
now im nothing Game profile


Mar 6th 2025, 18:02:33

Originally posted by Cathankins:
And I did the hit because of your behavior. That is clear and obvious.

Glad it helped my ally. I hope he beats you as a result of it that would be hilarious. That’s not why I did it though.

This to my understanding was why you were deleted? I get it is "on the fence" but that was my general understanding of why you got deleted. Though admitting I had no true clue for sure. But it was literally right after you made that comment you went purple.
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

now im nothing Game profile


Mar 6th 2025, 18:23:38

bare in mind I am spending literal moments on this. I have no idea what is going on, then, or now. :) But still felt to pop in my two cents without having read everything that is going on and no further beyond skimming for what I recalled as the reason. I have to think there was a reason though... not just because you are hitting a player above you more than once etc. There should have been something more concrete I would think. Maybe not. . .

less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 6th 2025, 19:01:08

NiN you are 100% correct. The only reason why Cath was deleted is because he said he hoped it would help his ally. While it’s a border line deletion it was enough rope to hang him.

Had he not said a word he would not have been deleted.

It’s why a few of us have already told Cath to make his hits and not say anything about it.

A few posts ago I said that I was gonna PS Tertius as compensation for all the turrets he is costing me that is fine and I wouldn’t be deleted for making the hit.

However, if I had said that I was PSing him in defense of Cath my ally I would be immediately deleted

That’s what Cath just isn’t understanding. But hopefully next set he will not post his intentions and just lay waste to all the feminine infidel pet eaters and he will be ok.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Mar 6th 2025, 23:26:51

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
cross server attacks are one of my favorite past times

Galleri literally said she’s going to delete me if I start hitting other netters in this exact same manner. She also said she won’t even moderate me and I have to talk to prime. Literally admits she’s biased and also denies it in the same post.

The first time I ever was censored by her I posted a record high score in the high scores thread. She closed it and scolded me and finally re-opened it after the other players pointed out she was in the wrong.

Not much I can do with unfair moderation. Again, this reminds me of what happened to Tmac prior to him leaving.

I am starting to wonder about you.
nowhere did I say I wasn't going to moderate you......
Also, from what I understand you were not deleted last set. Though you keep bringing up last set....what set was it?

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 7th 2025, 2:23:04

It was the set I won, I think it was two sets ago

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 7th 2025, 3:14:24

He was purpled three sets ago. I won two sets ago, and last set Cath RoR'd me and ended up on 6k acres.

Hey SF - quick correction, I don't do cross-server retaliation. The war this set is because he promised it to me last set in primary.

And someone is certainly seething with their beta male energy or whatever, but it's not me or Hess. I'll give you a hint, it's the guy who repeatedly sends threatening messages set after set.

I know nothing says calm and collected like sending 3 in a single hour today. And given this is the first time I've instigated a war with you ever, while you bring up my name and attack people out of the blue on multiple servers because it might be me, it's pretty clear I'm not the one dedicating and plotting.

Message from Temple of the Feathered Serpent (#35) sent on Mar 06, 2:50
Report this message
I’m going to play from here on out
just to war you after this stunt.
Don’t expect to catch me netting
again. Don’t expect to net again
either. I will be hunting after this.

Message from triangles are my favorite shape (#28) sent on Mar 06, 3:38
Report this message
That's what you said last set that led
to this. Cheers

Message from Temple of the Feathered Serpent (#35) sent on Mar 06, 3:41
Report this message
Yea and I obviously decided to back off
and chill, you saw I had a netter.

That won’t happen again. I’ll build
war machines now. I’ll fight you every
set I see you. You want a real war you
got it. I won’t even net after this
I’m coming to fight every single set
so you better expect it. Don’t think
the next big netter you have won’t get
hit. It will.

Message from Temple of the Feathered Serpent (#35) sent on Mar 06, 3:58
Report this message
I’ve actually never built a war
machine for anyone on this server but
that will change after this set. You can
bet on it. Every set I’ll be here for
war and I won’t net again. When jump
time comes I will have a war machine
ready. When I say I won’t net again I
mean for the long haul expect a war

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 7th 2025, 6:10:29

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
cross server attacks are one of my favorite past times

Galleri literally said she’s going to delete me if I start hitting other netters in this exact same manner. She also said she won’t even moderate me and I have to talk to prime. Literally admits she’s biased and also denies it in the same post.

The first time I ever was censored by her I posted a record high score in the high scores thread. She closed it and scolded me and finally re-opened it after the other players pointed out she was in the wrong.

Not much I can do with unfair moderation. Again, this reminds me of what happened to Tmac prior to him leaving.

I am starting to wonder about you.
nowhere did I say I wasn't going to moderate you......
Also, from what I understand you were not deleted last set. Though you keep bringing up last set....what set was it?

Sorry I like halfway read your message and scanned it and saw something about going to prime. When I saw the super long paragraph I was out on that one.

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 7th 2025, 6:17:34

Originally posted by Tertius:
He was purpled three sets ago. I won two sets ago, and last set Cath RoR'd me and ended up on 6k acres.

Hey SF - quick correction, I don't do cross-server retaliation. The war this set is because he promised it to me last set in primary.

And someone is certainly seething with their beta male energy or whatever, but it's not me or Hess. I'll give you a hint, it's the guy who repeatedly sends threatening messages set after set.

I know nothing says calm and collected like sending 3 in a single hour today. And given this is the first time I've instigated a war with you ever, while you bring up my name and attack people out of the blue on multiple servers because it might be me, it's pretty clear I'm not the one dedicating and plotting.

Message from Temple of the Feathered Serpent (#35) sent on Mar 06, 2:50
Report this message
I’m going to play from here on out
just to war you after this stunt.
Don’t expect to catch me netting
again. Don’t expect to net again
either. I will be hunting after this.

Message from triangles are my favorite shape (#28) sent on Mar 06, 3:38
Report this message
That's what you said last set that led
to this. Cheers

Message from Temple of the Feathered Serpent (#35) sent on Mar 06, 3:41
Report this message
Yea and I obviously decided to back off
and chill, you saw I had a netter.

That won’t happen again. I’ll build
war machines now. I’ll fight you every
set I see you. You want a real war you
got it. I won’t even net after this
I’m coming to fight every single set
so you better expect it. Don’t think
the next big netter you have won’t get
hit. It will.

Message from Temple of the Feathered Serpent (#35) sent on Mar 06, 3:58
Report this message
I’ve actually never built a war
machine for anyone on this server but
that will change after this set. You can
bet on it. Every set I’ll be here for
war and I won’t net again. When jump
time comes I will have a war machine
ready. When I say I won’t net again I
mean for the long haul expect a war

I think honestly you take my trash talking to serious. A month later I had forgot about you and was obviously netting. I was just trolling you man. I had actually told rockets I had did that at the start of the set. I wasn’t really that serious. I think my lack of spies and any warfare at all this set made that pretty clear. You were still seething a month later in typical beta fashion and then pulled a typical for tert cowardly attack. Imagine being quite for that long instead of calling me out. You are a legit goofball nerd

Yes you for sure have a long war on your hands now. I’m coming for everyone on every server now. You want a real war you got it.

You think the 11 wrecked countries you had before was bad you haven’t seen anything yet. I will wreck you guys for years to come after this one. Bet on it.

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 7th 2025, 6:23:06

I need some warstat pr0n.

2025-03-01 13:15:01 Temple of the Feathered Serpent $44,219,715 45,241 acres

2025-03-07 05:50:01 Temple of the Feathered Serpent $36,608,482 10,059 acres

2025-03-01 15:20:01 triangles are my favorite shape $29,957,615 36,119 acres

Peak Tertius
2025-03-05 23:40:01 triangles are my favorite shape $37,875,062 45,914 acres

2025-03-07 05:50:01 triangles are my favorite shape $33,188,664 19,682 acres

So will declare the winner based on NW correct?

I am taking bets on the winner. We have to heavy weight netting power houses here gonna be a tight race!

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 7th 2025, 6:23:08

Originally posted by now im nothing:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
And I did the hit because of your behavior. That is clear and obvious.

Glad it helped my ally. I hope he beats you as a result of it that would be hilarious. That’s not why I did it though.

This to my understanding was why you were deleted? I get it is "on the fence" but that was my general understanding of why you got deleted. Though admitting I had no true clue for sure. But it was literally right after you made that comment you went purple.

Obviously the mod was looking for a reason to delete me. Absolutely ridiculous.

This community literally punishes me for being an honest guy. How shocking. I’m literally being advised to just lie to fit in here, which is good advice for around here.

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 7th 2025, 6:25:31

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I need some warstat pr0n.

2025-03-01 13:15:01 Temple of the Feathered Serpent $44,219,715 45,241 acres

2025-03-07 05:50:01 Temple of the Feathered Serpent $36,608,482 10,059 acres

2025-03-01 15:20:01 triangles are my favorite shape $29,957,615 36,119 acres

Peak Tertius
2025-03-05 23:40:01 triangles are my favorite shape $37,875,062 45,914 acres

2025-03-07 05:50:01 triangles are my favorite shape $33,188,664 19,682 acres

So will declare the winner based on NW correct?

I have zero spy defense there’s no way I could ever win this war. Tert built a 100 percent seething about me build and I literally had a pure netter.

The fact that there is even a war is a testament to how great I am as a player. Hessman will no doubt he here shortly to seethe about that after his lackluster performance against me being 10k plus acres ahead with my casher.

I was so far ahead of him as a casher I dare say I am the best casher in the game right now.

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 7th 2025, 6:28:12

I am personally advising you to set this place on fire and burn the pet eating infidels to the ground just dont talk about it with these beta players

You are gonna have a biggest battle of your life next. Oppressing your desire to “talk” about your plans, while vanquishing your enemies!

Next set just for the lawlz I might have to vanquish rocket for his disrespect this set!

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 7th 2025, 6:31:59

I dunno bro. He’s a commie Indy. U don’t see many commie indies in wars in 1a.

I am always a rep casher for war although last few sets I been going the demo route just for the huge tech bonus boost which in my opinion out weigh the 3 turn penalty.

I don’t even know how but I tangled with 4 countries in tourney last round and I laid waste to all 4 of them with my maxed out warefare tech and my spy tech.

Missiles for the win!

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 7th 2025, 7:42:53

Yea those demos are a beast at war. That’s exactly what Hess was talking about when mentioned our tourney war in the in game message. My demo farmer ate his fascist farmer alive and went on to destroy a second country after that this last set in game A tourney(thread is over on tourney on the second war). Demo is a war beast.

I didn’t war prep at all this set. Frankly the only reason I was talking trash to tert last set was after he pulled that 6k acre retal or whatever it was on me super late. I had completely forgot about it at this point.

I think tert is mad over his tourney winning streak I ended and that 60k country both, but I tried to avoid that war. Tert knew I realized I had messed up grabbing him that set and I warned him not to pull the giant retal because I didn’t want to mess up his set. That 60k country was nice and it was a shame to see it get into a war but if you pull a retal that big I would say it’s expected, I halfway expected it this set with Blackpink when I pulled the big retal on him.

Regardless Tertius has a real war on his hands now and it won’t end any time soon. A lot of countries are going to get wrecked and I won’t be courteous enough to ask who they are from now on.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 8th 2025, 3:09:36

I've read as much mod bashing/false statements as I'm willing to tolerate. I will also not engage in a debate or argument over a deletion almost 6 months ago.

Continued rhetoric regarding game moderators or staff will result in loss of privilege to use this forum.

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 8th 2025, 13:02:23

I’m struggling to follow a lot of these posts. I’m still not sure who’s who (country names etc) it would be easier for me if everyone stoped changing county names each set 😂😂

Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 8th 2025, 13:34:16

Sounds like a great idea

The forums would likely be much more pleasant without crazy Cath spouting his nonsense 🤷‍♂️

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 8th 2025, 15:18:59

Oh Great did he get a timeout?

I was hoping to see a good rock’em sock’em battle here

Dark Demon Game profile

Game Moderator
EE Patron

Mar 8th 2025, 15:50:50

Agreed let’s have fun
Natural Born Killers

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 9th 2025, 22:23:16

Originally posted by Dark Demon:
Agreed let’s have fun

I would have fun if food went back to $50!

Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 10th 2025, 1:43:20

The prices earlier on and the empty market will have really killed the demand for bushels

As a big farmer you really need to do your best to keep the price of bushels under 80-90$ otherwise the other big countries end up building their own farms

I bet if you spied on every commie over 30k acres they all have their own farms now, which means you’ll be lucky to sell very many bushels now for the rest of the round

LightBringer Game profile


Mar 10th 2025, 5:28:43

Yeah I definitely won’t be buying any bushels for the rest of the round.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 11th 2025, 1:25:17

They're $35 now
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 12th 2025, 22:47:27

well it was a good round i guess. I had to PM the food at $30 last 2 days to cash out my last turns.