
Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2015, 18:44:38

I've been saying it for awhile now: Dissident & Dreckon working together. (I'm convinced not all of Elders know about it, but they probably don't care either). I'm sure Diss & Drek trade messages/intel on the regular, and they probably tried to recruit your clan, and it backfired.

To hear what Reckless is saying isn't a surprise at all.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2015, 18:46:19

The next step you can expect Reckless, is Dissident's campaign to make you an outsider. That's when you'll "see" the alliance on the server.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.



Aug 22nd 2015, 18:48:14

Everyone break out your Celphi brand Tin foil anti-conspiracy hats.

Dissident Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 19:00:46

Ya. Youre high. I can prove youre wrong... but you still wont believe me.

Dreckon Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 19:20:32

Originally posted by Dissident:
I exchanged NO such information with Bad. In fact, i dont think ive spoken with Dreckon since the first day of the set. So i dont know what the fluff youre talking about.

It was MY understanding that we were all on the same side against untagged suiciders this set. We had that big meeting about it... you were there. And then you guys decided to go all cowboy on each other.

Its true that i sought you out to see what you guys intended on doing with Bad... because i thought we were on friendly terms based on our earlier conversations. Shall i post all of that personal correspondence between us to prove my case?

Well whatever. Why dont we just have a war about it so you can get your aggressions out?

and Reckless I specifically told you that I had barely talked to Dissident, and that I had told him that I thought we were cool with Icon because YOU said that we would both "call off the BS"... and then the next day y'all dumped a bunch of missiles on our guy? and not I am not defending his prior actions as I am sure you will try to cloud the issue with, I am clarifying that you and me had a VERY specific agreement to call everything off and you blatantly went back on your word.

and Celphi xBaDx would have kicked your azz last reset if we weren't 1/4 your size when we took the FS... so I wouldn't try to brag about that... if y'all hadn't quit you would all be dead by now this reset, maybe for the 2nd time each.

the rest of this gave me a headache...

however I agree w/ MrFord (puked in my mouth right there lol) that mods being unavailable is the problem... when we had our third suicider that admitted being paid to do it I reported those messages and got ZERO response even though I also sent PMs to tella about it.... EVER

as for the demos... I don't think that was cool actually during war, but not deleatable probably... but Rybka also farmed one of our suiciders WHILE he was doing his suicide run so he was in DRs for us... illegal according to posted rules? no... but a total punk move? yes....

Dreckon Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 19:25:12

I have had some RL stuff this set... so I have not been on IRC almost at all, and even my teammates are about to lynch me... sorry guys!

So I haven't talked to hardly anyone other than Reckless that day regarding MrFord and Doogs - and I don't lie either - so deal with it

Reckless Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 19:28:45

Originally posted by Dreckon:
Originally posted by Dissident:
I exchanged NO such information with Bad. In fact, i dont think ive spoken with Dreckon since the first day of the set. So i dont know what the fluff youre talking about.

It was MY understanding that we were all on the same side against untagged suiciders this set. We had that big meeting about it... you were there. And then you guys decided to go all cowboy on each other.

Its true that i sought you out to see what you guys intended on doing with Bad... because i thought we were on friendly terms based on our earlier conversations. Shall i post all of that personal correspondence between us to prove my case?

Well whatever. Why dont we just have a war about it so you can get your aggressions out?

and Reckless I specifically told you that I had barely talked to Dissident, and that I had told him that I thought we were cool with Icon because YOU said that we would both "call off the BS"... and then the next day y'all dumped a bunch of missiles on our guy? and not I am not defending his prior actions as I am sure you will try to cloud the issue with, I am clarifying that you and me had a VERY specific agreement to call everything off and you blatantly went back on your word.

and Celphi xBaDx would have kicked your azz last reset if we weren't 1/4 your size when we took the FS... so I wouldn't try to brag about that... if y'all hadn't quit you would all be dead by now this reset, maybe for the 2nd time each.

the rest of this gave me a headache...

however I agree w/ MrFord (puked in my mouth right there lol) that mods being unavailable is the problem... when we had our third suicider that admitted being paid to do it I reported those messages and got ZERO response even though I also sent PMs to tella about it.... EVER

as for the demos... I don't think that was cool actually during war, but not deleatable probably... but Rybka also farmed one of our suiciders WHILE he was doing his suicide run so he was in DRs for us... illegal according to posted rules? no... but a total punk move? yes....

I said we'd cool off the TT thread and messages between members. If you took that for retals thats on you. never got back to me about our further discussion. I respect your RL issues. Genuinely. But dont try to put this on us. We took the retals we felt warrented the entire situation.

Dreckon Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 19:36:36

BS... we said we would "call off the guys" or something very similar... zero about the TT thread - that's a lie.

And we have both been around long enough to know missiles aren't an accepted form of "retals" for a legit retal action... your'e wasting your breath and my time

Dreckon Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 19:39:52

you gonna address why you accused me and Dissident when I specifically told you we never talked? your credibility is shot with me at least... my advice is to either back out or admit you were talking out your azz

Dreckon Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 19:40:25

correction: I specifically told you me and Dissident hardly talked...

Heston Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 19:40:47

Good discussion ladies. Mounds of ideas and input.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Dissident Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 19:42:18

The discussion about rules... stickied at the top by a mod

Reckless Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 20:07:46

So you're going to go along with this Drek? Wow. You guys are something.

Reckless Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 20:10:01

Originally posted by Heston:
Good discussion ladies. Mounds of ideas and input.

You're right. Anyone with issues can PM here or on IRC.

Dissident Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 20:22:06

I think reckless and celphi should get a room. For makeouts and other heavy petting



Aug 22nd 2015, 20:23:59

sounds like a recipe for full contact chess with a predetermined winner
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Dissident Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 20:33:45

Reckless seems like a Grob player.



Aug 22nd 2015, 20:52:21

I was thinking more along the lines of taking a pawn is a punch, body slam for a knight, stone cold stunner for checkmate
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

archaic Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 21:46:56

The direction this discussion has taken is giving me a happy. It's like watching flowers I'd forgotten I even planted blooming.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Dissident Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 22:26:13

Originally posted by Celphi:
I've been saying it for awhile now: Dissident & Dreckon working together. (I'm convinced not all of Elders know about it, but they probably don't care either). I'm sure Diss & Drek trade messages/intel on the regular, and they probably tried to recruit your clan, and it backfired.

To hear what Reckless is saying isn't a surprise at all.

I don't know Dreckon's name and i don't have him on facebook. you can ask a mod to check messages here to see if intel has been exchanged... go... have your crusade. you won't find anything.

i encourage you to pursue this... because it makes you look batfluff crazy

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2015, 22:33:26

I don't have to ask the mods. It was only 3 sets ago when I was in Elders. When I picked xBaDx as our target, guess who diverted the target?

Had Reckless played along as your puppet, he'd be part of the alliance as well.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Dissident Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 22:35:58

and when you warred with book, we took their side. the next set, we killed them all off.

things happen quickly on this server. I can't say from one set to the next who we will war.

maybe next set we will war with Drunksex again... or maybe villains.

you make it seem like there's a status quo. There isnt.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2015, 22:37:23

Our beef dissident occurred in the exact same fashion. I can even post the thread---

I wasn't even talking to you, and you felt you had to defend dreckon in a thread. That's how it all started.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Dissident Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 22:41:49

I'm also not going to engage with you on what has happened in the past because I don't obsess about it like you do. At Elders, we take it one set at a time.

As i said before, the "big 5" as you phrase it, has only spoken together once... in regards to suiciders. That is the only time. Just because we are all war tags, doesn't mean our interests are aligned.

Villains- Dragon made it clear that they will only war with tags who violate their retal policy
Drunksex- I honestly don't know what motivates them. I think they just like to attach explosives to stuff and see what happens.
Bad- is.... i dunno... rebuilding? No idea what motivates them. I'm pretty sure I'm mortal enemies with some of their players. who is all on your team?
Weedy- we haven't had a lot of contact with them. I think they like to net and war sometimes.

Like... if you claim to think that I am in league with these teams, you're mistaken. I honestly don't know a lot about them... except that you don't mess with them unless you want to become the thing between a hammer and an anvil.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2015, 22:46:49

Check it out. It wasn't that long ago. Defending Dreckon as usual.

Then when you tried to lie about the discussion, I posted proof of the convo, and that's when the fall out occurred.

Edited By: Celphi on Aug 22nd 2015, 22:50:20
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Dissident Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 22:48:18

ugh... i dont have time to look months in the past. We've been through all of this. Say something new.

btw, i do you always edit your posts? cuz i read the original too. now its way different. i should start screenshotting when i catch you...

Edited By: Dissident on Aug 22nd 2015, 22:51:48. Reason: celphi is irrelevant.
See Original Post

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2015, 22:51:28

You're right-- it's the same ole' dissident. Except this time it's occurring with Reckless.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Dissident Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 22:53:13

Reckless isn't as frustrating as you are.

btw... do you even have a stake in this?;clan=Anon&reset=907

i see you got lavender in there too. cheater. for someone who claims to be a beacon of rule following, you sure do get deleted.



Aug 22nd 2015, 23:04:47

it's red and gold not silver and black :p
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2015, 23:06:38

Hey. I tried following the rules. You and your alliance weren't interested in that method. So welcome to TEAM w/ your rules.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Dissident Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 23:11:00

so now you're just going to cheat blatantly? your mind must be a very interesting place.



Aug 22nd 2015, 23:12:42

nice to know celphi has no integrity
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

drkprinc Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 23:13:20

Welcome to THUNDERDOME!!!!!
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP



Aug 22nd 2015, 23:16:30

I'll enter. Who's with me?
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2015, 23:21:29

Do yall really think at this point I care what your opinions of me are? Haha. I mean really.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.



Aug 22nd 2015, 23:26:51

you seem to give that impression
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

archaic Game profile


Aug 23rd 2015, 1:53:12

Cheating is silly easy, as long as you have some guys running untagged and keep all organizational conversations out of the ingame PMs, viola you're clear to run gangbangs all you want. Like i said in the other thread, its not a rules issue - its a climate issue.

Gaming the system on a lifeboat is a lot easier bthan it was on a cruise ship in the old days when RD had spies everywhere and I could never guarantee that two marks would ever talk to each other.

If I want to plant a rumor and start a war on Team, its a five minute job to whisper in the right ear.

You guys are pointing fingers at each other over behavior that we are all guilty of. It's a pot and kettle convention. Lols.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Link Game profile


Aug 23rd 2015, 2:56:28

as long as we have something to kill im happy. i dont really care much about too many of yall lol

I Am a meat popsicle.
