
Raging Budda

New Member

Apr 25th 2016, 13:51:36

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Raging Budda:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Raging Budda:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Bsnake:
BC you have played for a few sets mate...

we have all done many many oop wars, just no skill in it.

any plonker can run a commie indy oop and war.

Basically he knows he can't build countries worth jack fluff. He thinks he s being smart because he was going to go commie just like his suiciders.

Blow cow. You are horrible. You are garbage. Only 1 person in this thread thinks you an beat me, and it is a transsexual with a bipolar disorder that has played about a month.

If I run fluff countries then accept the seven day challenge. If not back down simple as that.

If we are going to war, wears going to war properly. You have no say in this.

1. Like I told you, at 7days I will be on travel in Israel. You really are that dumb.

2. If you want a 1v1. It will be 30 days out with really countries.

3. You keep making demands after the initial challenge. Clearly you are scaredand keep trying to change the rules as you go.

Like I said, 30 days, take it or leave it. Prove your not a worthless suicider (I know, you are one and this is why you are having a melt down about a real war).

So isreal doesnt have internet?

If you're to scared to war seven days out prehaps you need to relook how you play.

If i run fluff suiciders then seven days out should be no problem for you.

Not my fault you're to chicken fluff to accept.

Message me when you get your balls back.

Tel Aviv has plenty of Internet. Unfortunately I work about 16 hours a day when I there and the time zones are completely different. You used your attendance at a local community college because your coursework is too much this set so I don't want to hear your fluff.

I love how you are vacking out of a real war. Just as cowardly as I suspected. This was supposed to be a 1v1 war, not a suiciders challenge.

Let me know when you want to man up and actually war.

Didn't know this university was a community college. Gasp. You cant hang message me when you can.