
Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 7:23:20

CX, why don'y you shut the fluff up here? How do you have the nerve to say anything at all? You are a lying cheat. Game after game you use friends or multies to cheat and win and then brag about it and lie about bushels. You piece of fluff.

Until you are banned from Express I'm not playing, I won't play in a game of cheats, whether its a fixed card game or monopoly game where the banker steals from the bank. That was you as a kid I expect.

I utterly despise you and I know that it was you with the $21 oil and now this multi $1000 tech. What a pathetic loser you are.

I'm quitting this game until qzjul sets up proper capabilities for the mods to identify cheating and takes it seriously. Its a waste of my time and everyone else's to play under these circumstances.

Sorry Mac, but can't you see that this cheater is doing the same thing in every game he plays? He's probably using other ways to cheat in Primary. But he is a dedicated cheater and for that he should be banned from the game. If the admins want to allow people to do this and play all kinds of games with us and withhold the information because they don't want to hurt their little fluff buddies or something, then we should find some something more productive to do with our time.

I couldn't delete Gaul last night because I had AB'd Silverton into the ground within 24 hours. But I will today.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 7:25:41

tellarion Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 9:34:45

If it IS coordination, then they are some stupid stupid players. What's the point of arranging something like this and NOT taking the top spot? Seriously....

Alin Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 9:36:58

That is frustating - for those that do the game clean and loose tops spots because of it.

Tech @ 7k or 8.8k doesn't sell without coordination. 80% of my countries were techers in the last maybe 25 resets - the best price i sold tech, was military tech @ 3999 ( 100k out of 270k ) 1 hour before end of reset. That was probably someone with 2 billion looking to destock on private, and not enough time to camp the market for 30 more minutes.

I am waiting for those profiles to be public - and i will tell you every reset who does that. Whatever ...

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 12:09:55

He didn't take top spot because it was a really tough game for rep cashers. I worked my ass off to stock up on a few bushels, grabbed like crazy to get to 15k acres by 1100, sold 4m turrets, and then put the rest on the market to aviod the food costs and took the risk of a retal so I could run 170 turns on Sunday morning. I beat CX on the bushel sales when he hit my 25m bushels at $56. And where the fluff did he get his bushels anyway? He ran a lazy all x that got grabbed several times and didn't retal, so he cheated to get those too.

Its sickening that this scum bag can get away with this set after set. I have the screen shots of the market irc channel with the $7000 industrial. I will get them to you tellarion if you will find out who bought them and who sold them and ban them. But I talked till I was blue in the face about the $21 oil and I'm sick of it and have no hope that you are going to do anything whatsover about this, so I quit.

Prove me wrong, please.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 12:27:44

And Alin it wasn't someone waiting to destock at the end. I had 15000 weapons for sale at $1560 that didn't sell but the 200,000 $7000 industrial and $8888 res did at the same time. There was lots of military on the market at the end too since the commies kept the prices too high, so me, and certainly Silent wolf, maybe some others, bought out our PM's with 6 hours to go. (thats a 2m loss of NW for everyone right there).

But somehow #131 didn't have have to buy out his PM at -6 hours to the end and jumped 6m in NW on the PM of just a 12k acre rep casher? Bullfluff.

oldman Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 12:50:32

Originally posted by ingle:
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by Getafix:
I'll delete my country Gaul in Primary too, and leave you all to your jerking off.

This market bullfluff doesn't happen in Primary, because goods take a very long time to reach the market, and is thus more likely to be undercut - people price low because they don't want to waste 3 turns to recall and put it back on the market, out of only 56 turns a day.

Why do you think I still have Express server on boycott after 2 years?

Because you couldn't win? :)



EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 12:58:08

Originally posted by tellarion:
If it IS coordination, then they are some stupid stupid players. What's the point of arranging something like this and NOT taking the top spot? Seriously....
Who cares? that's a discouraging message for you to post. When $8k tech sells with an hour left, that IS cheating. there is no reason for someone to sell for that price, and no reason for someone to buy at it. At the end of the set there was still 85k bus tech for sale at $1350, and yet 100k res sells for $8888? It's impossible to say that's not cash being transferred. This is happening with increasing frequency with the $20 oil and the $8k end of set tech, and someone is investing billions in buying that tech out, which isn't done by accident.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 13:25:28

OK tellarion, check out Nova Diem #29. He had a great country at turn 1359, 10.6 acres, 200k res/bus. He kept spying me, though he had all turrets, right to the last 30 minutes. He finished way too low in NW for his country ($11.7NW). Maybe he was the one spying out for CX to make sure CX beat me by $500k NW. I would have ended at $25.5m NW if I'd played it out to the end, CX ended with $26.2m

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 13:35:12

And here are CX's NW jumps in the last 20 minutes, with jets selling at $180:
2014-01-27 00:02:01 SleepEclipsesNoSleepyClipsOfSnow $26,167,029 12,977 acres RG
2014-01-26 23:57:02 SleepEclipsesNoSleepyClipsOfSnow $22,351,675 12,977 acres RG
2014-01-26 23:52:01 SleepEclipsesNoSleepyClipsOfSnow $22,351,271 12,977 acres RG
2014-01-26 23:47:02 SleepEclipsesNoSleepyClipsOfSnow $22,351,340 12,977 acres RG
2014-01-26 23:42:01 SleepEclipsesNoSleepyClipsOfSnow $20,350,603 12,977 acres RG

tellarion Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 13:38:37

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by tellarion:
If it IS coordination, then they are some stupid stupid players. What's the point of arranging something like this and NOT taking the top spot? Seriously....
Who cares? that's a discouraging message for you to post. When $8k tech sells with an hour left, that IS cheating. there is no reason for someone to sell for that price, and no reason for someone to buy at it. At the end of the set there was still 85k bus tech for sale at $1350, and yet 100k res sells for $8888? It's impossible to say that's not cash being transferred. This is happening with increasing frequency with the $20 oil and the $8k end of set tech, and someone is investing billions in buying that tech out, which isn't done by accident.

I'm not saying it's ok, I'm just saying it's pretty silly to risk getting banned and deleted just to get 3rd place...

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 13:39:53

so ban and delete the stupid fluffer!!!!!!!

tellarion Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 13:41:05

I have to catch them in the act first...

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 13:41:32

Jesus christ.;

h2orich Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 13:42:56

its not #131 doing...

[07:42:16] <Market> Jan/26/2014 23:42:16 -- Residential -- $8,888 -- 70,449 -- SO: No -- Remaining: 33,294 Residential
[07:43:16] <Market> Jan/26/2014 23:43:15 -- Residential -- $8,888 -- 33,294 -- SO: No -- Remaining: 0 Residential

those 100k tech were sold between 7:40-7:45, look for someone that has about 200k nw drop during that period and you'll find the culprit. Unless he buys enough units to cover up that 200k nw drop during that 5 min period.

h2orich Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 13:47:20

no one in the t10 looks suspicious except #2 where he had a 130k nw drop. 103.7k tech sold at $8,888 * 0.94(taxes) = $866m, 866m/20000 = 43k nw

103.7k tech is about 207.4k nw - 43k nw = 164k nw

so look for someone with about 164k nw drop during that period of time. I dont see a reason for a drop in a Rep casher nw in the last 15 mins of the set.

h2orich Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 13:52:54

[07:22:28] <Market> Jan/26/2014 23:22:28 -- Industrial -- $7,000 -- 89,433 -- SO: No -- Remaining: 93,579 Industrial
[07:23:24] <Market> Jan/26/2014 23:23:23 -- Industrial -- $7,000 -- 34,008 -- SO: No -- Remaining: 59,571 Industrial
[07:25:19] <Market> Jan/26/2014 23:25:17 -- Industrial -- $7,000 -- 28,642 -- SO: No -- Remaining: 2,287 Industrial

152083*7000*0.94 = 1b / 20000 = 50k nw
152083 * 2 = 304k nw

a drop of 254k nw during that time.

again, no one in the t10 fits this criteria, even #2.


EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 13:55:10

When CX got caught doing this before, there were any number of things the mods (or qz only, maybe) could have done to investigate it, and they didn't do it. I told them several easy ways to check out previous resets. The country didn't get turned purple, no mod statement was made, so of course more of the same is happening now. If mods can't or qz won't check those things out, then at the very least, our market news should be included in our end of set shared news.

You know, this page?

No market info there, so if someone was accusing me of doing this I wouldn't even be able to prove myself clean. So the first point is this kind of stuff should be checked out and deletions should be made, but the second thing is, since that's not happening, it would be nice at least if the news page wasn't incomplete for some reason.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 13:56:09

h2o, you're being a little bit naive. That's how CX was caught last time. Anyone trying to get away with doing it again would know country statuses get updated at the 5 minute mark, and would make coinciding purchases with the sales to hide the evidence.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

tellarion Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 14:00:06

I've told you before about the limitations of the mod tools. It's not as simple as you all seem to believe.

Tell me in private who you suspect and why and I will do my best to monitor it.

Alternately, why not try to put a ton of high priced tech up just for fluffs and giggles, knowing that some people always try to game the system. Would be nice to force someone to plow through your extra tech at $6k before helping their friend out...

h2orich Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 14:00:46

well, some people are not that professional yet. I'm just trying to help you guys out here.

h2orich Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 14:03:22

tellarion, its not that easy here in express to put up a market block, since the exact time goods arrive are known to the cheaters, they can coordinate really well.

and no, we are not trying to guess what the cheaters decides to put what on the market, it can be oil, food, any tech or even military.


EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 14:04:52

Originally posted by tellarion:

Alternately, why not try to put a ton of high priced tech up just for fluffs and giggles, knowing that some people always try to game the system. Would be nice to force someone to plow through your extra tech at $6k before helping their friend out...
Omg. No. nonononoNONONO. that is not the answer. I want to sell my tech to the autobuy for $1k to maximize my net. I dont want to throw it out at $6k on a prayer that some rich insane chaotic country will buy it. And if he does buy it, then my score now isnt legit. Please dont tell us to run our countries suboptimally in order to stop cheating. Thats for the mods and the admins to figure out.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

h2orich Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 14:09:30

thats like almost the same answer qzjul gave regarding the oil barrels being sold at $21

"set SOs early in the game to gain from it!"

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 14:16:49

We know its not simple tellarion. Thats why CX is getting away with this. I posted qzjul's response to making market tools for mods. However, he was able to confirm that $21 oil came from a player in a previous reset that had ended, so it can be researched. Please get him to do so.

ingle Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 14:25:33

Originally posted by blid:
When CX got caught doing this before, there were any number of things the mods (or qz only, maybe) could have done to investigate it, and they didn't do it. I told them several easy ways to check out previous resets. The country didn't get turned purple, no mod statement was made, so of course more of the same is happening now. If mods can't or qz won't check those things out, then at the very least, our market news should be included in our end of set shared news.

You know, this page?

No market info there, so if someone was accusing me of doing this I wouldn't even be able to prove myself clean. So the first point is this kind of stuff should be checked out and deletions should be made, but the second thing is, since that's not happening, it would be nice at least if the news page wasn't incomplete for some reason.

I enabled the news to check my own country to try to find the news of my $999 tech, but it doesn't show anymore.
There used to be market info there when it was first introduced. :( My guess is that the market news is just suppressed, it's probably in the database somewhere still so it should be accessible to some extent.

I believe QZ removed the visibility because it gives away a players "strategy" if they do market playing as a demo.

tellarion Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 14:30:54

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by tellarion:

Alternately, why not try to put a ton of high priced tech up just for fluffs and giggles, knowing that some people always try to game the system. Would be nice to force someone to plow through your extra tech at $6k before helping their friend out...
Omg. No. nonononoNONONO. that is not the answer. I want to sell my tech to the autobuy for $1k to maximize my net. I dont want to throw it out at $6k on a prayer that some rich insane chaotic country will buy it. And if he does buy it, then my score now isnt legit. Please dont tell us to run our countries suboptimally in order to stop cheating. Thats for the mods and the admins to figure out.

Catching some idiot by blocking his tech doesn't make your finish illegitimate..

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 14:35:02

This is a stupid argument tellarion. Why would we put our tech on the market at $7000 at the end and give up $2m NW?
The answer is to look up the data, which I know exists, and definitively prove who cheated with this $7000 tech buy, and delete and ban them so that we can play a fair game. Otherwise this game is a joke and a waste of time.

Cable Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 14:35:14

Blid is 100% right theres too many different things a player can do to and they can change it every week for all it matters....

Something really does need to be done to stop this, im not sure how hard to write into the code max tech sale prices say 4K and atleast force these players to make it very obvious whos doing it because they would be forced to sell multiple kinds of tech at max prices and thus more chances to catch the player.

h2orich Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 14:41:22

Cable, even max tech sale prices are 4k, its also abusable. nobody buys tech at 4k at the end.

Getafix, what the mods said is that they have limitations on what data can be digged up. What we want is just market news of the country which is already available.

TDA101 Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 14:42:37

orich speaking out on cheating . My god!

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 14:44:44

Its not the technical tweaks that will stop the cheating. They will find another way. Its identifying the intention to cheat and policing it with mods, and banning persistent cheaters. qzjul was able to look up exactly who put $21 oil on the market in a set that had ended. He just won't give that data access to anyone else.

He can look this data up right now if he wants and put this ridiculous arguing to an end.

Cable Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 14:51:59

I agree with you h20 but atleast it puts a damper on there ability to cheat and provides more opportunities for the mods to catch the players doing it.
Getafix is 100% right though, I understand this is a free game and the Mods do this for free, but in there free time when this is continuously happening then perhaps if they see multiple abusers then like the RDers that got asked to leave the game something similar should happen here.


EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 15:31:23

qzjul already has all the information needed to catch these people at his disposal, the thing is just that it's not an "easy" thing to look up. What I assume this means is there's no easy interface and he would just have to trawl through the db doing sql searches or something. Still, it's his game and people are cheating in it, if he doesn't want to take the time to do it, I wish he'd give access to someone he trusts among the moderators to do it for him. Someone should be doing it. There's got to be people who care enough to do it.

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by tellarion:

Alternately, why not try to put a ton of high priced tech up just for fluffs and giggles, knowing that some people always try to game the system. Would be nice to force someone to plow through your extra tech at $6k before helping their friend out...
Omg. No. nonononoNONONO. that is not the answer. I want to sell my tech to the autobuy for $1k to maximize my net. I dont want to throw it out at $6k on a prayer that some rich insane chaotic country will buy it. And if he does buy it, then my score now isnt legit. Please dont tell us to run our countries suboptimally in order to stop cheating. Thats for the mods and the admins to figure out.

Catching some idiot by blocking his tech doesn't make your finish illegitimate..
I am giving up a million networth in attempting to do so by not selling at the autobuy. You realize this is what would happen in most cases, right? The person doing the buyout would get blocked by my tech, abort the buyout, and I'd lose 1m+ net because I didn't sell my tech to the autosell.

And if someone does buy my $6k tech, I can't in good faith spend that money... You see, there is no legit reason to ever sell $6k tech because there is no legit reason to buy $6k tech. Think about that for a second, it's basically a tautology. The person spending billions buying that tech is literally giving out FA, either to a second account or a friend or just a random stranger, but in all those cases, it's FA. It's not legit to receive it.

If CX was purpled when he was caught doing this, people might not be doing it now. It's sad to see a good player like Getafix have a round go perfectly and then still feel so cheated he deleted his country. I hope to see the mod/admin team do something about this this time around.

Edited By: blid on Jan 27th 2014, 15:36:25
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

tellarion Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 15:50:14

When was he caught doing it during the set?


EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 15:53:17

Well, it was found during this set:
208 2 Thayer Academy Big Baus Award (#67) 13,396 $30,000,656 RG

But of course, because it happened in the last hour, nothing was able to be done during the reset. It was confirmed afterward it was him. Also note, he spent just enough to hit 30m. He still had a couple hundred million left over he didn't spend.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 16:05:50

Originally posted by ingle:
Originally posted by blid:
When CX got caught doing this before, there were any number of things the mods (or qz only, maybe) could have done to investigate it, and they didn't do it. I told them several easy ways to check out previous resets. The country didn't get turned purple, no mod statement was made, so of course more of the same is happening now. If mods can't or qz won't check those things out, then at the very least, our market news should be included in our end of set shared news.

You know, this page?

No market info there, so if someone was accusing me of doing this I wouldn't even be able to prove myself clean. So the first point is this kind of stuff should be checked out and deletions should be made, but the second thing is, since that's not happening, it would be nice at least if the news page wasn't incomplete for some reason.

I enabled the news to check my own country to try to find the news of my $999 tech, but it doesn't show anymore.
There used to be market info there when it was first introduced. :( My guess is that the market news is just suppressed, it's probably in the database somewhere still so it should be accessible to some extent.

I believe QZ removed the visibility because it gives away a players "strategy" if they do market playing as a demo.
This is interesting that it was intentional. When I asked about this in the B&S forum, qzjul didn't remember that. Anyway, if that information is collected and saved then the tool that mods need already exists, it just has to be switched on for mod viewing. Of course this would all take place post-game but that makes sense anyway. There does need to be post-set policing for Express anyway because it's such a fast server.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

tellarion Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 16:09:01


Alin Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 16:31:29

:) . Tellarion is suggesting to put tech on market but tella, that`s one of the dumbest thing i ever saw on this forum ( no offense ). First of all - because people will loose 1-3 mil NW by trying to prevent cheating which is kinda lame.

2nd - because this market cheat evolved as you can`t imagine. They don`t buy your 4-5-6k priced tech lol. They buy out through the thin market ( 1001 - 2000 price) until they notice there is 0 tech to sale ( if they`ll find 20k @ 4k they will go through it; if they find 150k @ 3200 they`ll target another specific tech ).

At the end of the reset no sane player has like 100k of any tech priced above 2k. If anyone has tech > 3k is a small batch and the cheaters go through it. So first they clean up the thin market ( using like 200-300 mil ). After the specific tech market is 0 - they place their batch @ 7k, 8k or whatever.

Suggesting we should prevent this by placing our tech higher is lame. They will buy (example) medical tech and go for it - while our "preemptive cheating batches" will never have a role in this equation. But i don`t blame you for this tella - is what Qz suggested also and that was the point i realized i must stop caring.

However you disappointed me on another matter. You made a Titanic thread ( some will call it extra-terrestrial ) with 200 posts of ideas on how to change the game. Until now - nada - nothing. I know the admins are busy with their life and have limited time to do this, but 1 freaking little change, to give us hope ( don`t know-> / remove max tech 9999 / add max tech 3000 ) or anything else that requires 1 row of codding. You even went soft on purple ...

My opinion about this reset cheating:
- the one doing it is in the top 10 but knows to cover it. Just look for small NW changes in that time frame (don`t know - like 15-250 hundred NW changes, this is cash based change since you can buy the same amount of tech you sold, but @ 11xx ).

tellarion Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 16:43:19

Changes are coming. Qz has been busy fixing the new server that broke.

I can't go soft on purple if people aren't obviously cheating.

tellarion Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 17:08:17

Alright, I know who did it and I will be watching from now on. If this happens again, people will be deleted. Those of you involved have been warned. Enjoy :)

bstrong86 Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 17:10:40

Names then
The Death Knights


Alin Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 17:24:15

Can`t wait for this to happen again. :)

RaTS FYA Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 17:24:31

When did people start taking express seriously? I thought it was suppose to be a server to test strats.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars


EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 17:26:46

Curious, didn't we all already know market transfers were cheating and against the rules? Why the warning?

That said, glad you were able to obtain the info. If you're able to do this for future sets as well we can stamp this form of cheating out.

Originally posted by RaTS FYA:
When did people start taking express seriously? I thought it was suppose to be a server to test strats.
Some people might use it for that still. But if a server exists, people will try to win on it.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 17:29:42

OK. I'll trust you on that tellarion, and I'll make a country. Thank you.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 17:39:39

Originally posted by Getafix:
OK. I'll trust you on that tellarion, and I'll make a country. Thank you.


I'm hoping you didn't delete your primary!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

RaTS FYA Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 17:48:10

I think the mods should look at the blatant cheating going on by the usual top 10 suspects that always ally each other, and never grab each other. Blatant coordination!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 17:48:57

Hey KOH, I tried, but I'd made a hit within 24 hours :) Then I was going to again, but I couldn't resist planting another 15 AB's on Silverton the triple tapper first. So, thanks Silverton. But I have a teched up Dictator with tanks looking for a wanker from London Ontario.

Alin Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 17:49:01

Originally posted by Getafix:
OK. I'll trust you on that tellarion, and I'll make a country. Thank you.

You know he actually shoot 2 ducks out of 1 single shot ? He scared a little the cheaters and bring you back to the game. But what if he`s bluffing ?

Tellarion just asked all in with high card 10. Getafix folded a pair of 2s. And the cheaters are using their time bank.