
aponic Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 13:02:21

lets see the other side of the coin already

locket Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 15:19:02

No one liked my rankings? :(

anoniem Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 15:36:37

1- LaF
Highest Membership Count, Best Top 10 Showing of any alliance in EE, Best Bet for TNW, Best Bet for Rank 1 or 2 for Avg Nw. Regardless of cheating/whatever you can't put them anywhere else. You can always count on it being tough going against laf in war or net.

2- SoF
Higher membership count has helped to put SoF back near the top; however that's also in part to their friendship with LaF. I don't really have much to say on them. It's not a wholly impressive alliance. Yes, the membership has increased, but quantity is no substitute for quality. In an even war (*an arranged even war) I'd still put my money on the other side, providing they consisted of any combination of alliances from the top 9). I suppose you just don't know what SoF will turn up to war - the one that pummels out attacks and seem to stonewall everything, or the one that once outsmarted have no answer. I suppose it's like jekyll and hyde, but they are certainly on the up, but they provide no challenge to laf, due to their inability to netgain very well in comparison to the majority of the top 8.

3- Evo
Only alliance to win the Triple Crown in EE, Countless Avg NW #1s, Good war showings (win or lose / fs or be fsed), 2nd best top 10 showing in EE, active membership core that are willing to follow rules/strategies for the collective good/aim (avg nw). only competition for avg nw is LaF, every other alliance is usually about 30mil nw away from laf/evo. ousted out of rank 1 position from last year, due to a decrease in membership (vets stopped playing etc) and continual wars. people often see a dislike for warring as a weakness, but have shown that when war does come about they'll give a good account for themselves.

4- LCN
Good at netting and good at war, but I've never really seen LCN excel (i.e. being better than the rest) at either. They always have a high avg land every reset, yet fail to make a mark on avg nw. albeit, they've done well the past couple of resets, but you are compared to your competition, and below LCN (in these rankings) there is none (in terms of netting). Seem to have a solid vet core, and have the same players they had 5 years ago when I played there briefly. Great alliance with good trustworthy leaders.

5- SOL
One thing about SoL is that they keep going and keep picking themselves up. Still a great war clan, but there membership seems to be in decline.

6- MD
Ranked below SoL, because of their absence from earth for such a long time. Also they are the only alliance that have elections for leadership, which can be a negative or a positive - it all very much depends on who you are.

7- PDM
Belief in themselves and a great stubbornness. Seems like everyone in PDM have a collective cause (to have fun, but most of all - to have fun together). If they had a bit more activity and stringent rules on strategy then they could challenge the alliances ranked higher.

8- TIE
The best alliance of the rest (i.e. clans with less than 30 members). Their warring is definitely far more impressive than their netting. They've taken two FSes in 2 resets and come up trumps.

9- Rival
Losing against TIE after having the FS. Not a netgaining threat to the likes of Monsters, Omega etc. You'd rather have them on your side than not, but I believe whatever clout they have is due to their allies of SoF/LaF.

10- iMag
I've put Imag here ahead of the reset, because if war came about against any of the other alliances such as monsters, omega etc. then iMag would be fully prepped, and clearly have more activity (when it comes to war i.e. active leaders) in comparison to the rest.

11- Everyone else (at the moment are pretty much even in ability/stats)

I can provide reasoning if needs be, but I'm kinda busy right now.

p.s. these are just alliance rankings from my view. no need for anyone to get their panties in a bunch over a set of rankings that mean absolutely nothing.

Edited By: anoniem on Jul 13th 2012, 19:25:46
See Original Post

Boltar Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 15:57:31

Good post anoniem. I would say the same except maybe move pdm above md due to there stats and are stepping up their game this set

locket Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 16:00:42

Not too shabby. I assume you put decent weight into netting skills which makes sense from your perspective.

Son Goku Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 16:52:13

Evo's activity was pretty impressive this reset, highest HPM for the majority of the war.

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 17:04:24

Not bad, I can see a valid reason for the rankings as they are.

Looking forward to reasons to be added in the future:)
Z is #1

Pride Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 19:21:48

MD does not support Anoniem's thoughts :P

We'll take 3rd but no less. (for now)

I re-read after you made the reasonings. Great post.

Edited By: Pride on Jul 13th 2012, 19:38:00
See Original Post

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 19:25:51

that's fair good stuff anon!
Witness the fitness!

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 19:40:53

Originally posted by locket:
Not too shabby. I assume you put decent weight into netting skills which makes sense from your perspective.
it's a bit inconsistent though because if netting skills had any weight in n. 10, it would definitely be a split of MONSTERS and iMag

I think MONSTERS could take iMag on in a 1vs1 organised war too
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Flamey Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 19:42:50

I like how he says SoF has little quality when we've put out the most hits and most hpm and if I remember rightly the last time we netgained we won TNW... so we can't be that bad....

I'd also argue that Evo's lack of resiliance (hardly putting out hits now), political weaknesses and the probability of more Evo members losing interest from innevitable future war defeats ranks them below SoL/MD.

SoL/MD are hard to rank, because they have very different warring styles. I'd rank MD slightly above though, mainly on country building.

I'd also rank PDM under Rival/TIE. During the last few resets PDM have struggled to get enough members in a war room to even complete a kill and have had no stock when fighting. I'd rank Rival the highest in the trio, because they are now at 45 members opposed to TIE's 30.

Pride Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 19:43:14

I think he put in there "IMAG would be ready" meaning they would probably be the one with the FS.

That would be a nice organized war though.

anoniem Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 19:57:16

SoF doubling membership does not show quality, whereas LaF's increase in membership has been longer standing and from looking at the way their countries are run you can see a clear gap between the ability of your average SoFfer and your average LaFfer. So winning tot nw when you were the largest alliance in the game is hardly a feat - it'd be more embarrassing to lose it than anything else.

As for evo showing no resillence lol. The war was lost a long time ago. I don't remember LaF restarting last set, or is that to their detriment for admitting a loss and taking a break away from the game?

And, for rival being better than TIE/PDM. How long have rival been around as an alliance? How well have they done in netting and war? Those are clear indicators that they are worse than TIE and PDM. As for Rival having 45 members - I can easily attribute that to possibility that SoF/LaF members are restarting and tagging Rival, and at any rate Rival only have 36 tagged not 45.

As, for iMag and the rest - you're missing my point. Monsters netting ability does not outweigh the glaring fact that iMag are a more dominant force than them and the rest. Monsters lack of activity is what puts them below iMag.

Edited By: anoniem on Jul 13th 2012, 20:01:20
See Original Post

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 20:02:13

Originally posted by Flamey:
I like how he says SoF has little quality when we've put out the most hits and most hpm and if I remember rightly the last time we netgained we won TNW... so we can't be that bad....

I'd also argue that Evo's lack of resiliance (hardly putting out hits now), political weaknesses and the probability of more Evo members losing interest from innevitable future war defeats ranks them below SoL/MD.

SoL/MD are hard to rank, because they have very different warring styles. I'd rank MD slightly above though, mainly on country building.

I'd also rank PDM under Rival/TIE. During the last few resets PDM have struggled to get enough members in a war room to even complete a kill and have had no stock when fighting. I'd rank Rival the highest in the trio, because they are now at 45 members opposed to TIE's 30.

now that someone from the winning side broke the ice, evo is ranked to high, I'd put LCN and md above you and sol as well only for the fact without sol and md evo wouldn't have a foot to stand on. LCN will destroy you ... again, but you would have a good scrap for tnw, in saying that does evo even remember how to net? we haven't seen you in action for a while, if that's all you have is past memories of your former glory then I'm afraid 6th is the only fitting rank for evo.
Witness the fitness!

anoniem Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 20:05:34

If I were in SoF or anyway affiliated with Task1 I'd feel incredibly embarrassed. If he represents the average SoFfer, then I'd probably rank SoF below the untags.

Pride Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 20:05:54

Its just his rankings you guys asked for them, here they are.

Whats the big deal its his own opinion..

Mockdu Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 20:07:20

SoL ranked too high

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 20:12:50

uh it's ok pride I try to fight the tears back every time they try and hurt my feelings, but it's true without sol and md you have no political stance anon then you go and rank yourself above them, that doesn't make sense and you damn well know LCN will chop you in small fine thinly sliced pieces in a one out.
Witness the fitness!

Flamey Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 20:42:15

Yea, SoF doubles in numbers, but still achieves a higher hpm rate, so yea definitely no quality there... Our countries are not as good as LaF... no fluff, it must mean we have no quality.

Originally posted by anoniem:
And, for rival being better than TIE/PDM. How long have rival been around as an alliance? How well have they done in netting and war? Those are clear indicators that they are worse than TIE and PDM. As for Rival having 45 members - I can easily attribute that to possibility that SoF/LaF members are restarting and tagging Rival, and at any rate Rival only have 36 tagged not 45.

If I remember rightly Rival has been around for about the same amount of time as the new TIE (One or two sets give or take)? And Rival has won every war up until now, still involved in a war that is still in the balance, while having one or two respectable netgaining sets in-between. TIE on the other hand had one or two respectable netgaining sets, lost a war against Monsters, lost a war against SoF, had a respectable netgaining set and then beat imag. TIE and Rival are obviously closely ranked, but Rival's recent recruitment will put them over the edge. You could make the assumption that SoF/LaF are starting in Rival, but the fact you do only demonstrates your ignorance and your diplomatic skills which are on par with a spoon. Hence, one of the roots behind Evo's political weakness and poor outlook for future sets.

P.S. I didn't mention PDM, but according to your logic we should look at PDM's recent warring and networth showings. All I'd say is look at their recent ANW/TNW and try to find the last time they won a war.

Edited By: Flamey on Jul 13th 2012, 20:47:09
See Original Post

Pride Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 20:47:25

They beat Sanct. ^

Flamey Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 20:50:25

If I remember right, LCN came to their defence and Rage came to PDM's defence and Sanct/LCN won the war.

Pride Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 20:53:38

PDM had dismantled Sanct, they knew LCN would jump in, so also FS'd LCN then #'s overwhelmed them and yes they lost.

I'd still consider that beating sanct but thats just me.

BattleKJ Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 21:04:13

Shouldn't LaF be disqualified from the rankings for being cheaters?

Also SoF should be disqualified.

Evo = Rank 1.

Only other comment I have to make is that Rival shouldn't be in the top 20, let alone the top 10. fluffe leadership, 1 member that can netgain, 0 members that can war. There are untags that are better than Rival.

sampaul Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 21:05:14


Flamey Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 21:08:20

Evo should be rank 17!

BattleKJ Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 21:23:47

I see where anoniem is coming from on the SoF and quality comment. SoF have a lot of members that are very good at following the same old strats that produce a solid warring country. But very few SoF members excel with whatever strat they are given to play (be it they don't try or are incapable). So from my perspective if I am having to deal with killing SoF, my concerns are largely their stonewalling abilities and activity, while I feel fairly happy with the quality of our countries as opposed to theirs.

LaF are definitely a more complete package (but there is one major doubt I have) they have the numbers, the activity, stonewalling ability and they produce a lot of very good countries (be it through ability or hanlongs admin capabilities :P).

At the same time my doubt is that LaF havent really been under much pressure, last set is about the only time when they did get put in a difficult position, they folded quickly. They haven't exactly gone out and won wars which you'd expect them to lose, they like to fight with many advantages on their side rather than actually impress anyone with their warring ability. But I can understand that, winning easily with many advantages is better than fighting hard and losing.

Armadillo Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 22:08:25

"last set is about the only time when they did get put in a difficult position, they folded quickly"

Ummm we took MD's FS turned it around and dismantled them, then took Evo's FS and took out half their alliance while being outnumber 4 to 1 at that point...I'd say that showed quite a bit of resiliancy.

And that rankings are fairly good, think evo's about 2 spots to high (move LCN and MD above em) but they are in a bunch there so it's fair to rank that group how you see it.

Mockdu Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 22:18:13

EVO is ranked too high

Boltar Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 22:30:28

i think he was pretty fair in all of his posts.. considering he's on the other side of me and the alliance i play in.. he is right.. we do have a influx of members.. and its gunna take more then 5 weeks to show we didnt just increase quantity and not both quantity as well as quality

locket Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 22:39:37

Originally posted by Armadillo:
"last set is about the only time when they did get put in a difficult position, they folded quickly"

Ummm we took MD's FS turned it around and dismantled them, then took Evo's FS and took out half their alliance while being outnumber 4 to 1 at that point...I'd say that showed quite a bit of resiliancy.

And that rankings are fairly good, think evo's about 2 spots to high (move LCN and MD above em) but they are in a bunch there so it's fair to rank that group how you see it.

Spot on Arma :D

Although I will say that he clearly values netting more than some rankers so Evo being at 3rd isn't exactly a surprise or really undeserved since they are obviously one of the two netting clans that are way above the rest.

He was quite a bit too harsh on Sof though. I think they have a few netters that have shown to be quite good(Best netters of the almost pure war clans I think without a doubt) and their performance this set is good from what I hear(I have stopped paying attention mostly though). They have a lot of new members to train so that part is fair for sure and they will be judged by their future sets if they can retain these members and keep up their good work :)

Pride Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 22:43:12

You guys keep thinking SOL/MD vs laf was "fair" since sol was complete restarts.

Yet evo/sol vs laf this set was NOT "fair" blablablabla.

iScode Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 22:52:54

good rankings, do have to agree with PP n the no 10 spot, that would be a hard choice, but ill take it :) (though i dont think monsters could take us 1:1.)

Task, if anyone ether asks you, please say you are not from New Zealand, say Australia, like Dagga, cause well your now well and truly EXACTLY like him. infact you could be even worse...
You are an embarrassment to your alliance, your leaders and your allies. Oh btw, most of the crap you spew is also wrong.

Flamey, you are wrong on Rival, Tie are clearly the better alliance, Rival are resorting to down right dirty tactics to win their war, and luckily for them its not going to work, Tie will still have a higher nw at the end and countries that Rival cant break.

I would rank Rival below tie any day of the week.

on a side note on imag's netters, I think people under appreciate just how good some of our countries can be. I dont know how active NA was before our war, but majority of our countries had a lot more stock than them and we have a very strong strat department. The problem is you never get to see us net. We have had people leave imag and go on to be very strong netters, we have also had members win/top ten in other servers. Simply, we just dont net in 1a (in saying all this, it doesnt include me, i cant net for fluff!)
God of War


Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 23:12:16

Rivail will be below TIE in my next end of reset ranking.

even if they are +15, that could change a reset later, but I'd want to see how a 45 person Rival looks first.

Tie will be in the top 8 for sure.
Z is #1

locket Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 23:12:19

uhh I dislike dumping on NA.. but NA are not very good Scode :P Having more stock than them is a must ;) I think you guys should do one set of netting to surprise everyone though!

iScode Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 23:14:31

if i ever suggested that locket, i would never be seen alive again, you just dont understand, its the mentality of the core members :)
God of War


BattleKJ Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 23:21:55

I think iMag would beat Rival in war, and to be honest if iMag ever netgained I don't think they would be any worse than Rival. Rival have literally 1 good netgainer (Not including the LaF or SoF guys tagging their restarts to Rival!).

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 23:22:12

I can vouch for what Iscode is saying, but the opposite for Mosnters.

4 of the top 12 leaders on FFA server in kills over the last 2.5 yrs are Monsters.

The idea that Monsters can't fight or war is really a misconception,
We just choose not too on the alliance server:)

Everytime I suggest war, I duck and run.....heh.
Z is #1

locket Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 23:37:41

KJ to my knowledge Laf or Sof are not tagging Rival but I can ask you where TIE's new members came from :) Your dismissal of Rivals skills is also dumb but you either know that or aren't smart enough to formulate a half decent opinion so it doesn't really matter :)

bertz Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 1:08:50

In my top10 I would include RD and drop Imag
I don't like SOF on the second spot but I guess there's no choice since they have the numbers with solid core group too.
Will look forward to the time where Evo could grow as big as them and war with them to test if we could really beat them in close numbers. lol

dagga Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 1:26:29

Alliance rankings are a waste of time in the current state of the server. If the goal is not to be the best, why have rankings?
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Soviet Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 1:28:12

I like seeing other people's perceptions. Everyone seems interested in yours in particular.
Imaginary Numbers



Jul 14th 2012, 1:32:48

Wow, someone makes comments about Rival and you turn it on TIE? Would you like the names of the vets we brought back? I know you'd know them.

Good post anon

danzigrules Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 1:50:40

dirty tricks are only tossed around when the people saying the tricks are dirty when they don't think of it first.

Such crybabies in this game

Boltar Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 1:52:03

Originally posted by dagga:
Alliance rankings are a waste of time in the current state of the server. If the goal is not to be the best, why have rankings?

u will run ur mouth about everything else.. u might as well post what u think the rankings are

sigma Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 1:56:37

Originally posted by locket:
KJ to my knowledge Laf or Sof are not tagging Rival but I can ask you where TIE's new members came from :) Your dismissal of Rivals skills is also dumb but you either know that or aren't smart enough to formulate a half decent opinion so it doesn't really matter :)

Locket as I already stated to you, if LaF has any concerns regarding our new members they are free to contact me. Hell, PG even knows where our new members came from--and I know where her members came from. Its not incredibly difficult to imagine that each side may be able to pull in a handful of old vets.

Boltar Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 2:15:11

if u recruited strife or nyaaseks.. ill personally declare war on u sigma!!!

sigma Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 2:20:12

Originally posted by Boltar:
if u recruited strife or nyaaseks.. ill personally declare war on u sigma!!!

Lubs you too bolty =) How's ur team experiment going along? I've been too swamped with wrok to really catch up.

ninong Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 2:22:04

what kind of alliance rankings is this? sol is ranked too high. lcn should be #11
ninong, formerly Johnny Demonic

Boltar Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 2:24:35

heh no real experiment. we came we saw and we kicked its ass...

locket Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 2:26:18

Originally posted by sigma:
Originally posted by locket:
KJ to my knowledge Laf or Sof are not tagging Rival but I can ask you where TIE's new members came from :) Your dismissal of Rivals skills is also dumb but you either know that or aren't smart enough to formulate a half decent opinion so it doesn't really matter :)

Locket as I already stated to you, if LaF has any concerns regarding our new members they are free to contact me. Hell, PG even knows where our new members came from--and I know where her members came from. Its not incredibly difficult to imagine that each side may be able to pull in a handful of old vets.

Sigma, I honestly don't care where they came from and I fully believe you. I just think it is an identical situation to what laf/Sof/Rival keep getting slammed about from the genius people like KJ so I counter with a statement as ridiculous. No offense to Tie ;)