

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2014, 15:31:23

qzjul already has all the information needed to catch these people at his disposal, the thing is just that it's not an "easy" thing to look up. What I assume this means is there's no easy interface and he would just have to trawl through the db doing sql searches or something. Still, it's his game and people are cheating in it, if he doesn't want to take the time to do it, I wish he'd give access to someone he trusts among the moderators to do it for him. Someone should be doing it. There's got to be people who care enough to do it.

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by tellarion:

Alternately, why not try to put a ton of high priced tech up just for fluffs and giggles, knowing that some people always try to game the system. Would be nice to force someone to plow through your extra tech at $6k before helping their friend out...
Omg. No. nonononoNONONO. that is not the answer. I want to sell my tech to the autobuy for $1k to maximize my net. I dont want to throw it out at $6k on a prayer that some rich insane chaotic country will buy it. And if he does buy it, then my score now isnt legit. Please dont tell us to run our countries suboptimally in order to stop cheating. Thats for the mods and the admins to figure out.

Catching some idiot by blocking his tech doesn't make your finish illegitimate..
I am giving up a million networth in attempting to do so by not selling at the autobuy. And if someone does buy my $6k tech, I can't in good faith spend that money because it's not legitimate to sell $6k tech. There is no legit reason to ever sell $6k tech because there is no legit reason to buy $6k tech. Think about that for a second, it's basically a tautology. The person spending billions buying that tech is literally giving out FA, either to a second account or a friend or just a random stranger, but in all those cases, it's FA. It's not legit to receive it.

If CX was purpled when he was caught doing this, people might not be doing it now. It's sad to see a good player like Getafix have a round go perfectly and then still feel so cheated he deleted his country. I hope to see the mod/admin team do something about this this time around.

Edited By: blid on Jan 27th 2014, 15:33:46
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Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.