Nov 4th 2013, 12:18:42
as i understand it the hacking was done from a specific IP address, or set of addresses, that are link to RD players. i wasn't around during the LaF thing to comment on it. but if RD players are upset over their treatment in my view they should be looking at those people who are implicated in this scandal.
it is not a matter of you didn't do anything wrong, RD has and will always have a reputation for cheating. if you join a clan with that sort of a reputation there is always the risk that if someone in the clan gets implicated in a scandal like this that you will personally be affected.
be it right or wrong that you were involved directly or indirectly is not the point. the point is, as i view it, sending a message that this behavior will not be tolerated.
be thankful that you as a player are only being inconvenienced by this as much as all the other players who have lost access to their clan site, rather than having a permaban slapped in your face.
stupid acts like this and the nature of the clans at the moment are why i only check in here every now and then to make fun at the wars rather than playing a country anymore