
tellarion Game profile


Dec 12th 2015, 4:24:00

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Because the 'until they figure out what is going on' somehow makes it better?

It doesn't matter that he added a little caveat to it; he is still advocating an incredibly ridiculous stance that is not only unconstitutional, but goes against everything the country ever stood for.

I don't see how this constitutes "which was cut and manipulated to spin WAY out of context" when, by your own account, they removed that silly, meaningless caveat...

Japan should be a model for the usa on muslims.

Japan pretends they don't exist and they don't let them in. But really, they just don't let anyone in, except for white Americans. That way, it's not targeted at a single minority!

tellarion Game profile


Dec 11th 2015, 15:29:53

Because the 'until they figure out what is going on' somehow makes it better?

It doesn't matter that he added a little caveat to it; he is still advocating an incredibly ridiculous stance that is not only unconstitutional, but goes against everything the country ever stood for.

I don't see how this constitutes "which was cut and manipulated to spin WAY out of context" when, by your own account, they removed that silly, meaningless caveat...

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2015, 15:01:03

Originally posted by Angel1:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Deforestation is still not a big issue in the US...

Deforestation is still a big issue in much of the world...

Yes, yes it is. But talking about forestry rights and nature preserves in the US is pretty much a non-issue...

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2015, 14:59:06

Originally posted by Colo:
I don't get how this is racist towards Donald Trump.

It's not. Trump is a racist and he's a joke.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2015, 11:26:20

Wow Ford. I like how you get downvoted on that thread and troll the guy who posted the comment you pasted here. Apparently you're not just a fluff here, you're a fluff everywhere!

We really should institute a voting system here :/

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2015, 11:13:21

Deforestation is still not a big issue in the US...

tellarion Game profile


Dec 9th 2015, 11:07:13

I literally just watched that movie last night...get out of my head...

tellarion Game profile


Dec 8th 2015, 15:10:45

Deforestation is not the big an issue in the US. Globally, sure, but the US has more or less figured out the whole sustainable forestry issue. Besides, everyone knows algae are the real air purifiers, not rainforests. Although rainforests are incredibly important for biodiversity...

While energy production is absolutely an important consideration, we really need to look at agriculture as an area we should really strive to make a substantial change in. Quite literally, our obsession with beef is killing us and the environment, and is only getting worse as more countries become more affluent.

Also, one nice thing about totalitarian regimes is that when they decide to do something, they damn well do it! China will embarrass the US when they really kick it into high gear....

tellarion Game profile


Dec 8th 2015, 15:00:26

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Switzerland has a well regulated militia.

Very true.. Switzerland also has the world's third highest private gun ownership rate per capita.

And one of the lowest homicide rates per capita in the world.


Yeah, it's almost like we should look at what they are doing differently and try to emulate it....

tellarion Game profile


Dec 8th 2015, 13:09:01

Switzerland has a well regulated militia.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 8th 2015, 12:51:33

Man that is nuts...grats!!!!

tellarion Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 12:28:45

Someone should go graph out the number of players set by set and see where the decreases start, and then compare it to other servers as well. Kind of interesting to look at.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 10:55:51

Tragedy of the commons. China does it, so we shouldn't bother to change either....

tellarion Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 10:52:18

I guess we should sign?

tellarion Game profile


Dec 2nd 2015, 11:30:05

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Abortion is murder, plain and simple. There is no other way to logically look at it.

If the people involved in making the baby in the first place had any sense, or sense of morality, it would be a very rare thing to have happen, unfortunately, these dolts collectively can't figure out that there are ways to prevent the pregnancy in the first place which would eliminate the need for wholesale baby slaughters.

I feel like this argument has a two-fold edge, on the one hand, it's murder, plain and simple, on the other, the predominant victims of this are the offspring of people who were too stupid to protect themselves.

hmmmmm A conundrum there.

Speaking of conundrums, the very people who believe what you believe also believe in abstinence only education. Cause that really works, huh?

You know what else PP provides? Free condoms...

tellarion Game profile


Dec 1st 2015, 15:22:19

Originally posted by Colo:
Yeah 3 people died but of course you don't talk about the people saved. 17 abortions were scheduled but couldn't be performed that day. That is a net savings of 14 lives.

Either way you look at it, it was going to be a blood bath at that PPP clinic.

1st, where did you see the abortion schedule.

2nd, 17 potential wellfare cases were nipped in the bud. You'd think you crazy guys would catch onto that math as well....

tellarion Game profile


Nov 30th 2015, 13:59:29

Originally posted by Heston:
Political correctness happened to this community. Bias. Thats all. Hard headed fluffing assholes that knock eachother for what they believe in an attempt to look good or be right with mods displaying tje same bias. At least they are consistent. Another thing that makes this place a sad fluffhole is that it is most prevalent in the game itself where life does not matter. Every limp wristed bastard that signed or participates in the ewpp is a proven self validated fickle child. Imo.

Two observations about your post:

1) Are you implying that you aren't part of the problem?

