
SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 3:52:18

LaF has beaten every top alliance in existance 1v1, with the exception of NA who they've never warred 1v1, so take your pick...

and you told me 2 weeks before we fs'd you that you knew we would fs you, you all played war start ups, so why do you still act like it was suprising, beating evo isnt impressive, although your lack of resistance was slightly embarising. And laf was about 50/50 reps/tyranny that set for what little it matters.

and really your leadership decision would of been ok had they been for a different alliance, but you seem to take no account for what type of membership you have. You have the type of members that warred one serious (albeit mid sized) alliance in 5 years, and yet you still act like getting in a situation where you have to war every reset is ok, hence why you lost half your membership.

evo is not like alliances like omega, and laf, who's memberships have experienced long drawn out multi reset wars, and botting, and generally an environment where they are unable to netgain for long periods at a time, evo can not war for long periods, everyone knew that, you were just stupid enough to prove it, but please tell me how im wrong, the numbers dont lie slagpit, whats sad is that you dont even seem to realise your mistakes, which only enhance evo's problems.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 2:56:49

Dude you just proved my point, the fact that you mentioned beating tie 1v1 (when laf had already slapped you silly essentially tag killing you except that you hid in vacation and out of nw range, and tie had been in their own war with someone NA? that set) shows how bad you are these days lol.

and what gives you the impression i've ran untagged suiciders? if i ran a suicider, i would still end up winning, assuming anyone had decent stocks to steal.

Edited By: SolidSnake on Jun 7th 2010, 2:58:19

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 1:44:12

Tell me, when is the last time evo won a 1v1 war? how useful are evo's allies right now?

you seem new to the game so i'll give you a recent examle, anti slit, anti slit had a huge numbers advantage and beat slit a few times. But slit had to disband because the rest of the server couldnt maintain a war against them, and got bored.

Evo and co had a huge numbers advantage and won a few times, but you've lost half your membership, you've gone from being a semi large alliance to being insegnificant in the matter of a few resets, and sol will eventually consider you too crap to merit hitting because of the downward trend evo has been on, with luck you may already have reached that point.

Evo/na/collab etc won battles, but you're losing the war if you havnt already lost it meh.

And i would never lead evo, not because you wouldnt ask me, but because you guys cant war for fluff... and its too fun an element to ignore.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 0:58:52

Evo's current situation is a result of them trying to influence major alliance politics when they didnt have the structure to back it up (namely declaring on sof when sof fs'd NA). Eventually it wont be worth sol's while to hit evo anymore because they'd start losing membership themselves and evo will rebound, you'd hope with a better idea of alliance politics or they'll find history repeating itself.

Whether people like it or not, there is a tier system on the server, and if your going to try and screw someone in the tier above yourself you had better be ready to fight for as long as it takes...

SolidSnake Game profile


May 31st 2010, 19:38:38

i make tag next set yes, you give me fop yes and we fap fap together yes?

SolidSnake Game profile


May 31st 2010, 2:06:49

the lack of flaming in this thread really goes a long way to illustrating the inactivity of most of the community...

SolidSnake Game profile


May 31st 2010, 2:05:11

I remember you, you're that nub that begged me to teach you how to netgain right?

SolidSnake Game profile


May 30th 2010, 19:55:15

god you're stupid

SolidSnake Game profile


May 29th 2010, 1:41:31

well hes english, can only think of a handful of people really

SolidSnake Game profile


May 20th 2010, 2:38:28

im a jackass to people that deserve it, i was nice to pdm until you suicided through a pact and then refused to pay up expediently, and then at all.

You'll find i didnt start any wars, but i finished alot meh

SolidSnake Game profile


May 20th 2010, 2:34:18

Whether people think i was the worst don ever or not really isnt my concern, we warred alot, and i pissed off alot of people, so what meh, fact is when i retired laf had gained members and was the single strongest alliance on the server, and still is meh, war or netgain.

Edited By: SolidSnake on May 20th 2010, 2:36:11

SolidSnake Game profile


May 19th 2010, 23:36:14

Wow, i dunno how you guys put up with this, pdm should of just been farmed oop every set off principle, for having someone some inept as their leader.

SolidSnake Game profile


May 19th 2010, 12:33:35

I want to war mach... :(

prefferably someone better than pdm, but war none the less

SolidSnake Game profile


May 19th 2010, 12:30:40

lol reps have never been about individual countries since the alliance can reserve the right to distrute reps as it sees fit, if one member takes more, it means another gets less, it should be members within laf complaining more than pdm heh

SolidSnake Game profile


May 18th 2010, 3:39:10

but all this is stupid anyway, i might just come back next set for which ever alliance has the least pacted alliances and just rape everyone, not like anyone would be able to retal, give people something real to complain about meh

SolidSnake Game profile


May 18th 2010, 3:36:12

and drow do i really need to quote you again?

Originally posted by Drow:
and guy has already said, if they had been at least reasonably defended, he'd have left them alone.
2 mil, 3 mil defence is not unreasonable to run
sub 1 mil is just ridiculous, and thus falls into the scantily clad drunk girl bracket from TAN's analogy. it's still the attacker's fault, however, the girl has certainly put herself moreso into the situation

SolidSnake Game profile


May 18th 2010, 3:35:18

laf has alot of players that put the time into their country and have a skill level that can avoid retals from good players, other alliances have very few if any...

SolidSnake Game profile


May 17th 2010, 21:15:22

It clearly wasnt in thatguys mind to teach laf a leason for running low d, he just hit whoever he could, hes trying to justify what in alliance server is an unjustifiable course of action.

If you have problems, deal with them as an alliance, or do what he did and cause which ever alliance you belong to a great team of grief. Acting as an individual doesnt to the detriment of your alliance doesnt fly on alliance server, everyone knows that. He couldnt of done that untagged, its just that simple, and any claims to the contrary are bs.

SolidSnake Game profile


May 17th 2010, 9:29:11

Originally posted by Drow:
and guy has already said, if they had been at least reasonably defended, he'd have left them alone.
2 mil, 3 mil defence is not unreasonable to run
sub 1 mil is just ridiculous, and thus falls into the scantily clad drunk girl bracket from TAN's analogy. it's still the attacker's fault, however, the girl has certainly put herself moreso into the situation

drow he hit a guy that was over 19m raw break, your saying 2-3m is not unreasonable to avoid suicides he had fluffing 19m and still got absolutely raped.... you can only go so far to avoid suicides, if somoene grows in an alliance and then hits, you cant stop it without cooperation from the other alliances, your guy is spewing fluff when he says he hit people because they had too little d.

Edited By: SolidSnake on May 17th 2010, 9:29:58

SolidSnake Game profile


May 17th 2010, 2:29:40

your arguement is no longer that its netgainers faults for having low defence (although i wouldnt call 15m raw d low defence, but apparently im mistaken about that) but instead your saying the game is designed for suiciders to function, and any attempts to remove that function is not acceptable?

dont get me wrong, i dont think there shouldnt be any ingame changes in relation to suiciders, but you should really decide on an arguement and stick to it, rather than bundle thirty together and hope one works.

Edited By: SolidSnake on May 17th 2010, 2:30:12

SolidSnake Game profile


May 16th 2010, 19:44:35

Wow predictive text ftw

SolidSnake Game profile


May 16th 2010, 19:43:27

All I've seen from all these threads is people saying lag should drop the policies it daughter countless wars to implement, simply because they can't control their own members...

Can't remember if it was this thread I saw it in, but somewhere balin or someone said laf would never pay the reps we demand of other people, you wouldn't know because lad generally has a very good control over it's members and hasn't suicides pdm, but on the rare occasion anyone suicded out of laf the alliance was hansomly compensated, atleast in my 8 years in laf... Laf has always asked for what it gives, the only difference is lag doesn't complain about it because we know our obligations as an alliance to other alliances.

SolidSnake Game profile


May 16th 2010, 3:52:54

What, you mean correctly?

SolidSnake Game profile


May 16th 2010, 3:12:10

Whats the point, of that, game admins can think it but not speak it is your arguement.

fact is the game was built by people that care about the game, if you doubt their integrity or the integrity of the game, do us all a favour and fluff off.

SolidSnake Game profile


May 16th 2010, 3:03:06

The funny thing about this thread is dagga probably likes earth watcher if he knew who it was.

And dagga, you may want to suicide laf, but would any alliance back you right now? last has a long history of being suicided, and killing off alliances that dont pay debt of single members suiciding.

So if you want to start a war, let me know when you're gonna do it, so i can unretire and slap you for being an idiot.

SolidSnake Game profile


May 16th 2010, 2:57:08

just to go back to the first post

the longest surviving alliance in the game which has 10% of the players of the server contributes nothing to the game, thats an interesting arguement dagga... stupid, but interesting...

and sol wouldnt last long vs laf based on recent war performances meh

Edited By: SolidSnake on May 16th 2010, 2:57:25

SolidSnake Game profile


May 15th 2010, 1:28:11

lol, i love how you're going on about "whats owed to them and then some" the amount of reps laf accepted is laughable it wont come close to compensating for the losses meh, if i was still playing i would of told you to pay almost double what was accepted meh

SolidSnake Game profile


May 12th 2010, 9:18:41

hey vamps :P

stop that sol loving nowza :P

SolidSnake Game profile


May 11th 2010, 23:04:35

um, honour to tie?

