
mrcuban Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 6:39:19

I'm just trying to understand the logic here. Nobody is warring and numbers are dwindling. The only playing style left in the game is netting against bots..

Some fluffwit is clearly market watching my country, decides to spy op and take food and burn a fluffload more of my stock.

I was on knife edge on this game before hand, but with the ONLY game style left is netting, and the player numbers dwindling why of earth would you do this? It's just senseless, will you get a better finish? Probably not. Its not even the 100m+ bushels you took, its just the attitude behind it.

Thats me guys, the return was short but Its just not worth it. I have max spy tech and guy didn't miss one op, no need for me to continue on at this point. I'll let me country run its turn for this set, and won't be restarting next set.

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 570,511 bushels of food and lit 1,711,534 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 570,359 bushels of food and lit 1,711,078 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 570,207 bushels of food and lit 1,710,622 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 570,055 bushels of food and lit 1,710,166 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 569,903 bushels of food and lit 1,709,710 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 569,751 bushels of food and lit 1,709,254 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 569,599 bushels of food and lit 1,708,798 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 569,447 bushels of food and lit 1,708,342 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 569,295 bushels of food and lit 1,707,886 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 569,143 bushels of food and lit 1,707,430 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 568,991 bushels of food and lit 1,706,974 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 568,839 bushels of food and lit 1,706,518 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 568,687 bushels of food and lit 1,706,061 on fire as they fled!

2.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 568,535 bushels of food and lit 1,705,605 on fire as they fled!

2.6 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 568,014 bushels of food and lit 1,706,660 on fire as they fled!

2.6 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 567,984 bushels of food and lit 1,705,005 on fire as they fled!

2.6 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 568,117 bushels of food and lit 1,706,779 on fire as they fled!

2.6 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 569,007 bushels of food and lit 1,704,820 on fire as they fled!

2.6 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 568,183 bushels of food and lit 1,707,430 on fire as they fled!

2.6 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 569,771 bushels of food and lit 1,703,112 on fire as they fled!

2.6 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole 569,885 bushels of food and lit 1,707,170 on fire as they fled!

Edited By: mrcuban on Mar 28th 2021, 6:51:24. Reason: removing some curse words...

Crackhead Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 28th 2021, 14:15:12

Happened to me a couple sets back.. took it as a life lesson from my elders

Keep your stock on the market at all times

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 28th 2021, 14:16:34

I'm waiting for Derrick to show up and say, "just don't leave your stuff at home" -- or something similar. In fear of giving him too much attention, I will stop there.

A small group of players likes to use spies against other countries, and I probably know who they are. You're going to have to be more diligent at keeping your goods on the market at all times, even if that means recalling early if you know you cannot time it right with your life to get it back on asap.

If you would like, send me a full list of how much you lost, and I will FA and replace everything you lost, but nothing more, to offset the suiciders.

Don't quit playing! Slag is actively working on the game so give them just a little while longer :)
- Premium Patron Member



Mar 28th 2021, 15:21:04

Unfortunately the game has been catered to the 1 percent of nerd virgin players rather than the masses/casuals for a very very long time.

There’s a club and you aren’t in it Cuban. The end goal is to have 6 players in LaF play alone and jerk each other off about getting top 6

C ya.
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

archaic Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 17:27:21

Originally posted by Chevs:
Unfortunately the game has been catered to the 1 percent of nerd virgin players rather than the masses/casuals for a very very long time.

From a guy that has made some of the dumbest comments ever heard on these boards, this one stands out as a particularly stupid comment. Chevs was one of about a dozen or so players that were instrumental in methodically, deliberately driving off about half of the players in the game with blatant cheating and endless OOP wars. Then a couple of years later Derrick and Co. come along and Elders reboots the endless pointless war set after set after set and drove off even more players.

Everybody whines that warring has been eliminated from the game but every time these same players started warring in the past they dragged it on for year long grudge wars that left the game a wasteland. Slagpit is wasting his time trying to revive a charred corpse still being gnawed on by we few dozen sad hungry maggots that are still fighting over the scraps.

Welcome fluffing back Chevs
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 28th 2021, 17:54:04

People can change. The fault of your statement, in my opinion, is that you place the blame on the player, not the developer. It would be best if you didn't blame players for playing the game as designed.
- Premium Patron Member

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 28th 2021, 17:57:23

First point: Yes i think endless friendly wars and rearranged every set with a few parts moved around is tiresome and lame. I like a little spice to it and I think we all do. I don't lead anymore, but if someone asks me what I think mercs should do in a set, I eternally say break pacts and hit fluffing everyone with a warbuild.

The problem is with that, and the reason why we dont do it, is almost everytime I pulled a fast one to blindside SOL or something. It created a dynamic where people put the screws to me and actively try to get me to quit the game for like 1 year afterwards. The same is true for the 1 year long LaF war. Y'all like DO NOT GET OVER IT, and there's no dynamic to stop a year long harassment campaign to get me to quit because I hit your wartag once. You almost get that for a netter, because having months of work destroyed is horribly disheartening and I can attest, but I joined that year long LaF thing half way thru, and its also the case for wardogs. On FFA too. Dont hit unless you want to have garbage OOP wars for the next year. So don't blame me for the fluffty war dynamics. I don't hold grudges for multiple sets or cross servers to ruin sets of my 1a enemies. Blame the fluffing miserable ass people who hate decent wars. Because I never tried to build them unfair for anyone. In fact, as a leader, I always wanted a challange.

2nd point: What you're looking at there is a "griefer op." They have absolutely NO EFFICACY IN WARRING OR NETTING. Same with the oil op. It's just soooooo unbelievably rare that someone actually uses raid oil or burn food or bomb buildings to net or war. I just dont go blaming the people who use the fluffty mechanic for using it. When I say keep your fluff on the market, it's because a bad mechanic exists and not for any other reason. If theres more than 10 people playing a server, some idiot is undoubtedly going to use that stupid mechanic. The problem is the mechanic not the player. And I totally understand cuban for not wanting to play the game with that fluffty mechanic. Makes total sense to me. I think he's right. I fluffing agree with the guy so I donno why my name is brought up as someone with something to say about it. I don't. He's right. It's a crap fluffing mechanic to deal with. The only point of that, and the only way to feel about it, is exactly the way he feels. *shrugs*

I think sometimes people misdirect their anger about a fluffty mechanic and try to blame me for someone else using it. To which my response is "keep your fluff on the market. It's not my fault. Not even my clan." That's true. Cuban's anger is not misdirected. Hes not hitting me up saying it's my fault. He's saying it's a horrible mechanic that makes him quit. And I agree. Its fluffing awful.

Yes. Its partly horribly toxic player attitudes and part horrible ass mechanic, but the combo makes the game near unplayable for him. And that's most of us for different reasons.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Mar 28th 2021, 18:18:30
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 28th 2021, 18:30:26

I can't offer any immediate relief (although that was covered by Requiem), but I would ask you to read through this thread before quitting:

archaic Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 18:39:53

Originally posted by Requiem:
People can change. The fault of your statement, in my opinion, is that you place the blame on the player, not the developer. It would be best if you didn't blame players for playing the game as designed.

The developers did not create Eug, Candy, TC, Ivan, Xyle, Silver, Copper etc. - those were people who put winning above the game and were willing to do whatever it took (including cheating) to not only win but to eliminate any competition. The whole "we're just playing within the bounds of the game" argument that Don Marshall/H4xor (another blatant cheat) used to spout while farming small tags out of existence rings pretty hollow in a graveyard.

I love warring, well - I used to. When the really great wars happened, they went on for a set or two and then folks moved on and politics changed (even TIL and SLIT only lasted a few sets each). Now it always devolves to set after set after set of grudge wars that leave everyone exhausted. I cannot make anyone net, but anyone can make me war - that has been the problem on this server since day one. When somebody like Derrick decides that no matter how many times the same fight has been fought - its going to get fought all over again next set, this is where we end up.

