
BlackHole Game profile


Feb 23rd 2023, 11:47:05

Please tell me, specifically, what I'm wrong about?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 23rd 2023, 0:45:32

Link - It's a shame you won't be able to read sfbobs poetry. I think you would have really liked it!

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 23rd 2023, 0:44:21

I feel so honored, sfbob. Thank you for the poetry, it was beautiful.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 23:57:17

I love how much everyone ignores me, meanwhile my posts have more interaction than any other posts on these forums.

Yep, you're all doing a fantastic job of ignoring me. Keep it up!

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 21:41:30

Transformed? No no, just identified.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 21:22:05

Originally posted by Link:
You've put on a clinic in taking bait lol

You've put on a clinic in failing to have a conversation, and demonstrating stupidity while thinking you're cool.

If you think you 'got me' by getting me to take 15 seconds to respond to a post... Well I guess you got me then. But it's not as big of a got as you are making it out to be.

Maybe the disconnect is that you're so in awe of the length of my posts, that you think it takes me hours to write them. It doesn't. Words are easy for me. I didn't drop out of high school.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 21:09:50

Originally posted by Link:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Link:
Madone.. there he goes again lol

Bro. I get it. You're not reading my posts. NOBODY CARES. You're adding nothing of value here. GO post in the bonus thread or something. Have a conversation with ChatGPT. Maybe talk to a wall. All of those are going to bring as much value to everyone as your posts here bring. Which is to say, none.

Oh I'm sorry. Was that paragraph too long for your little brain too?

Nah I read that one. Lol. Reasonable size for once... It didn't do much for my opinion of you though lol. Still making silly assumptions and making yourself look rude, ignorant and uneducated to a bunch of folk that actually know eachother lol.

My goal was simply to ruffle your feathers a little bit which I accomplished with tremendous ease ( regardless of whatever bs you may now try to say to the contrary ) and maybe provide a couple lulz for the boys..

But hey man keep spinning your fairy tales, and maybe someday one will get published!

Ohhhh, you're whole 'YOU POST TOO LONG, I NO READ' schtick was to ruffle the feathers of someone you didn't know?

That makes perfect sense. I totally believe you.

Also, I'm a big fan of people calling me uneducated while stating my three paragraphs are too much to read and ending every sentence with lol. You're doing a great job of making yourself look soooo much more educated lol. See how dumb this looks lol. You look dumb lol.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 21:07:05

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:


Thanks for making my point!

So we agree?

I'm not a sheep so I imagine since you're looking for approval that you are one and we do not agree with each other.

I'm not looking for approval. I'm seeking to understand your position, and from your previous post, it seemed to me that you were agreeing with what I said. Thus I asked for clarification.

You know this whole 'I'm a sheep' thing is overused, right? Like, it's a thing a WHOLE BUNCH of people say to show just how much they are rebels and free thinkers, while getting their ideas from other people whom they agree with ideologically. But they are still getting their ideas from others.

And that's ok. All humans build upon the ideas of other humans. It doesn't make you a sheep, that's how human progress has occurred. If we didn't build upon the ideas of others, we'd all be rediscovering fire right now, rather than talking fluff through fluffing wires tens of thousands of miles away from each other.

The "I'm not a sheep" card doesn't make you seem as cool as you might think. It makes me think you are, actually, just a sheep. You're just a sheep in the camp of shepherds who are telling you to hate all the other sheep in the other shepherds camps (or farms? Yea, farms works better for this analogy).

But go ahead, call me a sheep. It's really hitting me where it hurts... I feel so burned right now.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 20:39:41

Originally posted by Link:
Madone.. there he goes again lol

Bro. I get it. You're not reading my posts. NOBODY CARES. You're adding nothing of value here. GO post in the bonus thread or something. Have a conversation with ChatGPT. Maybe talk to a wall. All of those are going to bring as much value to everyone as your posts here bring. Which is to say, none.

Oh I'm sorry. Was that paragraph too long for your little brain too?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 20:38:20

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:


Thanks for making my point!

So we agree?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 18:13:42

KoHearts - what in the motherfvck are you talking about?

Holes in my logic, where?

I'm not going to spend the time looking it up, but I would be very surprised if there wasn't a VERY high correlation between not finishing high school and not achieving as much in life. We could have a very good debate about what exactly intelligence is, and how that differs from education, and how both of those differ from 'street smarts', or whatever. But aside from the lunatics here that were apparently born in 1945, think hurricanes are caused by gay people, and want to hate on any scientific achievements anywhere, most of society would probably believe that finishing high school is going to correlate highly with being more intelligent, educated and street smart.