2) You haven't been banned yet, have you? Gosh, I'm such a tyrant!

tellarion Game profile


Nov 25th 2015, 14:43:08

Would be nice to have some real mod tools :/

tellarion Game profile


Nov 25th 2015, 14:42:45

Vic, let's just say he's hit me up multiple times to go wait in line for obscene amounts of time to score some shoes, hahaha. Too bad for him I work for a living :P

tellarion Game profile


Nov 25th 2015, 14:38:41

Knock it off braden

tellarion Game profile


Nov 24th 2015, 11:14:01

Originally posted by flgatorboy89:
Hmm.... A lot off sexiness in Japan.. Probably be easier to find employment in Japan, than here in Florida.

We just had a LinkedIn rep come in and pimp their premium services. For every 100 jobseekers in Japan in IT, there are 130 jobs at the moment.....

tellarion Game profile


Nov 24th 2015, 10:52:53

Honestly, go to newegg or amazon and build your own system. It's definitely the cheapest way to go. Newegg is great for helping filter your search, and then you can check the reviews from there. I don't think you'd need anything in particular for what you are looking for, as long as you get a quad core, a decent(not top of the line) vid card and plenty of ram.

If you want a cheap place that'll do it for you, ibuypower or cyberpowerpc are dirt cheap.

Get that degree and learn Japanese and I'll get you a job here in Japan :P

tellarion Game profile


Nov 24th 2015, 10:47:01

Hope you have a great one filled with lots and lots of shoes :D

tellarion Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 3:20:01

Originally posted by mrford:
I am on one extreme.of the spectrum yet you use phrases like "armed cops" like there is any other possibility in the US.

You want them to leave their guns in the car?

I can just about grantee you only a few cops were involved in the raid and the rest milled about and interviewed meighbors. They probably didn't want to mess with the hysterical black lady screaming about racism following them around.

What I'm saying is that they sent 19 cops in(with guns zomg) and didn't stop to consider the impact that their handling of the situation would have. We're not even touching on illegal search and seizure, either, which we absolutely should be.

I am actually very very pro-police, and in general, I am the type to give them the benefit of the doubt, since I can't imagine what it must be like to do their jobs. From listening to one of my best friends talk about walking a beat, it ain't pretty. But at the same time, these cops flubbed in their duties. Sure, they don't know the exact situation, so they have to prepare for the worst. But once it was made clear that the neighbor was a fluffing moron, that there was a single black woman in the unit, WITH proper identification, and that these 3 hispanic people were nowhere to be found, they should have sat down with her and listened to her explanation, apologized for ruining her day, and moving on. Instead, they bungled it by not accepting her cooperation and not quickly dealing with the aftermath.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 20th 2015, 16:30:20

19 armed cops for a potential 3 person burglary, and they can't detail one person to question her and explain wtf is going on?

I think the issue is that you are taking an incredibly extreme view on one end of the spectrum, and refusing the consider the full circumstances.

With all the publicity over police actions recently, you'd think that they would be aware of these types of issues, and actively work to cut these things off at the pass before they go viral and spiral out of control...

tellarion Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 14:54:20

I'm really she lost cause she's liberal? Wtf does politics have to do with fighting?

tellarion Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 6:57:38

Diez is playing again, and it's all your fault.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 5:43:12

Originally posted by m0bzta:
all you said when you contact me was you have one huge penis mob

Thanks you are correct tellarion

The biggest

tellarion Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 6:17:41

I fixed it. I copied what people had posted here instead of going to the page and copying the url there, heh.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 6:12:34

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Originally posted by tellarion:
We've been 'pacted' nearly every set that you guys have been in existence. Every fluffing set we go through the same old fluff. I literally have had you guys on DNH since your second reset, and I usually send whoever is in line in your revolving FA door a message to resign it.

Not quite Tella, you and I had signed every pact as long as I had been at Stones.
And I thank you for that.
These however are a new Stones that I am not part of ,just making that clear with you.
History does not need to be rewritten even in war time.

Hence me referencing Stones' 'revolving FA door'. Stones literally announced a new FA less than 72 hours before this war started. And also why I used words like 'nearly' and 'usually'. I did not message anyone at Stones to renew the DNH this set because I am super lazy and there haven't been issues for over a year. I guess that would be my fault for not spamming FA to find a contact, and not assuming you would automatically want to war us because we haven't had issues in bad...

tellarion Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 15:39:26

Added warstats info to new thread

tellarion Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 15:13:31

We've been 'pacted' nearly every set that you guys have been in existence. Every fluffing set we go through the same old fluff. I literally have had you guys on DNH since your second reset, and I usually send whoever is in line in your revolving FA door a message to resign it.

Let's call a spade a spade and just admit that you deliberately provoked us because you were bored and you hadn't FSed us yet, unlike every other similarly sized alliance. All that bullfluff about 'not accepting our policy' doesn't matter because the only idiot on this server that would try something like that is someone who has no idea how things work around here.

You were bored, you pushed us into a fight, now you die. End of story as far as I'm concerned.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 15:09:02

There, fixed it

tellarion Game profile


Nov 11th 2015, 11:07:45

Y u nazi? u blind?

tellarion Game profile


Nov 11th 2015, 11:05:06

Mob, contact me please.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 11th 2015, 11:04:45

Yeah, Stones might wanna contact me...

tellarion Game profile


Nov 9th 2015, 15:18:51

Getafix, I happen to think ford is just as toxic as you say, but that's no excuse for saying what you did...

tellarion Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 11:30:34

You know why you were banned. You were literally asking for it. Why do I need to bother messaging you to tell you why?

tellarion Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 7:53:54

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Atryn:

Intratag Landtrading is the ONLY kind of landtrading that makes any logical sense.

I'm just sad that LaF was the first one to recognize this and act accordingly.

...but everyone is and was against it for political reasons.

Personally, I don't understand what those political reasons are. I get why intratag farming was always frowned upon.... it allowed alliances to provide risk-free land for their members and provide massive amounts of low-cost land to their best netters.

But any more, there is no risk. Everybody holds hands and trades land.. those who don't are farming bots that never fight back.. what difference does it make if an alliance wants to land trade within their own tag? At least if alliances started only trading within their own tag, we'd have some kind of actual competition again.

Because it breaks down what little semblance of competition and skill there was left, that's why. Yes, I agree that people from two tags trading their break information freely, without using ops, and manipulating their NWs in order for both sides to benefit is basically the same thing. That's why I wasn't really in favor of doing it that way. I preferred to have an open list system which was basically restricted grabbing. People who don't want to be grabbed are exempt, and everyone else is fair game, within reason(meaning you can't get hit a ridiculous number of times in a short window).

Evo did it this way for years with PDM before it really started to spread(that set laf and rd went fkn nuts and broke all sorts of records). Both sides benefitted, but usually one side understood the math and formulas better, and were able to manipulate it to come out further ahead. That is still competitive without being complete assholes to the other side, and it allows the all-x people to net in peace.

But I digress. This style has slowly been dying off as people go for the more efficient method of hand-holding. Intra-tag trading is just the next logical step...

tellarion Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 7:48:52

Originally posted by Vic:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Atryn:

Intratag Landtrading is the ONLY kind of landtrading that makes any logical sense.

I'm just sad that LaF was the first one to recognize this and act accordingly.

Everyone knows it is the most efficient way, but everyone is and was against it for political reasons.

But anyway, this is old news....

shut up

Any particular reason why?

tellarion Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 6:03:38

Originally posted by Atryn:

Intratag Landtrading is the ONLY kind of landtrading that makes any logical sense.

I'm just sad that LaF was the first one to recognize this and act accordingly.

Everyone knows it is the most efficient way, but everyone is and was against it for political reasons.

But anyway, this is old news....

tellarion Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 6:01:52

Yeah, I'm against this too :/

I can't hear that without thinking of Teen Titans or Kick Ass

tellarion Game profile


Nov 6th 2015, 16:39:50

My wife is looking at me funny for laughing at 1:40am :P

tellarion Game profile


Nov 5th 2015, 15:40:30


tellarion Game profile


Nov 5th 2015, 15:31:07

Originally posted by justtaint:
All you non-Chicagoans realize that Chicago style deep dish pizza makes up a very small portion of the per capita consumption here, right?

Every time I talk to someone about pizza and they hear I'm from Chicago they almost always assume that our pizzerias serve nothing but deep dish (with rarely a mention about stuffed pizza, and yes, there is a BIG difference).

Honestly, I think of stuffed pizza when I think of Chicago style because a Northwest take and bake place served that as their 'Chicago Style'. Papa Murphy's is great :D

tellarion Game profile


Nov 5th 2015, 15:30:23

Pizza here in Japan just fluffs with my head. As I mentioned in the other thread, it's waaaaay overpriced. A medium is a US small(at chains like dominos), and costs like $15 for cheese, or $20+ for toppings. And that's for dominos, pizza hut and pizza-la(a Japanese chain).

There are a LOT of Italian restaurants where they serve great Napolitan style pizza, however. Pretty much what Cerb was describing above, but thin crust. Margherita pizzas everywhere. Not bad at all, but doesn't really sing to me like super cheesy and oily American style pizzas.

Deep dish pizza is almost non-existent. I HAVE found a few specialty places that serve it, and it's quite good, but just not the same. And while it is expensive, it is comparable to the chain obviously worth it.

Personally, I'm a pepperoni guy. Any mix of cheese is fine with me. Cheese in the crust is great! Or at the very least, a seasoned and fluffy crust. Deep dish is amazing as well, with the crisp crust due to the oil is lovely. I even like New York style! As long as it's got cheese and pepperoni, I'm all for it.

Speaking of Japanese pizza, while they copy the style of other countries, the toppings are wholly original.

These are legit pizzas I could order right now. Things like potatoes, mayo, tuna and corn don't belong on a pizza. Whole fluffing clams in the are they thinking? And the worst part? THEY THINK THESE ARE AMERICAN FLAVORS!

tellarion Game profile


Nov 5th 2015, 15:18:01

braden was a mean bridge player back in his middle school days

tellarion Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 15:27:19

tellarion Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 11:48:46

Hi Pain :)

tellarion Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 11:23:03

Grats :)