
Flamey Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 20:42:15

Originally posted by anoniem:
And, for rival being better than TIE/PDM. How long have rival been around as an alliance? How well have they done in netting and war? Those are clear indicators that they are worse than TIE and PDM. As for Rival having 45 members - I can easily attribute that to possibility that SoF/LaF members are restarting and tagging Rival, and at any rate Rival only have 36 tagged not 45.

If I remember rightly Rival has been around for about the same amount of time as the new TIE (One or two sets give or take)? And Rival has won every war up until now, still involved in a war that is still in the balance, while having one or two respectable netgaining sets in-between. TIE on the other hand had one or two respectable netgaining sets, lost a war against Monsters, lost a war against SoF, had a respectable netgaining set and then beat imag. TIE and Rival are obviously closely ranked, but Rival's recent recruitment will put them over the edge. You could make the assumption that SoF/LaF are starting in Rival, but the fact you do only demonstrates your ignorance and your diplomatic skills which are on par with a spoon. Hence, one of the roots behind Evo's political weakness and poor outlook for future sets.

P.S. I didn't mention PDM, but according to your logic we should look at PDM's recent warring and networth showings. All I'd say is look at their recent ANW/TNW and try to find the last time they won a war.

Edited By: Flamey on Jul 13th 2012, 20:47:09
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