
TGD Game profile


Jan 19th 2013, 17:48:35

Originally posted by Requiem:
Umm you guys talking about a revolution are nuts.

Also Locket I haven't started this thread nor have I started a thread about King Obama in a while.


Ok cool, Obama is a king, ok so since he is king, he has control over everything right? He controls ALL spending in the United states? All the police in the United States answer to him? Every Superintendence of Police go to Obama right?

Every law that has been passed was Obama's doing right? He said "we are doing it this way" and that was that right?

Do you even know wtf a king is? You want to go spew crap, how about you go to all the huge Banking and Finance institutions and tell them to but the fluff out of our government? (Yes both sides are their fluffes)

Who really runs our government? It sure as hell is not Obama, it is not Congress, and it is not the Supreme Court, it is every omnipotent lobbing group. You all say Obama should be more buddy , buddy with republicans, when, they stated the last 4 years, that they only wanted Obama to fail.

Since republicans gained control of the House, since the Govs of republican states got elected and gerrymandered all the districts of their states to make sure radical right republicans would not only get elected by stay elected for life (democrats are part of this too, but from what I have read, Republicans have done this far more than democrats) we are having a more and more and more dysfunctional government

Hell, even the republicans that are not tea baggers are beginning to realize that they ignorance of keeping the economy hostage is starting to piss off their overlords, banks.

Finally, you want a king? Grover Norqest is far more of a king that Obama. you have 1 man, 1 MAN keeping every republican under his whim based on that ignorant pledge every republican signed on to. He alone is controlling the republicans. We are supposed to have elected representatives, yet we in reality have 1 man speaking for congress, and he is not even elected.

Why don't you also go tell Grovy to stfu and go away so democrats can start dealing with intelligent republican represenatives, instead of dealing with him. and Please, don't say he is not a problem, when every moderate republican that wants to work out a deal is being restrained by 1 man, that is no longer a government

So in my view, we have President Obama and Shadow President Grover Norquest and the Supreme Court. When every republican states that they will NEVER raise taxes on even the far wealthiest (and really, do they REALLY need that 100 bedroom super ultimate mansion that is 100,000 sq feet? and not just 1, but several?) Yes many Americas do not pay taxes, but that is because they make no income, or so little income with deductions that it excludes them.

You may say "every american should pay taxes" I say, that if you barely have enough money to have basic necessities (food, clothing, shelter) then you should not pay taxes. Sorry but there are so many barriers to getting good employment so you can pay your share, that most of those 47% that don't pay taxes can't.

You will then come to immigration. You want the illegals to leave, then you pay for the massive rise in price of all food. American's have to get paid minimum wage, but really, do you think African American's will work in the fields? Do you think Caucasian American's will work in fields making minimum wage?

You really think illegal immigrants are going to stop? Mexico is a war zone. 10's of thousands of innocent civilians are dying each year. So they are doing the only thing they can and feeling north into America. If you were Mexican, would you want to stay in a country where the government is 100% (or close to it) corrupt? You think American police are corrupt, but the Mexican police force makes the Chicago Police Force corruption look nonexistence in comparison. You want them to stop? Pull all of our troops from every country over seas and send our entire military into Mexico to find and kill every member of every drug cartel. Does that seem feasible?

Next you will say "Legalized drugs!" legalizing weed would help our country out greatly, and would hurt the drug cartels, but when 1 drug cartel's leader is listed as one of the wealthiest individuals in the world, do you think he will really care? The most powerful would be hurt, and some will disappear, but the few that remain will reorganize

So please stfu about the "Obama is King" it makes you seem incredibly ignorant and no i'm not an Obama lover, but why don't you talk about Gorver as much as you talk about Obama?

Monex Game profile


Jan 19th 2013, 18:00:30

First off the executive orders that were passed are feel good legislation that were wrote to make people who nothing of the gun buying process think that they are taking big steps on gun control. Although the orders in themselves do nothing but state laws that are already in place will be enforced and recommend that agencies get getter at working together ect… It is the first step in getting the people use to letting the executive branch over reach. Like The boiling frog story is describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.

The second amendment if in fact a last resort for the people to protect themselves in the event the government becomes tyrannical.

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”

(a)The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b)The classes of the militia are—
(1) The organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) The unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
Ref :

For those who think civilians cannot defend themselves against the might of a modern day military must have never heard Afghanistan, They has stood their ground for over 20+ years against the might of Russia then NATO and the United States.

There are four major hot and dry deserts in North America, all located in the western United States. The Rocky Mountains (or the Rockies) are a major mountain range in western North America. The Rocky Mountains stretch more than 3,000 miles. Appalachian Mountains, also called Appalachians great highland system of North America, the eastern counterpart of the Rocky Mountains. Extending for almost 2,000 miles (3,200 kilometres) from the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador to central Alabama in the United States,
Very different landscape Realy?

See the thing is you are thinking of a battle field on a linear revolutionary war battle field on one side civilians with rifles on the other a row of tanks flanked by attack helicopters and fighter jets with nothing but open field between them. But that is not the reality of urban warfare, A place like NYC would be the most dangerous battle field that a conventional military has ever seen the only way to take it would be to destroy it completely. Facts are 1 man with a bolt action hunting rifle can do massive damage and hold an entire infantry squad at bay for days if they cannot pinpoint his position, IED’s hurt tanks and jets and helicopters are useless on the ground if they cannot get fuel. Also the thought that the entire force of the US military would forsake the constitution and their duty to protect the people and blindly follow orders to slaughter civilians is just crazy there would be an equal divide among military leaders and the sides would then be tipped in the advantage of the “rebels” since the civilians that support the tyrannical government would not have the means to contribute to the fight (guns). Factor in “humanitarian” aid from counties would love to take over as the world superpower and you have an unimaginable history altering event that I hope to never see.

To those who say the constitution is an old and outdated document I would argue that you could say the same thing about The Bible, Torah, Qur'an, authenticated writings of Bahaullah, Bhagavad Gita, Tipitaka, Vajrayana Tantra, Tao-te Ching, Kojiki, Nihongi, Talmud and Tanakh . Yes I did compare the US Constitution to the “Old Documents” that most major religions we founded upon, after all they are all writings that provide people with a guideline on how live their life in a way that they believe is superior to the others while touting ideas that promote good order among the people that follow them. By the logic of some of you “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day” is an outdated commandment and has no place in busy modern day society and should be repealed.

If the United States falls, in 1000 years people would study why and find that the reason it fell was they lost their founding principles and from there it was a slippery slope (kind of sounds like Rome). But 2000 years after that is around the amount of time that needs to pass for the laws and writings of old fallen society’s to become scripture, In 3000 years your future kin will read about to 56 apostles of the Declaration of Independence , “The Holy Father” George Washington and his 38 disciples of the constitution, The saints who created the bill of rights, “The Prophet" Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves with his emancipation proclamation. If you live your life by their teachings when you leave the physical world you will be able to spend eternity with them in “UP” in the United States(Heaven). If you are nonbeliever you end up in Europe/Canada(purgatory) where you will never know what true paradise is. If you oppose the teachings of the founders you will end up down in China/Middle East(Hell) where you will spent eternity being slaves to oppressive tyrants.

"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."
-Saint Thomas Jefferson

Edited By: Monex on Jan 20th 2013, 0:59:59
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Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 19th 2013, 18:13:08

TDG sorry I offended you because I called your savior a King.

You can go back to your Obama shrine and profess you good deeds.
- Premium Patron Member

TGD Game profile


Jan 19th 2013, 19:31:54

Originally posted by Requiem:
TDG sorry I offended you because I called your savior a King.

You can go back to your Obama shrine and profess you good deeds.

btw spell my name right, it is only 3 letters :D (shows your low level of intelligence when you cannot get a 3 letter name spelled right rofl)

once again, why do you not talk about Grovy? Seems you have a huge hard on, or you are a huge raciest towards Obama :)

and Monex, once again, do 300 million americans live in the desert regions of the US? Do they all live in the harsh Mountainous climates? Do Americans have a sophisticated system of passages within the mountains? Do all the Americans, who want to/feel the need to/ feel that in the future that the government will far, all live in these mountains, have complex survival skills? Are they all living in the desert with no modern technology? Finally, can Americans, like the terrorists, live in a society without all of our modern day comforts?

Once again, you are comparing vastly different societies :) BTW, terrorists are trained to not only kill military, but their own people. Their suicide bombs, kill more of them than they do us.

You really believe that the American people will fall so far, that they will just blow each other up? :) You people have very little faith in our country. So do us all a favor and leave since you view our country horribly :D

Edited By: TGD on Jan 19th 2013, 19:34:22
See Original Post

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 19th 2013, 19:40:57

well, technically, i think the people who are paying the taxes that are feeding the 47% will leave and then the zombies will eat each other and once they've all finally died, then the productive people can safely move back in.
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Monex Game profile


Jan 19th 2013, 21:15:52

Originally posted by TGD:

btw spell my name right, it is only 3 letters :D (shows your low level of intelligence when you cannot get a 3 letter name spelled right rofl)

once again, why do you not talk about Grovy? Seems you have a huge hard on, or you are a huge raciest towards Obama :)

and Monex, once again, do 300 million americans live in the desert regions of the US? Do they all live in the harsh Mountainous climates? Do Americans have a sophisticated system of passages within the mountains? Do all the Americans, who want to/feel the need to/ feel that in the future that the government will far, all live in these mountains, have complex survival skills? Are they all living in the desert with no modern technology? Finally, can Americans, like the terrorists, live in a society without all of our modern day comforts?

