Apr 8th 2011, 1:38:53
/begin Rant
Dont care what you change, just dont allow them to nuke. This is a game and if you look at almost any other game it rewards the winner or who is best at it.
Eg, Call of Duty. The winner or person on the long streak gets the cool rewards. While the game helps people with death streaks such as more health (equivalant to diminishing returns). You dont see the game going, oh that person isnt good enough to defend themselves. Ill give them a helipcopter to defend them so they can run around like a douche.
Or if you look at sports. Pick any sport. There is no built in mechanism for the losing team to benefit. The other team worked harder so deserves the glory and win. Nuking would be like attempting to break the opposites leg cause you cant handle getting beat.
Look at other web based games, such as travian. When you get attacked by someone bigger, they take your entire town, It would be like a country on 6k acres getting grabbed 1k*6, if your not defended well you can die in a day (and its not like EE kills where to do it you waste a fluff load of turns, they get the kill while gaining resources). This game already babies small countries (DR, and nw used in acres gain calculation). Defend yourself with military not missiles.
/end Rant
<Drinks> going to bed
<Drinks> pm me if I get hit
<-- Drinks is now known as DrinksInBed -->
<DrinksInBed> looks like I'm an alcoholic