
Heston Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 4:26:43

Originally posted by Cerberus:

People just their heads
Islamic Fundamentalists

a problem.
How to live your life
crazy, illiterate
believe in Jihad,
kill your people.
The answer problem
you "sheeple"
scared to talk
moron might!.
"Islamophobe, or a Racist",
shut you up.

STILL American,
until some moron
take our weapons from us.

I propose that we just start blowing them to cum straight up.

Quit mincing around like fairies
Trust me, if
happened before.

I suck balls and some.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Atryn Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 4:27:25

TAN Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 4:51:14

Originally posted by Angel1:
1) I would stop supporting Saudi Arabia if the reality on the ground in the Middle East were a little different. Sadly, supporting one bad actor is a primary way of containing a worse actor in the Middle East right now. For the time being, I would pressure Saudi Arabia as much as possible to liberalize their country and would flat out demand that they shut down the religious schools that are creating jihadists.

Not sure how you can call Jordan an oppressive dictatorship. While the King of Jordan does hold significant power, they seem pretty far from a dictatorship in the class sense. The treatment in politics of women and Christians is an example of that should be held up for the rest of the Middle East. Frankly, they're one of the few Middle Eastern countries that deserves significant support.

In Egypt, we have a military that is friendly to the US/Israel. We have a military that seems intent on keeping Egypt headed in a path towards a Jordan-like future. We have also had an idiotic constitutional process which held elections for a government and then wrote the constitution. Really? Have we learned nothing from history? First comes writing the constitution. Second comes ratifying the constitution by super-majority. Then and only then do you elect the government to operate under the terms and restrictions of the country's constitution. The Military toppling Morsi was not the military toppling a properly elected leader; no the Muslim Brotherhood wrote the constitution for the Muslim Brotherhood, not all Egyptians. Agree or disagree with the military's power in Egypt, the serve to balance the country. Right now the Egyptian government is fighting and facing opposition that would suppress other Egyptians most basic rights.

Saudi Arabia - We've been supporting Saudi Arabia since its inception. If you don't care at all about human rights, which apparently you don't since you're selective in who you support, you shouldn't support them at all. Almost every single 9/11 hijacker was from Saudi Arabia. Al Qaeda is FUNDED by Saudi Arabia. Al Nusrah Front too. All of these extremist Sunni groups you prima facie *say* you hate are funded by Saudi Arabia. They've beheaded more people THIS YEAR than ISIL has. And how are you going to "pressure" them? With what threat? You and I both know America is going to do no such thing.

Jordan - I am a Jordanian (but born and raised American) citizen. You have no idea what you're talking about here. Their legislature is totally superficial. The King holds absolute power and treats his citizens like fluff. People are too afraid to talk about politics outside of their own homes from fear of being arrested by undercover mukhabarat (hidden intelligence - think KGB) agents.

Egypt - So what if they're friendly? Once again you purport to care about human rights, yet when we need people tortured, we send them to a black site in Egypt.

Not to mention Egypt's own human rights abuses.

2) Israel has unilaterally pulled back from Palestinian areas numerous times. It has only bought them more death. The only time Israel has gotten the peace they asked for in exchange for the land they held was when they made peace with Egypt. If the world wants to solve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, then the world needs to sit the Palestinians down and tell them how it has to be. Until the world is willing to see Palestinians equally the perpetrators of violence as the world is willing to see them as the victims of oppression, we are unlikely to get anywhere. When the rest of the world stops the violence towards Israel, then the US could find the political will to bring Israel along in the peace process. For now, however, Israel will continue to expand their settlements because they have never gained peace by stopping or reversing settlements. Bottom line, Israel has a right to exist in peace on much of the land they occupy. Modern Israel is not now, nor have they ever been a colonial power; what they have been is the victim of near continuous aggression from their neighbors.

Not even going to bother to address this, since this is probably the only point that facts mean little to you. Won't bother linking to their human rights abuses, etc. And besides, my point is that we DON'T NEED to support them. We pour billions of dollars into them and they could easily take on every single Arab state simultaneously without our help. Their military is that good. They're seriously a top 5 world power, and yet we keep sinking American taxpayer dollars into them, and by association tarnish our reputation.

3) I actually agree with this position, mostly. The Kurds deserve US support because they have by and large supported our interests for decades. Other organizations should be supported on a common interests basis. I don't think we should take sides in sectarian conflicts, but the US should recognize when one side or the other has taken sides against the US.

Why are we playing world police at all? Let them sort out their own problems. Why interfere?

4) I suppose that Kuwait deserved to be invaded or that the Shiites/Kurds deserved to be gassed. You know what we actually should have done? We should have finished the job the first time; that's the lesson we can take from Iraq.

Did you forget Saddam was one of our top allies in the 80s, and we provided him with the weapons to gas the Kurds? We knew it was happening at the time yet we did nothing.

5) Let's not pretend that some of these dictators didn't create their own instability. Saddam Hussein was a destabilizing agent in the Middle East. The only good he did was keep Iran in check and by the time he was taken out, even that was on shaky ground. To be honest, I am not certain that Iraq can really exist as a country in the long-term. In hindsight, the US probably should have tried to use Iraq to solve Turkey's conflict with their Kurdish population (vis a vis a United Kingdom devolution style solution), induced Syria to friendlier relations, and enticed Iran to the negotiating table. In short, the US should have invaded Iraq with the intention breaking the country apart. We should have taken care of the peoples in Iraq instead of trying to preserve the nation.

I would not have supported the fall of Hosni Mubarak, but would have moved to ensure a far more orderly and proper constitutional process after he fell. In Libya, there was likely very little the US or anyone could have done through action or inaction to effect the long-term outcome of their Civil War. Dictatorships are, by their own nature, unstable governments.

All this being said, I'm not about to support removing the House of Saud from power in Saudi Arabia, even as I support pressuring them to modernize/liberalize.

Saddam - Destabilizing? If you think the Middle East was *more* destabilized before he was killed, you have absolutely zero clue about current geopolitical events. I know Shia Iraqis who *wish* he was still back in power compared to the rampant carnage that resulted after he was ousted.

Mubarak - You wouldn't have supported Hosni being removed? DUDE he was fluffing BRUTAL. Yes, he was a stabilizing factor in his country (like Saddam), but if you care at all about human rights (you've demonstrated you only care about them when it's convenient, which means you don't care at all about them) then you would have fully supported his removal.

Saud - Of course you don't care about ousting them, because you don't give a rat's ass about the people being murdered on a daily basis by the regime.

The Middle East has plenty of problems that would exist with or without a US presence. While their are many situations, particularly when conflicts are staying contained to the areas involved that the US should mind our own business, there are also situations where innocent countries have been attacked or where the US has legitimate interests at play. Let's not pretend that all the bad (or even a majority of the bad) situations in the Middle East are caused by the US. The Middle East is a conflict rich part of the world all on its own.

"where the US has legitimate interests at play". Okay, this is all you had to say instead of your long-winded defense of human rights abuse and murder. If what you care about is geopolitical strategy, then yes, you can make a case (although I would argue differently that it's not in our best interest). Everything above is just justification for the line I quoted. No need to attempt at whitewashing complete disregard for human rights, just say it plain that you don't care.

mrford Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 6:14:44

just to piggy back on that, it wasnt so much the removing of saddam that was the tipping point, but the insanely asinine move of the bush administration of immediately disbanding Iraq's army.

that left a lot of military aged males with no way to feed their family in a now lawless country.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 7:02:54

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by mrford:
Just because you were raised to be a coward doesn't mean everyone else is.

People fight back all the time. It is in the news every other week.

You probably have no ideea what 4 ak47 shooting your direction looks like. If you think brave people own a unlimited number of guns, than you are the bravest in the world.

I repeat, so maybe you will understand: 4 bomb belt terorrists enter the theater shooting ak47 in all direction. I wonder in what fantasy world of yours,, someone could aproach that. Besides chuck norris...

I am coward because i tell you people panic. Go watch some documentaries and read some books to see how people react in crissis situation. More than 60% panic and freez being pined down.

that is fine that you lean towards flight, but dont use that as justification to say everyone does. im sure stories of people fighting back in this very attack will come to light.

how many guns i own or do not own has nothing to do with this. the fact that you bring that up shows how little faith you apparently have in the strength of your point so you deflect. well played.

the funny part is that you bring that up like it is an insult, but i guarantee that if this attack had happened where there are less gun restrictions, the attack would have gone down much differently. thanks for pointing that out for me. look up what happened last time explosive and AK-47 wielding dirka dirkas tried to attack texas.

Well, in this particular case guns could have helped. Probably if this attack would have been done in Texas, things would have looked different. Probably ... let`s not forget the bank incident, where 2 robbers (out of which one was from Romania) went into a bank being covered by kevlar and all the protective equipment. The rob failed, the police was there and they basically wrecked the USA police officers that owned ONLY small calibre guns. The law changed in USA after that incident, allowing police to carry colts and shotguns.

Ak47 can`t be fought well with a small guns. Specially if the owner of Ak47 is stuffed with protective equipment. Ak47 is the most lethal weapon in the world in short ranges ( from it`s category). I don`t think you personally ( or any other us citizen ) goes with his semi-automatic/automatic weapon at a theater (i don`t even know if you are allowed to carry it, there). I think the theater incident would have been almost the same in the center of New York. Things could have gone wrong for the terrorists at a theater in Bronx ( if that even exists, just a funny example)... however.

Now gun controll laws could have helped. IF french people would have been armed to the teeth ( like you are ) the victims would have been sligthly less. Accusing them,me or anybody else of being cowards is just your "we are brave you are cowards" horse fluff . You forget to take into account the panic factor. You probably see on your TV cases of Gas station robs where people react. Those people have been robed in the past, have seen people being robed in the past. They always expect to be robbed and they are prepared for that. That "fighting back" has low surprise element, and the seller has his shotgun just under the table. Here however (Bataclan theater) the surprise element is at it`s full strenght.

That being said, guns could have saved a couple of lifes in this incident. The overall picture however ... and the way guns influence the crime/society is another talk. And you know my position about that.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 17th 2015, 7:07:41

mrford Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 7:43:17

the body armor incident you are talking about had only 2 fatalities. the bank robbers.

and in my example of the attack in texas, a patrol officer with his service pistol took down 2 AK-47 wielding dirkas that also had pipe bombs.

terrorists always target gun free zones, even in the US. re: schools and theaters. that is the problem with people that dont follow rules, it is hard to stop them.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 7:47:24

Originally posted by Angel1:
Originally posted by TAN:
How about:

1) Stop supporting dictators that oppress their own people (Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, to name a few).

2) Stop supporting a colonial power that can do just fine on its own (Israel).

3) Stop supporting one faction over another (Sunnis vs Shias), or creating them (Mujahideen/Al-Qaeda).

4) Stop sanctioning countries that lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands (Iraq).

5) Stop bombing dictators and creating power vacuums (leading to the rise of ISIL in Iraq).

Basically, if the USA would just mind its own fluffing business in the Middle East, you might actually get somewhere in solving this "problem" instead of trying to drop bombs on ideas.

1) I would stop supporting Saudi Arabia if the reality on the ground in the Middle East were a little different. Sadly, supporting one bad actor is a primary way of containing a worse actor in the Middle East right now. For the time being, I would pressure Saudi Arabia as much as possible to liberalize their country and would flat out demand that they shut down the religious schools that are creating jihadists.

Not sure how you can call Jordan an oppressive dictatorship. While the King of Jordan does hold significant power, they seem pretty far from a dictatorship in the class sense. The treatment in politics of women and Christians is an example of that should be held up for the rest of the Middle East. Frankly, they're one of the few Middle Eastern countries that deserves significant support.

In Egypt, we have a military that is friendly to the US/Israel. We have a military that seems intent on keeping Egypt headed in a path towards a Jordan-like future. We have also had an idiotic constitutional process which held elections for a government and then wrote the constitution. Really? Have we learned nothing from history? First comes writing the constitution. Second comes ratifying the constitution by super-majority. Then and only then do you elect the government to operate under the terms and restrictions of the country's constitution. The Military toppling Morsi was not the military toppling a properly elected leader; no the Muslim Brotherhood wrote the constitution for the Muslim Brotherhood, not all Egyptians. Agree or disagree with the military's power in Egypt, the serve to balance the country. Right now the Egyptian government is fighting and facing opposition that would suppress other Egyptians most basic rights.

2) Israel has unilaterally pulled back from Palestinian areas numerous times. It has only bought them more death. The only time Israel has gotten the peace they asked for in exchange for the land they held was when they made peace with Egypt. If the world wants to solve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, then the world needs to sit the Palestinians down and tell them how it has to be. Until the world is willing to see Palestinians equally the perpetrators of violence as the world is willing to see them as the victims of oppression, we are unlikely to get anywhere. When the rest of the world stops the violence towards Israel, then the US could find the political will to bring Israel along in the peace process. For now, however, Israel will continue to expand their settlements because they have never gained peace by stopping or reversing settlements. Bottom line, Israel has a right to exist in peace on much of the land they occupy. Modern Israel is not now, nor have they ever been a colonial power; what they have been is the victim of near continuous aggression from their neighbors.

3) I actually agree with this position, mostly. The Kurds deserve US support because they have by and large supported our interests for decades. Other organizations should be supported on a common interests basis. I don't think we should take sides in sectarian conflicts, but the US should recognize when one side or the other has taken sides against the US.

4) I suppose that Kuwait deserved to be invaded or that the Shiites/Kurds deserved to be gassed. You know what we actually should have done? We should have finished the job the first time; that's the lesson we can take from Iraq.

5) Let's not pretend that some of these dictators didn't create their own instability. Saddam Hussein was a destabilizing agent in the Middle East. The only good he did was keep Iran in check and by the time he was taken out, even that was on shaky ground. To be honest, I am not certain that Iraq can really exist as a country in the long-term. In hindsight, the US probably should have tried to use Iraq to solve Turkey's conflict with their Kurdish population (vis a vis a United Kingdom devolution style solution), induced Syria to friendlier relations, and enticed Iran to the negotiating table. In short, the US should have invaded Iraq with the intention breaking the country apart. We should have taken care of the peoples in Iraq instead of trying to preserve the nation.

I would not have supported the fall of Hosni Mubarak, but would have moved to ensure a far more orderly and proper constitutional process after he fell. In Libya, there was likely very little the US or anyone could have done through action or inaction to effect the long-term outcome of their Civil War. Dictatorships are, by their own nature, unstable governments.

All this being said, I'm not about to support removing the House of Saud from power in Saudi Arabia, even as I support pressuring them to modernize/liberalize.

The Middle East has plenty of problems that would exist with or without a US presence. While their are many situations, particularly when conflicts are staying contained to the areas involved that the US should mind our own business, there are also situations where innocent countries have been attacked or where the US has legitimate interests at play. Let's not pretend that all the bad (or even a majority of the bad) situations in the Middle East are caused by the US. The Middle East is a conflict rich part of the world all on its own.

Basically you are right in many aspects. Except you miss the entire point. The presence of your country ( and any other powerhouse country in the world ) is not oriented towards population and their life style / improvement. Is oriented towards political games / resources / influence / puppets dictators. Is oriented towards sucking them dry out of their only resource for personal benefit. Until that is understood and fully accepted and embraced, there is no solution for Middle East.

Elvesrus posted an interesting reading in this thread. The author was fully awear and convinced that some life in this world are less important than the others. Basically, among some other points, the article was saying that there were more than 60 extremists acts in the world, only in 2015. Yet, the west revolts and take action only in this case.

The problem i see here is that, altought we preach some sort of equal rights, human rights and all that horse fluff, in the reality things are diferent. Starting with this forum and ending with the politics in our world, some life-style has priority to others.

I mean it`s really sad to see some characters saying "i would trade your life with someone else life". And i`ve seen it done, in this small community. Things are the same in the real world.

The Middle East has plenty of problems that would exist with or without a US presence

The middle east had plenty of problems. Without US,Russia,EU,China or any other third party involved. However all the third parties turned gas on the flames.

The "spring" is just the west overthrowing dictators/mini-dictators because they were not responsive to commands anymore. While showing the "dead-cat" to the other puppets that are yet responsive to commands.

Russia is same fluff ... the others are the same fluff.

Until lifes in the middle east will actually mean something for the powerhouses,

AT favorite gypsy.

Heston Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 7:48:33

I 💖my 🔫💣🎰💊🚬🍺🍕🇷🇺🇺🇸
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Heston Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 7:50:25

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Alin Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 7:53:34

Originally posted by mrford:
the body armor incident you are talking about had only 2 fatalities. the bank robbers.

and in my example of the attack in texas, a patrol officer with his service pistol took down 2 AK-47 wielding dirkas that also had pipe bombs.

terrorists always target gun free zones, even in the US. re: schools and theaters. that is the problem with people that dont follow rules, it is hard to stop them.

Key word : patrol officer!!!

mrford Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 8:07:14

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by mrford:
the body armor incident you are talking about had only 2 fatalities. the bank robbers.

and in my example of the attack in texas, a patrol officer with his service pistol took down 2 AK-47 wielding dirkas that also had pipe bombs.

terrorists always target gun free zones, even in the US. re: schools and theaters. that is the problem with people that dont follow rules, it is hard to stop them.

Key word : patrol officer!!!

you said AK-47s couldn't be combated with pistols. i provided evidence to the contrary.

hell, the attack in france a couple months ago was thwarted by hands, and that dirka had an AK-47 as well.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 8:21:02

Mm i am sure the circumstances were not:
"2 terrorists shooting at the patrol officer, he took them down with his gun"

Post the link here and i will make you a review in my free time, of what is diferent. I am sure you already know the entire situation is totally different but is in your blood to argue me.

Still key word: patrol officer

Alin Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 8:43:54

whitewashing complete disregard for human rights, just say it plain that you don't care.

Lol. The west has to learn that yet.

I think people in our side are grouped in 3 big categories :

1.people that don`t care but only for their personal interest. Their life style is more important than everything yet they always starv to find justification and argue. We did it for the "human rights" and "wmds". What? Gtfo out of here - you did it for Oil.

Here i would place : mrford, Angel among others.
Sure there are a couple more that are still brainwashed and think Iraq is about WMDs, And Gaddafi is about human rights. They honestly believe that.

2. People that simply don`t know wtf is going on. The map for this people looks like this :

Scott is somewhere btw 1 and 2. Braden, Heston ... etc

3. People that realize and view the entire picture. Here i think we have:

Akula ( altought low activity on this forum ), Cerberus (a little radical) ... me, you and even Getafix. I think i and Getafix had discussion a couple of years ago about this.

These are just some few examples that crossed my mind in a couple of seconds... probably missed a lot on all 3 chapters.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 17th 2015, 8:47:14

Alin Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 8:54:19

I also suspect mdevol to be a "3". Altought never talked with him about stuff like this. Our discussion were EE2025 oriented almost all the time. But i`ve seen(read) him in action a couple of times ...

Angel1 Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 14:19:28

Alin, anybody who thinks that the War in Iraq was about oil needs to ask themselves if the US actually gained any oil out of the war. Fact of the matter is that we did not. The idea is completely, totally, and utterly absurd. The facts are that you go to war with the information you have at the time and not the information you gain after it's all said and done.

Gaddafi's days were numbered when the Arab Spring began. His regime was going to fall with or without US/European intervention. I would not have intervened in Libya until we knew who we were actually supporting. Don't pretend that Gaddafi could have kept power if only the US had not attacked his air defenses.

People can have regard for human rights and also a grasp on the reality of the geo-political situation.

You complain that people don't consider all the facts and yet you willfully and totally ignore the facts about what Arab nations and peoples have done to Israel.

You're entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts.

bstrong86 Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 15:03:39

And you know, yada yada yada.

The Death Knights


Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 17th 2015, 15:17:13

Ignore Heston, he's in his cups of Kool-Aid.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Hawkster Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 15:23:28

Originally posted by Angel1:
Alin, anybody who thinks that the War in Iraq was about oil needs to ask themselves if the US actually gained any oil out of the war. Fact of the matter is that we did not. The idea is completely, totally, and utterly absurd. The facts are that you go to war with the information you have at the time and not the information you gain after it's all said and done.

Gaddafi's days were numbered when the Arab Spring began. His regime was going to fall with or without US/European intervention. I would not have intervened in Libya until we knew who we were actually supporting. Don't pretend that Gaddafi could have kept power if only the US had not attacked his air defenses.

People can have regard for human rights and also a grasp on the reality of the geo-political situation.

You complain that people don't consider all the facts and yet you willfully and totally ignore the facts about what Arab nations and peoples have done to Israel.

You're entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts.
Dont forget he also failed to actually look at reasons as to why it is being done in first place too. I would have thought it was common sense that to solve any problem you look at why something is happening in first place and address or fix it. But I can see how wrong I am just looking here at this thread.

A more comprehensive list btw:
1) people that only care about their own personal interests.
a) do nothing about it
b) do something about it to try and use it to their own benefit and interests.

2) people that dont care at all and have no clue what is going on. (cause they dont give rats ass)

3) people that dont care at all but actually do know what is going on. (Choosing just to sit on sidelines or keep track of it in case it does regard something they do care about later on.)

4) people that do care but dont have clue what is going on. (rely solely on propaganda and what they see on TV shown at that time like on news)

5) people that do care and think they know what is going on but dont see whole picture or really research it.
a) do nothing about it
b) try to do something about it, which may or may not be effective cause they dont see whole picture.

6) people that do care and do know what is going on, seeing the entire picture.
a) do nothing about it
b) do something effective about it.

Edited By: Hawkster on Nov 17th 2015, 19:09:40
See Original Post

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 17th 2015, 15:30:49

The war in Iraq was not about oil, it was about the largest heist in American History, and maybe even the history of the world.

The American Taxpayers were looted for 10s of Billions of Dollars by the military industrial complex (which Eisenhower warned us all about).

There is a reason that Haliburton moved their headquarters to Abu Dhabi, you know.

Until the people decide to have had enough and start to face the situation squarely and realize that these wealthy men and women who are in charge of the military industrial systems here and around the world, don't give a rat's ass who lives, or who dies, or for that matter, how they live, we will continue to have wars around the world because those wars enrich those wealthy few at the top of the mil/industrial food chain, who then enrich the politicians, who vote to have things go the way the industrialist/financier want it to go.

When humans can all rise up together and demand a just and fair world, we will have it, until then, we have what we have.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

mrford Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 16:32:03

Originally posted by Alin:
Mm i am sure the circumstances were not:
"2 terrorists shooting at the patrol officer, he took them down with his gun"

Post the link here and i will make you a review in my free time, of what is diferent. I am sure you already know the entire situation is totally different but is in your blood to argue me.

Still key word: patrol officer

that is exactly what happened. 2 dirkas with body armor and AKs rolled up on an unarmed security guard and a patrol officer and started shooting, and the popo tapped them with his service weapon. the security guard was wounded.

Just before the event was set to end at around 7:00 p.m. two men wearing body armor and equipped with three assault rifles, three handguns, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition drove up to a police car that was parked next to a barricade erected in front of the center. Seated inside the police car were a Garland traffic police officer and an unarmed Garland ISD security guard. The two gunmen got out of their vehicle and fired dozens of rounds at the police car, shooting the Garland ISD security guard. The men were then shot and wounded by the unidentified traffic police officer using his duty .45-caliber Glock pistol.

stop being so desperate to be right. it makes you look silly. you said AKs are the best weapon ever and no pistol could combat them. i provided you 2 examples of where people fought back wit hands and pistols. get over yourself. you are apparently a coward or a pessimist or both. and that is okay. just dont put everyone else in your category. just because you would give up doesn't mean everyone else would.

in addition, since the vast majority of jihadist shoot like retards with their gun fluffed to the side and above their head screaming something about snackbars, it is probably rather easy to out shoot them. weather it be because of poor training, or they have become scared of their own weapons because the CIA had been salting the middle east's ammo supply with C4 rounds for a long time, i dont know. but they are generally extremely poorly trained and worse shots than storm troopers.

Edited By: mrford on Nov 17th 2015, 16:52:56
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 19:38:37

Originally posted by Angel1:
Alin, anybody who thinks that the War in Iraq was about oil needs to ask themselves if the US actually gained any oil out of the war. Fact of the matter is that we did not. The idea is completely, totally, and utterly absurd. The facts are that you go to war with the information you have at the time and not the information you gain after it's all said and done.

Gaddafi's days were numbered when the Arab Spring began. His regime was going to fall with or without US/European intervention. I would not have intervened in Libya until we knew who we were actually supporting. Don't pretend that Gaddafi could have kept power if only the US had not attacked his air defenses.

People can have regard for human rights and also a grasp on the reality of the geo-political situation.

You complain that people don't consider all the facts and yet you willfully and totally ignore the facts about what Arab nations and peoples have done to Israel.

You're entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts.

Middle East is a Game of Thrones going on and on in the oil fields. You don t preciselly need to gain oil out of it. Your allies could gain something and you ll still be happy. The People Republic of ChIna ---- to whom each American citizen has to pay ~15k Usd ----could gain a thing or two. Since they don t have the military means, but Us have them.

And than, until the crisis and in the last 25 years, look at the fuel price. The cheapest fuel (of any type) was in Usa. Do you have any other explanation for that, while the average in Eu was 1.3 Euros/liter (~1.7 Usd), your fuel was somewhere in the 0.75-0.90 usd/liter? Can you logically explain that until the crisis? Now the prices are closer in range but still, there is a difference. Iraq was about oil and other things. Weapons industry... you must use them once in a while or the industry dies. Fire those expensive missile ... shoot those bullets, use those guns and tanks or there would be no need for more and more(from your taxes as a citizen). I can talk for a whole day about this reasons ... but i ll stop here.

I don t know what you want me to say about Israel. Israel is also an important player in that zone and in the world. They are historically in conflict with the arabs and it s not going to end soon. If smarter and more prepared people did not managed to solve this problem in hundreds of years i have no hope, some powerhouses, always looking to gain something, are going to change a fluff. I don t wanna go into Israel debate. If you criticize you are antisemit, if you sustain them in an action you are racist against muslims. The problem is to sensitive and will but hurt people in this comunity or any other comunity.

Gadafi overthrow is a joke. A bad one. Sure this dictators are bad ... some of them evil. Libya was doing well compared with the other muslim countries. Not to good after the crisis, but still above average. But if you overthrow them and send their people into the stone age expect the result to be "lots of suicide bombers". Mubarak, Gadaffi, Zine Ben Ali and Saleh ... Assad being the final target. But here is the point where Russia moved. They realized they are loosing their part of middle east and while sudentlly Assad's opositon was heavely armed, Rusia sustained Assad. Result = we got daily massacacres in Iran. This is the key point, that proofed that Arab Spring was more like a controlled summer. The fact tha Usa meet Russia in Iran, is the proof that all the arab spring was a plan, well executed. Against dictators that got out of controll. There was no spring(except a moderate one) in countries where puppets dictators remained loyal to pupeteers(be it west,east or any other types of puppeteers). But it striked only the dictators that got out of controll. Than the refugees wave and mrford preaching me about diversity - which makes me go nuts... because is real and it is here. Europe paying the bills ....

That s arab spring. A game of thrones in middle east ...

Heston Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 19:56:08

Originally posted by Echidna:
Every single muslim is a terrorist. People need to realize this. They need to be rounded up and locked away from the civilized world. If they want to blow eachother up, thats fine with me.

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Alin Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 19:57:38

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Alin:
Mm i am sure the circumstances were not:
"2 terrorists shooting at the patrol officer, he took them down with his gun"

Post the link here and i will make you a review in my free time, of what is diferent. I am sure you already know the entire situation is totally different but is in your blood to argue me.

Still key word: patrol officer

that is exactly what happened. 2 dirkas with body armor and AKs rolled up on an unarmed security guard and a patrol officer and started shooting, and the popo tapped them with his service weapon. the security guard was wounded.

Just before the event was set to end at around 7:00 p.m. two men wearing body armor and equipped with three assault rifles, three handguns, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition drove up to a police car that was parked next to a barricade erected in front of the center. Seated inside the police car were a Garland traffic police officer and an unarmed Garland ISD security guard. The two gunmen got out of their vehicle and fired dozens of rounds at the police car, shooting the Garland ISD security guard. The men were then shot and wounded by the unidentified traffic police officer using his duty .45-caliber Glock pistol.

stop being so desperate to be right. it makes you look silly. you said AKs are the best weapon ever and no pistol could combat them. i provided you 2 examples of where people fought back wit hands and pistols. get over yourself. you are apparently a coward or a pessimist or both. and that is okay. just dont put everyone else in your category. just because you would give up doesn't mean everyone else would.

in addition, since the vast majority of jihadist shoot like retards with their gun fluffed to the side and above their head screaming something about snackbars, it is probably rather easy to out shoot them. weather it be because of poor training, or they have become scared of their own weapons because the CIA had been salting the middle east's ammo supply with C4 rounds for a long time, i dont know. but they are generally extremely poorly trained and worse shots than storm troopers.

First of all i can not go past this. Oh the irony of you giving me a terrorist event going on at ...

"The event, which featured images of Muhammad, was advertised as the "First Annual Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest", presented by the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), or Stop Islamization of America."

Oh ... i laughed.

"Just before the event was set to end at around 7:00 p.m.,[25] two men wearing body armor and equipped with three assault rifles, three handguns, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition drove up to a police car that was parked next to a barricade erected in front of the center. Seated inside the police car were a Garland traffic police officer and an unarmed Garland ISD security guard. The two gunmen got out of their vehicle and fired dozens of rounds at the police car, shooting the Garland ISD security guard. The men were then shot and wounded by the unidentified traffic police officer using his duty .45-caliber Glock pistol. Four SWAT officers moved in and then killed the gunmen after seeing them move toward the vehicle to retrieve more weapons"

Ford you are not to smart as i tought you are. I rest my case. No point in arguing with you anymore when you give as a bravery example an islamofobic event( which is prolly red alert for Usa authorities when ocurring). Basically you call me coward because i point to the panic that infiltrates regular humans when under terrorist attacks and than you give me a counter example of 2 terrorist beimg shoot down by police and Swat(which were standimg by) at an islamofobic event. Wtf? Are you stupid or something?

Edited By: Alin on Nov 17th 2015, 20:03:56

mrford Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 21:05:39

I like how you avoided the part where you are proven wrong and just called me stupid instead.

Well played. This is why everyone calls you a dumb gypsy. You are about as cultured as a cup of yougrt and it shows.

A patrol cop stopped 2 body armor wearing attackers with his service pistol. Something you said was inpossible.

You are going to have to find something else to call me stupid about.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 22:17:08

I saw the police thing. Is to small of a proof to even bother with it. Police pined them down... swat killed them.

I care less about your police example. You are an idiot like always. You bring into attention an incident that happened at an islamofobic culture event where the chances to see extremists blowing their self is huge. That is a brain damage example. Police and swat were standing by.

That example is void by deflaut. And you sir are just a redneck trying to argue. With dumb arguments as usual.

Alin Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 22:20:40

P.s. i would preferee to go backt the silentio stampa we had a couple of years ago. We never talk or argue with each other.i consider there is nothing we could share or talk about like normal people. So just ignore me and i ll ignore you. You can t possible convince me a black ball is white, no matter what subject we debate.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 17th 2015, 22:25:09
See Original Post

mrford Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 23:02:36

Then stop following me around and mentoning me in threads I havnt even posted in dumbass.

You either arnt smart enough, or arnt good enough at english to have a complex debate, so stop trying.

Go fluff your goat and cry about how fluffty your life is.

Edited By: mrford on Nov 17th 2015, 23:07:24
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

braden Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 23:23:27

Originally posted by Alin:
whitewashing complete disregard for human rights, just say it plain that you don't care.

Lol. The west has to learn that yet.

I think people in our side are grouped in 3 big categories :

1.people that don`t care but only for their personal interest. Their life style is more important than everything yet they always starv to find justification and argue. We did it for the "human rights" and "wmds". What? Gtfo out of here - you did it for Oil.

Here i would place : mrford, Angel among others.
Sure there are a couple more that are still brainwashed and think Iraq is about WMDs, And Gaddafi is about human rights. They honestly believe that.

2. People that simply don`t know wtf is going on. The map for this people looks like this :

Scott is somewhere btw 1 and 2. Braden, Heston ... etc

3. People that realize and view the entire picture. Here i think we have:

Akula ( altought low activity on this forum ), Cerberus (a little radical) ... me, you and even Getafix. I think i and Getafix had discussion a couple of years ago about this.

These are just some few examples that crossed my mind in a couple of seconds... probably missed a lot on all 3 chapters.

fluff you, you ignorant fluff.

Alin Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 23:24:55

Originally posted by mrford:
Then stop following me around and mentoning me in threads I havnt even posted in dumbass.

You either arnt smart enough, or arnt good enough at english to have a complex debate, so stop trying.

Go fluff your goat and cry about how fluffty your life is.

Clasic. My life is ok. I ve not been stabbed or shoot down like a redneck at a practice ground. I have all i need everywhere i go, i enjoy my life style. Yor attempts to make your self superior because you believe you are better/richer/edducated compared with others is a fail by deflaut. Because you are just a stupid gun addicted idiot who sits in his cotton ball throwing stones at everything he does not like. Enjoy your worthless way of beeing.

mrford Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 23:41:51

English motherfluffer.

Learn it or stop using it.

You don't see me on a Spanish board having debates, because I know I would sound as stupid as you do.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Hawkster Game profile


Nov 18th 2015, 8:18:56

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by Angel1:
Alin, anybody who thinks that the War in Iraq was about oil needs to ask themselves if the US actually gained any oil out of the war. Fact of the matter is that we did not. The idea is completely, totally, and utterly absurd. The facts are that you go to war with the information you have at the time and not the information you gain after it's all said and done.

Gaddafi's days were numbered when the Arab Spring began. His regime was going to fall with or without US/European intervention. I would not have intervened in Libya until we knew who we were actually supporting. Don't pretend that Gaddafi could have kept power if only the US had not attacked his air defenses.

People can have regard for human rights and also a grasp on the reality of the geo-political situation.

You complain that people don't consider all the facts and yet you willfully and totally ignore the facts about what Arab nations and peoples have done to Israel.

You're entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts.

Middle East is a Game of Thrones going on and on in the oil fields. You don t preciselly need to gain oil out of it. Your allies could gain something and you ll still be happy. The People Republic of ChIna ---- to whom each American citizen has to pay ~15k Usd ----could gain a thing or two. Since they don t have the military means, but Us have them.

And than, until the crisis and in the last 25 years, look at the fuel price. The cheapest fuel (of any type) was in Usa. Do you have any other explanation for that, while the average in Eu was 1.3 Euros/liter (~1.7 Usd), your fuel was somewhere in the 0.75-0.90 usd/liter? Can you logically explain that until the crisis? Now the prices are closer in range but still, there is a difference. Iraq was about oil and other things. Weapons industry... you must use them once in a while or the industry dies. Fire those expensive missile ... shoot those bullets, use those guns and tanks or there would be no need for more and more(from your taxes as a citizen). I can talk for a whole day about this reasons ... but i ll stop here.

I don t know what you want me to say about Israel. Israel is also an important player in that zone and in the world. They are historically in conflict with the arabs and it s not going to end soon. If smarter and more prepared people did not managed to solve this problem in hundreds of years i have no hope, some powerhouses, always looking to gain something, are going to change a fluff. I don t wanna go into Israel debate. If you criticize you are antisemit, if you sustain them in an action you are racist against muslims. The problem is to sensitive and will but hurt people in this comunity or any other comunity.

Gadafi overthrow is a joke. A bad one. Sure this dictators are bad ... some of them evil. Libya was doing well compared with the other muslim countries. Not to good after the crisis, but still above average. But if you overthrow them and send their people into the stone age expect the result to be "lots of suicide bombers". Mubarak, Gadaffi, Zine Ben Ali and Saleh ... Assad being the final target. But here is the point where Russia moved. They realized they are loosing their part of middle east and while sudentlly Assad's opositon was heavely armed, Rusia sustained Assad. Result = we got daily massacacres in Iran. This is the key point, that proofed that Arab Spring was more like a controlled summer. The fact tha Usa meet Russia in Iran, is the proof that all the arab spring was a plan, well executed. Against dictators that got out of controll. There was no spring(except a moderate one) in countries where puppets dictators remained loyal to pupeteers(be it west,east or any other types of puppeteers). But it striked only the dictators that got out of controll. Than the refugees wave and mrford preaching me about diversity - which makes me go nuts... because is real and it is here. Europe paying the bills ....

That s arab spring. A game of thrones in middle east ...
I actually agree with you for the most part. You even used some facts so well done you. Yes oil was a part of it, I think more a side perk or extra incentive, but a major part none-the-less. Another major part and more impression I got while I was there was to continue relations and trying to get foot hold and influence into area that had been started ever since the end of the cold war. Both US and Russia were aware a lot of the next major threats would come from non-nations, many of which had bases and strongholds in middle east areas.

However your last paragraph I am not fully in agreement with. Especially the part where you make it sound like Europe is the only one footing the bill. Why shouldnt they be, many other countries do as well you know. It is real alright, so stop trying to ignore it or avoid it, embrace the diversity because I just dont see that changing anytime soon. That is actually a good thing.

Alin Game profile


Nov 18th 2015, 11:11:10

Well i am not saying Europe pays the bill entirely. But Europe pays a large percent of the bill and they gained few things in the last 15 years in Middle East and North Africa. Is not even about gains - is about Europe being stupid. Fought wars where they gained almost nothing and now suffer the long therm outcomes of those wars.

Diversity? You are romanian right ( if i remember well ). I think you left this country - or maybe you were born the place where you live ( Canada?). Diversity is bad for us. Was is and will be.

From Roman Empire to Otoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian empire, Nazies , Russian communism ... and now USA/Nato/Eu diversity. We never gained nothing out of this diversity ...

Alin Game profile


Nov 18th 2015, 11:14:11

Originally posted by mrford:
English motherfluffer.

Learn it or stop using it.

You don't see me on a Spanish board having debates, because I know I would sound as stupid as you do.

Vaya Con Dios

Heston Game profile


Nov 18th 2015, 17:38:24

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by Alin:
whitewashing complete disregard for human rights, just say it plain that you don't care.

Lol. The west has to learn that yet.

I think people in our side are grouped in 3 big categories :

1.people that don`t care but only for their personal interest. Their life style is more important than everything yet they always starv to find justification and argue. We did it for the "human rights" and "wmds". What? Gtfo out of here - you did it for Oil.

Here i would place : mrford, Angel among others.
Sure there are a couple more that are still brainwashed and think Iraq is about WMDs, And Gaddafi is about human rights. They honestly believe that.

2. People that simply don`t know wtf is going on. The map for this people looks like this :

Scott is somewhere btw 1 and 2. Braden, Heston ... etc

3. People that realize and view the entire picture. Here i think we have:

Akula ( altought low activity on this forum ), Cerberus (a little radical) ... me, you and even Getafix. I think i and Getafix had discussion a couple of years ago about this.

These are just some few examples that crossed my mind in a couple of seconds... probably missed a lot on all 3 chapters.

fluff you, you ignorant fluff.

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

trumper Game profile


Nov 18th 2015, 19:56:58

At it's root, I think a core problem is that we as a world, as a country (those in the US), and as a mindset, haven't really figured out a way to fight the ideas that drive these fundamentalists. We can have the best drones, the best intel, and the most bombs, all of which are important in the short-run, but ultimately we're battling people adopting or not adopting a set of ideas that allows them to think it's a good idea to blow one's self up in a crowded space.

And, it pains me to say it, but I'm not sure anyone really knows what the answer is to this dilemma. Some say it's economics, yet we routinely see these fanatics plucked from relatively decent middle and ever upper class lives. Some say it's purely religion, yet for every terrorist, there are hundreds of thousands of peaceful believers who entirely denounce terrorism. Some say it's mental health, and there may be some truth to that, but it still seems to well exceed the normal rate of domestic issues we confront worldwide. So how do you beat an idea? The only thing I can think of is to give them a better idea, but that requires understanding the psyche driving them into it--and I don't think we come even remotely close to understanding it.

That's my depressing assessment.

Alin Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 10:07:54

To be honest i am not interested how a monkey or a hippopotamus think. Not so ever! Thus is the same thing with terrorists brainwashed by religion.

The biggest comcern of mine is some of the terrorists were actually born in France and Belgium. They lived in France, enjoy al the benefits France had(France has a leading position in UE, on life standard.Those idiots might not been super wealthy or happy but i am sure their life was kings, compared with what they would have gotten in their home country ). Yet, after 30 years that person/persons decided is time blow up and kill some french.

So either those fluffers invented(stolen) from the powers, a high tech device that controls mind(j/k altought we are not far from that) or we must trace all their spiritul leaders and people who brainwashed them(and yes that includes the mosq they visited weekly).

Hawkster Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 12:05:45

this coming from one that claims to see whole picture, pfft. You cant possibly see whole picture when dont even know how they think or what they are wanting. Nor even care too. Yet you think you know what will solve it all lol.

silentwolf Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 14:03:50

Interesting how we discuss about middle east politics and issues just based on information gained from news that is biased. Tan is the only one that realizes/understands whats going on.

Stop meddling with middle east matters, no matter what the situation. Stop arming and training them, stop providing the support. American government is part responsible for whats going on in the middle east. American democracy isnt for everyone..

Alin Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 16:11:33

Originally posted by Hawkster:
this coming from one that claims to see whole picture, pfft. You cant possibly see whole picture when dont even know how they think or what they are wanting. Nor even care too. Yet you think you know what will solve it all lol.

Sure. I don t want to know what they think because this is like trying to understad a person from a nuthouse. A person that goes with an Ak47 /bomb belt, reeady to kill anyone on site, is not my area of understanding. You are asking me to understand the way a brain damaged person thinks... and i am telling you to find the persons responsible for his brai wash.

You think osamma or any other modern terrorist would have went on his own on a suicide missions. Those leaders instigates and brainwash only... they use religion for it to. Thus i don t care how a suicide bobmber thinks. Just find the source and eliminate it(be ir in middle east or usa or eu). Or pakistan..

Edited By: Alin on Nov 21st 2015, 16:33:05
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 16:31:51

And to sum it up, this is a conflict born and fueled by religion(same as those, hundred and thousands years ago). Every religion has it s mental ills, including mine. You simply don t try to understand that... because you can t. Everyone of us was raised and educated other ways and we learn to respect everyone who s "diffrent". That, until "the diffrent" blows his self near you, being a tool of revange and hate.

You don t search into that because is nothing to look at. As you don t search into those brainwashed groups that goes and mass suicides on a certain date. You can t understand the way a human been, raised by wolfes, thinks(there are couple in history), but instead you try not to allow humans beeing raised by beasts. In this case you simply eradicate e beast.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 21st 2015, 16:35:41
See Original Post

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 21st 2015, 16:47:39

Originally posted by mrford:
Ignore things like fallout, risk of escalation, and exacerbated hatred from the survivors.

Again, for clarity. WHAT SURVIVORS?
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 21st 2015, 17:03:17

The bottom line in the whole thing is this in my estimation.

1. Islam is a demonic religion propagated primarily by violence

2. Islamic Fundamentalists are just as crazy, or perhaps more than any other religious fundamentalists anywhere

3. Islam's prophet was a violent and corrupt man, and it seems that the most fundamental of the Islamic peoples take his word as law and act on it without concern for anyone else.

4. In order to stop the terror, we must stop the fundamentalists of all sorts.

Which takes us to the potential solutions.

1. Eliminate the violent religion and allow the non-violent religions to continue to live among us

2. Exercise extreme prejudice to accomplish step 1.

3. Institute a global description of human rights that applies to everyone across the board without exceptions.

4. Force those who oppose these changes to change their minds, or become extinct.

5. Quit feeling so overwhelmed by grief when there are collateral damages in battles.

6. Recognize that we can always breed more people, thus by culling our herd of evil, violent men, will result in a better standard of living for everyone.

7. Stop "playing politics" with various governments to achieve dubious results on behalf of the Robber Barons.

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

mrford Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 17:15:23

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by Hawkster:
this coming from one that claims to see whole picture, pfft. You cant possibly see whole picture when dont even know how they think or what they are wanting. Nor even care too. Yet you think you know what will solve it all lol.

Sure. I don t want to know what they think because this is like trying to understad a person from a nuthouse. A person that goes with an Ak47 /bomb belt, reeady to kill anyone on site, is not my area of understanding. You are asking me to understand the way a brain damaged person thinks... and i am telling you to find the persons responsible for his brai wash.

You think osamma or any other modern terrorist would have went on his own on a suicide missions. Those leaders instigates and brainwash only... they use religion for it to. Thus i don t care how a suicide bobmber thinks. Just find the source and eliminate it(be ir in middle east or usa or eu). Or pakistan..

You kill the leader, and another will take his place.

You kill an idea, and the problem is solved.

You need to kill the idea, and in order to do that, you need to understand it.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Nov 21st 2015, 17:22:38

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by Hawkster:
this coming from one that claims to see whole picture, pfft. You cant possibly see whole picture when dont even know how they think or what they are wanting. Nor even care too. Yet you think you know what will solve it all lol.

Sure. I don t want to know what they think because this is like trying to understad a person from a nuthouse. A person that goes with an Ak47 /bomb belt, reeady to kill anyone on site, is not my area of understanding. You are asking me to understand the way a brain damaged person thinks... and i am telling you to find the persons responsible for his brai wash.

You think osamma or any other modern terrorist would have went on his own on a suicide missions. Those leaders instigates and brainwash only... they use religion for it to. Thus i don t care how a suicide bobmber thinks. Just find the source and eliminate it(be ir in middle east or usa or eu). Or pakistan..

You kill the leader, and another will take his place.

You kill an idea, and the problem is solved.

You need to kill the idea, and in order to do that, you need to understand it.

I am not sure Alin understands any of this. I am pretty sure that he doesn't understand that these people will follow whatever leadership is available.

We can waste billions killing alligators or we can drain the swamp so they never come back.

Alin Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 19:28:49

I let you two brave fluffs identify and kill the ideea! I ain t going to try understand some other fluffs that kills in the name of a god(some greater power they don t even understand or know where it comes from).i've read lots of history of religions, what we have today is a split btw what we had thousands of years ago. + some religions have some fluffed ideeas in it.

Mrford stop talkimg to me!!!



Nov 21st 2015, 19:32:54

Originally posted by Alin:
I let you two brave fluffs identify and kill the ideea! I ain t going to try understand some other fluffs that kills in the name of a god(some greater power they don t even understand or know where it comes from).i've read lots of history of religions, what we have today is a split btw what we had thousands of years ago. + some religions have some fluffed ideeas in it.

Mrford stop talkimg to me!!!

There are plenty ways of killing ideas Alin... perhaps we should teach them how you process logic... that surely would kill plenty of ideas that didn't originate from a picture book.

mrford Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 19:43:07

Originally posted by Alin:

Mrford stop talkimg to me!!!

Stop saying ignorant fluff then. Or stop reading my responces. Because I'm going to do what I want to do and you can go fluff yourself if you don't like it.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 20:28:39

Look here you arogant redneck. You can express your ideea by just starting a phrase with "my opinion is" and nothing quoted from me, like i do...

Or you can quote me, troll me with your inceptions and arrogant(i know everything) fluff. That's the point when i tell you to go get fluffed in your brown spot by your "diversity" you stupid gun addicted idiot.... redneck... brainwashed moron.

You talk about dignity and you proofed in this game you have few.
You talk about guns yet you got shot and stabbed like a moron.
You talk about diversity yet you are a fluffing racist(calling other people stuff and make compration based o race location and wealth)
You talk about bravey on a forum, calling others cowards because they actually know/saw what they preach.
You give such fluffed examples in comparation with other acts ( the islamofobic terrorist attempt) that it denotes you are either stupid or have a lot of time on your hand to waste on this forum.

That being said... stop talking to me after mods delete my/our posts.

P.S: i would not even bother responding to the other idiot.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 21st 2015, 20:37:09
See Original Post

mrford Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 20:36:49

It was a non attacking responce to your post.

Grow up. You play the victim card way too much. Stop initiating side conversations you child.

Edited By: mrford on Nov 21st 2015, 20:39:46
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 20:39:59

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Alin:

Mrford stop talkimg to me!!!

Stop saying ignorant fluff then. Or stop reading my responces. Because I'm going to do what I want to do and you can go fluff yourself if you don't like it.

Originally posted by mrford:
It was a non attacking responce to your post.

Grow up. You play the victim card way too much.