Top Players - Free For All

Next Reset Forty-eighth round: Dec 06, 2017 - Feb 04, 2018 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 2147 countries in the Free For All server.

1 Retreat of Skulls (#1441) 120,716$2,287,410,241 HG xICDx
2 lulz (#3046) 59,534$1,813,959,585 F IMP
3 Insane Multi Posse (#1750) 731,421$1,718,573,283 T IMP
4 L o C (#237) 60,884$1,675,677,652 DG LoC
5 L o C (#216) 60,040$1,475,703,792 DG LoC
6 L o C (#227) 240,096$1,365,547,718 HG LoC
7 Criscallforduty (#615) 65,405$1,209,662,167 DG IMP
8 SV SUPREMACY (#1694)  Game profile 343,927$1,134,443,881 H xICDx
9 Premium OVERLORD (#1692)  Game profile 344,501$1,103,984,876 H xICDx
10 Hey (#582) 42$1,063,281,478 HG AoDT
11 L o C (#220) 59,127$1,021,484,214 HG LoC
12 Absolute Swedish (#1687)  Game profile 346,451$927,256,209 H xICDx
13 (#401) 411,263$902,814,787 TG IMP
14 Wolfenstein II x00x (#1601) 221,247$840,620,649 F IMP
15 L o C (#245)  Game profile 212,759$722,423,588 DG LoC
16 cinderbLoCk (#1047)  Game profile 113,533$705,262,391 TG LoC
17 The Kingdom (#1688)  Game profile 344,940$697,364,511 H xICDx
18 My Sixteenth Country (#1702)  Game profile 345,543$696,282,410 H xICDx
19 The Epicenter (#1699)  Game profile 343,777$692,531,288 H xICDx
20 Still Ballin (#1700)  Game profile 342,304$691,630,015 H xICDx
21 SV Too (#1697)  Game profile 343,089$691,564,500 H xICDx
22 The Book of SV (#1701)  Game profile 342,485$691,041,558 H xICDx
23 Quake Town (#1696)  Game profile 341,163$688,928,127 H xICDx
24 Chem Factory (#1695)  Game profile 340,155$688,294,119 H xICDx
25 SV Distilled to Perfection (#1698)  Game profile 341,784$687,886,102 H xICDx
26 I C Drunk people (#1693)  Game profile 339,976$684,919,396 H xICDx
27 SV (#1691)  Game profile 346,072$676,896,534 H xICDx
28 The Sweetish Vapor (#1690)  Game profile 346,477$675,500,791 H xICDx
29 Swedens Most Wanted (#1689)  Game profile 343,883$673,497,424 H xICDx
30 ae (#1805)  Game profile 33,258$639,785,008 H TKO
31 Terror Billy x00x (#1600) 200,843$577,511,133 F IMP
32 L o C (#244)  Game profile 83,311$516,027,531 DG LoC
33 Insane Multi Posse (#1) 623,117$472,595,763 H IMP
34 X gonna IMP it 2 ya (#990) 209,111$470,232,659 F IMP
35 ALL HAIL b00m (#1004) 193,655$468,083,213 R IMP
36 (#1683)  Game profile 91,000$416,822,212 D IMP
37 (#1684)  Game profile 91,000$405,944,587 D IMP
38 (#1681)  Game profile 91,000$402,747,336 D IMP
39 (#1676)  Game profile 91,000$398,054,932 D IMP
40 (#1678)  Game profile 91,000$393,395,921 D IMP
41 (#1623)  Game profile 91,000$391,513,863 D IMP
42 (#1664)  Game profile 91,000$386,468,134 D IMP
43 (#1677)  Game profile 91,000$385,135,929 D IMP
44 (#1666)  Game profile 91,000$382,834,287 D IMP
45 (#1682)  Game profile 91,000$382,367,205 D IMP
46 (#1680)  Game profile 91,000$382,288,625 D IMP
47 (#1621)  Game profile 91,000$380,340,413 D IMP
48 (#1679)  Game profile 91,000$373,407,230 D IMP
49 (#1622)  Game profile 91,000$370,579,195 D IMP
50 (#1675)  Game profile 91,000$368,006,387 D IMP
51 (#1665)  Game profile 91,000$363,885,871 D IMP
52 McGriddle (#884) 158,987$336,103,191 H xICDx
53 Phantom of the opera (#66)  Game profile 92,314$326,709,558 H xICDx
54 Paschendale (#65)  Game profile 90,927$324,228,283 H xICDx
55 b00ming tha b00m (#977) 268,681$317,334,143 I IMP
56 Shamrock Shake (#883) 135,279$316,427,179 H xICDx
57 Aces high (#67)  Game profile 92,362$310,843,593 H xICDx
58 black 0tis IMP (#985) 129,655$309,914,022 R IMP
59 The trooper (#64)  Game profile 90,830$308,524,343 H xICDx
60 McDouble (#873) 136,514$305,547,187 H xICDx
61 earth (#1717) 12,630$302,603,072 F Earth
62 Buccaneers Cavern (#1430) 139,170$298,270,247 HG xICDx
63 Atoll of the Blood Moon (#1438) 138,449$297,036,861 HG xICDx
64 Red Sand Hideout (#1437) 138,308$295,000,938 HG xICDx
65 FiletoFish (#881) 125,913$294,456,903 H xICDx
66 Hideout of Maroon (#1434) 136,742$294,455,916 HG xICDx
67 Double Quarter Pounder (#862) 146,083$292,902,415 H xICDx
68 Black Water Island (#1427) 142,481$292,728,879 HG xICDx
69 L o C (#202)  Game profile 87,201$291,240,450 DG LoC
70 Hornswaggle Bay (#1436) 138,599$290,394,860 HG xICDx
71 Sanctuary of the Tortoise (#1431) 137,310$289,971,249 HG xICDx
72 Haven of Shivers (#1435) 138,667$289,828,269 HG xICDx
73 Cay of Danger (#1433) 136,611$289,331,212 HG xICDx
74 Sea Monster Island (#1429) 140,469$288,142,296 HG xICDx
75 McCafe (#877) 113,326$287,662,700 H xICDx
76 Cove of Scurvy (#1440) 138,942$287,579,077 HG xICDx
77 Parrot Bay (#1426) 144,251$286,657,698 HG xICDx
78 Cove of Debris (#1432) 136,479$286,384,666 HG xICDx
79 Sunken Reef Cay (#1428) 140,516$286,257,961 HG xICDx
80 Enclave of Scallywags (#1439) 137,904$284,362,248 HG xICDx
81 Happy Meal (#875) 122,753$271,350,686 H xICDx
82 McChicken (#867) 131,354$270,707,171 H xICDx
83 McFlurry (#879) 108,668$265,502,241 H xICDx
84 McNuggets (#864) 136,961$264,835,791 H xICDx
85 Egg White Delight (#868) 119,829$264,313,483 H xICDx
86 L o C (#235)  Game profile 88,312$263,836,968 DG LoC
87 BJ Blazkowicz x00x (#1599) 228,320$263,819,597 I IMP
88 Sweet Tea (#876) 136,153$258,725,437 H xICDx
89 IMP PEACE MACHINE (#980) 169,680$247,904,277 I IMP
90 B1tch got IMPd (#988) 47,806$240,574,896 T IMP
91 Big Mac (#854) 158,980$227,545,103 H xICDx
92 Hotel (#781) 129,925$221,714,547 T IMP
93 urge (#3) 55,436$221,417,902 H LoC
94 Juliet (#783) 114,907$212,801,645 T IMP
95 McRib (#855) 144,840$212,594,334 H xICDx
96 Quarter Pounder (#861) 145,959$210,538,764 H xICDx
97 Hack the Planet IMP x00x (#1597) 300$201,887,142 T IMP
98 Whiskey (#786) 115,595$194,226,287 T IMP
99 urge (#9) 56,612$191,177,795 H LoC
100 Xray (#787) 113,481$188,539,155 T IMP

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