Game Profile for BudsMyBud on the Free For All Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Seventieth

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10018#88
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$220,882,394#209
Attack Success96.13%#411
Pop Killed36,386,026#73

Countries on this server

61 2973 u betcha (#3047) 480$40,954 M  
61 2971 I didnt do it (#3046) 492$41,779 M  
61 2974 Move it Toots (#3045) 480$40,527 M  
61 2977 Eh 2 Zed (#3044) 463$37,983 M  
61 2967 Its Showtime (#3043) 513$43,700 M  
61 2968 Old n Cranky (#3042) 485$43,695 M  
61 2972 The Whim of a Madman (#3041) 489$41,337 M  
61 2976 Little Island Annie (#3040) 479$38,874 M  
61 2928 Frozen Darkness (#3039) 1341$114,914 M  
61 2920 Tis the season to Hibernate (#3038) 1748$136,544 M  
61 2927 Cold as Ice (#3037) 1258$116,865 M  
61 2917 The Singing Snowman (#3036) 1682$146,638 M  
61 2896 Dazed n Confoozed (#3035) 1886$196,088 M  
61 2901 BOO (#3034) 1847$188,672 M  
61 2908 Just checkin (#3033) 1862$176,751 M  
61 2907 Dont mind me (#3032) 1883$181,455 M  
55 2135 Agent SKuLLie (#1625) 16,509$8,840,659 M LoC
55 2142 PeekABooville (#1608) 14,834$8,662,489 M LoC
55 2032 XCuzMe CominThru (#1587) 22,148$10,464,783 H LoC
55 1995 We r in the Itchy lot (#1560) 21,891$10,871,581 H LoC
55 1938 SKuLLnCrossBones (#1520) 20,745$11,357,693 H LoC
55 1836 HavU Lost YurSKuLL (#1487) 23,026$12,725,881 H LoC
55 1835 SKuLLfully Yurs (#1463) 22,131$12,729,909 H LoC
55 1771 A mountain of SKuLLs (#1421) 22,752$13,455,338 H LoC
55 1844 sparks one up (#1341) 20,264$12,617,269 H LoC
55 1975 doobiedoobiedooooo (#1327) 21,398$11,092,117 H LoC
55 2015 HomeIsWhereAllTheChaosIs (#1113) 18,332$10,643,186 H LoC
55 1942 F R I E D E H (#953) 20,633$11,337,641 H LoC
55 1744 I didnt do it (#880) 21,376$13,800,435 H LoC
55 1810 Smarvelous (#865) 21,112$12,998,477 H LoC
55 1815 Little Island Annie (#826) 20,252$12,897,726 H LoC
55 1724 This Buds 4 You (#820) 25,366$14,030,171 H LoC
54 87 The Drunken Duck (#1526) 63,828$188,776,192 H LoC
54 84 The Brews Brothers (#1524) 62,819$192,293,373 H LoC
54 86 The Tipsy Cow (#1520) 61,920$191,266,259 H LoC
54 82 The Giggling Gator (#1495) 65,260$199,088,402 H LoC
54 75 Divorced n Dangerous (#1434) 63,845$215,581,821 H LoC
54 76 Eh 2 Zed (#802) 63,249$213,025,229 H LoC
54 72 Move it Toots (#611) 60,886$219,918,505 H LoC
54 81 Old n Cranky (#556) 61,137$199,266,754 H LoC
54 80 HomeIsWhereYurSKuLLis (#435) 62,612$202,058,001 H LoC
54 77 dumbnumbskull (#343) 60,376$211,904,918 H LoC
54 74 SKuLL in 8 or (#285) 62,001$215,795,039 H LoC
54 71 Flaming SKuLLs (#243) 61,655$221,190,547 H LoC
54 70 Budsville (#177) 60,406$221,538,131 H LoC
54 73 The Whim Of A Madman (#174) 61,713$217,951,311 H LoC
54 91 Tequila Sunrise (#167) 62,527$170,675,944 H LoC
54 88 Island of Misery (#165) 61,379$181,015,938 H LoC
53 210 Thats All Folks (#2918) 30,060$83,745,173 H LoC
53 172 Under LoC n Key (#2917) 31,470$102,376,305 H LoC
53 190 LoC Down (#2916) 34,827$93,148,911 H LoC
53 121 LoC YUR DOORS (#2915) 30,676$116,112,988 H LoC
53 209 Frito Bandito (#2914) 24,338$84,621,376 H LoC
53 182 Eddie Spagetti (#2913) 31,737$99,557,935 H LoC
53 196 doobiedoobiedooooo (#2912) 31,644$87,139,603 H LoC
53 178 BeepBeep Comin thru (#2911) 31,746$100,418,889 H LoC
53 189 teenie weenie (#2906) 31,619$94,739,046 H LoC
53 216 Pumpkinhead (#2905) 31,030$80,359,713 H LoC
53 159 Daves not here I miss him (#2904) 31,903$107,655,409 H LoC
53 193 Kentucky Fried Rooster (#2903) 31,588$92,453,933 H LoC
53 134 BOO (#2902) 33,188$113,177,985 H LoC
53 143 Chunk of Pie (#2901) 33,317$110,784,091 H LoC
53 194 Puff Puff the Magic Dragon (#2900) 31,893$91,828,612 H LoC
53 99 Beer stinks (#2899) 37,619$133,430,307 H LoC
52 CheezSauce on Asparagus (#2597) 0$345,415 M LoC
52 Salad n CheezGarlicBread (#2596) 0$424,959 M LoC
52 BakedPotatoSourCreamNchives (#2595) 9836$1,364,086 M LoC
52 Sizzlin Hot Barbequed Steak (#2594) 7690$1,141,616 M LoC
52 TheSun TheBay TheSand O yah (#2593) 0$697,700 M LoC
52 BurntBeachBodies (#2592) 9767$1,064,432 M LoC
52 THERE IT IS (#2591) 6153$986,126 M LoC
52 Moms Taxi Service (#2590) 7316$1,237,216 M LoC
52 Twinkle twinkle little bat (#2589) 0$1,117,046 M LoC
52 WetWiggilyWormWhispers (#2588) 0$847,410 M LoC
52 Hot hot hot (#2587) 7340$1,584,155 M LoC
52 OH U didnt know (#2586) 6786$1,635,065 M LoC
52 Oddball Otis (#2556) 7080$1,632,747 M LoC
52 KeR A Z E E Eeeee (#2555) 5342$1,408,223 M LoC
52 Absotively Mad Mad Mad (#2554) 5307$1,335,343 M LoC
52 well U R LoCo (#2553) 5379$1,599,297 M LoC
51 Mr Man (#3187) 6691$1,163,172 T LoC
51 Thru the Looking Glass (#3186) 7979$1,393,000 T LoC
51 RrringaDingDing (#3185) 6798$1,416,445 T LoC
51 Northern Treasures (#3184) 6167$1,052,912 T LoC
51 Smarvelous (#3177) 6723$1,377,182 T LoC
51 Cheery Cherry Turnover (#3176) 6835$1,424,369 T LoC
51 dorkchop (#3175) 7198$1,285,545 T LoC
51 Dead End (#3174) 7140$1,736,311 T LoC
51 pokes (#3173) 6451$1,435,177 T LoC
51 GlowingGlowormsGobblingGoop (#3170) 6493$1,268,215 T LoC
51 wth NO spinach at Popeyes (#3169) 6781$1,612,315 T LoC
51 Bouncing Betty (#3168) 6660$1,504,161 T LoC
51 Tic Tac Toe (#3167) 7552$1,616,052 T LoC
51 Singin in da bathtub (#3166) 5410$564,523 T  
51 Ugly Duckling (#3165) 5607$683,097 T LoC
51 Sunny Days (#3164) 7483$1,602,357 T LoC
49 2562 Delete (#1570) 18,581$3,169,100 F LoC
49 2563 Sister Abigail (#1569) 20,726$3,167,221 F LoC
49 2565 Believe that (#1567) 18,160$3,021,233 F LoC
49 2568 Then Now Forever (#1566) 19,317$2,982,982 F LoC
49 2546 Frito Bandito (#1535) 20,231$3,752,849 F LoC
49 2572 Able Sable (#1484) 14,794$2,724,255 F LoC
49 2578 nickle for yur thoughts (#1467) 12,812$2,504,511 F LoC
49 2566 Hot Rod Lincoln (#1434) 18,118$2,999,831 F LoC
49 2573 Reddy Freddy (#1346) 16,640$2,670,445 F LoC
49 2561 The Giggling Gator (#1271) 15,291$3,183,447 F LoC
49 2576 See no evil (#1219) 14,688$2,588,842 F LoC
49 2545 Snowblind (#1149) 19,683$3,800,292 F LoC
49 Island of Misery (#1048) 31,901$2,928,047 F LoC
49 2551 I didnt do it (#468) 21,223$3,675,715 F LoC
49 2519 BarBQuedSKuLLs (#467) 37,183$5,054,242 F LoC
49 2533 Judgette (#446) 33,893$4,311,840 F LoC
48 509 dorkchop (#1662) 26,219$23,648,317 D LoC
48 533 YOINK (#1624) 25,869$19,372,254 D LoC
48 529 XcuzMeCominThru (#1620) 25,736$19,990,367 D LoC
48 539 throws timbits (#1603) 26,157$18,238,721 D LoC
48 530 Smarvelous (#1602) 27,345$19,766,174 D LoC
48 542 LoC yur doors (#1564) 25,896$17,786,449 D LoC
48 535 The End (#1272) 26,208$18,474,985 D LoC
48 504 yup (#442) 26,551$24,874,729 D LoC
48 516 Killdozer (#284) 28,461$22,012,556 D LoC
48 508 I didnt do it (#154) 27,914$24,162,969 D LoC
48 510 Move it Toots (#140) 28,047$22,858,891 D LoC
48 511 BeepBeep Comin thru (#109) 31,916$22,799,628 D LoC
48 524 Its Showtime (#75) 27,553$21,049,868 D LoC
48 517 Budsville (#63) 27,310$21,869,263 D LoC
48 520 Tequila Sunrise (#59) 28,340$21,691,049 D LoC
48 521 Little Island Annie (#38) 27,872$21,408,790 D LoC
47 173 This Buds 4 U (#2468) 56,796$102,039,840 H okc
47 268 groovin (#2467) 38,996$66,904,635 H okc
47 248 F R I E D E H (#2466) 45,496$74,893,501 H okc
47 247 Dazed n Confoozed (#2465) 48,442$75,083,050 H okc
47 195 dumbnumbskull (#2464) 48,875$93,025,534 H okc
47 198 HavULostYurSKuLL (#2446) 48,933$91,547,913 H okc
47 170 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#2445) 44,740$102,309,588 H okc
47 174 The SKuLLinaTor (#2444) 52,303$101,913,922 H okc
47 194 Island of Misery (#2443) 47,005$93,106,143 H okc
47 214 Old n Cranky (#2442) 45,119$84,585,026 H okc
47 206 The Whim of a Madman (#2441) 48,025$87,658,170 H okc
47 188 Eh 2 Zed (#2440) 44,547$95,348,413 H okc
47 199 Blood Soaked SKuLLs (#2439) 43,995$91,382,178 H okc
47 171 SKuLL Island (#2438) 46,023$102,289,194 H okc
47 164 Flaming SKuLLs (#2437) 48,640$106,207,084 H okc
47 241 HomeIsWhereYurSKuLLis (#2436) 47,083$79,216,995 H okc
46 1468 Sables searching (#1908) 11,583$7,562,998 M IMP
46 1477 chewing crayons (#1907) 11,572$7,435,427 M IMP
46 1469 Walking with Mug Y (#1890) 11,632$7,549,090 M IMP
46 1453 the tree must go (#1889) 11,505$7,928,499 M IMP
46 1437 to the mall (#1888) 11,862$8,384,741 M IMP
46 1439 quitin time (#1887) 11,296$8,292,206 M IMP
46 1459 bark bark bark (#1886) 11,577$7,859,219 M IMP
46 1445 nobody home (#1885) 11,590$8,076,318 M IMP
46 1389 Sunshiney Day (#1884) 14,372$9,281,587 M IMP
46 1397 hungry hungry hippo (#1882) 11,655$9,101,495 M IMP
46 1386 yurrr firrrred (#1881) 14,425$9,370,793 M IMP
46 1415 chop chop (#1880) 11,770$8,848,726 M IMP
46 1422 hot potatoe (#1878) 11,584$8,716,500 M IMP
46 1393 Ozzy (#1877) 11,590$9,197,455 M IMP
46 1418 well hellooooo (#1876) 12,656$8,812,943 M IMP
46 1431 In the valley of the Jolly (#1875) 11,696$8,501,341 M IMP
45 1953 Open wide Say awwww (#3885) 1873$676,591 F  
45 1904 Frito Bandito (#3816) 3817$1,033,146 F  
45 1933 strawberries (#3815) 3725$818,688 F  
45 2053 420 o clock (#3814) 1877$302,843 F  
45 2056 The Big Duck (#3810) 1898$295,957 F  
45 1792 sumsumsumsummertime (#3809) 6540$1,572,362 M  
45 1892 Bobs Burgers (#3176) 8620$1,126,015 M  
45 1800 knick knack paddy wack (#3175) 8686$1,458,654 M  
45 1796 nice weather for ducks (#3174) 9356$1,479,590 M  
45 1812 u betcha (#3173) 8883$1,315,027 M  
45 1765 singin in the bathtub (#3172) 10,241$1,986,935 M  
45 1742 no more tears (#3171) 9679$2,541,867 M  
45 1719 Willy Wonka (#3170) 11,288$2,784,709 F  
45 Sunny Days (#3147) 7343$765,741 M  
45 able Sable (#3145) 4820$683,244 M  
45 raspberries (#3144) 4336$666,530 M  
45 SMILE (#3143) 4851$729,437 M  
45 dorkchop (#3142) 4778$659,261 M  
45 1674 Mr PotatoeHead (#3141) 5817$3,407,567 M  
45 1652 rain rain go away (#3140) 7449$3,745,836 M  
45 1609 dig it (#3139) 7197$4,420,351 M  
45 5 o clock (#3137) 5196$936,236 M  
42 2061 Thats all folks (#2569) 1880$179,644 M  
42 2063 I didnt do it (#2568) 1870$178,461 M  
42 2058 BeepBeep Comin thru (#2567) 1862$183,322 M  
42 2059 doofus (#2564) 1887$182,430 M  
42 2057 We R in the Itchy Lot (#2559) 1916$187,281 M  
42 2060 Eh 2 Zed (#2558) 1874$181,868 M  
42 2065 F R I E D E H (#2557) 1869$167,226 M  
42 2062 Is it Spring yet (#2556) 1882$178,707 M  
42 2069 BarBQuedSKuLLs (#2553) 1713$153,213 R  
42 2034 Flaming SKuLLs (#2552) 3753$351,210 R  
42 2041 dumbnumbskull (#2551) 3505$326,862 R  
42 2039 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#2550) 3212$328,498 R  
42 2029 Move it Toots (#2548) 3999$376,599 R  
42 2031 The Whim of a Madman (#2545) 3799$364,308 R  
42 2030 Old n Cranky (#2541) 3940$369,054 R  
42 2032 Island of Misery (#2540) 3652$357,370 R  
41 HavUlostYurSKuLL (#2294) 1949$134,467 R  
41 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#2293) 1604$119,090 R  
41 dumbnumbskull (#2292) 1669$183,910 R  
41 A Mountain of SKuLLs (#2291) 734$127,435 R  
41 2069 Kackling Killer (#2290) 3824$342,625 M  
41 2052 Spooky BooTique (#2268) 3793$419,683 M  
41 BeetlejuiceBeetlejuiceBeetlejuic (#2267) 1784$226,683 M  
41 2051 Its Showtime (#2266) 3887$425,798 M  
41 2043 Outa da way (#2265) 3843$468,676 M  
41 2045 Move it Toots (#2264) 3817$465,470 M  
41 go away ya bother me (#2263) 2537$304,774 M  
41 2050 Old n Cranky (#2262) 3813$432,064 M  
41 2065 Blood Soaked SKuLLs (#2241) 3799$389,481 M  
41 2063 BarBQuedSKuLLs (#2240) 3805$390,090 M  
41 2062 SKuLLfully Yours (#2239) 3771$401,641 M  
41 Flaming SKuLLs (#2238) 2364$224,045 M  
40 2061 fiddlestix (#3050) 1791$361,714 M  
40 2059 1stolen pink fuzzy slipper (#2935) 1586$364,736 M  
40 2008 dont (#2894) 3489$528,371 T LoC
40 1989 No candy for you (#2893) 2290$595,556 T LoC
40 2034 Smokin in the boys room (#2845) 1817$452,146 T LoC
40 1979 badger badger badger badger (#2840) 2101$655,780 T LoC
40 1997 booooooooooo (#2838) 2244$579,026 T LoC
40 2006 HA take that (#2837) 2545$538,585 T LoC
40 1969 rain rain stay away (#2794) 2103$700,614 T LoC
40 2010 Sauble Beach (#2772) 1991$515,700 T LoC
40 2015 Frito Bandito (#2716) 1918$503,708 T LoC
40 shakes fist at llaar (#2715) 1962$475,581 T LoC
40 1987 MaleMooPoo (#2698) 3146$612,820 T LoC
40 skunkskinned shorts prestunk (#2540) 2489$600,512 T LoC
40 1963 dorkchop (#2361) 2182$727,826 T LoC
40 abandoned dead mouse (#420) 4697$1,152,101 T LoC
40 greenery (#418) 6690$1,258,193 T LoC
40 recycled paper (#410) 3874$917,720 T LoC
40 the gangs all here (#409) 5094$1,540,811 T LoC
40 Sweet n Salty (#408) 5792$1,256,830 T LoC
40 Here fishy fishy (#407) 5581$1,534,460 T LoC
40 flick my bic (#405) 5375$1,261,220 T LoC
40 Wake me up b4 u gogo (#404) 5500$1,168,234 T LoC
40 George of the Jungle (#379) 5933$1,359,447 T LoC
40 Pennywise (#378) 5059$413,396 M LoC
40 soakin up the sunshine (#376) 5082$1,159,747 T LoC
40 EeeeKK (#375) 3170$848,513 T LoC
40 Its all in the Handbook (#357) 4954$1,054,088 T LoC
40 wise guy eh (#356) 5518$1,171,372 T LoC
40 Deadlights comin atcha (#355) 3861$722,252 T LoC
40 Beach bum (#354) 5457$1,197,081 T LoC
39 385 housework sux (#3522) 15,841$29,761,796 R LoC
39 383 Goooo SpongeBoB (#3499) 15,205$30,182,638 R LoC
39 409 black cat (#3471) 15,678$28,366,279 R LoC
39 373 sparks one up (#3467) 17,154$31,586,822 R LoC
39 330 Heaven is Dairy Queen (#3462) 18,994$38,612,872 R LoC
39 365 HELP Im MELTING (#3460) 17,905$32,771,466 R LoC
39 368 maybe baby (#3456) 15,881$32,114,270 R LoC
39 394 kushi 4 the tushi (#3392) 17,808$29,407,281 R LoC
39 350 BarBQuedSKuLLs (#3381) 22,059$35,050,007 R LoC
39 steals CCs pitchforks (#3379) 1833$713,159 M LoC
39 392 d0h (#3355) 15,477$29,494,793 F LoC
39 369 Im STOMPIN on yurTOES (#3352) 17,598$31,748,437 R LoC
39 398 kicks u in da shins (#3334) 16,987$29,260,268 R LoC
39 341 MightyMites ATTACK (#3319) 16,582$36,128,860 R LoC
39 booooooooooooo (#3308) 1376$525,214 R LoC
39 338 NO DINNER 4 VERN (#3300) 17,647$36,289,196 R LoC
39 BeepBeep Comin thru (#3184) 4339$1,768,871 T LoC
39 throws timbits at CC (#3088) 5761$2,090,408 T LoC
39 Little Island Annie (#3087) 4317$2,115,991 R LoC
39 but WAIT theres MORE (#3085) 5455$1,206,257 T LoC
39 340 Its Absolutely Alice (#3056) 18,764$36,152,612 R LoC
39 U KILLED MY DOOBIES shame on u (#3040) 4596$2,235,859 R LoC
39 like THATs gonna stop me (#3031) 4862$2,064,997 R LoC
39 hot diggity dawg (#2986) 5621$1,927,050 T LoC
39 Divorced n Dangerous (#2985) 6048$1,968,008 T LoC
39 92 We R in the Itchy Lot (#2978) 25,964$159,107,718 R LoC
39 Killdozer (#2977) 3794$1,581,349 T LoC
39 Good1NowItsMYturn (#2973) 3696$1,621,101 T LoC
39 dumbnumbskull (#2967) 5709$2,119,676 T LoC
39 Old n Cranky (#2946) 6301$2,528,544 R LoC
39 HE STOLE MY BALLOONS (#2922) 4960$1,876,515 T LoC
39 HavUlostYurSKuLL (#2918) 5825$1,883,792 T LoC
39 doofus (#2866) 4300$1,907,421 R LoC
39 u crumb bum (#1606) 9762$2,713,571 R LoC
39 dorkchop (#1605) 10,801$3,679,216 R LoC
39 groovin (#1604) 10,801$4,756,211 R LoC
39 XL DD (#1603) 11,421$4,534,322 R LoC
39 The Whim of a Madman (#1602) 10,813$3,905,687 R LoC
39 SKuLLinAtoR (#1601) 10,871$3,735,076 R LoC
39 patty cake patty cake (#1600) 11,468$4,196,672 R LoC
39 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#1599) 10,850$4,619,705 R LoC
39 Its Showtime (#1598) 10,897$2,744,338 T LoC
39 home made toe jam (#1597) 10,542$4,541,018 T LoC
39 Go ask Alice (#1596) 10,332$3,711,485 T LoC
39 F R I E D E H (#1595) 11,003$2,868,898 M LoC
39 Eh 2 Zed (#1594) 10,982$4,024,079 T LoC
39 doobiedoobiedoooooo (#1593) 11,078$3,992,715 T LoC
39 Tequila Sunrise (#1592) 11,211$4,278,239 T LoC
39 Island of Misery (#1591) 11,208$4,883,018 T LoC
38 1501 zer0 (#3863) 3936$1,031,547 R LoC
38 1523 the power of one (#2793) 4100$884,789 R LoC
38 1301 Purple People Eater (#2792) 7548$2,527,395 R LoC
38 1426 The Treasures Within (#2791) 7279$1,650,698 R LoC
38 1395 cheery cherry cheesecake (#2790) 7460$1,942,036 R LoC
38 1354 Little Island Annie (#2757) 6149$2,187,862 R LoC
38 1387 Pancakes n Maple Syrup (#1691) 6905$1,982,999 R LoC
38 1384 R U my Sunshine (#1690) 7246$2,043,025 R LoC
38 1414 blueberry muffins (#1689) 7338$1,739,249 R LoC
38 1286 Will it ever stop snowing (#1688) 8936$2,648,435 R LoC
38 1290 GrandmasDandelionWine (#1603) 9502$2,628,698 R LoC
38 Smarvelous (#1602) 11,453$2,905,979 R LoC
38 1212 Toast n a Tangerine (#1601) 11,108$4,013,895 R LoC
38 1260 Eh 2 Zed (#1600) 10,157$3,051,485 R LoC
38 1222 The Whim of a Madman (#1570) 10,928$3,793,374 R LoC
38 1214 Tequila Sunrise (#1568) 12,269$3,944,943 R LoC
38 1220 The Wizard of Ozzy (#1567) 11,394$3,813,389 R LoC
38 Island of Misery (#1565) 7005$823,388 R IMP
37 you made a big booboo (#2930) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 they were a well behaved tag (#2929) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 throws waffles at Sherita (#2928) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 1 more driven from the game (#2927) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 still bashed n killed (#2926) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 apologized and paid reps (#2925) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 he hit by mistake number booboo (#2924) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 killed 4doing the right thing (#2923) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 they left cuz they didnt agree (#2922) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 I am enjoying vacation thanks (#2921) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 I never broke any ceasefire (#2920) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 I didnt ask for any damned cease (#2919) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 it IS my business (#2917) 120$5617 M ChAoS
37 its not my tag but R my friends (#2916) 3663$1,312,318 M ChAoS
37 it matters cuz they R friends (#2915) 3923$1,405,777 M ChAoS
37 I AM on vacation (#2914) 3436$1,233,784 M ChAoS
37 lamborghini (#1354) 9182$3,505,464 M ChAoS
37 Happy Valentines Day (#1353) 10,214$3,883,436 M ChAoS
37 Storm Watch (#1336) 11,034$3,841,572 M ChAoS
37 number thirteen (#1328) 10,212$4,034,731 M ChAoS
37 Black Velvet (#1233) 9133$3,529,426 M ChAoS
37 candle in the wind (#1232) 9140$3,895,840 M ChAoS
37 what (#1231) 10,682$4,051,969 M ChAoS
37 RRRoll up the rim to win (#1225) 9446$4,049,147 M ChAoS
37 mellow yellow (#1224) 10,301$4,345,632 M ChAoS
37 Petunia Pig (#1222) 10,208$3,872,084 M ChAoS
37 Mexico (#1075) 10,291$4,391,542 M ChAoS
37 gnaked gnu (#1073) 10,218$4,446,131 M ChAoS
37 dream on (#1058) 10,287$4,284,718 M ChAoS
37 C is for Cookie (#369) 9492$4,049,496 M ChAoS
37 spin n go (#346) 9284$4,231,644 M ChAoS
37 Walkin on Sunshine (#336) 9372$4,320,468 M ChAoS
36 1471 Go ask Alice (#3575) 1768$245,807 M  
36 1344 greasy gopher guts (#3574) 3604$638,914 M  
36 1409 wake to bake (#3551) 1814$415,251 M  
36 1372 mud pie gravy (#3547) 2817$542,233 T  
36 1406 flick my bic (#3533) 1757$417,187 T  
36 1373 stop that (#3532) 3449$539,057 T  
36 1371 cranky pants (#3531) 2724$545,626 T  
36 1342 boopboopydoop (#3530) 1909$649,313 T  
36 1379 bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (#3529) 1710$523,997 T  
36 1330 the Energizer Bunny (#3528) 2866$695,203 T  
36 1321 grapes are goodly (#3515) 2734$738,428 T ChAoS
36 1310 addams family (#3514) 3479$764,119 T ChAoS
36 1299 ta taaa (#3354) 3522$804,793 T ChAoS
36 1329 brrrrrr (#3353) 4870$705,694 T ChAoS
36 tutti frutti (#3349) 3854$795,160 T ChAoS
36 1198 pookiepoo (#3334) 4284$1,189,596 T ChAoS
36 1215 LDKS25 (#3324) 3728$1,130,951 T ChAoS
36 1200 mmm cinnamon buns (#3323) 4709$1,183,907 T ChAoS
36 1250 plan A never works (#3322) 3195$989,617 T ChAoS
36 1262 home made toe jam (#3319) 4923$947,631 T ChAoS
36 done like dinner (#3115) 7139$1,120,078 T ChAoS
36 yah yah yah (#3065) 5925$1,391,464 T ChAoS
36 Howdy (#3031) 4872$1,524,429 T ChAoS
36 welllahdeedaw (#3029) 7487$1,384,717 T ChAoS
36 the final countdown (#3004) 5117$1,574,799 T ChAoS
36 throwing snowballs at you (#3003) 3313$829,732 T ChAoS
36 oh you didnt know (#2997) 2217$509,151 T ChAoS
36 1226 purple platypus poop (#2996) 6009$1,089,628 T ChAoS
36 you just gotta BOlieve (#2995) 3661$748,666 T ChAoS
36 killed while killin in 1a argh (#2984) 8154$1,610,261 T ChAoS
36 no more monkies jumpin onda bed (#2983) 7744$1,382,474 T ChAoS
36 banomanom doo doo doodoodoo (#2968) 5461$902,208 T ChAoS
36 patty cake patty cake (#2967) 3493$828,517 T ChAoS
36 Frito Bandito (#2930) 6638$1,336,929 T ChAoS
36 doobiedoobiedoooooo (#2929) 3980$837,526 T ChAoS
36 but WAIT theres MORE (#2888) 4088$770,660 T ChAoS
36 dammit Beavis (#2838) 3956$1,438,012 T ChAoS
36 bark bark bark (#2669) 7134$1,119,752 T ChAoS
36 LOOK over THERE (#2665) 5086$1,648,946 T ChAoS
36 Piss off SD I did nada 2U (#2639) 3875$1,381,589 T Imp
36 best for last (#2599) 5527$1,602,116 T ChAoS
36 phooey on u (#2559) 4442$1,268,133 T Imp
36 March Hare (#2558) 5137$1,567,115 T ChAoS
36 fiddlestix (#2550) 5704$1,555,594 T ChAoS
36 BOO (#2541) 6242$1,678,144 T ChAoS
36 Then Now Forever (#2538) 5747$1,814,297 T ChAoS
36 sweet n sour (#2533) 6455$1,637,052 T ChAoS
36 Margaritaville (#2528) 5495$1,588,132 T ChAoS
36 XL DD (#2462) 4072$1,155,174 T ChAoS
36 A B C (#2461) 5965$1,803,173 T ChAoS
36 Mr Peanut (#2390) 7036$1,513,991 T ChAoS
36 Little Island Annie (#2389) 7230$1,888,988 T ChAoS
36 Happy Birthday (#2338) 7818$1,989,812 T ChAoS
36 Thats all folks (#1364) 6113$3,166,514 T ChAoS
36 toothless aggression (#1296) 5583$2,346,259 T ChAoS
36 candy cane blizzard (#1292) 5503$2,417,202 T ChAoS
36 throws timbits (#1233) 5543$2,510,884 T ChAoS
36 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#1232) 5706$2,457,341 T ChAoS
36 deep deep dish pizza (#1157) 5110$2,739,434 T ChAoS
36 doubletrouble (#1139) 5549$2,683,609 T ChAoS
36 SKuLLinAtoR (#1122) 6374$2,847,436 T ChAoS
36 burn baby burn (#1117) 5446$2,195,717 T ChAoS
36 Eh 2 Zed (#1116) 5362$2,351,955 T ChAoS
36 Its Showtime (#1115) 7460$2,791,249 T ChAoS
36 Its Absolutely Alice (#1114) 5905$2,673,405 T ChAoS
36 Smarvelous (#1113) 6247$2,894,491 T ChAoS
36 Tequila Sunrise (#1112) 5884$2,796,559 T ChAoS
36 The Whim of a Madman (#441) 4118$1,777,290 T ChAoS
36 Island of Misery (#439) 5797$2,383,527 T ChAoS
35 1108 Good day Sunshine (#3286) 4844$999,260 M  
35 1449 dammit Beavis (#2055) 3770$355,828 M  
35 1419 deja vu (#1958) 4326$412,589 M  
35 1608 best buds (#1892) 1415$117,914 R  
35 1604 twist lock head (#1881) 1417$126,313 R  
35 1628 snow snow snow (#1879) 722$64,931 M  
35 1565 bargain basement (#1862) 1856$174,369 M  
35 1629 Frito Bandito (#1757) 712$63,612 M  
35 1588 zoom zoom (#1744) 1559$151,272 M  
35 1142 offer ends October 13th (#1743) 6528$940,776 M  
35 1009 closing time (#1742) 5084$1,304,521 F  
35 992 WhichWitchIsWhich (#1527) 4929$1,361,424 F  
35 TomCat (#1526) 6119$2,042,632 M  
35 656 SpOoOooOokyyyy (#1525) 7532$3,039,012 RG  
35 675 little smiling faces (#1504) 7063$2,914,841 MG  
35 670 BOO (#1503) 7728$2,955,096 MG  
35 683 Trick or Treat (#1502) 6089$2,845,410 MG  
34 2051 special edition (#2746) 100$4717 M  
34 1701 boom boom (#2700) 897$65,028 R  
34 1710 Ima rootin tootin chickn hawk (#2698) 720$51,751 M  
34 1709 old country roses (#2694) 758$53,244 M  
34 1621 where the hell am I (#2691) 1865$171,808 M  
34 1587 needles n pins (#2687) 2821$264,378 M  
34 number 9 (#2671) 6726$800,634 M  
34 1231 whoBU (#2670) 6627$1,506,454 M  
34 1521 crazy bones (#2668) 4803$500,676 M  
34 1524 Sunshiney Day (#2667) 4656$484,743 M  
34 1472 brown loafers (#2666) 5059$671,126 M  
34 1444 tiny bubbles (#2665) 4762$724,499 M  
34 Chaos Wins (#2538) 4471$1,930,967 M  
34 Chaos Wins (#2537) 3207$1,677,005 M  
34 Chaos Wins (#2536) 3664$1,502,719 F  
34 Chaos Wins (#2535) 2752$997,860 F LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#2534) 4106$1,383,014 M LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#2533) 2820$927,131 R LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#2532) 0$515,126 R LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#2531) 0$497,518 F LoCo
34 5 (#2506) 0$485,925 F LoCo
34 6 (#2505) 0$560,503 F LoCo
34 7 (#2503) 0$525,223 F LoCo
34 8 (#2502) 0$378,073 F LoCo
34 4 (#2501) 0$317,308 F LoCo
34 3 (#2448) 0$870,785 R LoCo
34 2 (#2422) 0$306,160 F LoCo
34 1 (#2421) 0$375,849 F LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#968) 8895$2,989,629 T LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#967) 8962$2,831,276 T LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#966) 8624$3,187,717 T LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#965) 8793$2,822,079 T LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#942) 9087$3,441,042 T LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#941) 7745$3,442,046 T LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#940) 7244$3,918,593 T LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#939) 9900$4,448,215 T LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#902) 12,040$1,690,788 F LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#901) 11,992$1,990,215 F LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#900) 9847$2,302,958 F LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#899) 12,717$2,399,857 F LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#848) 9438$3,412,286 R LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#847) 9709$3,941,664 R LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#846) 10,002$3,725,117 R LoCo
34 Chaos Wins (#845) 5603$3,212,386 R LoCo
33 1464 umbrella tree (#3949) 4367$798,423 M  
33 1445 cool beans (#3910) 4378$889,291 M  
33 1454 Kit Kat (#3792) 6547$863,981 M  
33 1086 yop (#3791) 8823$2,152,147 M  
33 1011 Charlottetown (#3373) 9588$2,873,320 F ChAoSDAN
33 996 Hot as Hades (#3364) 10,724$3,007,223 F ChAoSDAN
33 723 jello (#3245) 14,565$5,287,027 F ChAoSDAN
33 Chaos (#3082) 933$81,118 M  
33 chaos (#3074) 3799$283,168 T  
33 ChAoS (#3068) 0$182,026 T  
33 1403 ChAoS (#3051) 5432$1,021,512 T ChAoSDAN
33 1344 cHAos (#3050) 6562$1,233,360 T ChAoSDAN
33 1302 Chaos (#3049) 7025$1,372,591 T ChAoSDAN
33 1273 Chaos (#3042) 7436$1,500,806 T ChAoSDAN
33 1000 chaos (#3041) 7972$2,940,039 T ChAoSDAN
33 1117 Chaos (#3032) 6827$1,936,942 T ChAoSDAN
33 1062 ChAoS (#3031) 8676$2,315,711 T ChAoSDAN
33 1094 cHAos (#3030) 6978$2,096,851 T ChAoSDAN
33 1153 Chaos (#3029) 7427$1,784,764 T ChAoSDAN
33 chaos (#3028) 3284$673,666 T ChAoSDAN
33 chaos (#3005) 752$87,582 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#2993) 0$95,326 T ChAoSDAN
33 cHAos (#2956) 1171$185,354 T ChAoSDAN
33 Chaos (#2948) 888$46,916 T ChAoSDAN
33 chaos (#2947) 847$70,581 T ChAoSDAN
33 chaos (#2934) 3210$737,587 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#2918) 3346$637,333 T ChAoSDAN
33 chaos (#2917) 3158$676,785 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#2914) 0$407,767 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#2874) 992$181,613 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#2870) 1582$251,812 T ChAoSDAN
33 chaos (#2869) 0$15,234 T ChAoSDAN
33 Chaos (#2867) 1018$105,754 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#2856) 2980$549,107 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#2812) 1178$488,477 T ChAoSDAN
33 Chaos (#2767) 2695$685,764 T ChAoSDAN
33 chaos (#2760) 1457$254,824 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#2757) 0$42,828 T ChAoSDAN
33 chaos (#2709) 2796$737,262 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#2672) 889$176,881 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#2554) 1407$435,298 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#2470) 2866$463,506 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#1361) 4749$1,621,193 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#1360) 5423$2,027,451 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#1359) 5697$2,262,176 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#1358) 6769$2,329,526 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#1318) 6664$1,951,651 T ChAoSDAN
33 Chaos (#1317) 6767$1,626,009 T ChAoSDAN
33 chaos (#1316) 6115$1,766,051 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#1315) 7228$1,949,469 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#1268) 6837$2,358,357 T ChAoSDAN
33 Chaos (#1267) 6422$1,759,566 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#1266) 5673$1,601,687 T ChAoSDAN
33 chaos (#1265) 3923$2,055,854 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#592) 5502$1,881,325 T ChAoSDAN
33 Chaos (#591) 6258$2,104,562 T ChAoSDAN
33 ChAoS (#590) 7206$1,950,268 T ChAoSDAN
33 Chaos (#589) 5385$1,297,466 T ChAoSDAN
32 890 wild thang (#2634) 10,131$6,035,033 M ChAoSDAN
32 938 things just got ugly (#2586) 9704$5,591,968 M ChAoSDAN
32 820 we got cows (#2574) 10,711$6,721,888 M ChAoSDAN
32 783 Attention KMart Shoppers (#2571) 10,764$7,379,720 M ChAoSDAN
32 1073 throws lollipops at CC (#2570) 15,317$3,999,247 F ChAoSDAN
32 1002 Sunshine Lollipops (#2569) 14,171$4,864,175 F ChAoSDAN
32 814 poke (#2560) 11,472$6,877,766 M ChAoSDAN
32 1072 more more more (#2557) 13,109$4,033,764 F ChAoSDAN
32 831 Island of Misery (#2478) 13,260$6,580,528 F ChAoSDAN
32 1056 16 (#2455) 14,572$4,351,352 F ChAoSDAN
32 980 755 (#2454) 16,149$5,176,679 F ChAoSDAN
32 912 did you steal my tarts (#2428) 12,431$5,871,918 F ChAoSDAN
32 888 dumbnumbskull (#2427) 14,594$6,057,342 F ChAoSDAN
32 1005 NO sleep 4 DonnY (#2390) 15,419$4,837,445 F ChAoSDAN
32 806 Tequila Blue Blazer (#2384) 15,599$6,960,889 F ChAoSDAN
32 700 Its ChAoS (#2269) 28,187$11,441,524 F ChAoSDAN
32 pinches Buddahs butt (#2144) 5169$1,345,710 F ChAoSDAN
32 and the beat goes on (#1422) 7819$2,337,914 R ChAoSDAN
32 No6 I can slay the Jabberwocky (#1421) 8543$2,377,361 R ChAoSDAN
32 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#1400) 9100$1,869,213 R ChAoSDAN
32 BeetlejuiceBeetlejuiceBeetlejuic (#1383) 7784$2,076,020 R ChAoSDAN
32 hopscotch (#1366) 8988$2,462,197 R ChAoSDAN
32 Pals (#1365) 7894$1,654,551 R ChAoSDAN
32 Stinking Creek Road (#1364) 8141$2,119,187 R ChAoSDAN
32 gnaked gnu (#1363) 9450$2,713,826 R ChAoSDAN
32 javajavajavajavajavajavajavajava (#1362) 8180$1,872,956 F ChAoSDAN
32 pop quiz (#1344) 8288$2,064,065 F ChAoSDAN
32 Flaming SKuLLs (#1343) 8473$1,971,241 F ChAoSDAN
32 Little Island Annie (#1310) 8639$2,491,750 F ChAoSDAN
32 screams in the night (#1309) 6452$1,912,033 F ChAoSDAN
32 3 loud knocks (#1308) 9504$2,424,271 F ChAoSDAN
32 Bobs Road (#1307) 9965$2,536,930 F ChAoSDAN
32 Tequila Sunrise (#1301) 4455$1,680,017 F ChAoSDAN
31 1222 I didnt do it (#3221) 7886$3,993,400 M  
31 1163 NO EASTER EGGS 4 U (#3218) 8634$4,772,070 M  
31 1125 Hippity Hop Hippity Hop (#3205) 9373$5,460,644 M  
31 1152 CrossServerWarsR ok now (#3167) 8947$4,865,496 F  
31 715 Im Yur number 1 Fan (#1857) 25,189$18,842,051 R ChAoS
31 675 HE STOLE MY BALLOONS (#1856) 23,645$21,814,958 R ChAoS
31 641 groovin (#1855) 31,708$25,461,615 R ChAoS
31 666 Island of Misery (#1854) 25,767$23,164,575 R ChAoS
31 677 TheWhimOf aMadman (#1853) 22,339$21,715,595 R ChAoS
31 649 Palm trees (#1852) 25,745$24,271,444 R ChAoS
31 682 We got Cows (#1851) 26,165$21,312,104 R ChAoS
31 654 Come home m0b (#1850) 26,418$23,852,509 R ChAoS
31 F L O R I D A E H (#1849) 27,784$15,078,448 F ChAoS
31 782 No shoveling for me HA (#1848) 25,127$15,809,926 R ChAoS
31 791 Good friends n sunshine (#1847) 24,849$15,656,636 F ChAoS
31 876 Walking on Sunshine (#1846) 24,686$12,709,460 F ChAoS
31 Our man Dan (#1845) 28,916$17,116,306 F ChAoS
31 708 Miss you Dan (#1844) 30,760$19,343,823 F ChAoS
31 705 Peanut mNmS 4 Dan (#1843) 32,491$19,522,170 F ChAoS
31 817 Dan the Man (#1842) 26,410$14,798,681 F ChAoS
30 983 F R I E D E H (#772) 14,561$14,227,018 M ChAoS
30 936 boxing gloves4Boxing Day Sales (#771) 13,212$15,832,534 M ChAoS
30 855 HAPPY NEW YEAR (#770) 15,463$17,385,547 M ChAoS
30 979 throws timbits (#769) 14,706$14,405,914 M ChAoS
30 965 Smarvelous (#768) 15,893$14,930,615 M ChAoS
30 941 and the beat goes on (#767) 13,963$15,705,566 M ChAoS
30 944 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#718) 14,524$15,669,577 M ChAoS
30 927 Flaming SKuLLs (#717) 15,649$16,104,920 M ChAoS
30 822 CyaL8terAlEgayTer (#613) 19,355$17,946,209 F ChAoS
30 796 MaleMooPoo (#612) 19,724$18,403,005 F ChAoS
30 741 Tequila Sunrise (#490) 19,397$19,638,741 F ChAoS
30 725 Happyyyy Birthday (#489) 18,633$20,558,618 F ChAoS
30 705 Bent Brent (#472) 19,794$21,920,103 F ChAoS
30 635 Harley Barley Boodle (#471) 21,688$26,141,827 F ChAoS
30 670 Island of Misery (#235) 19,487$23,546,372 F ChAoS
30 677 Howdy HOHOHO (#213) 20,981$23,320,572 F ChAoS
29 762 Bebe Le Strange (#2192) 14,273$9,278,636 F ChAoS
29 700 dumbnumbskulls (#2191) 14,752$11,670,937 F ChAoS
29 686 Mother Canucker (#2190) 15,714$11,920,827 F ChAoS
29 716 Eh to Zed (#2189) 14,590$10,960,614 F ChAoS
29 670 like thats gonna stop me (#2188) 14,556$12,625,817 F ChAoS
29 684 Annie Wilkes (#2187) 15,745$11,929,007 F ChAoS
29 663 The Whim of a Madman (#2182) 15,370$13,236,428 F ChAoS
29 713 Norman Osborn (#2181) 12,299$11,069,538 M ChAoS
29 699 Jack Napier (#2180) 10,698$11,708,111 M ChAoS
29 739 Oswald Cobblepot (#2179) 9619$10,129,282 M ChAoS
29 720 Happy Halloween Everyone (#2021) 11,460$10,810,094 F ChAoS
29 666 throws MnMs at NBK (#2017) 17,617$12,982,780 F ChAoS
29 703 Clap for the Wolfman (#2016) 17,125$11,526,646 F ChAoS
29 586 NO CANDY FOR YOU (#2015) 16,720$18,635,331 F ChAoS
29 627 This is halloween this is hallow (#2006) 17,010$15,399,046 F ChAoS
29 throwin candied apples atchooo (#2005) 3380$1,426,529 F ChAoS
29 pumpkin chuckin (#2000) 7783$1,876,574 F ChAoS
29 Clap for the Wolfman (#1981) 4307$1,038,292 F  
29 NO CANDY FOR YOU (#1980) 3848$1,129,391 F  
