
enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 18th 2010, 12:11:53

the reason netting clans can be blindsided is simple

a netting clan can decide war is certain and give up a netting set, but do it too often and they arnt a netting clan, plus its obvious when they do this and increases the chance of war since the target or potential target wont want to get blindsided or fs'd

a war clan on the other hand cant netgain very well because someone can see when they are doing it and try to make a name from hitting the tag who everyone thinks is good at war but this set happens to be unprepared (or someone who wants revenge, but the same can go for netters who were seen to farm)

the normal situation is war tags running strats which suck if you dont war or dont war by a certain point and picking the date by which they either have to force an issue or just hit for no reason

while the netting tags can choose to prep for war or not prep, sacrificing some netting power, or hope they can avoid war until the balance shifts away from strats focusing on an earlier time period

if your the aggressor and prepared to manufacture/hitanyway at a certain date you can be much more efficient

1) tyranny indy/farm oop, turn 220 or 340 most targets will probably have 0 troops and you can go low on cs count

2) commie indy, turn 500-600 or so your production should be way higher than all other strats with appropriate bpt allexplore, little need for tech

3) mono tech to tyranny tech, turn 1000-2000 or so, what acres you stop and tech on and bpt determines when you need to FS by before countries which can explore can pass you, can tech warfare early with little penalty, no need for bus/res/agri/indy, can get weapons/milstrat/medical/sdi when you need it and have your enemy buy it from you usually (this is what sol seems to be doing this set btw, teching on about 6-10k acres)

4) farmer, turn 1500-3500 or so, becomes optimal before casher but not significantly so, big advantage during food peak

5) casher, turn 2000-4000 or so, later than farmer but stable income

6) when techers and some casher/farmer of your opponents have jumped non netting tags can easily blindside an enemy as they have no choice but to jump, wars at this point are usually considered particularly cheap but given the right circumstance you will find many of the enemy countries who would have had the most stock will not participate to their maximum capacity

crazyserb Game profile


Oct 18th 2010, 18:00:54

everyone should start playing pact less...and land:land retals should not exist, i am sure this will make the game more interesting

also if you are a member in some alliance for a while this doesn't mean you should stay there every set...move around a bit its actually really fun to get to experience how each alliance organizes it self and how they work

Murf Game profile


Oct 18th 2010, 19:15:16

meh i like being in sof so I aint moving

Some interesting points being raised by a lot of people, but I know for a fact SoF can still netgain just aswell as anyone else on the server

locket Game profile


Oct 18th 2010, 19:46:57

Murf convince your war friends to have a peaceful netting set then ;) we can see the end result. I'm sure sof would be the best war netters unless collab is counted as a war clan anyways.. they might be

Murf Game profile


Oct 18th 2010, 20:07:51

lol i can only speak for sof

locket Game profile


Oct 18th 2010, 20:16:10

well if they dont listen to you FS them? ;) haha

Makinso Game profile


Oct 24th 2010, 13:07:28

Originally posted by Pang:
SoL will FS LaF again, maybe someone else too

SoL is killing this server. I don't know what to do anymore -- there is no obvious political solution, since none of the fighters will fight eachother.

Pang stop being paranoid. I told you and certain of your allies SOL will not FS LaF unless heavily provoked. We have no reason too? We defended our policy last set and were ready (and expecting) to die for it, we got out for the better of it and I'm happy about that.

Stop portraying SOL as the bad guys of EE. Everyone currently here has done something or participated in something that costed this game players in the long or short run. And yes so have we.

Does that mean SOL is on a destructive path atm not to me? We had a long conversation not too long ago(last set :)) Where I explained to you with re-organizing SOL we also decided we are trying to avoid grudge wars (this isn't always possible) but are looking to fight over ingame stuff.

With that said Right now there are basically 2 core warring alliances in this server of whom warring is their prime game which they strive too do set in set out.

SoF and SOL. .... actually 3 Imag wars set in set out too. SoF and SOL happen to be friends have been for ages that's no secret. We stood together too some pretty messy fluff. Why should SOL fight them or drop their pact?

Rage, Collab, are those whom I would consider the 2 alliances whom are semi warring sem netting alliances.
There aren't alot of warrring alliances left to fight.

So drop the whole fighting netters is the only thing you do argument :-P because there is nothing else there apart from SoF. 80% of the alliances in this server are Netters.

Edited By: Makinso on Oct 24th 2010, 13:38:28
See Original Post

Ivan Game profile


Oct 24th 2010, 13:19:49

Lol yeah the netters has all the honor etc

I remmeber when 60 member SoF FSed 110 member NA and killed 30 of them in the FS just to see evo jump in with NA's CS

very honorable, personally for play like that both NA and Evo are lucky very lucky that they have been allowed to netgain in peace and still are so far SoF hasnt done a single move and has no plans on it either but dont come on these boards and cry about stupid stuff theres no war tags or netting tags we're all alliances some prefer to do some stuff and others prefer to do other things thats just the way its your only blindsided if you dont prepare for the posibility to get hit and thats your leaders faults not the other alliances faults

As for the stupid comment about SoF meeting SoL in a friendly its been discussed but we can hardly do that every single set for the next decade of earth can we? and SoF/SoL has still warred each other the most out of any alliances in the entire game i think

so really im sick of seeing threads like this every other week, maybe I'll just fs the tag that keeps posting them up instead of doing something themselves to change the political map of the server

Makinso Game profile


Oct 24th 2010, 13:39:36

Perm seems messed up


Edited By: Makinso on Oct 24th 2010, 13:46:39
See Original Post

Dragonlance Game profile


Oct 24th 2010, 14:19:40

It would be silly of sof and sol to throw away a friendship for a war.

Friendly wars cannot sustain the server.

Constant netgaining cannot sustain the server.

I think it's time that some of the alliances that seem to pact out (laf is not one of these ironically..) and don't have any involvement in the server politics, that run all explores etc, got more involved, or got farmed for land or something.

CeyLonTEa Game profile


Oct 24th 2010, 17:27:58

*stand beside Makinso*


Junky Game profile


Oct 24th 2010, 17:35:54

Can I point out that Laf has done its fair share of running people off the game.. (LaF is the face of all netters since I believe they are the best at netting.)
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

NukEvil Game profile


Oct 24th 2010, 19:27:08

First of all, this post will be more of a small history lesson, than a support of either side of the debate this thread has been created for.

Originally posted by Ivan:

Lol yeah the netters has all the honor etc

I remmeber when 60 member SoF FSed 110 member NA and killed 30 of them in the FS just to see evo jump in with NA's CS

very honorable, personally for play like that both NA and Evo are lucky very lucky that they have been allowed to netgain in peace and still are so far SoF hasnt done a single move and has no plans on it either but dont come on these boards and cry about stupid stuff theres no war tags or netting tags we're all alliances some prefer to do some stuff and others prefer to do other things thats just the way its your only blindsided if you dont prepare for the posibility to get hit and thats your leaders faults not the other alliances faults

As for the stupid comment about SoF meeting SoL in a friendly its been discussed but we can hardly do that every single set for the next decade of earth can we? and SoF/SoL has still warred each other the most out of any alliances in the entire game i think

so really im sick of seeing threads like this every other week, maybe I'll just fs the tag that keeps posting them up instead of doing something themselves to change the political map of the server

Gee, bitter much?

Actually, SOL and SoF are very lucky that Earth:2025 ended when it did. Had it not been shut down that reset, the netters were more than prepared to, and AFAIK actually planned to, continue their war against those two alliances until they were in no position to threaten anybody else's netting reset anymore. We had the numbers, the activity, the planning, and the political will to do so. The EC server no longer had the balance of power in place (IX) to keep the netters pacified. We did not have most of our leadership involved in building this new game, so we would have not had any trouble holding our coalition together until peace had been established via your annihilation.

Yes, I do remember when 63-member SoF FSed 105-member NA and killed ~20 of them, before EVO jumped in. But I also remember SOL FSing EVO the reset before that, out of the blue, for no reason, with 2 weeks left in that reset. I also remember SoF members trying to farm Evolution the reset before THAT, during our friendly war with TIE. Had SoF not aligned themselves with SOL and actively participated in the destruction of EVO's netting reset, I suspect that SoF would have achieved their much-deserved victory over NA, due to the fact that EVO would not have been so inclined to help NA, especially after Llaar bought out all the markets with his ~$872mil net country.

But, that was a different game. And I'm pretty sure ALL the netters involved in Earth:2025's last war put all of that behind them, while SOL and SoF continued antagonizing them, when everyone moved to this new game. I'm also pretty sure that it's not the netters' fault that IX called it quits at the end of that reset where everyone killed everyone else, leaving a power vacuum that couldn't possibly be filled. The lack of people playing in this server is THE major problem we all need to deal with atm. So don't go blaming us for your inability to go to war whenever you feel like it. I suggest letting it go, and starting over. We already have.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Ivan Game profile


Oct 24th 2010, 19:31:25

So have we, im just tired of hearing the whining that we are the ones destroying the game when you "netting" tags are just as bad

And indeed you guys could have run our alliances out of the game, and we could have done the same to you several times over the course of years and we have let you go

anyway fluff

locket Game profile


Oct 24th 2010, 19:33:51

It seems to be a warring tags desire to do that though recently ivan.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Oct 29th 2010, 19:15:38

oh ffs. Not this argument again.

All of the large tags are equally guilty. It's not a "netters vs warrers" issue.

With Rival and IX gone, and RD unable to recruit their "friends" the balance of power is not what it was I guess.
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


gwagers Game profile


Oct 29th 2010, 19:26:27

Personally, a "balance of power" doesn't sound all that appetizing anyway. Opportunities are born out of chaos. Though at this point I'm thinking along the lines of "small vs. big" instead of "netters vs. warmongers"; I'm not sure how netters would find a benefit to chaos, unless it's simply staying out of the path of destruction while all their rivals are smashed to dust.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!