SolidSnake Game profile


May 10th 2010, 20:50:44

Originally posted by llaar:
I did a ton of fluff in 2025. a ton of fluff, that no one here ever even suspected or knew about. I've always kept things to myself, and never burned friends.

You know i love you llaar, but "no one ever suspected"? seriously?

SolidSnake Game profile


May 10th 2010, 20:46:00

Originally posted by NukEvil:

Face it, Dark Morbid. You've gone from being a major pillar of this community to being less than nothing, and all for what? So you can feel great about having a few more countries than everyone else? So you can stroke it, late at night, sometime between playing your last multi and crying yourself to sleep because of your social retardation?

And you think I'M the dumb ass?

You're the one that got hosed, Dark Morbid. Not me ;)

Major pillar? am i the only person that had never heard of this guy before the whole multi crap kicked off?

SolidSnake Game profile


May 9th 2010, 18:33:35

its not just the same game, its the same account, and it was shown there were many more accounts than individuals involved rats, so you might wanna go back and re-read...

SolidSnake Game profile


May 9th 2010, 11:53:11

RaTs i seriously doubt any of the traditional powerhouse alliances have 15-30% cheaters, or have had anywhere near that for a very long time. And esspecially they havnt had 15-30% of their countries run by the heads of the alliance. Individual multies were always hard to stop, but most alliances did pretty much put an end to mass coordinated multi running, a fair bit before ee was created.

Edited By: SolidSnake on May 9th 2010, 12:01:56

SolidSnake Game profile


May 8th 2010, 19:48:32

I was just thinking of the ronnie/fing episode really, but ya i agree, i dont personally care about anyone cheating getting hacked if they are cheating. I mean, most of us have said that NA have been cheating for a long time, its just they only got caught now meh.

I would say the more important question now is what they are going to do now that they've been caught, personally i think whether you like them or not, NA are an asset to the game if purely for just being another large alliance, which there really arnt many of these days. So i'd hope they wouldnt try such a thing again... probably wishful thinking, but its better than the alternative.

SolidSnake Game profile


May 8th 2010, 17:37:10

Originally posted by Dragonlance:
people wouldn't hack your account if you didn't abuse them and blatently cheat.

maybe true now, but in old earth that would of been wishful thinking ;)

SolidSnake Game profile


May 8th 2010, 17:20:45

As far as a cheater using forms of cheating to out other cheaters i see no evidence of that, atleast not presented here? The game admins actually have no control over what happens outside the game website, except for over boxcar/ qzgt. But just as the mods cant take action over the convo's posted on the LAE sites alone they need evidence from ingame on ee, they also cant take action against any hacker based on information obtained from the LAE site, and it would be rediculous if they did.

Originally posted by snawdog:
Anyone that stays in either NA or LaE are just as guilty as the ones doing the cheating..

that's just stupid

SolidSnake Game profile


May 8th 2010, 16:55:10

Originally posted by mrford]well then

that clears it all up. thanks guys

i do have one statment though

In regard to the hacking issue: if it can be proven, we will punish the source of the information in the harshest way that we can. Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to tell how screenshots were obtained. All we do is be skeptical and use the information in the best way we can to make the game fair for everyone. Our policy right now is to punish both parties in situations like this.

you really think that the ppl involved in this sceme would send info like this to the mods? you really think that people not involved had access to this board?

some on, get real. it was a hacker. and while the info he found turned out to be creditable, and usefull to the admins, by not punishing him and outing him, you are promoting firther instances of hacking to find cheaters or what not, and because the mods use the info, its ok?

thats all i have to say about that

as for llaar, ice, DM, and jag

:( im a saaaaaad panda [/quote]

Given the history of RD infiltration and other forms of spying on top tier alliances done over the history of this game, im sure im not the only one that can think of ways to get ahold of that type of information without hacking neccessarily. Not that i know the permission make up of the LAE site, or anything like that, the person doing the informing isnt always neccessarily the person obtaining the information, as has been the case in a number of times in the past.

Personally, i dont really care how information like this was gathered, if it helps stop cheating in the game, then its good. I mean, hacking someones site is both illegal and should never be endorced. But ifiltration i.e. grelk style, personally i dont have a problem with when the goal is to rid cheater of the game.

SolidSnake Game profile


May 6th 2010, 9:54:06

i knew a legit elitez player once... so they could only have had a 99% cheat ratio, dont start saying they were 100% cheats DL, your just lumping everyone in with a few cheats ;)

SolidSnake Game profile


May 5th 2010, 13:51:29

well, the reason they didnt get attention was because in all the previous ones PDM was in the wrong, this time, they have some claim to be in the right, and so they decided to make a big deal about it on AT...

SolidSnake Game profile


May 4th 2010, 15:38:50

meh, there is nothing more suspect about that than any other landgrab seen this reset, the guy transfered his land, its been done a million times before...

i mean... if every country that had m0m0 in its name was a multi there would be alot of multies this set....

SolidSnake Game profile


May 4th 2010, 1:27:29

yep back down, and take it, politically strong move. Infact while your at it, offer up some countries to be farmed. This will vastly improve relations.

Edited By: SolidSnake on May 4th 2010, 1:29:01

SolidSnake Game profile


May 4th 2010, 1:17:51

dude, i blame laf too, those guys are always on my back about fluff, adopt me as your political advisor and i promise i will stimulate economic recovery.

SolidSnake Game profile


May 4th 2010, 1:01:32

what tan needs to do, is adopt me as pdm's political advisor, things would go alot better for pdm in the future

SolidSnake Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 23:04:26

lol, i remember when lack of a retaling message made it a landgrab, good times.

SolidSnake Game profile


May 1st 2010, 23:58:56

like i would need to work to win... heh

SolidSnake Game profile


May 1st 2010, 13:20:08

meh, if slagpit wasnt part of development there would be no issues with airing ingane issues in public, stop protecting him pang, hes a tool.

SolidSnake Game profile


May 1st 2010, 2:08:09

LaF wasnt accused, i was accused, actually, but you wont even admit that anymore after it was shown yours and that rival nubs (i've forgotten his name, the guy that was in ix for a bit after being booted from rival) "proof" was shown to be purely fictitious, sadly enough by the person who probably spent the least time looking at when that suicder was aided, then again i dont expect much from mediocre netgainers in that respect, and really you were just trying to start a propaganda war ahead of me slapping evo silly (didnt really help). Why you continue to try and slander me over that, probably because you dont want to admit you were wrong, probably because i'm not particularly humble about how good i am in comparison to you and evo at the game, could be many reasons really, either way, doesnt really matter, suiciding a guy from sof who's probably netgained less in his entire earth career as you have in a singe year, has to be a new low for you.

SolidSnake Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 18:37:32

Maybe its because i didnt suicide evo?
crazy i know, me being me and all, always suiciding and what not..

Tbh i didnt ask for proof because i know the background to the story, so if aponic was suicided, its 95% chance that it was you. Having said that, faceless accusations made against you, will still find my backing, namely because you're a moron.

Edited By: SolidSnake on Apr 30th 2010, 18:37:56

SolidSnake Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 18:27:41

It may be your contention that laf is probably the strongest single alliance on the server inspite of me, but i doubt you'll get many in laf to back you up on that theory. You question the netgaining of laf during my time in change? lol im the equivilent war time consigliere, just because im the best netgainer on the server doesnt mean i want to pansy about sitting in the corner exploring. Probably why im semi-retired while laf netgains.

And as far as insulting the quality of the LaF membership, i've tutored more players to top 10's than evo has had top 10's in the last 2 years, so dont embarise yourself. Even when laf was involved in wars three resets in a row with ix, evo managed to put up like 3 top 10s a reset. Thats not good, thats embarising for an alliance that claims to be the premier netgaining alliance, with the top netgaining alliance at war. You were getting beaten by all explore countries to t10 spots. Much congratulations on evo for being able to keep a high average networth through a combination of inter farming, dropping the countries they inter farm, and not allowing any late starters in. It doesnt make you a good alliance, and its precisely what you're finding out these days.

You thought you could go up against some big bad alliances and make a name for yourselves by hiding behind your allies, instead you've been slapped because you had no internal strength to your alliance to fall back on when your allies didnt want to fight your battles for you anymore.

Evo still have never faught a top alliance 1v1 properly 1v1 and won, how can you ever hope to win a policy dispute if you cant win a 1v1 war, and so long as you have to rely on someone else, you either can be someones fluff, back down at every fr dealing, or continue to lose members.

Evo's problems arose, when you decided that after laf being at war for pretty much a year, and you doing ok in netgaining terms as there was no ska or monks around during the time, that you would grow a pair and stop being a lapdog. I called you out saying you're still a lapdog, bend over. You said no, you lose war. And ever since you've been making decisions which really dont suit you as if you have something to prove. Dont get me wrong you have alot to prove, just not the capability to actually do it.

SolidSnake Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 17:55:19