29 Bats all Folks (#313) 15,502$3,030,416 F ChAoS
29 TheyOnly ComeOut AtNight (#312) 12,166$3,615,464 F ChAoS
29 Nightmare on LoC Street (#311) 7887$3,708,302 F ChAoS
29 The Pumpkin King (#310) 14,484$2,803,689 F ChAoS
29 WandaDaWitch (#290) 14,961$4,143,423 F ChAoS
29 bugs n hisses (#288) 13,619$4,459,926 F ChAoS
29 Kackling Killer (#286) 15,985$4,885,147 F ChAoS
29 ICBlood (#284) 3986$3,301,215 F ChAoS
29 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#261) 7669$3,874,531 F ChAoS
29 Fangs4daMemories (#186) 8958$3,885,764 F ChAoS
29 Count Budula (#185) 8492$4,356,917 F ChAoS
29 562 GiGGleZ N GoRE (#148) 17,973$20,729,264 F ChAoS
29 BOO (#147) 8285$3,558,844 I ChAoS
29 KicKinYurCandyAzz (#146) 9771$3,868,783 I ChAoS
29 Blood Soaked Skulls (#137) 7820$3,702,730 I ChAoS
28 524 MyFriendsR AllHereToo (#1011) 23,711$31,846,061 F ChAoS
28 586 squish da bug (#1008) 21,360$27,030,313 F ChAoS
28 556 but wait theres more (#1007) 21,462$28,098,028 F ChAoS
28 626 BOO (#1006) 21,142$25,277,260 F ChAoS
28 569 munchmunchmunchmunchmunchmunchmu (#1005) 22,245$27,432,885 F ChAoS
28 425 kushi 4the tushi (#1004) 31,937$42,492,982 F ChAoS
28 473 Tequila Sunrise (#1003) 24,564$37,024,828 F ChAoS
28 553 R we there yet (#781) 22,343$28,168,957 F ChAoS
28 501 time2consume mass quantities (#690) 21,762$34,136,744 F ChAoS
28 503 Smarvelous (#670) 23,861$34,048,858 F ChAoS
28 555 XL DBL DBL (#669) 22,606$28,127,225 F ChAoS
28 520 MaleMooPoo (#388) 22,038$32,171,404 F ChAoS
28 463 Hi Theo (#206) 27,398$37,297,863 F ChAoS
28 510 lookin back on the track (#155) 24,531$32,741,169 F ChAoS
28 486 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#154) 24,993$36,224,363 F ChAoS
28 310 Island of Misery (#53) 28,042$69,754,927 F ChAoS
27 832 YUR ALL LATE FOR TEA (#3309) 7334$7,102,171 F LoCo
27 806 where ya goin (#2895) 7526$7,942,977 F LoCo
27 SOMEONE HAS STOLEN MY TARTS (#2877) 2489$534,158 F LoCo
27 beep beep comin thru (#2840) 1449$169,644 F LoCo
27 828 rollin rollin rollin (#2811) 7641$7,331,423 F LoCo
27 824 Go ask Alice (#2810) 7073$7,387,377 F LoCo
27 836 dammit Dave (#2792) 7709$6,831,204 F LoCo
27 812 dig it (#2741) 8694$7,817,830 F LoCo
27 776 Now thats an oogie mess (#2740) 10,428$9,292,580 F LoCo
27 grrrrr (#2726) 2238$270,793 F LoCo
27 move it toots (#2551) 2907$384,558 F LoCo
27 dooobiedoobiedoooo (#2545) 2955$343,465 F LoCo
27 Daves not here (#2544) 2402$360,454 F LoCo
27 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#2446) 3284$493,315 F LoCo
27 dumbnumbskull (#2236) 1835$151,573 F LoCo
27 Little Island Annie (#2220) 2291$270,178 F LoCo
27 743 no more kisses 4 U (#2200) 11,096$10,798,202 F LoCo
27 699 Sunshine Lollipops (#2199) 11,652$12,401,221 F LoCo
27 blows kisses (#2148) 550$82,867 M LoCo
27 bubye (#2132) 0$37,734 F LoCo
27 684 Git Scoot (#2128) 13,248$13,572,213 F LoCo
27 bark bark bark (#2101) 3532$567,944 F LoCo
27 680 u crumb bum (#2100) 15,018$13,646,117 F LoCo
27 681 The Whim of a Mad Man (#2081) 12,676$13,635,381 F LoCo
27 Island of Misery (#2072) 1157$176,909 F LoCo
27 Sunny days (#2024) 825$101,829 F LoCo
27 682 diddly squat zero zilch nada (#2017) 14,192$13,627,598 F LoCo
27 552 To play or not to play (#2016) 17,069$21,156,400 F LoCo
27 Im yur number 1 fan (#1984) 3726$645,493 F LoCo
27 664 F R I E D E H da 13th (#1966) 14,917$15,068,711 F LoCo
27 Daves somewhere (#1964) 3244$448,457 F LoCo
27 I didnt do it (#1962) 4191$573,416 F LoCo
27 groovin (#1959) 4497$753,751 F LoCo
27 678 Eh 2 Zed (#1957) 14,501$14,048,113 F LoCo
18 1604 Who refried the beans (#3039) 4866$493,545 F xxxXIxxx
18 Good to go (#3038) 6323$373,798 F xxxXIxxx
18 1580 I miss you Maw (#3037) 6182$604,012 F xxxXIxxx
18 1589 Lucky number Thirteen (#3036) 4884$563,247 F xxxXIxxx
18 1613 H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y (#3034) 4170$449,989 F xxxXIxxx
18 1601 UP TO 50percent OFF (#3033) 4417$513,941 F xxxXIxxx
18 1526 I know a guy who knows a guy (#3032) 6500$838,409 F xxxXIxxx
18 1539 HappierThanAbuzzardOnAgutTruck (#3031) 6253$753,562 F xxxXIxxx
18 1533 Its all good (#3030) 6448$790,623 F xxxXIxxx
18 BANG BANG (#3029) 6310$483,240 F xxxXIxxx
18 Hello there Mr Noisy Tush (#3016) 7796$983,423 F xxxXIxxx
18 1502 5 bucks 5 bucks 5 bucks (#3015) 8193$1,230,613 F xxxXIxxx
18 1571 ALL the Christmas giddy up (#3010) 1238$644,196 F xxxXIxxx
18 1491 Im yur number 1 fan (#2950) 9511$1,463,038 F xxxXIxxx
18 1497 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#2949) 9005$1,364,442 F xxxXIxxx
18 1498 rollin rollin rollin (#2948) 8992$1,303,729 F xxxXIxxx
17 1584 NOmnms4U (#3788) 1858$178,709 F XIdiotas
17 1548 Eh to Zed (#1340) 2169$231,360 F XIdiotas
17 1513 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#1290) 2390$300,747 F XIdiotas
17 1515 five bucks five bucks five bucks (#1289) 2689$295,071 F XIdiotas
17 1582 Zippity doo daw (#1287) 1923$180,223 F XIdiotas
17 1590 Frankenweinie (#1286) 1829$174,269 F XIdiotas
17 1632 Xtreme Budinator (#1180) 1601$148,618 F XIdiotas
17 1591 Booteefull (#1149) 1851$171,769 F XIdiotas
17 1633 Long live The King (#1121) 1245$147,495 F XIdiotas
17 1615 Which Witch is Which (#1120) 1293$155,328 F XIdiotas
17 1564 Daves over there (#1119) 1838$195,601 F XIdiotas
17 1550 BOO (#1102) 2058$228,609 F XIdiotas
17 1558 Feed me MORE (#1101) 1897$208,918 F XIdiotas
17 1512 porkless poop (#1099) 2872$304,424 F XIdiotas
17 1500 Hi Theo (#1023) 3792$320,140 F XIdiotas
17 1555 F R I E D E H (#1022) 1887$212,749 F XIdiotas
17 The Whim of a Mad Man (#1021) 1651$190,966 F XIdiotas
16 1656 lemme check da buttrometer (#2483) 4571$1,346,334 M XIdiots
16 1592 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#2135) 9675$1,872,388 F XIdiots
16 1668 DONT try this at home (#2129) 3549$1,253,049 M XIdiots
16 1684 Island of Misery (#2086) 7076$1,149,797 F XIdiots
16 1706 Its like a HandyMan in a Can (#2059) 3853$976,105 M XIdiots
16 1619 BuZZZZZZZZeD (#1836) 8507$1,575,244 F XIdiots
16 1640 let the sunshine (#1785) 7216$1,388,804 F XIdiots
16 1584 The heat is on (#1783) 8221$1,981,049 F XIdiots
16 1682 no more lucky pennies (#1780) 3795$1,167,153 M XIdiots
16 1620 skidamorinkydooooo (#1778) 7330$1,562,990 F XIdiots
16 1598 skidamorinkydinkydink (#1777) 9366$1,841,786 F XIdiots
16 1657 funkalicious (#1776) 7097$1,340,306 F XIdiots
16 1566 Mr Lube (#1759) 9606$2,135,826 F XIdiots
16 1639 say what (#1758) 8414$1,397,066 F XIdiots
16 1565 ouch (#1592) 9680$2,141,040 F XIdiots
16 1617 weed wacker woes (#1591) 8219$1,591,570 F XIdiots
15 1872 Frito Bandito (#6362) 4597$623,983 C  
15 1988 I got a pickle (#6335) 3601$410,364 C  
15 1827 roses roses everywhere (#6334) 4795$698,907 F XI
15 1705 Daves over there (#2619) 4347$1,044,173 F XI
15 1931 Send 4 a free brochure NOW (#2618) 2885$536,494 F XI
15 1713 trust me (#2615) 4241$1,006,383 F XI
15 1822 Hot to Trot (#2581) 4331$706,021 F XI
15 1818 summertime summertime sumsumsumm (#2580) 4196$714,711 F XI
15 1806 warning warning (#2441) 4203$753,509 F XI
15 1870 unstinkable (#2405) 3802$630,819 F XI
15 1777 screaming helps (#2385) 4087$809,872 F XI
15 1767 Make time for Cookie Time (#2364) 5099$837,502 M XI
15 1841 Deals from the Darkside (#2330) 4292$669,780 M XI
15 1699 up UP n AWAY eh (#2305) 5996$1,062,782 M XI
15 1701 with luv from me to you (#2277) 5102$1,056,581 M XI
15 1694 scrumtactulous (#2272) 5207$1,096,853 F XI
15 balloons in the hallway (#2255) 2813$389,621 M XI
15 DontMessWitDaMomma (#2250) 3881$393,259 F XI
15 shakes finger n frowns (#2247) 3871$397,395 F XI
14 Scrumtaculous (#6722) 2205$200,561 F XI
14 grrr Where the hells Dave (#6721) 1692$164,685 F XI
14 2562 Hot Box Cafe (#6720) 1353$92,302 F XI
14 U feelthy swine I will KEEEELL U (#6645) 542$774,933 C XI
14 HA Daves still over there (#6621) 5366$402,414 F XI
14 BONG (#6391) 5581$1,098,093 F XI
14 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#5914) 3537$283,138 C XI
14 1531 skunk skin shorts prestunk (#4747) 7719$7,466,605 C XI
14 popcornpopcornpopcornpopcornpopc (#4737) 3601$583,792 C XI
14 1601 Neato Peato (#4730) 6362$6,296,597 F XI
14 1781 Pinky Dinky Dooo (#4706) 7618$4,042,807 F XI
14 1799 QUACK (#4591) 7250$3,907,333 F XI
14 1829 stink face (#4541) 7372$3,602,664 F XI
14 1700 MaleMooPoo (#4530) 2694$5,160,899 C XI
14 1521 dumbnumbskull (#4529) 7997$7,660,003 F XI
14 1827 I miss tv (#4511) 6713$3,636,620 F XI
14 1766 Go to work Jerk (#4506) 7492$4,317,953 F XI
14 1724 pokes u in da I (#4487) 7178$4,744,547 F XI
14 Daves over there (#4475) 4327$886,431 F XI
14 1570 mmm maple shortbread cookies (#4474) 7635$6,927,989 F XI
14 1797 oh smuzzies (#4471) 7315$3,929,653 F XI
14 1583 10 45 a m (#4454) 6925$6,738,026 F XI
13 3309 Vanilla Cream is bestest (#4727) 100$4717 M  
13 2945 I is here (#2598) 100$4717 M  
13 2944 This is IT (#2597) 100$4717 M  
13 2578 CHOCOLATEmmmmCHOCOLATEmmmmCHOCOL (#2570) 312$24,962 F XIdiots
13 2559 Happy Birthday Brent (#2569) 281$26,038 F XIdiots
13 2029 doobies R dandy (#2546) 3639$386,516 F XI
13 2142 YurAnumbSKuLL (#2545) 1875$208,883 F XI
13 2016 doofus (#2538) 3801$402,614 F XI
13 1924 YeeeuuuuPPP (#2537) 5358$611,248 F XI
13 1870 Vanilla Musk (#2536) 6546$773,296 F XI
13 1861 Crock Pot (#2532) 6491$833,189 F XI
13 1899 Hugs n Kisses n mnms (#2531) 5385$690,360 F XI
13 1867 Red Roses (#2510) 6484$789,177 F XI
13 1846 Killer Piano (#2509) 5229$960,379 M XI
13 1866 Hi Theo (#2508) 4759$792,391 M XI
13 1807 Island of Misery (#2487) 3869$1,162,158 M XI
12 1576 better late than never lol (#6503) 3778$440,588 C XIdiots
12 1596 I WILL be watching Wiarton Willy (#6477) 3732$406,722 C XIdiots
12 1609 thought u got rid of me eh HA (#6468) 3709$380,736 C XIdiots
12 1628 Greetings Walmart Shoppers (#4723) 3738$358,920 C XIdiots
12 1589 Happy Hangover (#4631) 3644$417,328 C XIdiots
12 1591 December twenty fifth 2011 (#4630) 3817$412,855 C XIdiots
12 1593 Rocket Man (#4627) 3853$408,485 C XIdiots
12 1594 throws jingle balls (#4619) 3764$408,094 F XIdiots
12 1561 Gonna have a greenery Christmas (#4616) 3766$479,636 F XIdiots
12 1536 Happy HoHoHo (#4615) 5765$658,318 R XIdiots
12 1723 NO cookies 4 U (#4611) 0$99,653 R XIdiots
12 1538 Prepare the booger launcher (#3841) 5731$628,778 F XIdiots
12 1518 what are you lookin at (#3703) 6505$820,055 F XIdiots
12 1376 Force of Nature (#2634) 4634$1,839,734 F XIdiots
12 1462 Mr Beetle Man (#2575) 3588$1,166,193 F XIdiots
12 za (#2574) 2419$393,862 F XIdiots
12 Mad as a Hatter (#2542) 3866$371,985 M XIdiots
12 watch out for the dangly bits (#2525) 3313$221,259 M XIdiots
12 AlphaBits Rulz (#2301) 3303$320,329 M XIdiots
12 Hey Frosty What IS in that pipe (#1851) 3303$351,554 M XIdiots
12 crunching nuts (#1803) 2502$285,863 F XIdiots
12 bunuminum dodoo do do do (#1798) 2103$261,501 F XIdiots
12 u betcha (#1797) 2106$177,360 F XIdiots
12 BOO (#1666) 2799$254,191 F XIdiots
12 Jingle Balls (#1629) 2882$506,349 F XIdiots
12 1371 Island of Misery (#1611) 8965$1,899,683 F XIdiots
12 pokes Santas jelly belly (#1606) 3460$407,644 F XIdiots
12 Tis the season to eat COOKIES (#1567) 2894$375,834 F XIdiots
12 Smarvelous (#1565) 3372$482,532 F XIdiots
11 2316 it should be DARKer (#6040) 607$56,464 M  
11 2212 that didnt hurt (#5047) 1857$107,102 M XI
11 2123 grrr (#5036) 1798$180,782 C XI
11 2132 chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp ch (#5022) 1824$176,229 M XI
11 A A A A C C C H H H o O o O o o (#5021) 1004$82,668 M XI
11 1987 Eh (#4838) 2702$314,041 F XI
11 1960 The Old Grey Mare (#4748) 2677$331,178 F XI
11 Lucky number 13 (#4719) 3847$254,790 C XI
11 2036 Frito Bandito (#4707) 2704$280,799 C XI
11 2292 shut up and die (#4681) 1056$64,817 F XI
11 1968 u r getting sleeeeepyyy (#4668) 3108$328,299 C XI
11 2190 like THATs gonna stop me lol (#4642) 1822$117,558 F XI
11 mmm crunchie (#4628) 4075$296,837 C XI
11 1952 Contains scenes of violence (#4593) 1877$344,646 F XI
11 2141 to the moon Alice (#4592) 878$172,044 C XI
11 Little Island Annie (#4585) 5072$358,392 C XI
11 Daves over there (#4584) 5271$543,509 F XI
11 trick or treat (#1993) 7242$919,634 F XI
11 But WAIT Theres MORE (#1992) 2548$734,797 F XI
11 Just 4 easy payments (#1991) 6676$906,394 F XI
11 za (#1988) 4317$706,776 F XI
11 XL DD (#1960) 6031$877,331 F XI
11 ding dong (#1934) 8091$900,436 F XI
11 ooo shiney (#1933) 7593$893,542 F XI
11 F R I E D E H (#1916) 7305$866,769 F XI
11 Island of Misery (#1915) 8146$1,066,724 F XI
11 See your Ad Here (#1825) 8009$886,066 F XI
11 giggles (#1408) 7599$1,147,445 F XI
11 quack (#1351) 8990$1,270,257 F XI
11 ur ALL late for TEA (#1307) 8676$969,552 F XI
11 BOO (#1138) 8079$1,059,581 F XI
11 The Whim Of A Madman (#880) 9465$1,321,326 F XI
11 Eh 2 Zed (#427) 8846$1,234,521 F XI
10 yur gonna git got (#5861) 6385$930,693 C IMP
10 how wude (#5860) 5623$624,303 F IMP
10 Im yur number1 Fan (#2702) 7874$2,000,307 F IMP
10 The Whim Of A Madman (#2695) 8815$2,221,097 F IMP
10 YurAnumbSKuLL (#2561) 9457$2,573,702 F IMP
10 IMPerfectamundo (#2557) 9235$2,335,729 F IMP
10 OFFwithYurSkuLL (#2478) 3397$949,952 F IMP
10 Come2Mad Hatters Tea Party 420pm (#2477) 8927$2,297,048 F IMP
10 mmm brownies (#2476) 8899$2,369,667 F IMP
10 HALT (#2475) 6991$2,064,296 F  
10 no preservatives (#2474) 8981$2,188,732 F IMP
10 must be doobietime (#2472) 3475$978,772 F IMP
10 NOcookies4U (#2471) 7629$2,007,092 F IMP
10 sunnysunnysunny days (#2419) 9200$3,085,693 F  
10 what am I doing here (#2418) 9646$3,091,745 F IMP
10 Gobbiltygoop (#2417) 9607$2,633,332 F IMP
10 Got Junk (#2416) 9726$2,867,556 F IMP
10 Go ask Alice (#2415) 8118$2,464,179 F IMP
8 bark bark bark (#2638) 5127$374,188 F  
8 chance of flurries wtf (#2570) 4344$469,239 F IMP
8 nice man hide (#2569) 5901$460,946 F IMP
8 rickendarack (#2493) 5477$437,166 F  
8 pushin the buttons (#2492) 3799$373,704 F IMP
8 get cracking (#2455) 4225$423,736 F IMP
8 oopsie (#2405) 6147$491,288 F IMP
8 the voices in my head r wise (#2261) 6189$531,826 F IMP
8 Go ask Alice (#2235) 5223$512,096 F  
8 IamherecuzIamhere (#2225) 6037$517,121 F IMP
8 take it all off (#2218) 7489$673,799 F IMP
8 grrrr (#2186) 7434$663,512 F IMP
8 2 thumbs up (#2019) 5225$691,393 C IMP
8 smell that (#1998) 7553$701,915 C IMP
8 Salmon Building (#1990) 6099$867,297 C IMP
8 sshhh (#1963) 6763$610,529 F IMP
7 1844 party pooper (#7474) 477$41,170 F  
7 1841 freaky fast delivery (#7457) 513$42,064 F  
7 1554 nuttin up my sleeve (#7355) 1717$176,771 F IMP
7 1565 NO timbits 4 U (#7241) 1700$166,445 F IMP
7 1563 yur mom is calling you (#7160) 1752$167,953 F IMP
7 1708 knock knock (#7158) 948$85,886 F IMP
7 1294 Mother Nature gone Wild (#7157) 920$880,647 F IMP
7 1283 Go to bed Fred (#7133) 994$916,116 F IMP
7 1521 meanies (#7099) 1761$214,083 F IMP
7 1380 okay freaks (#7098) 1318$599,193 F IMP
7 fricken fracken BOOM (#7097) 1680$906,884 F IMP
7 1264 llaar (#7010) 1948$1,038,781 F IMP
7 1229 doh (#6870) 2580$1,222,114 F IMP
7 1383 Little Island Annie (#6869) 4027$589,394 F IMP
7 doobiedoobiedoooo (#2046) 7017$2,740,768 F IMP
7 throws timbits at u (#2020) 6851$2,430,587 F IMP
7 988 Herr Conditioning (#1832) 7022$2,578,269 F IMP
7 Someones been doing the herbal (#1802) 6933$2,573,440 F IMP
7 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#1801) 7177$1,276,939 F IMP
7 BSS Buds Sexy Studs (#1794) 6956$1,923,954 F IMP
7 Peeves Pet (#1793) 8396$1,282,113 F IMP
7 1169 Flaming Skulls (#1791) 6285$1,424,265 F IMP
7 Island of Misery (#1790) 6958$809,712 F IMP
7 Wiarton Willy bring us good news (#1785) 4873$1,154,701 F IMP
7 Chocolates n Roses (#1783) 5367$1,791,990 F IMP
7 Cupid luvs BSS (#1781) 4260$1,277,938 F IMP
7 1 whole year of missin u (#1777) 4432$1,306,105 F IMP
7 Frito Bandito (#1775) 5671$1,551,536 F IMP
7 cRaZyBudZ (#1774) 6791$2,314,240 F IMP
7 The Whim of a Mad Man (#1757) 7036$1,626,848 F IMP
6 1452 DIE BRATOR (#5102) 1732$1,223,523 F xBSSx
6 1415 Bomb Bino (#5101) 756$1,523,780 F xBSSx
6 1466 throws jingle balls at OU (#5019) 1085$1,103,960 F xBSSx
6 1382 but wait theres more (#4980) 2353$1,916,825 F xBSSx
6 1296 Smarvelous (#4979) 2429$3,087,409 F xBSSx
6 throws jingle balls at PANLV (#4710) 6793$1,086,826 F xBSSx
6 1328 Little Island Annie (#4709) 7229$2,635,152 F xBSSx
6 839 NOmNmS4u (#1190) 14,619$12,417,171 C xBSSx
6 910 SKuLLy (#1188) 16,973$10,899,218 C xBSSx
6 824 SKuLL Collection (#1038) 16,620$12,683,254 C xBSSx
6 Happy Birthday (#1037) 15,804$11,271,057 C xBSSx
6 911 OFFwithYurHead (#340) 16,041$10,870,069 C xBSSx
6 1015 Happy Hangover (#339) 16,341$9,022,672 C xBSSx
6 906 MaleMooPoo (#338) 16,312$11,025,261 C xBSSx
6 939 1000 Ways to Die (#337) 16,478$10,340,793 F xBSSx
6 808 Cushi 4the Tushi (#336) 17,417$13,134,415 F xBSSx
6 Jingle Balls (#319) 12,286$5,888,216 F xBSSx
6 867 HoHoHo (#318) 13,584$11,887,058 F xBSSx
6 885 Merry Christmas from BSS (#317) 17,591$11,530,652 F xBSSx
6 PeekABooville (#316) 16,336$10,912,976 F xBSSx
6 Budsville (#299) 14,810$8,910,505 F xBSSx
6 Tequila Sunrise (#298) 17,020$11,171,126 F xBSSx
6 Island of Misery (#297) 12,958$5,704,028 F xBSSx
5 335 100 percent guaranteed (#195) 22,488$31,188,993 F BSS
5 330 Home is calling (#194) 22,645$31,427,482 F BSS
5 319 get the job done (#193) 21,862$32,235,210 F BSS
5 304 All New (#192) 23,709$33,009,854 F BSS
5 387 low monthly payments (#191) 22,138$27,233,380 F BSS
5 347 Zesty (#190) 22,232$30,530,767 F BSS
5 344 the magnet hat (#189) 22,054$30,669,570 F BSS
5 296 this ones special (#188) 23,465$34,068,100 F BSS
5 307 finger cookin (#187) 21,910$32,827,516 F BSS
5 327 fun every night (#186) 22,163$31,627,171 F BSS
5 338 but WAIT theres MORE (#185) 22,471$30,945,276 F BSS
5 299 call or click today (#184) 23,427$33,801,397 F BSS
5 328 squish da bug (#183) 22,910$31,622,631 F BSS
5 352 groovin (#182) 22,751$30,283,141 F BSS
5 239 F R I E D E H (#181) 30,200$40,869,909 F BSS
5 340 Hi Theo (#180) 22,788$30,902,471 F BSS
4 1420 burn baby burn (#3541) 6282$3,896,652 F NBK
4 1434 little green bag (#3540) 6208$3,766,980 F NBK
4 1431 Tequila Sunrise (#3539) 6199$3,792,879 F NBK
4 1417 number thirteen (#3538) 6396$3,917,363 F NBK
4 1409 High in the Sky (#3537) 6518$3,986,448 F NBK
4 1376 JATMAN nananananananana JATMAN (#3536) 6680$4,359,517 F NBK
4 1401 doobiedoobiedoooooo (#3535) 6697$4,090,845 F NBK
4 1442 Hang onto yur Hats (#3534) 6144$3,713,151 F NBK
4 1406 Dark Skies (#3533) 6957$4,012,587 F NBK
4 1394 u crumb bum (#3532) 6823$4,163,288 F NBK
4 1432 cat luv get more (#3531) 6351$3,786,101 F NBK
4 1383 destroyed in seconds (#3530) 6914$4,302,549 F NBK
4 1405 ick stick (#3529) 6916$4,029,578 F NBK
4 1421 dial a death (#3528) 6743$3,894,350 F NBK
4 1415 throws timbits (#3527) 6816$3,938,095 F NBK
4 1444 The Old Grey Mare (#3526) 6668$3,675,177 F NBK
3 1740 pickled pigs feet (#5109) 612$57,347 C  
3 1733 kookookachoo (#5108) 607$58,873 C  
3 1718 F R I E D E H (#5107) 630$60,255 C  
3 1715 poke poke poke (#5106) 642$61,300 C  
3 1706 Im poking u (#5105) 622$63,544 C  
3 1711 nevah say nevah (#5104) 643$62,406 C  
3 1721 wait here (#5103) 629$59,909 C  
3 1739 MY munchies (#5102) 573$57,365 C  
3 1723 David Wilcox (#5101) 629$59,648 C  
3 1726 Yes I Can (#5100) 620$59,349 C  
3 1730 cheezalicious (#5099) 610$59,231 C  
3 1724 click (#5066) 625$59,431 C  
3 1717 1 2 3 4 (#5065) 625$60,608 C  
3 1735 no fishin (#5064) 605$58,342 C  
3 1720 Hot Schtuff (#5062) 611$60,116 C  
3 1750 Nothin up my sleeve (#5061) 568$55,189 C  
2 692 GoodDay Mr DungPile (#3440) 16,525$8,755,461 F NBKxCC
2 710 Totally Doobular (#3437) 16,857$8,516,177 F NBKxCC
2 799 Bubye (#3431) 14,842$7,273,610 F NBKxCC
2 603 go ask Alice (#3428) 17,202$10,655,829 F NBKxCC
2 604 wait here (#3427) 17,113$10,653,777 F NBKxCC
2 583 p00pYd00p (#3426) 17,399$11,154,010 F NBKxCC
2 563 hey where ya goin (#3425) 17,184$11,829,621 F NBKxCC
2 568 checkout these cheeks (#3424) 18,036$11,615,866 F NBKxCC
2 681 dorkstick (#3423) 17,665$9,075,426 F NBKxCC
2 514 knock knock (#3422) 17,625$13,668,107 F NBKxCC
2 674 floggin noggins (#3400) 13,207$9,171,729 F NBKxCC
2 690 scratch n grin (#3399) 13,789$8,881,957 F NBKxCC
2 630 High Ho High Ho (#3398) 13,581$9,979,011 F NBKxCC
2 599 XL dbl dbl (#3382) 13,433$10,740,363 F NBKxCC
2 588 I is here (#3379) 13,583$10,942,782 F NBKxCC

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism