Game Profile for TheoSqua on the Alliance Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Twenty-eighth

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10013#164
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$161,536,877#318
Attack Success86.06%#1286
Pop Killed221,013#1582

Countries on this server

90 30 GET OFF MY LAWN (#41) 35,089$184,686,593 D OMEGA
89 30 Old Man Omega (#13) 31,761$165,453,346 D OMEGA
88 52 TheoSqua (#499) 47,715$105,480,463 D OMEGA
40 443 Cause im bored (#357) 100$6999 M  
39 314 Meh (#412) 15,543$2,542,373 R Omega100
36 403 Blargh 20 (#365) 227$17,367 M  
35 290 Blargh (#401) 11,613$2,219,391 R OMEGA
29 156 Old Man Omega (#556) 15,951$18,013,798 R 90mega
28 491 woo (#515) 3564$259,767 R  
27 512 ygyg (#808) 1893$90,885 M  
27 Oceanic Flight 815 (#497) 3725$178,263 R OMEGA
26 99 Normandy (#65) 29,998$101,005,942 H TheOmega
25 62 something something (#439) 28,775$97,913,565 H OMEGA
24 66 The Yellow Submarine (#570) 27,281$80,601,708 D omega
23 139 oye (#577) 31,918$70,030,376 R TheOmega
22 213 Chicken (#759) 16,350$13,935,781 R omega
19 600 Old Man Omega (#565) 4989$500,924 M  
17 335 Omega Woo (#674) 17,886$37,695,442 F omega
12 i forgot to name my country (#549) 7826$593,086 R TheOmega
11 305 TALLY HO GOOD CHAP (#613) 21,063$49,378,531 R TheOmega
10 66 Iris (#678) 26,870$115,174,021 H TheOmega
9 157 I saw alis underpants (#320) 21,371$82,145,345 H TheOmega
8 28 GET OFF MY LAWN (#328) 26,545$134,470,693 H OldMEGA
7 146 Theme Confusion (#563) 25,058$89,017,149 H TheOmega
6 90 Rainbow Brite (#321) 25,461$88,047,174 H Toonmega
5 69 but im le tired (#519) 27,424$79,788,546 H zOMG
4 TheBigCheddar (#959) 5496$2,314,361 T omebra
4 Wonderbra (#124) 7949$2,767,740 T omebra
3 78 Jeffster (#386) 23,306$83,002,160 H omega
2 80 Caddish Mr (#280) 21,669$68,195,330 H TheOmega
1 86 Epsilon (#686) 19,053$41,504,037 R TheOmega

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism