
Colo Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 10:42:09

Originally posted by dagga X:

Please cite examples where citizens have stopped massacres because they were carrying their assault rifle to the cinema/school.

Literally almost every single fluffing case ended by a citizen carrying. And I am the dimwit? This is why cops carry assault rifles, so they are prepared for fluff like this.

Edited By: Colo on Jan 16th 2016, 10:46:16

mrford Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 10:43:47

Originally posted by dagga X:
"neither of your a/b examples have anything to do with gun ownership." -mrford

Neither does the 2nd amendment - unless you feel the term "Arms" relates only to guns. Oftentimes you pro-gun idiots don't bother actually reading your own laws, just the garbage produced by the NRA.

stop resorting to your go-to bullfluff tirade. you change the topic more than your weak excuses are proven wrong. it is entertaining, but also cringe worthy embarrassing. save face and stfu.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 10:47:05

btw, if that really is dagga, you dont even have the social skills to avoid being banned in an internet community. you lecturing people on self restraint and firearm safety is ironic as fluff.

if you want to be a fluff, fine. be a fluff. dont force your fluff upon everyone else. no one cares about your vagina or opinion. if there even is a difference.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Colo Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 10:47:58

^ lol

Hawkster Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 14:41:38

Originally posted by dagga X:
.. and that might have been a relevant and noble amendment when the framers framed it. The truth is, its called a friggen amendment for a reason - amendments are there to be amended. You sit there and bleat about how you have been gifted a right to keep any type of weapon as if it's a law set in stone, but the disgraceful and ambiguous text gives leverage for fanatics and interest groups to peddle scare campaigns that result in more murder, death and destruction.

An intelligent, reasoned people might look at their citizens getting shot up while watching a movie or their kids getting slaughtered at school and think 'well gee, maybe when the most powerful weapon available was a musket, the intent of the 2nd amendment might be different.' The good news is that a majority of Americans support gun reform. The bad news is that your distorted, broken, lobbyist crippled political system bows to money and it bows to noise.

elvesrus, do you support citizens having tanks in their garage? Rocket propelled grenades? TNT? If not, the citizens are clearly being infringed and are not equal to the government!

Musket was more powerful than a Cannon o.O

The reality is, any intelligent reasoned person will put more of their effort where the problems really lie. Sorry but 0.42% of all deaths as result to assault by firearms is just simply not big enough issue. Sad maybe, but that is not even 1/3 of deaths from cars, and only 1/5 of deaths from drugs.
Even if you include suicide deaths from firearms, 0.82%, it would still be lower than all deaths from cars. Imho that would be silly to do anyway, as I doubt not having firearm would have stopped any of those suicides.

Buch Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 14:57:16

Not having a firearm probably wouldn't have saved any of those lives people are evil they will find a way to kill no matter what

Colo Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 15:12:36

Originally posted by Hawkster:

The reality is, any intelligent reasoned person will put more of their effort where the problems really lie.

That requires real effort though. I am pretty lazy, so i'm just going to point the finger at the tool and that's good enough for me!

Alin Game profile


Jan 17th 2016, 0:37:48

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by Colo:
Originally posted by dagga X:
The rest of the world laughs at how one of the greatest countries on Earth can't pry themselves away from their stupid gun obsession.

With greatness comes responsibility. Our freedom was forged by men with guns and we will continue to protect our freedom in the same manner. By the way, Americans are laughing at "men" like you that get a tingle in your tiny pecker every time you see a gun. It's ok that it scares you, leave that kind of stuff to real men.

Actually, real man fight with fists. The best reply i ever heard from an old prosecutor, was like: " 35 years ago when he got suspended for 6 months he was asked(by communists) if he carries any wepons . He raised his fists and answered "only this two"".

I bet more than half of those guns is because wussines, scare, uncertitude of crossing the street/county/state without em. Fight with fist, go home with a black eye not with a bullet in your head. And the remaining percentage is because "if neighbor/friend/employee" has em, i should get em too".

you are clearly too simple minded to understand that shooting sports is a hobby. hunting too. it is comical that you think half gun owners are because of fear, and the other half is because others own guns. do you actually believe the bullfluff you type? do you even know a US gu owner? seriously? i wouldn't expect a commie flufftard to understand freedom. go read some more of your governments nationalistic bullfluff. at least you have the worlds heaviest building.

You idiot, you got shooted in shooting sport or however you call that... hobby. And yes, the truth is: part of you, are armed to the teeth because you are scared of your own sistem. As small mice. You need gun for your own peacefull mind altought few will ever react properly in critical situation. Beside a gun, you need a clear mind, selfcontrol and training in order to react properlly, in a short period of time during an incident. Most of your cases are just uncertain persons that get scared of it s own shadows, when not owning a gun. Use fists, deliver one receive one, go blackeyed home. Not to the grave yard, you ignorant idiot. Or infrige guncontrol rules, otherwise you ll have tons of Bubba owning some, as you are at the moment we speak.

And this first amendament and our birth rights... makes me laugh. You always act like a 21 century nazy(ford). "We are the center of the universe", our "amendaments should be general and spread world wide", "you are communists/any other form of racial/general insult", fluff. Wtf, you get shooting incidents every sigle day in Usa, while i see maybe one/year in EU(other than terrorism). Get down from that pedestal, you did not invented hot watter and there are cultures in this world more open mined and "way way way older" than your infant one.

YOU ARE NOT THE OWNERS OF THE SUPREME TRUTH! Your gun law is wrong for this century(to many idiots with acess to them). If your governament would want at any time, to deny your costitutional rights, your guns would be a tool helping your governament... not a weapon to fight against it.

mrford Game profile


Jan 17th 2016, 1:20:55

you should stick to simpiler topics. when you try to get all intelligent, it backfires on you badly.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 17th 2016, 1:22:49

Originally posted by Trife:
background checks, for starters

Just use the same background checks the federal government is using to vette the "refugees".

Should be completely safe then, right? :)
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 17th 2016, 1:27:02

Originally posted by Colo:
Originally posted by dagga X:
The rest of the world laughs at how one of the greatest countries on Earth can't pry themselves away from their stupid gun obsession.

With greatness comes responsibility. Our freedom was forged by men with guns and we will continue to protect our freedom in the same manner. By the way, Americans are laughing at "men" like you that get a tingle in your tiny pecker every time you see a gun. It's ok that it scares you, leave that kind of stuff to real men.

Classic. LOL This post was a winner. :)
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!



Jan 18th 2016, 18:02:24

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by Trife:
background checks, for starters

Just use the same background checks the federal government is using to vette the "refugees".

Should be completely safe then, right? :)

Save the middle man and just give the guns to the refugees when they cross the borders into our country ;)
Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady