
Another Deadman


Feb 20th 2014, 18:41:08

You pick a fight, with an independant, then chicken out when even her dead countries come back kicking your tails, that you not only call your entire alliance to kill her, you run and hide behind GDI.
She turns down help from everyone including me, to fight her own fight.
I'm thinking you should all figure out what side of bad you stand on lol. The chicken crossed the road to escape my sister hahahaha
Go Sis!!!
Three hiding now.

Another Deadman


Feb 20th 2014, 18:50:32

All of sota has gone into hiding behind GDI. i believe she can claim a victory. HAHAHAHAHAA

jcatron Game profile


Feb 20th 2014, 19:09:27

"She" is a noob suicider my friend. Why dont you join a real alliance and learn how to really do damage to someone and stop being a fly to swat...b/c that is all you are to SOTA...more of an inconvenience than a threat.

Another Deadman


Feb 20th 2014, 21:01:17

Your probably right about her being a suicider, I've known her to go crazy when someone pulls her hair lol.
And it is a she.
I'm on Primary, and have had none of the mess ya'll done to her, but she's on FA, and seems be having fun now that she's figured some stuff out.
We are both new. And while that is the case, there are ways of honor in any game. If your a member of SOTA, i'd kick the one out that let this get out of hand. Right now she's of a mind to go after any SOTA tag she finds thats not hiding behind GDI.

Dragon Game profile


Feb 20th 2014, 21:13:58

I can't see news prior to 2/17, so it's hard to see who the villain is here.

BenFranklin Game profile

New Member

Feb 20th 2014, 21:23:39

I think that's what started it

jcatron Game profile


Feb 20th 2014, 21:43:05

Another Deadman:

Clans have rules and policies in place for dealing with situations. For instance if you attack my clan we will hit you back at the following rate:

*1 hit = 1 retal, 2 hits = 3 retals, 3 hits = 5 retals, more than 3 in 72 hrs and we will kill your country.
*BR/GS/CM/NM/EM or Harmful Spy Ops = your country dead.

Also...with untags b/c FFA is a clan based server if you show aggression to a clan they will kill your country and any other countries in the string that you own b/c there are a lot of turds that suicide out there.

This "she" which I strongly wonder if it is you...will just be target practice for SOTA. SOTA are all experienced players who will continually kill her countries without sustaining much damage to their own. I am not a member of SOTA so I do not know this for a fact but...thats what will happen.

If you want to learn more about this send me a message on here and we can talk more or we can possibly get you set up somewhere to better learn the FFA server. New earth players are fun...

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 20th 2014, 22:00:27

This cat for real???, he farmed the fluff out SOTA and claimed he's being suicided, lol, wow.

He'd be dead already if he did that to another tag.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Another Deadman


Feb 20th 2014, 23:20:42

Hi, yes, it is my Sis, i don't have the time to focus on all of them like she does. I've played primary for 3 sets. She played a game that was more fantasy, i can't think of the name of it, but they do the wizards and stuff like that. She wanted to this, and started the set before this one and did ok. Didn't get big, but she did all right.
I didn't see how it started, I only have what she told me, and that was that she made a grab for some acres. She said that she hit one country, with one country, and didn't go after anyone, over and over, just the one hit each. She said that they were killing each other, and so she thought she would grab some cheap acres, and just move on.
Someone told me that was farming in the last set, but I'm not very agressive on mine, I just try to do the math and see what kind of growth i can get, and i try to max before adding acres. Sis is a bit more agressive. If she gets slow, she gets impatient.
She came to me, later and told me that she had found countries that had no defense, and they were killing each other. She said what I've already told you, and that was all that there was to it.
She made 16 hits, one each from one each. She said that there was one hit, that she clicked the hit again, or attack again and it did, but that it was an accident.
I came home from work day before yesterday, and she was mad as hell. One of hers was dead, and she was getting hammered from at that time, I think it was from each that she had hit, and then from I guess another string as you said it?
She talked to somebody from TKOwns or someone like that, and they told her that she had made a mistake in hitting SOTA, in the first place. On Primary, I've not had to deal with alliances like what she is having to do, and I've never been in an alliance or hit anyone in one before.
She said that when she made hits last set, that only one person, tried to do her like these guys are doing to her, and she said that he didn't call in any one, and she didn't and they just had it out, and each lost a pair and that was pretty much it.
I don't understand alliance things, but she said that she had to deal with them on the other game, but not like this. The other game is like a dungeons and dragons kind of game. I never played it, and really don't know anything about it.
So in a nut shell, I wrote the thread because I'm proud of her. She hasn't backed down and has said that she is going to go after every SOTA in her reach since the ones that hit her, are hiding. That's what she is calling it, that they ran and hid behind GDI.
Our Dad taught us that victory is achieved when one opponant, cannot fight anylonger, or they lose the will to do so. She's still at it I think. :)

Another Deadman


Feb 20th 2014, 23:25:43

She's reading this over my shoulder and wants to know if the one hit, to/from was wrong and if it was, why?
I wont' let her type, because I don't want to get kicked off, and she gets kinda rednecked and mouthy when her britches are bunched up lol

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 20th 2014, 23:35:27

My advice is simple, make a tag for all her countries to join, contact FAs from clans to establish some kind of pact so that you can play at peace.

Untagged countries are notorious to suicides on clans and will not get respected, just make a tag and contact clan leaders to make yourself known as a non suicidal threat.

Otherwise go play solo servers and you won't have to worry about getting killed easily.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

ICe Man


Feb 20th 2014, 23:39:30

This entire thread makes me wanna hit myself in the face with a chair.
Thank God, for I'm a blessed man.

Dragon Game profile


Feb 20th 2014, 23:47:20

Originally posted by BenFranklin:

I think that's what started it

That's from a day AFTER the news - I - saw that had your "sister" trying to farm SOTA.

A couple or a few hits is one thing, but when one player makes a run on another player or a clan, an unfavorable response can be expected.

The best advice has already bee given but it's solid. Make a clan, come to this Forum, identify yourself, declare your intentions, and ask for some diplomatic pacts.

I've been playing this game since 1999. Not continuously, but even NOW, if I decide to play on my own or get some guys together next round, I GUARANTEE you I will come on here, tell folks what tag me and my boys are doing and communicate with leaders of other clans.

That's pretty much just "server etiquette" that makes a smoother path especially for new players starting out. Certainly, your "sister" doesn't have to follow the general policies and accepted rules of the server. She's ore than welcome to have her ass handed to her repeatedly if she likes being non-compliant. The folks that play here will certainly oblige her.



Feb 21st 2014, 0:37:19

Originally posted by ICe Man:
This entire thread makes me wanna hit myself in the face with a chair.



"I see with strobelight vision and I'm alwaze in a panic! My only skill is murder and I'm stuck on Automatic!"

jcatron Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 1:09:35

It's hard to get new players to understand FFA generally accepted procedures, etiquette, and game play. Best advice is to find an existing clan that will take you in and teach you and your "sister" ...u can really learn a lot that way too.

Desperado Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 1:41:46

Originally posted by Another Deadman:

Our Dad taught us that victory is achieved when one opponant, cannot fight anylonger, or they lose the will to do so. She's still at it I think. :)

the atrocious spelling aside.... did your dad also teach her to not speak for herself?

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

Another Deadman


Feb 21st 2014, 2:11:54

Hi Desparado, yeah, but the problem is I like the game, and she has a mouth on her, when she's wound up.
She's not on under her own account, we only have the one computor, and if we have multiple accounts, it says we will be deleted. So she's playing under mine, but she is doing her own playing.

She was on a little while ago and read what everbodies was saying, and she wants to know, if SOTA will declare a public truce, if they will, she will, and will try to figure out how to put her countries back together. She said that she's not sorry, ( I can't make her be if she's really not ), but she said that after reading KoHearts and Dragon said, she is willing to concede that maybe she over reacted as well. Thats pretty good coming from my Sis.

I understand Dragon to say, come here, to express her intentions, but she said that I started this thread to rag on SOTA, but I was really just trying to get some attention to the situation as quick as I could.
Anyway, she wants to know, which thread she is supposed to use? And she will do that. She will have the same names as she did last set, and this one.

She said that she killed to SOTA's today, I'm just hearing this one, she said that they were small, and were using names like she is, and that she thought that they were just making fun of her. She said she wont make any more hits, till tomorrow, to give SOTA a chance to talk it over. She'll be on around 6 pm US EST. She just asks that she be left alone, till then, I told her, that if she has killed one, then there would be return hits probably. So....use your discretion in that I guess.

But fellas, she isn't really a suicider, but she was willing to kill her countries to get even, and I'm letting you know, she might not know what she's doin....but she'll give it everthing she's got in her to do what she can. i watched her make one click at a time, for like a hundred turns because she wasn't making any money, and it wouldn't keep going, but she sat right here and did over and over and over again and she eventually started making money, while killing either troops or spys or whatever.

Another Deadman


Feb 21st 2014, 2:15:05

And I'm learning a few things too, that I didn't know from you guys.
Dragon, how would I contact you outside of the threads? I'm on primary, she's on FA.

UncleFiat Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 2:16:57

Like others have said, join a group.........and have a mentor show her the ropes.

Will save her a lot of time and aggravation.

Another Deadman


Feb 21st 2014, 2:20:01

I just looked at what you posted on the hits Dragon, that looks like what she was telling me.
I see that she made the 2 hits on Cyber with Teri, but thats what she said, but then she hit Cyber again at the end with Mo. I don't know if she meant that or wasn't paying attention.
But it does show it like she said it.
It doesn't look like she was suiciding on anyone just land grabs, and got hammered for it.

Rosco Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 2:35:47

Uhhhh 17 hits on any clan in 24 hours would get you killed. Be happy they ABed and didnt just kill them all.
FFA- Ares VP
Alliance- SOF
Team- MKR

Desperado Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 2:36:24

if you play on primary and she plays here, they most likely wouldn't care if you each have an account. easiest way to know for sure would be to find a mod and ask about it. Odds are, you'd be put on a safelist and if you two ever played the same server, you wouldn't be able to be in the same clan, or do certain things in tandem (case in point, billy and donny)

as for her mouth, read some posts, she'd fit right in.

it'd get her countries killed probably but she'd still fit right in.

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 3:48:51

Yes, what Despi said lol, her mouth will be a natural fit in earth empires for sure :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Rocker Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 4:17:09

where the hell is the SODA site? The link on the in game clan page will not work for me.

Marshal Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 8:42:56

soda? there's no soda's site but SOTA has boxcar and myclanhosting sites.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....



Feb 21st 2014, 10:39:31

Soda's in the fridge @ the SOTA site. P
Boxcar's fluffed. And Stryke is inconveniently missing on this post.
As far as Mr/Mrs. Deadman, ingame messages give this clown more knowledge than it claims...and my best guess issssssss.... Pre-surgery Transgender!

P.S. in Detroit we calls it Pop, not soda. )

"I see with strobelight vision and I'm alwaze in a panic! My only skill is murder and I'm stuck on Automatic!"

issactan Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 12:51:41

with so many hits, those countries ought to get wipe out.

Another Deadman


Feb 21st 2014, 15:09:04

Feb 21st 2014, 2:35:47
Uhhhh 17 hits on any clan in 24 hours would get you killed. Be happy they ABed and didnt just kill them all. -Roscoe-

I think I'm starting to get it. It's not that she made a landgrab with each country, it's that she did it to just one clan.

So if she had made 16 hits, but didn't single out a tag, it would have been ok? If that's what you are trying to tell me, then that is making more sense.

I don't know if she thought to much about the tags, She said they were killing each other and there was the chance for free acres.

As far as those that think she and I are one and the same, think what you want to about it, :) we are of the same blood. It's a game. I'm here because the math to make it work interests me. She's here to play for the sake of playing.

I personally appreciate the input, pro or con, cause that's the way to learn.

Thanks everyone.

xXxWaNgErxXx Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 15:55:22

Sounds like you are understanding. You are also able to grab your own countries and get extra ghost acres. Thats the main reason you see tags attacking themselves. Its also a good way of staying out of trouble. The best way to stay out of trouble is to join a alliance. Sounds like you are interested in learning the server and being active so I wish the best of luck to you finding a good home and doing well.

Dragon Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 16:08:04

Originally posted by Another Deadman:
And I'm learning a few things too, that I didn't know from you guys.
Dragon, how would I contact you outside of the threads? I'm on primary, she's on FA.

You can click on my name and send me a private message.

Marshal Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 17:06:23

Originally posted by issactan:
with so many hits, those countries ought to get wipe out.

all are gone, self deleted most likely.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....



Feb 21st 2014, 20:06:20

Nahhh! The survivors are still there.

* eyes, suspiciously. (waiting STRYKES decision)

"I see with strobelight vision and I'm alwaze in a panic! My only skill is murder and I'm stuck on Automatic!"

Another Deadman


Feb 21st 2014, 21:07:49

My name is Jennifer. John is my brother. I wasn't attacking SOTA to beat them up. I was just taking easy acres. I wasn't expecting what happened in return. They was some of SOTA people tried to contact me, and was trying to warn me, but I was mad and didn't listen.
There were other alliance people who also tried to talk to me, like TKO, and others, that also tried to tell me.
I didn't know and understand. I just want to play and have fun. I don't mind a fight, but what happened was crazy.
Anyway, nobody from SOTA has bothered me since my brother posted the thing about my waiting till today at 6 pm on Feb 21st 2014, 2:11:54.
Sorry he's so fkn wordy.


I apologize for the 16 hit run on those countries. I didn't think that it would be looked at like I was hittin your clan or alliance, or whatever ya'll want to call it.

No one has bothered me anymore from yall since that post.
I sent Mufasa guy a note in game, that says the same thing.
I'm not happy, but I'm not mad anymore either. I just want to play and do well. I was staying in the top hundred with 10 of the 16 which I thought was pretty good till this.

I'm holding out my hand to shake on it, and let it go. It's up to you to accept my apology or not.

brandon84 Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 21:32:11

your getting there but you got a lot to learn I was the one from tko you spoke to there are rules to this game getting pacts fa work letting people know your intentions etc etc I won't really go into that because we already have in this thread but what I will say is you can't just get on and start hitting people till you know the politics of this game honestly its not wise to hit into an established clan being a single string your just asking for it sit back relaxe and learn the game learn to net then to war will become easier listen up in the forums take it all in learn to retal correctly ask questions a lot here are willing to help a lot of these situations repeat its self always remember this is just a game this game is what you make of it

Another Deadman


Feb 21st 2014, 21:46:24

I remember you telling me, but I dont have those messages anymore, that one died in the fighting. I just want to play the game, I cant do politics. My brother is the one that talks. He's slow to get mad. I tend to blow fluff up.
I want to know, who I can hit when I'm independant. There is this one other guy that is independant, and I did a hit to each one of his, and he never batted an eye. He's up in the top of the boards everyday. I hit him, and then sent a note to his first country that it was just a land grab, and that i wouldn't be back. I was going to write one to the guy in the SOTA thing, but I didn't have a chance before I was getting hit.

Whether I like it or not, SOTA can fight. :/

Dragon Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 21:57:22

Here's an idea. Join SOTA.

One of my best ever Earth friends ended up joining our clan while we were killing his countries,believe it or not. He didn't understand the "rules and etiquette" on the server and got himself in big trouble. But we decided to talk to him while we were killing his countries because he was on ICQ.

Shawn ended up being a great friend, great clan mate and a great player. The folks in SOTA are reasonable and honestly some of the more well-behaved players on the server. Or if you like to fight, pick on of our "war clans".

Get to know us. We'd love you to hang out and build the game back up.

Marshal Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 22:51:22

many (most if not all) in ffa have missiles stored so kills can happen quickly if target isn't online.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Stryke Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 23:13:16

I'll be willing to call a stop to all of this. But, you have to understand when an entire string of untagged countries start hitting out of nowhere we tend to look at it as if we're being suicided on, as it's a common practice for suiciders to get their land/networth up before they're able to hit the larger countries.

I'm willing to accept your apology, and even more willing to have you join us just so you have a place to play.

And yeah, the site that is normally working is down... but I have a mirror up.
SOTA (President/HFA) • Elders • Darkness

a.k.a. NightShade
Originally posted by kemo:
this dudes either a great troll or a seriously stupid fluff. the kind that takes the pepsi challenge and chooses jiff

Rocker Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 0:47:33

BaH! Slash you tree hugger ;) I was looking forward to another kill.

~1 kill in the last decade :(

Another Deadman


Feb 22nd 2014, 2:16:55

News for February 22, 00:00 through February 22, 02:12

Attack Time Attacker Defender Losses
NM Feb 22, 00:26 Red (#711) (SOTA) Paula (#418) 163 A
NM Feb 22, 00:26 Red (#711) (SOTA) Paula (#418) 154 A
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 53 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 52 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 51 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 49 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 48 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 47 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 46 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 45 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 44 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 43 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 42 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 41 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 40 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 39 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 38 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 37 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 37 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 36 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 35 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 34 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 33 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 33 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 32 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 31 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 30 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 30 C
GS Feb 22, 00:35 Red (#711) (SOTA) Jen (#414) 29 C

John told me to post it instead of retaling. Maybe every one hasn't gotten the message yet.
I sent him a message that Stryker said he was good with the apology and theres a cease fire. He used his line of countries, but I just posted the red ones.
Please dont let anybody else from Sota hit me.

Another Deadman


Feb 22nd 2014, 2:22:29

I have to think about it before I join anybody. I'm not sure if I want to have to kill somebody that didn't do anything to me personally. I think there's to much room for mistakes to be made for nothing. :(
Maybe red didn't know there's a cease fire between us, but what if he does, and didn't care?
I have to think about it.



Feb 22nd 2014, 2:51:36

Damnnnn, this is some post!
And Ah just reached 120(120 )

Ah'm all good with what me friends/allies deem fit!
Soooooooo if ya really got ta know me...Ah'm a funny fukka and only come outta mah cage when somethin's in mah yard!

And if you are truly new...WELCOME!
Listen to Dragon- he took my black-white ass in under very similar circumcisms! Thanks Bro. )

YOU/him/her are quite "talky" and have a place somewhere. Not sure if we is it. Besides, it'd be like a street gang "jumping" ya to be in!
Juggalo 4 Life!

Best advice: Tag up' Tag up! TAG UP!

"I see with strobelight vision and I'm alwaze in a panic! My only skill is murder and I'm stuck on Automatic!"

Rocker Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 4:33:06

You only posted Red. What about White and Blue? If I had a few more colors Jen would be dead. :)

Get that cease-fire a.s.a.p. not sure if others will hold off.

Suicidal Tendencies-join or DIE!!! lmao

jcatron Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 5:34:03

SOTA is a great alliance with people who can really help you. I'd join and learn from them if I were you.

If you cannot work things out though with them come to HS and I'll personally mentor you.

Stryke Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 5:35:02

I'll agree to a ceasefire. Hostilities ending 6:00 GT (~25 minutes) sound good to you?
SOTA (President/HFA) • Elders • Darkness

a.k.a. NightShade
Originally posted by kemo:
this dudes either a great troll or a seriously stupid fluff. the kind that takes the pepsi challenge and chooses jiff

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 22nd 2014, 5:48:30

I agree to challenge Stryke to a slap fest.

/me slaps Stryke with a large salmon.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Marshal Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 12:10:22

she will win.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Stryke Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 12:32:58

/me fluffslaps KoHeartsGPA with a halibut.
SOTA (President/HFA) • Elders • Darkness

a.k.a. NightShade
Originally posted by kemo:
this dudes either a great troll or a seriously stupid fluff. the kind that takes the pepsi challenge and chooses jiff

Another Deadman


Feb 22nd 2014, 13:10:14

I appreciate every one trying to help me figure this out.
Mufasa sent me a note last night to tag up, and I didn't know, how, and he told me.
i don't know if I want to join anyones clan right now. I'm still upset over somethings.
But i did do what Mufasa said, and so here is my own clan.

I AM INDEPENDANT is the name, and the tag is IAMONE.

I dont know how to start a new thread like John, so I put it here. When he comes home, I will ask him to put it where ya'll say it should go.

He wanted me to ask, how he can delete this thread, because he didn't or doesn't want to keep insulting SOTA, now that we are clearing up our misunderstandings.

Theres a couple of questions I have about when they guys I was hitting, they were hitting themselves first.
John said that he understands that to be farming, but I'm not sure I understand it.
I have a couple of my countries, that will take me a while to pull out of the red in the money and food. It is in my mind, that if I kill them myself, I wont be able to restart them fresh and I don't really want to kill them, they are my oldest ones still alive. I send aid to them, but that only last a few turns.
If I attack them myself and kill them, will I be able to restart them as if they were in a war? I asked John, and he said he doesn't know, and hadn't thought about it, since he just plays one at a time.

I'm asking ya'll, and with it, looking to make some friends.
My brother said that I can have the account so I can read the messages when I need to. i'll just let him know, if theres something for him specifically. He only came to the forum to help me.

Thanks, Jen.

Another Deadman


Feb 22nd 2014, 13:14:43

Oh, Mufasa told me to state my intentions.

I'm just here to have fun. This isn't like UTOPIA, which I've played for 8 years off and on. I know what I'm doing there. But this is a lot different.
I have friends in UTOPIA that I've known a long time, but after so long, and our kingdoms being allied at different times, with different alliances, I just wanted to play the game without all those commitments. thanks.