Go ahead and try to sell me on someone who can't read past an 8th grade level being a better thinker, generally speaking, than someone who has a few years of college under their belt.

Your argument should be that our education system needs to be better. And that colleges should be less expensive, and focus more on developing certain skills, rather than being an extension of an already lackluster high school curriculum.

But instead, your argument seems to be 'this isn't good enough, so people who didn't do any of it are just as well off as people who went through all of it'.

It's simply asinine.

No. You don't need college to be successful. And honestly, you don't have to have a high school education either. But both make it easier, as the statistics will very clearly show. And a lack of a high school education is a GLARING red flag that something went wrong in your life growing up. It may not be the case in every instance, but most people who don't finish high school don't finish it for a not good reason.

But if you really want to assert this anti-intellectualism bullfluff, and if you want to use the lunatic Elon Musk as your mouth piece. Go for it. You'll probably get a lot of support from others on here. Just because you're in an echo chamber doesn't mean your ideas are good ideas, though. It just means you've surrounded yourself with idiots.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 11:51:40

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 11:51:39

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Oh Milkman and Black Hole are back in team!

Can you guys make me dance in circles again please????????????????????

Gerdler is on his first restart of the round. I think you boys need to come out and support your puppet recruit!

Gerdler isn't even playing team silly.

I know who it is you killed. And I'm going to laugh when you finally find out. I'll tell you this... you're not nearly as in tune with what's going on as you think are you.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 1:50:45

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
KoHearts - Are you trying to say that having a HS diploma is in no way an indicator of one's intelligence?

Neither is being able to write 5000 word essays.

You suck at counting almost as much as you suck at this game.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 1:48:01

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
KoHearts - Are you trying to say that having a HS diploma is in no way an indicator of one's intelligence?

Duh, a paper obtained from a failed system that pushes people through is not an indicator of anything but a failed education system. The majority of college students can't even spell properly, let alone grammar, let's not even talk about math, it is ridiculous and sad.

So based on what you've said, you would contend that someone who failed high school would perform similarly on a math or reading exam as someone who is in college?

If that's your position, I'd say you need to think about things a bit more. I think your hatred for America, or our education system, is clouding your logic/judgement/brain.

I won't argue that America's education system could be improved. I also won't argue that just because you graduated means you are at a specific academic performance minimum.

What I will say is that, broadly speaking, graduating high school indicates a bare minimum of performance that has likely (LIKELY) been achieved.

And that, broadly speaking, failing to graduate high school likely (LIKELY) indicates a failure to meet some of those minimum standards.

In short, I think it's pretty dumb to assert that someone who is in college has similar academic/intelligence skills to someone who dropped out of high school, regardless of your thoughts about the quality of the American education system.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 1:35:39

KoHearts - Are you trying to say that having a HS diploma is in no way an indicator of one's intelligence?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 21st 2023, 23:22:12

[quote poster=Requiem; 51599; 1006758]Link is a good dude. [/quote

Lots of high school dropouts are good dudes. I'm not disparaging him for his inability to read. He may be a nice guy either way.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 21st 2023, 22:37:14

Link, please tell me more how much you didn't read anything. I'm not quite sure I believe you yet. You need to say it 8 more times.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 21st 2023, 21:29:36

2005 Xbox 360 was all about that voice chat homie. I'm not mistaking EE for fluff. You're simply trying to play hard to get.

For someone who quote 'won't read anything' you sure are responding to a lot of what I write.

Quit being coy. I know you're reading it, you can't resist.

Problem is you're not witty enough to come up with anything other than "hurr durr, didn't read it".

So you keep repeating the same sad drivel.

Step yo game up. Come on up with something better. This is embarrassing. The people want a show, and all you're doing is rolling over and showing your belly.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 21st 2023, 21:21:32

Originally posted by Link:
My mom is dead so no. Whatever that is.. I cannot.

It's a book, you idiot.

It teaches you how to read.

Are there any community resources you can reach out to that help homeless people and other disadvantaged individuals?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 21st 2023, 21:03:43

Alright perfect. I know how to proceed now.

Let's start with this.

Can you ask your mom to buy you something like this?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 21st 2023, 20:47:06

So wait, now I'm confused.

Did you read it, and you're just being obstinate. Or do you actually lack the ability to read... oh I don't know, approximately 25 seconds worth of text?

I genuinely can't tell. On one hand you're citing my text as being 'vomit', but on the other you're stating that you didn't read it.

I feel like you're acting like a teenage girl right now. I'M NOT TALKING TO YOU MOM **SLAMS DOOR**

Stop throwing a fit, act like an adult, and engage in a conversation here.

If you need a tldr for every post that requires more than 10 seconds of attention, I'm sorry, you're not going to get it from me. I'm a tough love kind of guy. You need to grow the fvck up and learn how to read.

If you are actually reading what I'm stating (hence the vomit characterization) than that's fine. We can go with that.

But pick a lane and then we can hash it out.

Is my writing awful, or are you unable to read it all? I need to know which argument you're going with here so I can respond accordingly.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 21st 2023, 19:43:52

Link - I get that you struggle with this, but try to keep up.

I didn't read any book, or suggest any book, on how to become a more well rounded person. I'm stating that reading helps you become more well rounded.

In addition to helping you strengthen your imagination, you'll also develop the stamina to read more than 3 paragraphs at a time, as well as develop a much stronger foundation for reading comprehension.

Those things would have saved you the embarrassment of not understanding what I wrote. Allowed you to access more of the world by being able to read things not on twitter, and maybe given you some enjoy with an enhanced imagination for what's possible.

Dream big little buddy. Start with pop up books and Dr. Seuss literature. But don't stop there. Goose Bumps, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, there is a plethora of content your little mind could comprehend as early as this year! No time to start like today!

Edited By: BlackHole on Feb 21st 2023, 19:48:27
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 21st 2023, 16:59:30

Originally posted by Link:
I can't imagine sitting down and typing ⅛ of this bs

Digital Verbal Diarrhea

That's cause you lack imagination. Read a book, you'll become a more well rounded person.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 17th 2023, 3:24:48

Originally posted by galleri:
This was some cross server bs

You're some cross server BS.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 15th 2023, 2:43:57

Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:

fluff you for trying to get bonus points from my thread!!

Who are you and what is your clan. You're next. And as you can see, I don't really give a fluff if you're a netter or not. Just as you sniff a billion NW, I'll rear my ugly face and make you scream my name. Once you're in the black hole, you never get out.

I'm the ultimate gravity, and you're about to cross the event horizon!

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 14th 2023, 0:42:21

And I should add - a lot of my very specific questions don't get specific answers. I'm starting to wonder why.

Let me ask again, very directly.

If someone made tools that others used, and those tools could be used to access information that they wouldn't otherwise have access to, would that be cheating? (IRC, Warbots, GHQ, etc)

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 14th 2023, 0:38:49

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
It depends. Let's say you apply to a 3rd party site using a fake nick and get accepted to that site and gain access to war plans and make them public. That to me makes you a dirty spy, and is something that has happened...idk....a hundred or so times. It's not cheating, I just personally wouldn't do it. I also personally was never in RD, never ran multies, never used bots, never used a fake nick to gain info, and never had the desire to do so, because I like to play it square. I think people respect that, and respect is all I aim to achieve by being trustworthy.

Can you break an unbreakable pact and break the decorum in the game? For sure you can. I've never liked to break a pact I signed, but I've been a part of a few pacts falling apart, and I lost the respect of some for it.

That said, there are many current players who have in the past done these sort of things. Two former LaF/RD members named TurtleCrawler and Hanlong were banned from the game for hacking third party clan hosting sites. It's pretty clear to me the difference between the two and is not so much a grey line.

That said, and I know you don't believe it, but darkness didn't invent the tools they use for war. They borrow them just like yo do. War bots and 3rd party sites are all pretty secure these days. Only ever seen one used for that once and it was 15 years ago, and the person got caught and outed almost immediately. If they had that capacity, all the vets would know.

As far as your Slippery Slope Logical Fallacy argument, the line more or less stops at legal. I'm glad you could add Slippery Slope to your repertoire of logical fallacies. We've already hit the Straw Man and Ad Hominem enough. Glad we could add another fallacy to the picnic basket, but I think the answer is fairly obvious.

Why would I believe you that the tools are secure when I just believed that Coalie was on my side when he wasnt? Ya'll literally just told me to do a better job vetting people, and now you want me to just believe blindly that these tools are secure?

I would be a fool to believe you guys again.

And I didn't give any slippery slope fallacy. I asked specific questions.

You seem to want to give me, in particular, a hard time over logic and fallacies. I understand why, but if you're going to keep doing it let's at least do it correctly.

A slippery slope fallacy is one in which a person claims one event will lead to another, more extreme event.

I never said that I thought Coalie spying would lead to people hacking, or using tools, or doxxing people. To my knowledge, those things have ALREADY happened in this game. I'm asking if you all think various scenarios are cheating.

I'm happy to continue playing the logical fallacy game, if you want, Derrick. You'll learn that behind my passion and energy, I'm also not an idiot. And I can already tell you think you're just a bit smarter than I, and you are seeking to take little pot shots at me with these intellectual digs. If you're going to do it, you better make sure you don't make mistakes though.

The person who criticizes someone else's grammar better be spot on with their own. And the person who wants to call out logical fallacies all day better actually understand the logical fallacies they are going to invoke.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 22:57:15

Well actually, I still don't know on some of those hypotheticals.

If it cheating if someone uses tools outside the game that other players use, to steal information?

This is a legitimate question I have. I would consider it cheating.. but based on these conversations, I don't think you guys do?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 22:46:03

Got it. Now I know.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 21:59:04

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
Havoc is not Swamp Guardians. I play under the Swamp Guardians country name.

Ahhh, you're the one that I screwed up big time then. Cost you the billion mark. Sorry dude, you were very close.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 21:52:21

I'm not making light of anything, I'm asking a freaking question.

And symba, chill with the bravado for a moment bud. I get you're a tough guy. You've proven that in game, you don't need to low-key threaten me when I'm making it VERY clear I think the hypotheticals I raised were awful.

But I'm asking a question. And you've ignored a few of them, anyway. Where is the line? Lying is ok. Creating fake profiles is ok. Creating fake discords is ok. Is gaining access to systems ok? Gaining access to personal information? Leveraging that info?

Where IS the line? And how is that decided? And where is that written down?

From my perspective we've already crossed that line. From all of yours, we haven't. So I'm asking for clarification as to where the line is now.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 21:15:23

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Havoc:
I'm curious if it was by the 15th or 16th grab on me that were you able to effectively "learn the mechanics of land grabs against larger countries"?

Also, why does Team drama keep getting brought into this server again?

Mechanics learned: Fat asses like you carry no defense and sit on 20 million tech, $5 Billion$, and 6,000,000 acres. Target Omega.

Don’t forget the other game mechanics for landrabbing:

“there are ways
Im just saying that hitting omega and not hitting evo is like giving the win to evo and tmac lol
he doesnt have defense either”

To be fair, if the guy I'm responding to up above is Swamp Guardian... the second set of land grabs I did on him he only has Mercs to blame for. So maybe you should be apologizing too, lol.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 21:00:34

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
That said, can some of that be extremely toxic? Of course it can. To me, no more so than things like AB FS OOP and suiciding netters or "griefing." Things I explained to you as being toxic behavior. This is also in that realm, and the players here tend to fight fire with an inferno. While people will get offended by toxicity, the reality is its a choice you're allowed to make here. When they saw you willing to stop at nothing to destroy them, they too will stop at nothing to destroy you back. No one said suiciding netters was cheating to you. And as such, no one is saying espionage is either. If your country hasn't turned purple, you haven't cheated.

But the idea that you were just gonna run rampant making your own meta that you're going to force old heads into is a farce and was never going to happen. Frankly, you got beat at your own game here. None of the old players were going to give you props for attempting to slander and destroy a long dominant tag through toxic methods. They were always going to see your toxic methods and do them waaaaay better and be waaaay worse. "I see your griefing and i raise you espionage." Any EE history buff knows that's how it goes. If you wanna play in the mud, you better expect to get dirty.

So what you're saying is that I should look for ways to infiltrate Darkness/Mercs and whoever else, outside the game?

Let me ask you where you draw the line, because I'm genuinely curious.

If I made fake tools that I distributed and people used, but I could access them, would that be cheating?

What if I found a loophole that allowed me to view information in my browser that I shouldn't have access to. Would that be cheating?

What if I found a glitch in the game that allowed my spy attacks to be more effective. Would that be cheating?

What if I found out where someone lived in real life, and explained to them that I knew where they lived. Or outed them to other people. Would that be cheating?

What if I started calling someone's place of work to annoy them, or maybe got them on the phone with a 'work call' while my team hit them, so they couldn't wall. Would that be cheating?

What if I ordered pizzas to their house from a fake email address, and when I knew they were being delivered we started to attack. Would that be cheating?

I could go on and on, but I think you get my point.

Who gets to decide what is cheating and what isnt? Are these rules written down anywhere? If the rules aren't written down, and it's allowed unless it's specifically disallowed (like is the case here) I would bet that some of these examples I gave would not be considered cheating (or illegal, to the best of my knowledge), and thus you would say are part of the game.

I'd vehemently disagree. I think many of the things I described are absolutely awful. But they aren't cheating... I guess?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 20:51:10

Originally posted by Havoc:
I'm curious if it was by the 15th or 16th grab on me that were you able to effectively "learn the mechanics of land grabs against larger countries"?

Also, why does Team drama keep getting brought into this server again?

After the third or fourth land grab, I likely got intoxicated by the amount of land I was taking. It was addicting.

My apologies. Which country were you, btw?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 19:05:17

Tertius - I disagree with you.

What Coalie did is far worse than what I did by running afoul the interference rules.

You're 1. Not calling Superfly out for calling me a cheater.

and 2. Undermining the actions that Coalie took.

He did not tell me who he was. He said he had played with Mercs before on other servers. I did not realize he was an active member of Darkness/Mercs currently.

Also, I don't know Coom. I know ya'll keep saying that, but you need to understand that not everyone here is privvy to the 20 year history. And its frankly ridiculous to think we could be. His usage of the Coom name should in no way have been something that I would have realistically been expected to know that it was Coalie.

The fact that you condone 'espionage' as you put it, is your own problem, not mine. And it's not one that I'm going to apologize for calling people out over.

Again, read my countless examples from other GAMES and why that would be considered cheating in any other game. Further, notice that EE already has a game mechanic for espionage. It's literally called spying. So what was done circumvented the game mechanic that already exists.

I won't apologize for calling Coalie a cheater for that, as I think it's obvious what his intention was.

If he REALLY wanted me to know he was Coalie, I think he could have made that very very easy for me to know. By saying "hey man, just FYI, I'm Coalie".

There is a reason he didn't do that. Why do you think that is Tertius?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 18:45:52

@Everyone - I think having two threads is confusing. I wanted to make sure alliance knew of this information, as some of the events carry over here. But, I think it's probably less beneficial to have two open threads on the same topic now.

I'm going to stop responding here and hope anyone who wants to continue will move over to the team thread.

Cathakins, in particular, I hope you look over there. Please see my last reply to SFBob, as I think it is pertinent to what you just said and kind of addresses the same points.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 18:44:11

Respectfully, Superfly, I don't think what we did was cheating. I think we crossed boundaries that we did not know existed. We both, repeatedly, asked for clarification on those boundaries so that we did not cross them. And we were met with resistance (ha!).

It's like a dog testing the invisible fence. He's trying to figure out where the boundary is. Just cause he got zapped a few times doesn't mean he's an asshole cheater. It means he's learning the boundaries. It'd be nice if someone could just show him the boundaries though, in clear/concise language.

FWIW - I believe I have a good understanding of those boundaries now.

Also - another server - but #51 and #18 should be getting deleted on primary. They just did exactly what I did to you on express, Superfly. I've reported them, still awaiting a result. I'm extremely curious to see if the rules are enforced consistently.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 18:41:21

Originally posted by sfbob:
So black hole as you keep professing yourself to be some sort of master manipulator, playing us all like puppets with your magnificent forum posts by your own logic that's cheating too because it happened 'outside of the game'. You come on here and talk all this crap about what you are going to do, destroy darkness, force all netting teams to never be able to net again etc and then you expect people to go easy on you and be nice to you because you're new?
It's not going to happen and - newsflash - a lot of players here just aren't nice people.
If you want people to be nice to you then I suggest you start over and come back with a different attitude and stop trying to wind people up with your forum posts and in game actions then maybe you'll get a different response.

Sfbob - do you think it's possible that there is more than one party to blame here?

I'll readily admit that I am bombastic and definitely came on these forums to stir the pot. To be fair, I did it because I thought it would be enjoyable to all.

I gave Darkness a reason to war. I gave the outsiders a reason to care. I gave new players a reason to stick around the game. I created a situation that was interesting, or so I thought.

That was my true intention. Along the way, things went awry, obviously.

We can go through example by example, but that might take all night. In the end, I'll happily take the blame for some of it. I'm fine with admitting my mistakes, I'm not perfect.

But while we are at it, don't you think others should admit to their wrong doings? Superfly likes to throw around the word cheater toward me a lot, which I take issue with. I've never knowingly cheated. I've unknowingly run afoul of the rules a few times. I've griped about it, sought clarification, failed to get clarification, and griped some more.

I think not knowing where the gray ends and doesn't end is very different then purposefully lying to an entire group of people, concealing an identity, going as far as to use an alternative discord name to keep your secret, and then likely giving away information to the enemy (I have no direct proof of this, but it's the only conclusion I can come to).

Don't you think that is also wrong? Why do you want to hold my feet to the fire, but no one elses?

I'm here, admitting to my mistakes. Hell, Gerdler and I had a good fluffing screaming match at each other a few nights ago about the whole netting issue. It got pretty heated. Props to the dude for putting up with me. You know how it ended?

I conceded the argument. I'll provide the chat logs if you don't believe me. Or you can ask him.

So I'll happily get on here and agree that it's probably not the coolest thing to do to hit netters. I do have some opinions about how the meta of the game is in a state such that a particular style of play is even possible, but that's not really important. That meta exists and it's the state of the game currently, so I need to exist within that state.

I'll also admit that some of my rhetoric on the boards has probably crossed a line or two in terms of how personal and heated it got. Definitely one of my flaws, a bit too much passion. Gotta reign it in sometimes.

Now that I've done that, who else wants to step up and admit to their wrong doings?

SFBob - Is there more you'd like me to take blame for? Or does that cover it for you?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 10:43:08

Coalie - You claim you were on our side, and everything you did was on the up and up. No foul play. All you did was hide your identity, for some unknown reason.

If that's the case then why are these the only three attacks you engaged in the entire set?

2023-01-28 15:06:19 GS 1969 CoomMobile (#47) RESIST Taker (#9) Freedom 1434C 618 F
2023-01-28 15:06:17 GS 1969 CoomMobile (#47) RESIST Taker (#9) Freedom 1462C 618 F
2023-01-28 15:06:06 GS 1969 CoomMobile (#47) RESIST Taker (#9) Freedom DH

That's it. In a war that saw us kill 8 or 9 people, and carried out thousands of attacks, you only made three attacks. And it wasn't even against Darkness.

If you were really playing WITH US, and not engaging in the cheating we all know you were, then you would have actually played with us. You would have participated in the war.

Otherwise, you weren't really playing with us, were you? You were simply in our discord, trying to act like you were with us, while you sabotaged our team, gave players bad advice, and fed information back to Darkness leadership.

The facts are damning, Coalie.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 10:22:30

Super - you know the worst thing about you? You're a dishonest interlocutor.

Cuda — 02/11/2023 8:44 PM
I know you agree with me on this.
I get why they enforced the rule against me, like they have against you.
But it's a bad rule.
SuperGuy — 02/11/2023 8:44 PM
I have been deleted more times than you
Look at my profile
Cuda — 02/11/2023 8:44 PM
Oh I know. I'm not surprised I was deleted.
I'm just saying that they aren't understanding the rule.
SuperGuy — 02/11/2023 8:45 PM
Tons of purples in express for hitting people already at war

Cuda — 02/11/2023 8:45 PM
What's the difference then, cause I'm an idiot apparently
SuperGuy — 02/11/2023 8:46 PM
Primary everyone does 1 LG
2 LGs considered interference
Cuda — 02/11/2023 8:46 PM
So if I had hit you 1 time with a LG in express it wasn't interference?
SuperGuy — 02/11/2023 8:46 PM
Go read the threads
They have it all there
I already proposed all of your scenarios
Your boy Gerdler shut it down

You keep calling me a cheater, muddying the waters between what I did to get myself deleted and what Coalie did here. So let's address that head on.

I did what you've admitted to doing more times than me. You've admitted you've been deleted more times than me. You've admitted that you VERY RECENTLY had the same exact concerns and questions that I had.

You also know, because you were present for this conversation, that I've pleaded with the mods multiple times to get a thorough explanation of what exactly the rule is, so that I don't run afoul of it again.

You also know that the mods, publicly, have not given an extremely clear definition of what is considered interfering with a war and what is not.

SuperGuy — 02/11/2023 8:56 PM
Exactly I was gonna put to the test
And what did Gerdler say?
Cuda — 02/11/2023 8:56 PM
Well he said something like 'oh so you're gonna test the limits of the game
SuperGuy — 02/11/2023 8:56 PM
He will keep it in mind to delete me lol

You said you were going to put it to the test. Exactly what I got deleted for, because you also wanted to know the limits of the rule, and were the boundaries were.

All of this is irrelevant to the conversation at hand, except that it goes to prove that you are being dishonest in these conversations, and nothing that you say should be considered.

We are having a discussion about Coalie and Darkness cheating. As a way of defending them, you are calling me a cheater, when we both know, as is evident by our conversation history, that we both agree that what I did was not necessarily cheating, and you've accidentally run afoul of the rules even more than I have.

You're purposely being misleading to try to win the argument and claim that Coalie and Darkness weren't actually cheating, by making it seem like I'm a worse cheater, which you know isn't even true.

That's pretty low.

You want to argue with me, do it honestly. Take cues from Derrick. He at least has the history argument to fall back on to justify this cheating. You're just being straight up dishonest, and I'll continue to tear you apart for it as long as you continue to do it.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 10:05:20

Derrick - SFBob -

I know ya'll would try to claim it's part of the game. I was told not to bring this to the forums for that very reason.

Just because others have done it before doesn't make it not cheating at a very basic level.

I'm glad we can all agree on what's happened, I thought that was going to be the hard part. Getting Coalie to admit to what he did. Since he's admitted it, I only need to show why it is cheating now. So let me try again.

We are playing a game. Games have rules. Chess, Hide N' Seek, Football, Connect 4, Trivia Games at the bar. They all have rules.

And you play within the confines of those rules. You play with the mechanics of the game, the way they were built.

Pick any game you want. And let's lay out this exact same scenario.

If we were playing a game of risk. And teams developed in the game. And the players split into two sides, you might have people making arguments for why you should join one side or the other, you might have people switching sides within the game. That's all fine. You might have people backstab others. That's fine.

What you wouldn't have is someone creating a fake phone #, pretending to be someone he's not, and then using the information he gained that way to his advantage.

Pick another game. You're playing basketball. You don't have one person assuming a fake identity, joining the coaching staff of another team, and then using that info to benefit the first team.

Pick a third game. Let's say you're playing chess at a high level and preparing for your match in a championship. You wouldn't hide a video camera in the other teams facility and record them practicing their openings. That fluff would get you banned from the sport.

fluff, let's pick a fourth game from my example. You're playing trivia at a bar. And you decide to impersonate a bar employee to get access to the questions ahead of the game. Cheating.

Or maybe you are playing a virtual game of trivia. And you create a fake virtual profile, join an opposing team from all your friends, and then purposefully give fake answers and sway the team in the wrong direction. Also cheating.

It's PLAINLY OBVIOUS that this is cheating. Any reasonable person would see it as such.

Why are all these things considered cheating in all of these examples? Because it violates the spirit of the game. There is no part of this game that involves me running discord profiles past IT departments to check the veracity and history of said profile.

This 'it's espionage' is completely ridiculous. You want espionage? The mechanics for it exist right there in the game. There are 30 fluffing espionage acts you can take. Including LITERALLY spying.

Spying outside the game and circumventing the rules and mechanics of the game itself IS cheating. Ya'll may be able to sit here and tell me the history of the game, or why certain strategies work better than others. But this.... this isn't something you can lecture me on. This is basic common sense.

It IS cheating, plain and simple. Just because you all accept that you're going to cheat doesn't make it not cheating, it just makes the community toxic AF.

Beyond all that - EVEN IF you wanted to claim it wasn't cheating (which it is)....

Why in the world do you guys feel the need to pull this crap against an alliance of NEW PLAYERS. You knew from the get go you were going to win the war. We didn't even know HOW to war at the start. But you still thought this was necessary?

Ya'll lectured me up and down this board about making the game fun for others. I got lectured about not ABing people out of protection, as it makes the war a slog and it makes people not want to play. I've been lectured about not hitting netters, cause it'll just drive them out of the game. I've been lectured about not suiciding, cause it's just ruining the game for other people. And rightly so. All those points have validity to them, to an extent.

But you're going to claim that creating fake discord profiles, lying about your identity, misleading other players outside the game, all of this... That's not ruining the game for other people? You're going to try to sell me on THIS being ok, while all the previous things I mentioned, things that are literal mechanics of the game is not ok?

Derrick - You're going to have to do a whole hell of a lot more explaining if you expect me to buy that. Please square that circle for me, cause I can't see how there is any logical consistency to any of that.

Edited By: BlackHole on Feb 13th 2023, 10:07:51
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 4:08:19

If you had nothing to hide. If you were completely being honest and upfront about everything. You had no ulterior motives. Why did you join with a discord profile that wasn't the one that identified who you were in game?

Why hide your identity?

The answer is because you had something to hide.

fluff bro. It's pretty obvious. No one is going to believe a thing you're saying right now when your actions show that you were acting untoward.

You cheated. You know it. I know it. We all know it.

It's a shame, we could have had so much fun with our wars. I was looking forward to getting my boys up to speed to give you all some real competition.

I never knew we were playing this type of game though. Next thing I know people are going to tell me that hacking others is part of the game. Or doxxing people IRL, which I've heard has happened before.

A bunch of fluffing degenerate cheaters this game has, apparently.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:50:51

And I think it's fluffing fresh you're trying to call me a liar.


The only thing I'm guilty of is getting confused about who is trying to sway me to do what.

You fluffing created a fake discord profile to infiltrate our alliance. But I'm the liar?!?!?!?

How in the hell does that make any sense.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:49:19

We gonna do this in two threads? That's fine.

Here's the logs from me and Gerd, where i thought he was trying to manipulate me into hitting Tmac. You'll notice he never actually asks me too. I misinterpreted it cause I thought he was manipulative initially, which is what you told me, Coalie.

Cuda — 02/03/2023 9:52 PM
They actually brought me onto their team a few weeks ago to teach me. But then kicked me after a day cause I was talking fluff to Darkness in team on the forums.
So that made me mad, cause i'm a cool guy and was gonna be loyal to them on 1A
Gerdler — 02/03/2023 9:54 PM
there are ways
Im just saying that hitting omega and not hitting evo is like giving the win to evo and tmac lol
he doesnt have defense either
you really cant play with defense when netting to be fair. because if you do it means you have too much NW to hit a bot
once you got 300k+ acres and decent tech and like 15m jets you are past the humanitarians range of most bots usually. the difference this round is everyone including laf especially is at war so no one is hitting the bots and theyve grown to epic proportions
Cuda — 02/03/2023 10:01 PM
Ahh, I see what you're saying.
I'm not sure who I'm going to hit next, if anyone. I just wanted some more land too. I only had 11k land but like 28mil nw. I needed more land

Now that that's settled, you gonna take responsibility for your cheating? Or do you expect us all to just gloss over that? Trying to shift the conversation to whether or not Gerdler wanted me to hit someone. Like that's even at all relevant.


That's the problem here.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:46:45

Love discord - found the logs. Check the date, you'll see it's prior to the conversations you've screenshotted. All you've proved is that I did a fluffty fluffing job of interpreting what Gerdler was saying to me, likely influenced by the fact that everyone told me not to trust Gerdler and that he was manipulative.

You know who told me that a lot? Coalie. And I believed him. Cause he was a vet in our alliance helping us out, allegedly, all set. I had no idea it was him, being a cheater, and trying to mislead me.

Cuda — 02/03/2023 9:52 PM
They actually brought me onto their team a few weeks ago to teach me. But then kicked me after a day cause I was talking fluff to Darkness in team on the forums.
So that made me mad, cause i'm a cool guy and was gonna be loyal to them on 1A
Gerdler — 02/03/2023 9:54 PM
there are ways
Im just saying that hitting omega and not hitting evo is like giving the win to evo and tmac lol
he doesnt have defense either
you really cant play with defense when netting to be fair. because if you do it means you have too much NW to hit a bot
once you got 300k+ acres and decent tech and like 15m jets you are past the humanitarians range of most bots usually. the difference this round is everyone including laf especially is at war so no one is hitting the bots and theyve grown to epic proportions
Cuda — 02/03/2023 10:01 PM
Ahh, I see what you're saying.
I'm not sure who I'm going to hit next, if anyone. I just wanted some more land too. I only had 11k land but like 28mil nw. I needed more land

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:43:49

I'm glad the truth is coming out. And I'll happily address that.

1. Everyone was claiming I was a puppet. Everyone told me Gerdler was manipulative, as you can see I referenced in my messages. It's possible that I was misinterpreting what Gerdler said to me, and thought he was trying to talk me into hitting Tmac.

I think in reality what happened was that I misinterpreted his telling me about Tmac breaking the NW record, and explaining why it was going to happen, as him trying to coax me into 'doing him a favor' without him actually asking me.

In hindsight, my interpretation of those conversations was probably incorrect.

I don't recall him ever explicitly asking me to attack Tmac.

But you know what, now i'm curious. And if he did, I'm going to post those logs. I have nothing to hide. This isn't about me or my wrong doing.

If you're trying to 'gotcha' me by saying someone else also tried to do what you guys did... fluffing have fun with that. Maybe Gerdler is just as manipulative as you guys.

But you know what. None of that excuses the fake discord profiles. The cheating.

Ya'll want to focus on if Gerdler wanted someone to hit Tmac. Who gives a crap about that. That's not relevant at all. What's relevant is how much ya'll are cheaters and hypocrites.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:38:55

Originally posted by SuperFly:
You said you wanted to war in allaince. I suggested PDM as they have a few countries and I know for a fact that they ain’t a big war power house so you had a chance for a decent fight

Yes I said omega would rage quit and not retal cuz they aren’t a war team.

I told you not to hit Evo but you listened to Gerdler.


you didn’t listen to me you you went with what Gerdler told you to do cuz you ARE GERDLERS PUPPET. And you died

Gerdler actually never asked me to hit Evo or Tmac. Not once.