Once again, you are comparing vastly different societies :) BTW, terrorists are trained to not only kill military, but their own people. Their suicide bombs, kill more of them than they do us.

You really believe that the American people will fall so far, that they will just blow each other up? :) You people have very little faith in our country. So do us all a favor and leave since you view our country horribly :D

Spoken like a true combat virgin, you do realize that the bloodiest ambushes in Iraq and Afghanistan happened in cities like Bagdad, Fallujah, Marjah, among others. These places look like small villages compared to major US cities that have Skyrises, sewer systems and subway systems more complex than anything you could ever dream on seeing in third world countries. A conventional military war in places like NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, St Louis would be a strategic nightmare, the only way any force could secure a major US city would be to destroy it completely, With the complex system of tunnels under all cities in the US even raising the city to the ground does not guarantee that you will neutralize the threat. But what it does guarantee is adding numbers to the other side. Most terrorists/rebels were not part of the original cause, they started as ordinary people not idiologs, but some event pushes them to far or backs them into a corner that they feel there is no way out of.
As for Americans being above this there are many books written in the last 50 years by young Americans (With the Old Breed, Islands of the Damned, Generation Kill and many others) that prove that war can change people, people do not change war, war never changes.

The irony is that the 1st amendment is what protects some people’s right to state their opinion to repeal the 2nd amendment, Their freedom of speech is protected by the the very amendment they want to repeal and they are both part of the document that they believe is an outdated relic.

It allows Person A who has never lifted a finger to defend the country they live in because they don’t believe in the principals it was founded on, to tell Person B who has sworn an oath to defend their country and the constitution and spent most of their adult lives in third world hell holes fighting wars that may or may not be for just cause knowing that they would do anything necessary to protect their country and its citizens, ALL of its citizens regardless of their race, religion or political view, that Person B should leave because they support the founding principles on which Person A wishes to repeal.

Oh and by the way if a foreign country did invade, by US law person A would be required to pick up arms because like it or not he is part of the US militia. Then the only difference between Person A and Person B would be the oath one of them swore.

Edited By: Monex on Jan 20th 2013, 0:41:46
See Original Post
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

BILL_DANGER Game profile


Jan 19th 2013, 21:39:12


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 20th 2013, 0:25:30

Oh now I can't spell and am a raciest! This is golden! Throw the race card out there its the fall back...

King Obama might knight you.
- Premium Patron Member

locket Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 0:31:03

Originally posted by Requiem:
Oh now I can't spell and am a raciest! This is golden! Throw the race card out there its the fall back...

King Obama might knight you.

Are you on the path to becoming Dagga?

archaic Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 0:33:54

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Oh now I can't spell and am a raciest! This is golden! Throw the race card out there its the fall back...

King Obama might knight you.

Are you on the path to becoming Dagga?

Lol, nailed it!
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 20th 2013, 0:41:02

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Oh now I can't spell and am a raciest! This is golden! Throw the race card out there its the fall back...

King Obama might knight you.

Are you on the path to becoming Dagga?

Is that a real question?
- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 20th 2013, 0:41:34

And you can get on IRC if you got something to say to me Locket!
- Premium Patron Member

TGD Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 0:50:56

Originally posted by Requiem:
Oh now I can't spell and am a raciest! This is golden! Throw the race card out there its the fall back...

King Obama might knight you.

Wow, you know something the rest of the American people don't know? If so please let your republican Tea sloppers know so the real tea drinkers in Britain do not get offended.

It is great that you just insulted all of a America with that statement. Once again, you either have a HUGE hardon for Obama, or you are an open raciest towards Obama, since you have nothing but hate towards him.

Guess what, the polls ranking the best and worst presidents are ranking Obama far higher than your Bush dynasty :)....soo....if anything is a so called king, it would be your Bush and Bush Jr :) and I hear the 3rd Bush wants to become President!

Have to love 1 Dynasty ruling America for so many years eh? :D

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 1:11:12

You know here's the thing.. I cant say that I like Obama much.. but Americans have been screaming for tighter security after the 9/11 attacks and to be quite frank this gun issue has to do with our national security and crime prevention methods. As well as TSA having tighter security at our airports to keep passengers safe,they still wanna fluff and cry about their rights being violated at the airport. But the moment that Airport security begins to lower their guard then another terrorist group may strike again. As long as I get to keep my guns I dont care if they put tighter stipulations. I just don't want my right to bear arms to be taken away completely.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Pain Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 1:53:05

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
You know here's the thing.. I cant say that I like Obama much.. but Americans have been screaming for tighter security after the 9/11 attacks and to be quite frank this gun issue has to do with our national security and crime prevention methods. As well as TSA having tighter security at our airports to keep passengers safe,they still wanna fluff and cry about their rights being violated at the airport. But the moment that Airport security begins to lower their guard then another terrorist group may strike again. As long as I get to keep my guns I dont care if they put tighter stipulations. I just don't want my right to bear arms to be taken away completely.

me and my friend were talking about this today, we are both very pro gun, and we agreed that it wouldnt be a bad thing if they tightened down on the requirement to own one. requiring people to take a safety course and be licensed would probably be a good thing.

i feel bad for the people of New York state who just lost their gun rights almost in entirety this week. hopefully the ruling can be overturned before it goes into effect.
Your mother is a nice woman

Fooglmog Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 1:58:18

Syko and Pain just became my new favorite people.

Guy with no clue.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 20th 2013, 1:58:45

I would be ok with more requirements to own one. We don't want the wrong people to be able to get them.

I'd also like to see more talk about mental illness and how to address that problem. Even if the guns are out of the picture if you still have mental illness issues there will still be violence.
- Premium Patron Member

TGD Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 3:22:11

i'm just wondering, what you all do with all these guns?

you say it is to protect, but protect how? You cannot walk around with an AK or any other semi-auto weapon... out in society and it would seem that would be annoying and if you could, i'm assuming it would be in it's case disassembled and not much use if someone already has their gun drawn shooting as I doubt the shooter will stand by and just let someone assemble their weapon.

To protect your home? That seems over kill, if someone breaks in while you are asleep and you do get to your gun, you may or may not be able to kill the person before they shoot and kill you, that is if your gun is loaded before hand (or you are quick to load it). But the damage you'll do to your house seems to me would be costly.

And what happens with the bullets that do not hit your intended target and go trough your walls and hit someone outside? or go through another house and injure or kill someone?

Finally, there is are laws where you cannot over kill an intruder, if you purposely shoot someone 20 30 times, yes you killed the intruder, but chances are you will have problems with over killing (which is one of the problems with that Arias trial going on right now) and do not think that the killer's family would not bring charges against you, it happens and probably would happen.

And please don't say that you are all great with guns and that nothing bad would ever happen.

Alin Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 3:59:41

Obama just became my favorite US president.

Well, it is not hard to top Clinton and Bush ( to young to remember the one before Clinton ) but ... go Obama!

TGD Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 4:13:11

Personally, one of my favorite presidents is Lyndon Johnson and boy do I wish we had a LBJ type president right now so our government would actually do something

Obama is certainly not my favorite president, i'm more interested in what history will have to say about his presidency in about 10 years (as of right now i'm not reading any history on Bush jr or Obama as everything out right now is far to biased on both and I find personally that Bush was one of our worse presidents, he, in my opinion, is only sightly better than majority of the Civil war era presidents (Buchanan, Fillmore, Pierce). But, i'll let history decide on them both.

I'm quite interested in history's interpretation of Carter's presidency once he is deceased and all his files finally become open to historians as his presidency was vilified, might give an interesting take on Bush Jr's presidency *shrugs*

Alin Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 4:19:15

Note that my point of view is an "outsider" one.

I saw something on the news about the new gun restrictions and well : "standing ovations for Obama"!

Pain Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 6:27:34

Originally posted by TGD:
i'm just wondering, what you all do with all these guns?

you say it is to protect, but protect how? You cannot walk around with an AK or any other semi-auto weapon... out in society and it would seem that would be annoying and if you could, i'm assuming it would be in it's case disassembled and not much use if someone already has their gun drawn shooting as I doubt the shooter will stand by and just let someone assemble their weapon.

To protect your home? That seems over kill, if someone breaks in while you are asleep and you do get to your gun, you may or may not be able to kill the person before they shoot and kill you, that is if your gun is loaded before hand (or you are quick to load it). But the damage you'll do to your house seems to me would be costly.

And what happens with the bullets that do not hit your intended target and go trough your walls and hit someone outside? or go through another house and injure or kill someone?

Finally, there is are laws where you cannot over kill an intruder, if you purposely shoot someone 20 30 times, yes you killed the intruder, but chances are you will have problems with over killing (which is one of the problems with that Arias trial going on right now) and do not think that the killer's family would not bring charges against you, it happens and probably would happen.

And please don't say that you are all great with guns and that nothing bad would ever happen.

if you live in an open carry state you certainly can walk around with an AK legally. most people dont use semi auto rifles as home defense as its not practical in tight hallways. if you dont understand why people need rifles then you obviously need to go read the second amendments until you do understand. hint : 2a isnt about home defense.
Your mother is a nice woman

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 9:26:49

if you setup the perimeter alarms and killzone properly, then there shouldn't really be too much problem with making sure the right zombies get shot.
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