Try just for a moment to assume that you might be incorrect here. I know that may be hard for you to grasp but just take a moment and entertain the idea of the possibility.
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There is absolutely nothing that a small country can do to protect itself or retaliate.
This is completely false. I think what you're trying to say is there is absolutely nothing you can do right that second to fulfill the urge for revenge. But it actually doesn't take that long if you will take the time to read the advice that others have already stated (and I'm sure stated more than once when you brought this up the last time). It's clear that you did not take their advice and are still looking for an actual change in the game coding to appease what you want to do in that exact moment rather than just learning how to respond in these situations yourself armed with a bit of knowledge from more experienced players.
Humanitarian rules allow smaller countries not to be killed if they did not declare war of attacked many times. But, humanitarian rules are so protective of large countries that you cannot even send attacked to either get some land back or destroy some land as retal.
Humanitarian rules in the game benefit both sides equally in my opinion. I don't see how they lean one side over another when everyone has to play by those rules and everyone has the opportunity to place themselves on either side of that coin each round. In most situations like this, i'm guessing any attack you would be able to send if humanitarians allowed you would result in DH, so getting your land back the moment you login and see the hits is unlikely. That means you're looking for access to harmful spyops and missiles, which only reinforces the suggestion you're seeking change to support a more lazy play style rather than putting in the effort and being patient enough to do what many others already do - sell stockpiles, buy military to get in range, unleash.
Not asking for specials rules only for small, but at least to be able to stop large countries to farm on smaller ones and escape out of reach.
But you are asking for special rules to appease you and maybe a couple others that are either too lazy to do the work to achieve the same outcome, or too stubborn to allow someone to teach you how to play better.
Have been attacked many times by countries that are just on the edge of being 4 times larger. They reduced their NW, attacked and then bought enough military or techs to be again out of reach.
Can you blame them? You ignored the advice you were given the last time and still haven't learned how to counter. Why wouldn't they keep doing it?
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Basically he needs to learn how to play better to prevent this kind of manipulation of the game mechanics.
Buy warfare, build more IC set to 100% spies and stock cash until you can jump in NW and missile/spy dump on them.
You only have to get into 4x range.
Edit: sorry SF I didn't read your post but same idea!
This exactly the answer I was expecting. You are absolutely not getting my point. Not always possible. Please read and try to understand the underlying problem of the rules instead of simply thinking that the game does not need improvements.
I'm sure Requiem read your post and understood it just fine. You're just not willing to accept an alternative other than being catered to. He gave you good advice. Try to consider the possibility that maybe the opportunity for improvement might need to start on your end. People keep telling you the same thing - maybe there's a decent reason