
Taveren Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:56:49

I realize that a lot of the personal information that was obtained can be gathered through other means (yahoo, google, etc...) but those parties don't use your personal access to gain it.

The list itself doesn't concern me so much as who's hands it is in. I don't fully trust big internet companies but I trust them a lot more than I trust someone who'd use a username and passsword that doesn't belong to them to get ahead in a text based game.

Edited By: Taveren on Oct 30th 2013, 8:59:39
See Original Post
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Stryke Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 9:03:14

Taveren: While viewing that list, I seen "eevess" in there twice.
SOTA (President/HFA) • Elders • Darkness

a.k.a. NightShade
Originally posted by kemo:
this dudes either a great troll or a seriously stupid fluff. the kind that takes the pepsi challenge and chooses jiff

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 9:10:09

Originally posted by Fuji:
Some of you people need to go outside. It's a fluffing game. Your pretend country being deleted is NOT comparable to parts of peoples personal lives suddenly being compromised.

it's the age of smartphones. inside, outside... doesn't make a bloody bit of difference. well, outside is where somebody might grab the phone out of your hand. just out of curiosity, was it the kind of data that i can get just by opening a phone book?
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Alin Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 9:12:13

Took me 1 hour to read all this nonsense and troll. And this is just when i started to get a better impresion about RD due to fact that a couple of people i know and respect play there ( braden,locket ... erhm CX ? ).

I`ll try to be short:

1. Please fluffing LEAVE the game if you consider this mass delete not to be fair taking into account what RD stands for in this game history.

JUST GET THE fluff OUT OF HERE - I and other players like me, will really enjoy playing in a healthier place.

2. My computer knowledge stops just a little above formating a PC, reinstalling windows, games. I am sure that more than 90% of players in this game are = or < than me. I am now worried about my personal fluff. I am logging in from : Home/2Phones/Lap/FriendsLap/GfFriend Home/ and i don`t fluffing want some sort of Hackers wannabe messing around with my private info. IF you really "GOT WHAT IT TAKES" go fluffing make a $ and/or break NASA or CIA.Not this game where most of us play for our comunity friends/fun and old days shake.

If you still think deleting mass RD is not right - fluffing leave. If i was pang i would never allow a RD tag in the future sets too.

3. My name raised 3 or 4 times in this thread. I understood someone hacked or used a proxy from Romania.

I can assure all my "friends"(like the ones calling me cheater) that, in this game, i am a top 10 earth2025/EE clean and devoted player.

Pang&Qz&martian please take same action in the future if this occures again. I agree to be myself deleted if my alliance leaders will be found hacking the game and/or any private info. I ALSO AGREE TO BE DELETED IF MY ALLIANCE LEADER/LEADERS WILL KNOW ABOUT SUCH ACTIONS AND NOT REPORT THEM.I probably stop playing the game anyway, if my alliance leader will make a fool out of me, making me wasting time under his lead and do stuff like that.

P.S: New signature : One day i woke up to find RD go pufff!

P.S2: I really must ask this question - you going to protect those one too SOF? Maybe that cheating trio need a home alliance after all this fluff. You just fluffing collected all the cheating advantages in the last 2 years- and i am pretty much sure one or more of your leaders will be soon caught cheating too. That`s because you were/are fluff-tied to hanlong/TC/and now RD. Your last set war was financed by those fluffs.

Your Sincerly

Edited By: Alin on Oct 30th 2013, 9:26:43
See Original Post

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 9:21:05

raving lunatics. don't know anything about computers or the internet, yet they run around on it yelling out all their personal information because they think they know something about something. wonder if they're Demoncrats... that would explain a lot.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Taveren Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 9:21:31

A number of users have questioned the morality of deleting the entire tag. Others have stated that they feel sorry for those who were wrongfully deleted. The users who were victims of this security breach empathize with those in RD who did nothing wrong.

With the exception of Locket who mentioned it in passing, no RD member has expressed any kind of regret toward the other victims. First came the demands of proof, then came the outrage over LaF's inconsistent punishment, then the belief that the availability of the information invalidates the means by which it was gathered. RD seems to have failed to recognize how the rest of the server feels.

LaF expressed regret over it's activities in May 2012 and committed itself to change. All we've seen here is attempts to discredit, attempts at justification, and deflection. Does anyone in RD even believe that members of their alliance have done wrong?

Edited By: Taveren on Oct 30th 2013, 9:23:48
See Original Post
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Alin Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 9:23:02

Originally posted by GodHead Dibs:
raving lunatics. don't know anything about computers or the internet, yet they run around on it yelling out all their personal information because they think they know something about something. wonder if they're Demoncrats... that would explain a lot.

Honest impression. Unban Dagga / Ban you - idiot. You are 10 time worser than dagga. Many actually enjoied dagga until a point. All you post is non-sense fluff, troll fluffcetera.


Edited By: Alin on Oct 30th 2013, 9:28:25
See Original Post

locket Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 9:24:42

When Mehul ran it cheating was even more rampant Scarlet. I prefer someone who actually cares about the game. So having QZ here is far better than Mehul.

And Tav if you remember, Laf was just as mad about everything and didnt even believe what was put out until they admitted to some of it themselves.

Fuji Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 9:29:50

Originally posted by GodHead Dibs:
it's the age of smartphones. inside, outside... doesn't make a bloody bit of difference. well, outside is where somebody might grab the phone out of your hand. just out of curiosity, was it the kind of data that i can get just by opening a phone book?

I said go outside because it's a joke how seriously some of you people take this game, not because it's somehow safer to access the internet outside. And last time I looked peoples personal passwords aren't in a phone book.

But let's just all keep acting like unlawfully gaining access to hundreds of peoples emails, names, phone numbers and passwords isn't a big enough deal to warrant deletion your non existent country.

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 9:37:08

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by GodHead Dibs:
raving lunatics. don't know anything about computers or the internet, yet they run around on it yelling out all their personal information because they think they know something about something. wonder if they're Demoncrats... that would explain a lot.

Honest impression. Unban Dagga / Ban you - idiot. You are 10 time worser than dagga. Many actually enjoied dagga until a point. All you post is non-sense fluff, troll fluffcetera.


LOL. dude i am banned. probably multiple times. grow a brain.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

One Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 9:41:16

As a casual observer who wasted 10 mins of my life reading this garbage, this is what I got from this thread

- braden seems like a total close minded / biased fluffwit
- who cares about deletions it's just a game
- hopefully the owners of the stolen passwords haven't been impacted in RL

Alin Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 9:42:08

Originally posted by GodHead Dibs:
Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by GodHead Dibs:
raving lunatics. don't know anything about computers or the internet, yet they run around on it yelling out all their personal information because they think they know something about something. wonder if they're Demoncrats... that would explain a lot.

Honest impression. Unban Dagga / Ban you - idiot. You are 10 time worser than dagga. Many actually enjoied dagga until a point. All you post is non-sense fluff, troll fluffcetera.


LOL. dude i am banned. probably multiple times. grow a brain.

WELL in that case - YOU have green light to SUCK MY fluff!

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 9:46:02

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by GodHead Dibs:
Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by GodHead Dibs:
raving lunatics. don't know anything about computers or the internet, yet they run around on it yelling out all their personal information because they think they know something about something. wonder if they're Demoncrats... that would explain a lot.

Honest impression. Unban Dagga / Ban you - idiot. You are 10 time worser than dagga. Many actually enjoied dagga until a point. All you post is non-sense fluff, troll fluffcetera.


LOL. dude i am banned. probably multiple times. grow a brain.

WELL in that case - YOU have green light to SUCK MY fluff!

thanks for offering, but i have no sexual interest in homosexuals. if you have a lot of money and are about to kick the bucket, i might be interested in a plutonic same sex marriage though. call me a gold digger.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

h2orich Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 9:55:43

I need to join RD

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2013, 10:24:53

Admins: have you considered getting law enforcement involved here? RD doesn't seem to have any regrets about doing this and I remember from when Ronnie hacked ezclan that getting the FBI to question him was a pretty good deterrent (we didn't hear from him after that). If you get law enforcement involved at an early stae it would probably provide a pretty damn strong incentive for them to make sure the data is deleted and not misused.

It also funny to find out that Ronnie was a 30+ man who lived with his mother and to see him pull the Seymour Skinner "no, she lives with me" line.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

AusPiggy Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 10:34:43

There was more than one PDM account accessed by that same IP mentioned by Tavern and was 1 minute apart from the access through Hutch's account. There were no failed attempts which leads me to believe it is more than likely the password was known (i.e. was not brute force). The second account however was a retired members account and therefore had limited permissions.

My concern is for the members of PDM and the other alliances who had email account information taken from the same people who had knowledge of the password. People who reuse passwords between different accounts are at risk where their username is their email and the password is the same as that used on boxcar (e.g. ebay, email account providers, paypal etc).

Not only do the people who accessed this information have the potential ability to gather more personal information about the member but to onsell that information to other people who could use their email account to send spam email, send virus's etc.

I am sorry for those RDers who did nothing wrong, especially those who dedicate significant time to playing their country. However, I believe that the actions undertaken were appropriate as it would be hard for the admins to be able to permaban the three people specifically, due to the ability for them just to change their IP address in the same manner that they did when0 gaining access to people's accounts.

I hope those RDers who had their country deleted and know the members who did this do not encourage their return to the game. Hopefully those RDers who did do the right thing can restart either this set or next and continue to the play the game if they so choose under an RD tag that has all of its members playing clean.

Director PDM

AusPiggy Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 10:37:11

In Australia we have for the conduct of investigations into to these type of activities. I am pretty sure the U.S. has something similar but I cannot remember the name of the organisation.

Mr Jade


Oct 30th 2013, 10:49:32

Originally posted by Taveren:
A number of users have questioned the morality of deleting the entire tag. Others have stated that they feel sorry for those who were wrongfully deleted. The users who were victims of this security breach empathize with those in RD who did nothing wrong.

With the exception of Locket who mentioned it in passing, no RD member has expressed any kind of regret toward the other victims. First came the demands of proof, then came the outrage over LaF's inconsistent punishment, then the belief that the availability of the information invalidates the means by which it was gathered. RD seems to have failed to recognize how the rest of the server feels.

LaF expressed regret over it's activities in May 2012 and committed itself to change. All we've seen here is attempts to discredit, attempts at justification, and deflection. Does anyone in RD even believe that members of their alliance have done wrong?

Look, I feel bad this happened, I am righteously pissed off at the few in this alliance who had gone out of their way to go ahead and do something this fluffed up. I wasn't involved in any of the actions taken by the few who did perpetrate this, as I rarely even visited the site. But at the same time the Admins know of at least TWO of the people who did this, and instead of taking administrative action against those that they KNOW did this, they've punished the entire alliance. I am not trying to discredit anyone, justify anything or deflect a fluffing thing. I will fully say it: YES THESE fluffERS CHEATED. Reading the original post of this thread was the only way I was made aware of it... and I am still furious.

I will also say that in the years since I have played in Alliance Server, this is the first time I have EVER been deleted, and it wasn't even my fluffing fault. The ONLY reason I am pissed off about being deleted, is the fact that because of this entire "guilty by association" mindset, my country being "deleted for rules violations" because of the actions taken by a few... STILL paints me in a negative light, regardless of having played legitimately since the second set of Alliance Server (for those who would try and twist this, I didn't play the first set).

I can say that there are those in RD who are also righteously pissed off at the actions taken by the few who did perpetrate this, I can say that there are those in RD that are pissed at those responsible, and have demanded that they step down from leadership and/or are removed from the alliance altogether. We still do not know of the third person responsible for this, as of yet no one has come forward. Some have already restarted and have gone on to join other tags, others have began talking about forming an entirely new alliance and just leaving the Reservoir Dogs name behind, as some believe the alliance name has been irrevocably tarnished with these events. So, in saying that you believe we haven't failed to recognize how the rest of everyone feels, is just bullfluff. We're trying to do damage control here, and we have to sift through a mountain of bullfluff in order to root out the guilty parties here so we can move on. Whether or not Reservoir Dogs survives in name after this set is irrelevant, being punished by the admins for the actions of a few is a bit harsh, but also irrelevant in the long run. Having our individual reputations damaged as a result of being unknowingly implicated in something most of us had zero knowledge of... that's what the bulk of us are pissed about. Having everyone, including the trolls and self-righteous, sanctimonious assholes saying we deserved this because those of us legitimate players played in a tag with our friends... that's ten times worse.

Taveren Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 10:54:44

Thank you for your consideration and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 11:17:26

"The alliance name has been irrevocably tarnished"

Has someone been on the crackpipe this morning? Years of running bots, mass multis, infiltrating alliances, lying, cheating, threatening people, breaking the rules, doing illegal things, running alliances from the gamr, generally just ruining the game for people, thousands of other deletions.... and a few more are going to irrevocably tarnish the grand reputation of RD?

fluff anyone with sense already considers anyone in or associated with RD to be total scumbags anyway, so your reputation should be the least of your worries lol

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 11:40:18

"and deflection. Does anyone in RD even believe that members of their alliance have done wrong?"

i deflect, sure. but I have yet ever to see a single benefit I ever got from anything anybody has been accused of here.

You can show me where, lets call it GS attacks 104 to gs attack 154 was from cheating? How about when I was abd and brd to the ground, I was cheating?

where, what? PLEASE tell me. if we spoke in private last night, you can send it to me there, but we did what and who did it?


braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 11:41:40

most alliances fit that bill, kj. true immortal to this day ruins it for icn, but icn isn't despised.

one of the worst botting ages in earth history, not rd?


EE Patron

Oct 30th 2013, 12:23:30

Originally posted by Pang:
Ok, here is a snippet of Boxcar login history that positively identifies MrCopper as doing this.

User - Time - IP - Clan

mrcopper - 2013-10-16 01:03:35 - -xRDx
++ hundreds of logins on this IP as Mr Copper before this

<lcn_user1> - 2013-10-16 01:11:29 - - LCNostra
<lcn_user2> -2013-10-16 01:10:12 - - LCNostra


<lcn_user1> -2013-10-16 01:13:36 - - LCNostra

The IP's in that 93.115 range also did the injection attacks.
Heh MrCopper doesn't even know how to play Earth so he tried to prove his worth by hacking boxcar, and forgot to use a proxy. that guy sucks!
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Mr Jade


Oct 30th 2013, 12:25:35

You just keep running your mouth KJ, you sanctimonious asshole.

NukEvil Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 12:42:53

I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

UltraMarines Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 13:09:32

What a bunch of loosers.

Its a frickin game. I bet you feel real good about yourself for taking down boxcar then FSing PDM while they were in the dark. Good job.

Kalick Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 13:18:56

I guess I'm a little surprised at all the of the RDers coming forward who thought they were playing in a clean alliance. What alliance did you think you were a part of? RD is only clean insofar as they cannot run multies and bots because this game has active admins who would delete them. The attitude and culture within RD comes off as the same as when they were douchebags in E2025.

I initially thought this punishment was too severe, but seeing people like braden try to brush off what actually happened makes me feel it may have been appropriate. The point needs to be driven home that this is not acceptable. This game cannot if people like hanlong, TC, copper, and whomever else go to such lengths to ruin it for others.

KriSatZ Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 13:37:32

Lets look at this a different way.

Had you been left unaffected, and only the 3 deleted. You would have almost certainly been wiped out.

Being deleted saved you all 2 weeks of playing countries for nothing. You should be thanking Pang, Mart and Qz.

It's all over now. Nobody will be taking revenge, punishment has been handed out.

Instead of all this hate, why don't you all put in some hard graft and focus efforts to rebuild the tag rather than warring on the forums against any non RD'er.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

tellarion Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 14:19:45

There are a few arguments here that are pretty much invalid, especially almost everything Duna said. The Admins haven't been willfully turning a blind eye to this. There were a few suspicious logins, including on my account, that coincided with major RD activity(such as during Evo's FS of RD). And then that member database was passed on, and people in multiple alliances started to check their access logs(which all alliances 'should' do, but often don't).

So yes, as soon as the admins were made aware of suspicious activity, they started investigating and taking appropriate actions immediately.

Secondly, all of you people saying it's just Pang and Qz's desire to take vengeance on RD are being stupid. You have Martian(Sof), Pang(Laf), Qz(Evo), and H4(Laf) all saying they agree with the evidence they have uncovered. Would you like a more diverse body to make such a large decision? Who do you need to hear it from to believe it? Hell, Qz is the one saying he didn't want to delete all of RD, and we're at freaking WAR with Rd....

trumper Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 14:21:14

Originally posted by Mr Jade:
I started as a Monarchy... I switched to Fascist... as I was wanting to netgain before LCN declared war on us. I switched to Theocracy... I had been getting my structures bombed, and I was selling food to rebuild. Where's this fluffing advantage?

As for the IP addresses listed, I've cross referenced them. So, everyone, double-check these against any that have access in your sites. - Moscow, Russia - White Plains, New York, US - Hazlet, New Jersey, US - Mountain View, California, US - Owosso, Michigan, US - Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Interesting rewrite of history given RD declared war and hit LCN first. Not surprising, either, given Pang's post below that you guys had hacked into LCN. I don't speak for us, but I certainly wouldn't be looking to us for sympathy.

Originally posted by Pang:
Ok, here is a snippet of Boxcar login history that positively identifies MrCopper as doing this.

User - Time - IP - Clan

mrcopper - 2013-10-16 01:03:35 - -xRDx
++ hundreds of logins on this IP as Mr Copper before this

<lcn_user1> - 2013-10-16 01:11:29 - - LCNostra
<lcn_user2> -2013-10-16 01:10:12 - - LCNostra


<lcn_user1> -2013-10-16 01:13:36 - - LCNostra

The IP's in that 93.115 range also did the injection attacks.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 14:22:36

Additionally, I would be mad as hell if I were one of the clean RD members, like Locket and Braden, and I can understand your frustration. But as of yet, have we seen any form of confession? If it were someone in my alliance that was proven to have done something like this, I'd be pressuring them like hell to explain what happened. Have Silver or Copper defended themselves to you? Have they made you doubt what the admins have decided?

Yeah, it's harsh and it sucks, but be mad at the one's who did the hacking that resulted in your legit countries being deleted. Use your rage to make them confess. Use this chance to purge RD and make it clean.

Duna Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 14:29:23

Lol tella:) I love you too:)

Trife Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 14:36:22

Originally posted by tellarion:
Additionally, I would be mad as hell if I were one of the clean RD members, like Locket and Braden, and I can understand your frustration. But as of yet, have we seen any form of confession? If it were someone in my alliance that was proven to have done something like this, I'd be pressuring them like hell to explain what happened. Have Silver or Copper defended themselves to you? Have they made you doubt what the admins have decided?

Yeah, it's harsh and it sucks, but be mad at the one's who did the hacking that resulted in your legit countries being deleted. Use your rage to make them confess. Use this chance to purge RD and make it clean.

this this this this this

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 14:42:44

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Additionally, I would be mad as hell if I were one of the clean RD members, like Locket and Braden, and I can understand your frustration. But as of yet, have we seen any form of confession? If it were someone in my alliance that was proven to have done something like this, I'd be pressuring them like hell to explain what happened. Have Silver or Copper defended themselves to you? Have they made you doubt what the admins have decided?

Yeah, it's harsh and it sucks, but be mad at the one's who did the hacking that resulted in your legit countries being deleted. Use your rage to make them confess. Use this chance to purge RD and make it clean.

this this this this this

lol. you do realize that this is not new to Earth? we can pretty much assume that something will get hacked again. raving lunatics.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Cee Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 15:14:45

Pang at the very least you should give everyone who is irrate about their account getting deleted their money back...OH wait, the game is free. Get a life guys. You're acting like a bunch of pathetic cry babies all because of an online game. Go put that emphasis into a good cause unless your life that minisucle? If so, i feel very bad for you.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2013, 15:22:48

Originally posted by KriSatZ:
Lets look at this a different way.

Had you been left unaffected, and only the 3 deleted. You would have almost certainly been wiped out.

Being deleted saved you all 2 weeks of playing countries for nothing. You should be thanking Pang, Mart and Qz.

It's all over now. Nobody will be taking revenge, punishment has been handed out.

Instead of all this hate, why don't you all put in some hard graft and focus efforts to rebuild the tag rather than warring on the forums against any non RD'er.

unless there are major changes at the top of RD, I'm predicting a big 6 style beatdown next set
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

KriSatZ Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 15:32:23

Tella is the man.

PP, why do they need a beatdown? They just had all their countries deleted?

Providing they use this to clean up RD, Does everyone not feel that punishment enough? Why make this saga run until xmas? If they clean up, its all over and everyone can move on.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 15:40:16

Originally posted by KriSatZ:
Tella is the man.

PP, why do they need a beatdown? They just had all their countries deleted?

Providing they use this to clean up RD, Does everyone not feel that punishment enough? Why make this saga run until xmas? If they clean up, its all over and everyone can move on.

you won't be getting the clean up that you expect because it's not punishing the correct people. this all old hat to Earth players.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 30th 2013, 15:42:27

Braden, I used to like you, but now I just see you as an idiot.

You are going on and on about how what laf did was so much worse, are you too stupid to realize that EE is just a game, and what happened here goes way beyond the game?

People's passwords were compromised. Some of these people used that same password for things like their online banking, or their work logins.

In my case I HAD to report it at work, because one of the RD people involved in this owns a business (in my region) involved in the same industry that I am involved in regulating.

That could end up having very serious real life consequences for him, yet you are freaking out over a country in an online game?

Grow up and get your priorities straight, fool.

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 15:48:10

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Braden, I used to like you, but now I just see you as an idiot.

You are going on and on about how what laf did was so much worse, are you too stupid to realize that EE is just a game, and what happened here goes way beyond the game?

People's passwords were compromised. Some of these people used that same password for things like their online banking, or their work logins.

In my case I HAD to report it at work, because one of the RD people involved in this owns a business (in my region) involved in the same industry that I am involved in regulating.

That could end up having very serious real life consequences for him, yet you are freaking out over a country in an online game?

Grow up and get your priorities straight, fool.

Apologies for this happening to you. Really sucks. I have no idea why they would want access to your account, specifically, or anyone in LaF. But, as always, I'm out of the loop.

Boltar Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 15:52:03

I have to agree with tella , plus man soooo glad I didn't take gainsboro up on his offer to join RD this set and leave MD. to my friends in RD I still call brothers, play with ur heads not ur hearts.. heart is miss leading the head has the brain

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 15:54:10

Originally posted by Boltar:
play with ur heads not ur hearts.. heart is miss leading the head has the brain

good thing that I only think with my head that is below my waist line... :)

Boltar Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 15:56:17

small brain aye?



Oct 30th 2013, 16:22:41

Originally posted by GodHead Dibs:
Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Additionally, I would be mad as hell if I were one of the clean RD members, like Locket and Braden, and I can understand your frustration. But as of yet, have we seen any form of confession? If it were someone in my alliance that was proven to have done something like this, I'd be pressuring them like hell to explain what happened. Have Silver or Copper defended themselves to you? Have they made you doubt what the admins have decided?

Yeah, it's harsh and it sucks, but be mad at the one's who did the hacking that resulted in your legit countries being deleted. Use your rage to make them confess. Use this chance to purge RD and make it clean.

this this this this this

lol. you do realize that this is not new to Earth? we can pretty much assume that something will get hacked again. raving lunatics.

So then...that makes it ok? What's your point?

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 16:29:18

Originally posted by Cornfed:

So then...that makes it ok? What's your point?

makes it normal and to be expected, not ok. believe that my point is that i like this place because it's full of raving lunatics.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

NukEvil Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 16:45:52

I had a single account on Boxcar, but I treated it as a throwaway, and gave it a password that doesn't match anything else I use online. In fact, I just tried to log in to it, and it's probably been disabled, or the password's been changed.

Oh well.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 17:03:22

The precedent has been set now and it is, escalating punishments for further cheating. SoF, are you listening? Next year is most probably going to be your turn. You better learn from this now. You are the third shady clan.

Edited By: crest23 on Oct 30th 2013, 17:59:57
See Original Post
The Nigerian Nightmare.

ZIP Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 17:07:22

i say the same to my friends in RD - i don't hold this against all of you cause some of you were caught up in a terrible mess.

join RAGE?
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

Heretodie Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 17:33:21

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Mr Jade:
I started as a Monarchy... I switched to Fascist... as I was wanting to netgain before LCN declared war on us. I switched to Theocracy... I had been getting my structures bombed, and I was selling food to rebuild. Where's this fluffing advantage?

As for the IP addresses listed, I've cross referenced them. So, everyone, double-check these against any that have access in your sites. - Moscow, Russia - White Plains, New York, US - Hazlet, New Jersey, US - Mountain View, California, US - Owosso, Michigan, US - Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Interesting rewrite of history given RD declared war and hit LCN first. Not surprising, either, given Pang's post below that you guys had hacked into LCN. I don't speak for us, but I certainly wouldn't be looking to us for sympathy.

Originally posted by Pang:
Ok, here is a snippet of Boxcar login history that positively identifies MrCopper as doing this.

User - Time - IP - Clan

mrcopper - 2013-10-16 01:03:35 - -xRDx
++ hundreds of logins on this IP as Mr Copper before this

<lcn_user1> - 2013-10-16 01:11:29 - - LCNostra
<lcn_user2> -2013-10-16 01:10:12 - - LCNostra


<lcn_user1> -2013-10-16 01:13:36 - - LCNostra

The IP's in that 93.115 range also did the injection attacks.

So you bring forward more accusations and everyone buys into it. This fluffing IP isnt even on the list! So a IP that should be brought forward for shady activities I LCN and its not on the list.... come on now any idiot can string together numbers and make claims presidents and senate do it all the time.

Boltar Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 17:39:16

being a former jr and knowing the no outing policy, but I feel those that were confirmed to being the shady ones who did the hacking, should have all their identities outed.. so they aren't allowed or sneak into other alliances