Game Profile for Beltshumeltz on the Alliance Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: 352nd

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100UnrankedN/A
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$3,120,023#2501
Attack Success95.67%#489
Pop Killed2,556,854#414

Countries on this server

81 iAz Bliss Funnel (#396) 5760$2,050,668 TG Imag
13 758 Empire of Love (#844) 100$4717 M  
12 Grave of the Fireflies (#379) 0$387,819 T iMagNum
11 805 Sword of the Berserker (#1346) 215$14,218 M  
11 FLUFF (#1221) 14,036$7,830,644 T iMagNum
11 JOIN FLUFF ICQ 9728804 (#996) 6140$1,185,872 I iMagNum
9 544 Sword of the Berserker (#1103) 3145$653,367 TG iMagNum
9 FLUFFY AND PROUD (#825) 4413$1,003,618 T iMagNum
9 SUBMIT TO FLUFF ICQ 9728804 (#583) 10,419$7,467,865 T iMagNum
8 374 FLUFFY Since 1998 (#846) 11,179$6,398,532 T iMagNum
8 Monarchy C de Medici (#778) 1843$134,772 TG iMagNum
8 Earth Empires Since 1998 (#749) 1610$98,398 T iMagNum
8 Earth 2025 since 1998 (#677) 4874$486,611 T iMagNum
6 530 EMPEROR FLUFF THE IMMORTAL (#184) 862$239,458 R iMagNum
5 352 EMPEROR FLUFF THE IMMORTAL (#1162) 7581$2,099,907 T iMagNum
5 EMPEROR FLUFF (#1131) 0$1260 T iMagNum
5 RD are a bunch of sissies (#115) 20,373$12,790,850 T iMagNum
4 602 Okay LCN youre definitely gay (#1129) 221$16,269 T  
4 490 Soviet Union (#1095) 3770$549,148 C iMagNum
4 Soviet (#1094) 0$217 M  
4 I like the new EE design (#1064) 2991$390,544 C iMagNum
4 SOVIETS BAD CASE OF FLUFFITIS (#748) 0$420,092 T iMagNum
4 Xenomorphs Sexy Abzzors (#270) 3454$540,083 T iMagNum
3 569 The Fist Is Number Beeeeh (#1026) 1085$82,316 T  
3 LCN Is Number Moo (#986) 0$710,737 T iMagNum
3 My Country Is Number Wuff (#164) 45,228$16,220,664 I iMagNum
2 616 Irrational Numbers (#1068) 0$113,860 F  
2 Data Crystals (#1023) 1796$802,417 T iMagNum
2 We Form In Crystals (#181) 19,273$7,784,697 T iMagNum
1 618 We Form In Crystals (#1203) 2534$861,630 T iMagNum
1 This Fragile Life (#195) 2315$2,611,751 T iMagNum

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism