
Flamey Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 17:27:47

Of course Pakistan knew... lol. They are playing a double game and who can really blame them? The majority of their population hates the US. Also, the Pakistani terrorists concentrate on international terorism, rather than domestic terrorism, when the Pakistani authourities leave them alone. On the other hand, they rely massively on US aid and especially military aid, so they have to compramise this with appeasing Washington. Im sure the Pakistan leadership would love to eliminate terrorism from their country, but the cost in blood would be massive to them and they have to appear to their population to not be US slaves.

The aid sent to Pakistan is deeply unpopular and a lot of people will be questioning it after this apparently incident. It is much better to see the aid as a bribe. A bribe, which is keeping Pakistan in a ambiguous state. This is much more helpful than allowing them to turn their back. If this becomes the case then every jihadist in the world has a safe haven with complete immunity, instead of limited immunity. It would be a disaster that would likely lead to a war a million times more complicated than the Afghan war.

aliyah Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 18:00:59

I guess it's my turn to be the skeptic here... The body is buried at sea supposedly? Okay... Just... hmmm...

If it is true and he is really dead though, good.

LCN Spellchecker in training

Pain Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 19:46:51

they didnt actually bury it at sea. dont be silly. theyre saying it so there inst a huge uproar in the terrorist crowd over desecrating thier leaders body. you really think anyone is gonna show respect to his body?

theyre currently pissing on the body and getting ready to burn it in a bonfire during a military celebration.
Your mother is a nice woman

Flamey Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 20:01:02

More like they are taking it to the Pentegon.

Klown Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 20:13:58

iNouda: I had assumed, since you brought the picture up, that you believed it had some kind of relevance. If the picture wasn't produced by the US, it is entirely irrelevant.

kemo Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 20:14:08

id be mounting the bastards head on a wall like a deer
all praised to ra

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 20:28:00

Well since m0st everyone is part of the hive mind, I suppose I'm the only one who noticed the suspicious circumstances surrounding his "death"

1. It was announced a few days AFTER the white house's correspondents' dinner where Prez Obama dissed Trump and the republicans, thus boosting his public profile
2. A day after NATO tried to assassinate Gaddafi but failed, intead killing innocents in a non-military target airstrike
3. How weird is it that an elite special ops team (arguably the best military team on the planet) FAILED to take Osama alive but instead killed him and dumped his body into the ocean where no one can verify his death/body for "Islamic" reasons while not giving a fluff before this about what Muslims think.
4. Prez Obama makes a nice propaganda speech taking the credit for the "success" of the mission
5. The fact that"Osama" was only hundreds of meters away from a Pakistani Military Academy and Army base, partying in a fortified mansion and they only "found out" recently
6. That the timing of his "death" was the perfect prop for Obama's reelection chances.

The only thing that'd make his reelection chances even better is if Iran "carried out" some sort of "state-sponsored" terrorist attack on American soil/interests, giving the US the reason it needs to invade yet another ME country.

kemo Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 20:38:36

spec ops do care about that muslims think though. its their job to learn other cultures so theyll fit in gooder :P and yes i did mention in our site this just convieniently happend at the same time frame as saddams capture which catapulted bushs reelection chances
all praised to ra

Klown Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 20:53:15

"1. It was announced a few days AFTER the white house's correspondents' dinner where Prez Obama dissed Trump and the republicans, thus boosting his public profile"

Retarded point

"2. A day after NATO tried to assassinate Gaddafi but failed, intead killing innocents in a non-military target airstrike"

Irrelevant point

"3. How weird is it that an elite special ops team (arguably the best military team on the planet) FAILED to take Osama alive but instead killed him and dumped his body into the ocean where no one can verify his death/body for "Islamic" reasons while not giving a fluff before this about what Muslims think."

Not weird

"4. Prez Obama makes a nice propaganda speech taking the credit for the "success" of the mission"

Its called politics

"5. The fact that"Osama" was only hundreds of meters away from a Pakistani Military Academy and Army base, partying in a fortified mansion and they only "found out" recently"

Yes, which is why Pakistan has a lot of explaining to do.

"6. That the timing of his "death" was the perfect prop for Obama's reelection chances."

Almost a year and a half before the election, when no Republican has even officially announced yet? Congrats, you have produced one of the most worthless posts of all time.

Beltshumeltz Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 20:55:22

cool now i can get my bonus turns

braden Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 21:21:40

"You need to stop thinking everyone posting on AT is an american or gives a damn about your local politics. Trump is awesome btw, don't be hating!"

This is hilarious. I am not an American. You should take your own advice. And for the record, I don't care about my local politics (don't vote NDP!)

trump is awesome.

Bigwiggle Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 21:31:53


Pandora's Last Vikings | THE OMEGA

msn -

archaic Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 21:42:16

Originally posted by iNouda:

3. How weird is it that an elite special ops team (arguably the best military team on the planet) FAILED to take Osama alive but instead killed him and dumped his body into the ocean where no one can verify his death/body for "Islamic" reasons while not giving a fluff before this about what Muslims think.

You mean how wierd is it that they succeeded in NOT taking him alive. We don't even like trials involving terrorists you've never heard of. We REALLY didn't want an Osama trial. His body was dumped in the sea so that the jihadis would not have the satisfaction of building a martyrs shrine for him. Now, they will have to charter a fishing boat to flagellate themselves over his tomb.

Originally posted by iNouda:
The only thing that'd make his reelection chances even better is if Iran "carried out" some sort of "state-sponsored" terrorist attack on American soil/interests, giving the US the reason it needs to invade yet another ME country.

Yes, because when I think of Barack Obama, "really wants to invade Iran" is definitely the first thing that jumps into my mind.

Your kool-aid sucks.

Viva Estados Unidos!
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Pang Game profile

Game Development

May 2nd 2011, 22:26:06

I flew halfway across the world today (in italy now) and it was the easiest flying I've ever done

thankyou USA for making my flying easy :)

fluff all the politics in this thread, good on the US for scoring a victory in the war on terror.

congrats to all the americans, canadians, brits, and every other nation which has taken part in the war on terror! :)

regardless of your politics, you gotta give props to the men and women on the ground who have fought and in some cases died in an attempt to make our world a safer place.

Edited By: Pang on May 2nd 2011, 23:34:37
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 22:31:24

Lol scode. Jihad! Jihad! Osama is but one small fish in a big, big pond.

@ Archaic

1 year or w/e is good enough to get his reelection campaign started. It's never too early. Instead of the prez who spent more than the country could afford, he's now hailed as the guy who pwned Osama and liberated the free people of Libya (assuming that effort doesn't fail hard) and resecured a friendly ME source of oil. Assuming of course, they actually took out the man and this is not all hearsay with no documented evidence to verify it (yet).

Is an invasion of Iran really such an improbable event? The US invaded Iraq for non-existent WMDs based on outdated intel and hearsay by Bush's yes-men in office, what makes you think they won't do the same for a "nuclear-armed" Iran if given enough of a "reason"? Obama's actions are eerily similar to Bush, with just a swap of white prez for a black one.

War presidents almost always get reelected into a second term of office. Everyone from Woodrow (and earlier) to Bush got their token second presidency.

The US will do anything to protect their Israeli masters including spit in the face of UN resolutions even while condemning others for violating them, what's another war so long as they can secure more oil and clear the neighborhood of "hostile" Muslims. What Israel wants, the US will provide. Woof woof, fetch boy.

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 22:44:14

Originally posted by iScode:
lmao now i know your just trolling saying US is Israel's puppets...

America will not invade Iran, they will let the Islamic brotherhood take hold and have a super Islam country in the middle east consisnting of Iran, Iraw, Kuwait, Saudi, Oman, Yemen and Egypt. Then Israel will be made to pay for all of their crimes.

You have a point...sorta but you forgot China, Indonesia and Pakistan. Chinese peeps will convert en mass when the communist ruling party is overthrown and they get unimpeded access to the virgins for martyrs lore. After that it's just a matter of time before the West falls to the New Islamic Caliphate. Forget about the so called NWO, the NIC is gonna be the rulers of the earth.

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 22:57:51

Maybe by the time WWIII starts peeps will have already colonized Antarctica. It's waaay safer than NZ and we don't have terrorists (t)here! I'll start an underwater colony at the bottom of the frozen lakes to protect my harem (russians, korean and brazilian chicks) from the radiation of the nukes and repopulate the earth.

You can join me too in case the Indonesians NIC invade NZ. There will be plenty of virgins to go around.

aliyah Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 23:43:57

Originally posted by Pain:
theyre currently pissing on the body and getting ready to burn it in a bonfire during a military celebration.

LOL at this.

I personally want physical proof. There is just too much that does not seem quite right to me. So yes, I'm going with my woman's intuition here and do not believe one thing reporters have said so far. Love the military. Hate news reporters.

Give proof to me now! Or else! Fear the chomps to follow! Even a tornado was afraid of the Gator, as K4F so elloquently said the other day. If nature fears me, how much more should humans? :P

LCN Spellchecker in training

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 2:04:25

Osama Bin Laden

Hide and Seek Champion 2001-2011
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 2:05:02

Bin Laden's last words, via Twitter..."brb...someone's at the door..."
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 2:05:37

What's the last thing to go through Bin Laden's head before he bit the dust? A fifty-cal bullet (God, I hope that's true).

How did we find him?
1. He posted his location on Four Squares
2. We traced his order of "Girls Gone Wild, 70 Virgins Edition"
3. He updated his Facebook profile
4. We traced the license plate of his Camel

Did you know Osama Bin Laden was killed on the Same Day in History that Adolf Hitler committed Suicide? True Story :)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

CC Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 3:46:09

The body is fossilized and kept under Mt Rushmore.
Canterbury Crusader (CC)

aliyah Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 4:18:14

Hahaha Dedly. Find me on IRC, dork! :P

LCN Spellchecker in training

Junky Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 6:43:56

for people still interested...

warning.... death, and some gore...

a possible Osama Coroner<sp photo from the navel ship..
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

AoS Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 7:37:29

Originally posted by iScode:
Hitler died on the 30th of April. Bin Laden dies on the 2nd of May.

a couple of days difference sorry :P

According to, Osama died on the 1st of may, and germany announced the death of hitler on the 1st of may.

Just saying this to be a date nazi :P
The dreamer is banished to obscurity.

Bater Game profile


May 4th 2011, 0:32:40

So this is what America can do when the Playstation Network is down...



May 12th 2011, 0:54:16

hehe yup :)

dex Game profile


May 15th 2011, 8:04:23

PSN jokes =/

Oceana Game profile


May 15th 2011, 11:03:28

HEllO who's that at the door