Derrick did finally change, but not until after Elders had driven numerous players off the server and he had nobody left to play with. I changed too - I quit playing this server 6 years ago.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

archaic Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 18:45:18

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I can't offer any immediate relief (although that was covered by Requiem), but I would ask you to read through this thread before quitting:

The very first thing you should do is eliminate the ability to spam the 'Send Attack' button. When players can hand spam attacks faster than a bot war becomes nothing more than who can shoot first. 30 second kill runs with only 5-6 attackers are pure cancer.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 28th 2021, 18:51:56

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
I can't offer any immediate relief (although that was covered by Requiem), but I would ask you to read through this thread before quitting:

The very first thing you should do is eliminate the ability to spam the 'Send Attack' button. When players can hand spam attacks faster than a bot war becomes nothing more than who can shoot first. 30 second kill runs with only 5-6 attackers are pure cancer.

That doesn't resolve this though: "I cannot make anyone net, but anyone can make me war - that has been the problem on this server since day one."

There's certainly stuff that we can do to make kill runs take longer, but will that really make a huge difference? My philosophy for improving warring right now is to get more players into the game. If there's something that the warrers really want that will keep them in the game for now, I'm happy to listen, but so far it's been tough to get that feedback.

archaic Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 19:06:15

Originally posted by Slagpit:
My philosophy for improving warring right now is to get more players into the game.

Well, when you feel like you're closer to being there - I still have a lot of pre-Boxcar email addresses for you.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 28th 2021, 19:24:44

Thanks. We're definitely not there yet. We need the playing experience to be worth coming back to.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 28th 2021, 19:47:10

I see good points being made here, and I feel bad for the developers that are caught up in the crossfire, there really isn't a one size fits all here, I myself still play because of the entertainment value provided by both sides, game is fun too if you put your mind to it and want to challenge yourself at getting that win, I like warring also and that spam button archaic mentioned is delicious, I really think there should be servers where you can play without the risk of getting destroyed for no reason but also should have wild west type of server so people that like that environment can have fun too.

My .02
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 28th 2021, 20:24:06

Man I'm a wardog. People here keep saying it. I posted a lengthy war changes thread on bugs and sugs. And human fell flat.

If you wanna break bread with me about how to fundamentally fix war, I'm here for you. Its lowering CD strength from 4% to 3% (or 2% because they're overpowered). Its raising the expenses bonus to make large acre C/I viable and stopping acre drop viability. Its decreasing the ability for special attacks to destroy CS to help restarts. It's making a clan declare war on another clan formally to hit them with some hours of delay. You should be able to hit anyone in a netting tag over retal policies and stuff, but they should be able to prepare and stomp your weak ass 2 member tag before you ever even really get started. This will create a need for kill teams in netting tags again. Huzzah a reason for LaF to recruit wardogs like the old days. Minutemen to field incoming attacks. It's getting rid of ops that have no efficacy in war and only are used to grief.

I feel like I've suggested dozens of super pragmatic war changes and here we are still losing 50% of our troops to 17 CD ops. Idk man. Theres no point to building well if dying in 10 seconds at a 30% break is just easy.

Honestly you should just play a war set. Like, try it out. Some of this stuff is just obvious. Come die in 10 seconds with a 50m break. I feel like it makes you humble lol. You will not learn not giving a damn about your country faster haha. Everyone acts like wardogs dont offer viable solutions but we're frankly just not getting heard. You will literally not find a single sentient warring human in this game to advocate for 4% CDs

Edited By: DerrickICN on Mar 28th 2021, 20:54:20
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 28th 2021, 20:58:12

I should add, this:

"I cannot make anyone net, but anyone can make me war - that has been the problem on this server since day one."

This is true and I can see why netters are more frustrated and want more comprehensive changes with more people saying it. But I dont feel like isolating netting tags and war tags from each other is the solution. Think having a dope kill team in your netting tag that can actually prevent you from getting suicided is miles and miles and miles beyond our current thinking. And you can achieve that with time based warring.

Force laf to recruit everyone instead of just people who do a certain thing. That's positive. Laf grows 10-20 members every time they get threatened. You retain those members by giving them something to kill every set. But you also need to prevent the netters from getting suicided. And boom laf is 50 members you're all welcome.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Mar 28th 2021, 21:06:53
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 28th 2021, 21:24:10

Timed based war:

Clan/player A may only hit clan/player B 1 time in 48 hours which opens a 2:1 retal window for clan/player B.

2 ways to war
1) Mutual. One tag issues request to war to any number of tags. Tags agree in a date and time where attack restrictions are lifted.

2) Nonfriendly. A tag/player may declare war on another tag or player. If the player getting decced on is in a tag, war must be declared against the tag. When war is declared, a 48 hour clock begins. During this time, the defending tag is notified and can at any time stop the clock and start the war. So let's say a 5 member clan like the bomb wants to ruin your netting. They have to give you 48 hours notice. And if you have a 10 member kill team with a bunch of missiles, they can save up to 120 and eliminate the threat without the netters even having to worry.

Netting tags recruit war dogs again. Blindsides are eliminated. 2 members cant ruin sets anymore. It is THE OBVIOUS solution. But I'm fine we can all act like I never said any of this before.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Mar 28th 2021, 21:26:17
See Original Post

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 21:29:03

Firstly I am not blaming the developers on this one at all. This is 100% an attitude problem on the player/s involved. That cannot be coded to fix.

Some of my goods were only off the market an hour or so before being burned. I'm not prepared to sit on my country 5 or 6 times a day at my expense because of griefers. In an ideal world I would log on once a day when the goods come off market, run turns and then list again. But that shouldn't be the state of the game.

I didn't want to create a fluff on the game devs thread, I simply just don't understand the logic and was venting. Why kill a game faster? I've literally had no issue with anyone in this game for years, can't count archaic he is just a fan of mine ( he has the issue not me). Why drive out people who are only positive about the game.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 28th 2021, 21:35:54


A) the mechanic exists for you to do so and

B) This is the internet. Internet communities tend to be as toxic as you let them. And this one still let's me say fag.

archaic Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 22:03:14

Originally posted by mrcuban:
can't count archaic he is just a fan of mine ( he has the issue not me)

since you quit stealing tags I could not care less about you. A bit of advice though, recall and resell your bushels EVERY time you log out
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 22:55:17

You know that I joined PDM under LETO, recruited for PDM from 2 people (including me) to 8 and then LETO handed me the role? So you can finally have closure, explain to me how I stole anything? Please.

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by mrcuban:
can't count archaic he is just a fan of mine ( he has the issue not me)

since you quit stealing tags I could not care less about you. A bit of advice though, recall and resell your bushels EVERY time you log out

Symbolic Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 23:20:51

PDM was a clan?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 29th 2021, 0:32:22

Originally posted by Symbolic:
PDM was a clan?

Yep! Comwood was a pillar of the community as well. Losing him was a big hit to this game. The more you know.

- Premium Patron Member

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 29th 2021, 2:46:24

LaF Let u in last reset if anybody had attacked you and were caught you would have tag protection right now. Making your own tag has its risks.
Do as I say, not as I do.



Mar 29th 2021, 2:59:33

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
LaF Let u in last reset if anybody had attacked you and were caught you would have tag protection right now. Making your own tag has its risks.

Luckily clans can now be held accountable in the following resets as mrcuban will know who and what clan is responsible.
Gotta love open profiles.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.

Suicidal Game profile


Mar 29th 2021, 9:58:37

If you make this game a real life priority, you have a problem.

If this game community is your real life community, you have a problem.

If you think that doing the same thing over and over, the exact same way will fix this game, you have a problem.

I feel sorry for those with mental health issues that make this game their "Community". It is just a game.

Your community is your alliance. Not the entire server.

Each alliance plays by the exact same rules. Games have rules. You don't make up individual alliance rules.

This is no longer a game that draws recruitment as much as it is a game that just tries to keep folks from quitting.

This is a "strategy" game offering options in the type of gov't you choose to run, the options of which economy you choose to run. The ability to build a military in such a way to protect, or expand, your strategy.

When an alliance's makes its own rules....."200% land retals", "if you hit our alliance, we kill you", "if you war my alliance, we will bring the whole server to wipe you out of the game next set", YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!

Equal rules for alliance's....1:1 retals. Hell, I would even accept L:L retals with all the ghost acres it is no big loss.
A rule such as this may cause some folks to quit BUT, as an example, it may allow new, larger numbers through recruitment.

I could go on-and-on but I am not the type to write a book :)


P.S. If a "suicider" shows its face, the "suicider" becomes a target of the entire server. Although i believe that equal rules would reduce the need to suicide.

Edited By: Suicidal on Mar 29th 2021, 10:02:15

Hardy Game profile


Mar 29th 2021, 11:28:53


Suicidal Game profile


Mar 29th 2021, 14:42:42

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

B) This is the internet. Internet communities tend to be as toxic as you let them. And this one still let's me say fag.

Only F's can use the f word

brujodale Game profile


Mar 29th 2021, 16:02:56

I have proposed a way to do wars in the past, and get to meet everyone in the game.

Have a war league. like a bowling league. this clan and this clan vs. this clan and these clans.
We get to mix it up, chat with new weird ppl not the usual weird ppl u are used to talking with.

I like the diff ways the wcl's use, in deciding targets, how to use those ppl who are fricking spies hehehehe. and attacking.
I recruited for TIE for decades, had two full notebooks full of isp numbers, banned isp's etc. I have never really caRed who won a war or not, it was always about keeping ppl in the game.
I think there are still some players in the game that I recruited. hell I recruited nero out of middle school, (was not trolling), major, gambit=DD etc. so would love to see anything to keep this game alive. I think we should run an ad in the Lesbian magazines!! then that would generate a high demand for d00ds to join too. maybe galleri can get some of her friends to join ...rofmao. /me jumps off soapbox, grabs his sardine pie and walks off

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 29th 2021, 18:48:32

Originally posted by Hardy:

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 29th 2021, 18:59:56

I dont know even if netters that dont war realize totally how this all works so I'll explain.

I'll have a 40m troops break and 500 spal.

Someone will drop acres to have 600 spal. They will do 7 demoralize ops (30% reduction) and 17 CDs (50% reduction) needing only half my troop count and spy count for max returns. This action lowers my break to 12m. 28 of my 40m just poof. Then another guy who is a dictator who has dropped acres to max his weapons tech comes along. He can send 7.8m troopers to break me. 11 hits cuts my break in half. So a second dict at 4m, or a T at 6 and I'm on to the finishers.

Having defense in a war and a real good build has been totally pointless for longer than I can remember. Only activity and walling wins wars. I dont teach people how to build good countries in mercs. I teach them how to get andchat or irccloud and set up mobile highlights because it is literally all that matters. Whoever has the most people on for the 30 seconds they need to be on wins.

Oh and bonus expenses because they eat you alive if you have a decent country.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Mar 29th 2021, 19:14:14
See Original Post

tmas Game profile


Mar 29th 2021, 19:13:23

I used to love a good war I mean I was instrumental in the til, slit wars back in the day. But I've never played to war to me unless I wanted to war against another who wanted that it was boring and a waste of time. Easy victories mean nothing.

Even though back in the day I led alliances that did war for year plus and enjoyed the occasional war...

I play to net, always wanted to net, always loved to net its more challenging and fun, more goes into it and it is way more rewarding, and way less time consuming.

archaic Game profile


Mar 29th 2021, 22:07:20

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Having defense in a war and a real good build has been totally pointless for longer than I can remember. Only activity and walling wins wars. I dont teach people how to build good countries in mercs. I teach them how to get andchat or irccloud and set up mobile highlights because it is literally all that matters. Whoever has the most people on for the 30 seconds they need to be on wins.


Its just as true about retals. Whenever I hear somebody talking about "neTtErs NevEr CaRRy anY deFenSe, ThEy deSerVe to bE tOPfEd" I know I'm dealing with a real genius with a deep understanding of the game. The only reason to carry any defense is to be a slightly less appealing target for suiciders than your neighbor. Whenever some glue eating cretin that can't even stock the shelves at the Piggly Wiggly, much less stock bushels decides he's going to grab your well oiled 80k acre stocking machine with is 11k acre dict rainbow, it doesn't matter if you have 50M turrets, he's going to break you. If he's in a tag big enough to ruin your tags netting set - congratulations, you've just discovered griefing 101.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

daspheebsie Game profile


Mar 29th 2021, 23:40:04

Originally posted by Symbolic:
PDM was a clan?

Damn kids get off my lawn! *shakes cane*
Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 30th 2021, 0:19:11

Originally posted by BlueCow:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
LaF Let u in last reset if anybody had attacked you and were caught you would have tag protection right now. Making your own tag has its risks.

Luckily clans can now be held accountable in the following resets as mrcuban will know who and what clan is responsible.
Gotta love open profiles.
That is terrible, but my guess is mrcuban will not retaliate. Being angry takes a lot of energy.
Do as I say, not as I do.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 30th 2021, 0:28:49

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Having defense in a war and a real good build has been totally pointless for longer than I can remember. Only activity and walling wins wars. I dont teach people how to build good countries in mercs. I teach them how to get andchat or irccloud and set up mobile highlights because it is literally all that matters. Whoever has the most people on for the 30 seconds they need to be on wins.


Its just as true about retals. Whenever I hear somebody talking about "neTtErs NevEr CaRRy anY deFenSe, ThEy deSerVe to bE tOPfEd" I know I'm dealing with a real genius with a deep understanding of the game. The only reason to carry any defense is to be a slightly less appealing target for suiciders than your neighbor. Whenever some glue eating cretin that can't even stock the shelves at the Piggly Wiggly, much less stock bushels decides he's going to grab your well oiled 80k acre stocking machine with is 11k acre dict rainbow, it doesn't matter if you have 50M turrets, he's going to break you. If he's in a tag big enough to ruin your tags netting set - congratulations, you've just discovered griefing 101.

Man I had this hilarious moment like 2 or 3 sets ago getting suicided in FFA. Where the guy hitting me actually had bad enough countries where if I had like any defense at all he wouldnt have been able to hit me. Objectively the first time it's happened to me in what 25 years of earth now haha. His countries were objectively so bad that if I had just had 5m turrets he wouldnt have got me. First time ever hahaha.

But yeah I mean. Bomb buildings op would have still destroyed me just as much, but I guess I doubted his intelligence to run that op against me. REALLY he could have still fluffed me up but i like to think in playing this game since i was 13 years old and saying anyone could hit me if their goal is to hit me no matter how good I am, in year 23 someone finally made an argument for having defense lol

Figure I'd still run defenseless as a netter and just abuse DR because expenses outpace DRs preetttttty quick but we'll see.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Mar 30th 2021, 0:32:06
See Original Post

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 30th 2021, 3:48:20

to address the original question for cuban

this set is the first set youll be able to not only look up what country did the ops on you after the set, but also see who the user was who did it

and although i dislike both cross set reps and suiciding very few tags seem to want to take responsibility for things that happen last set

theres a few big untagged and solo tag this set, but the odds of them being the perpetrators is low

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 30th 2021, 5:10:34

Are you saying that even ops will be shown at the end of the set? So I'll be able to see which country / username was opping all my food away?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 30th 2021, 6:22:41

Oh yeah that's true. Do you use pc or the mobile site? I can literally teach this thing no one knows about but that exists. You can totally see who did ops on you after a set but it's only on the desktop site so if you're mobile like me you got some hoops to jump thru.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Mar 30th 2021, 6:32:38
See Original Post

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 30th 2021, 6:48:53

Okay, now I'll be hanging around after the set hahaha confirmed *winks

ninong Game profile


Mar 30th 2021, 7:58:03

ninong, formerly Johnny Demonic

LightBringer Game profile


Mar 30th 2021, 13:30:00

Are we not supposed to get a ton of harmful ops by a random country every set? Here I was thinking that was normal since it happens to me literally every set...

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 30th 2021, 14:08:05

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Are we not supposed to get a ton of harmful ops by a random country every set? Here I was thinking that was normal since it happens to me literally every set...

This ^
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 30th 2021, 23:15:47

Look if u have 1000spal sometimes your spies just do things

I thought that was a feature??

v1per Game profile


Mar 31st 2021, 1:21:14

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
I can't offer any immediate relief (although that was covered by Requiem), but I would ask you to read through this thread before quitting:

The very first thing you should do is eliminate the ability to spam the 'Send Attack' button. When players can hand spam attacks faster than a bot war becomes nothing more than who can shoot first. 30 second kill runs with only 5-6 attackers are pure cancer.

That doesn't resolve this though: "I cannot make anyone net, but anyone can make me war - that has been the problem on this server since day one."

There's certainly stuff that we can do to make kill runs take longer, but will that really make a huge difference? My philosophy for improving warring right now is to get more players into the game. If there's something that the warrers really want that will keep them in the game for now, I'm happy to listen, but so far it's been tough to get that feedback.

So, I just had a thought. Instead of turning a country into a useless 1/4 version of itself, why not go with a down but not out type of thinking. In real life when a country is "occupied", it isn't reduced to nothing. Why not apply that same logic to countries that people spend a lot of time building. The damage should stay, but maybe there should be an occupying force that maybe the clan in the alliance server has to wipe out(it can or can't be replenished by the occupying clan, I'll let you deal with that), and once that force is gone the country is back to being able to fight. I see it in everyone, once their country has been destroyed and they are reduced to a restart with most of their stock wiped out they lose interest, stop showing up to chats, and feel useless because they can only be finishers.

**edit also while the occupying force is present, it slowly siphons off the country's resources, so there is an incentive for the clan to get that force out of there and get that country running again. Or if that proves too much, the occupied country has to spend 100 turns to drive the occupying force out.

Edited By: v1per on Mar 31st 2021, 1:23:49. Reason: more idears
See Original Post

Sov Game profile


Mar 31st 2021, 3:31:05

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Requiem:
People can change. The fault of your statement, in my opinion, is that you place the blame on the player, not the developer. It would be best if you didn't blame players for playing the game as designed.

The developers did not create Eug, Candy, TC, Ivan, Xyle, Silver, Copper etc. - those were people who put winning above the game and were willing to do whatever it took (including cheating) to not only win but to eliminate any competition. The whole "we're just playing within the bounds of the game" argument that Don Marshall/H4xor (another blatant cheat) used to spout while farming small tags out of existence rings pretty hollow in a graveyard.

I love warring, well - I used to. When the really great wars happened, they went on for a set or two and then folks moved on and politics changed (even TIL and SLIT only lasted a few sets each). Now it always devolves to set after set after set of grudge wars that leave everyone exhausted. I cannot make anyone net, but anyone can make me war - that has been the problem on this server since day one. When somebody like Derrick decides that no matter how many times the same fight has been fought - its going to get fought all over again next set, this is where we end up.

Derrick did finally change, but not until after Elders had driven numerous players off the server and he had nobody left to play with. I changed too - I quit playing this server 6 years ago.

Absolute nonsense. You are as butthurt now as you were 8 years ago.

The numbers and statistics for the server do not support your arguments in any way. The server wars ended in 2014, at which time the game had over 700 players. The game only ever had a maximum of 900 players. In the 12 months after the server wars ended there were no grudge wars and the EWPP was affect and the game declined to less than 350 players. So if the grudge wars chased all the players away, why did the player base decline by over 50% in the 12 months after they ended?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 31st 2021, 3:41:35

Hahaha. That's actually the funniest argument of them.

I think LaF was 100% at their largest during the war against elders and probably 2nd largest during their war with you guys and sol in the 5 or 7 years I've been back. That's of course without looking. But laf always has an extra 8 members in the old phonebook when they're getting hit.

I think the last set of elders v LaF was near to 60 a side haha. We cant even arrange a war that big with every clan over 5 right now haha. Big wars are always good for recruiting, like them or not.

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2021, 5:03:25

I can confirm this and thank you for your service!

Originally posted by mrcuban:
You know that I joined PDM under LETO, recruited for PDM from 2 people (including me) to 8 and then LETO handed me the role? So you can finally have closure, explain to me how I stole anything? Please.

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by mrcuban:
can't count archaic he is just a fan of mine ( he has the issue not me)

since you quit stealing tags I could not care less about you. A bit of advice though, recall and resell your bushels EVERY time you log out
M4D Founder

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2021, 12:42:09

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Hahaha. That's actually the funniest argument of them.

I think LaF was 100% at their largest during the war against elders and probably 2nd largest during their war with you guys and sol in the 5 or 7 years I've been back. That's of course without looking. But laf always has an extra 8 members in the old phonebook when they're getting hit.

I think the last set of elders v LaF was near to 60 a side haha. We cant even arrange a war that big with every clan over 5 right now haha. Big wars are always good for recruiting, like them or not.

We grew almost 50% when we last fought SoF & SoL.
Don of LaF

Suicidal Game profile


Apr 3rd 2021, 13:05:38

All these "netter" changes suck. War is good. Proves my point......
This is no longer a game that draws recruitment as much as it is a game that just tries to keep folks from quitting.