Game Profile for TheoSqua on the Free For All Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: 1334th

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100UnrankedN/A
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$584,433#1449
Attack SuccessUnrankedN/A
Pop Killed0N/A

Countries on this server

28 TheoSqua (#2077) 371$32,404 C Theo
16 2589 TheoSqua15 (#4492) 100$7247 M LaO
16 2592 TheoSqua13 (#4491) 100$7246 M LaO
16 2591 TheoSqua14 (#4490) 100$7246 M LaO
16 2590 TheoSqua12 (#4489) 100$7246 M LaO
16 2599 TheoSqua11 (#4488) 100$7106 M LaO
16 2567 TheoSqua10 (#4487) 100$9711 M LaO
16 2597 TheoSqua9 (#4486) 100$7211 M LaO
16 2566 TheoSqua8 (#4485) 100$9711 M LaO
16 2596 TheoSqua7 (#4484) 100$7211 M LaO
16 2595 TheoSqua6 (#4483) 100$7211 M LaO
16 2594 TheoSqua5 (#4482) 100$7211 M LaO
16 2593 TheoSqua4 (#4481) 100$7211 M LaO
16 2477 TheoSqua3 (#4480) 230$19,090 M LaO
16 2395 TheoSqua2 (#4479) 391$26,418 R LaO
16 2459 TheoSqua1 (#4478) 319$20,751 C LaO
16 2500 TheoSqua (#4477) 226$16,588 M LaO
5 1614 OmNomNoMOmOmNo (#3278) 1316$83,021 R BSS
5 1913 Hi Bud (#3277) 100$6228 M BSS
5 1912 mmmmCookie (#3276) 100$6228 M BSS
5 1891 OmNomNomNomOm (#3275) 100$6509 M BSS
5 1672 NomNomOmNom (#3274) 862$54,730 M BSS
5 1890 OmNomNomOmNom (#3273) 100$6509 M BSS
5 1911 NomNomNomNom (#3272) 100$6228 M BSS
5 1344 NomOmNomNom (#3271) 6257$567,695 F BSS
5 1910 OmnomOmNomNomOm (#3270) 100$6228 M BSS
5 1909 OmnomnomOmnom (#3269) 100$6228 M BSS
5 1908 Omnomnomnomnomnom (#3268) 100$6228 M BSS
5 1362 Omnomnomnom (#3267) 5989$420,905 F BSS
5 1582 Omnomnom (#3266) 1352$108,394 M BSS
5 1435 Omnom (#3265) 3910$276,750 M BSS
5 1334 Om (#3264) 7824$764,698 T BSS

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism