dixiechick Game profile


Jul 23rd 2010, 23:41:33

Congrats guys. I am sure you will have a happy merger. :)

dixiechick Game profile


Jul 22nd 2010, 20:08:51

did you get my return e-mail yet? :)

dixiechick Game profile


Jul 22nd 2010, 19:55:56

I am at work. will send to the e-mail above

dixiechick Game profile


Jul 19th 2010, 21:38:43

Thanks Marshal. :)

gwagers ignore the other guys above Marshal post. They are trying to be cute. (thats so debatable.)

anyway we will fix it for you and look forward to seeing you. :)

dixiechick Game profile


Jul 19th 2010, 19:54:12

I like the new look and features also. :)

dixiechick Game profile


Jul 19th 2010, 17:20:27

Your hostility does show thru de1i and I am surprized at such lingering hostiliity toward us when this is just a game. We may make a lot of fun jokes here in a satirical kind of way but I think yours goes way too far. I have no beef with you or IX. ICN in EC fought along side IX in the last set IX played. We had fun and made a few friends along the way. I guess you were not there then. I have no issue with you and I am sorry if I offended you by not knowing your history in this game. No offence was intended. Lighten up and just enjoy the game. A lot of people have spent time and effort to keep Earth alive a while longer. Why not just chill and relax.