
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 28th 2021, 21:24:10

Timed based war:

Clan/player A may only hit clan/player B 1 time in 48 hours which opens a 2:1 retal window for clan/player B.

2 ways to war
1) Mutual. One tag issues request to war to any number of tags. Tags agree in a date and time where attack restrictions are lifted.

2) Nonfriendly. A tag/player may declare war on another tag or player. If the player getting decced on is in a tag, war must be declared against the tag. When war is declared, a 48 hour clock begins. During this time, the defending tag is notified and can at any time stop the clock and start the war. So let's say a 5 member clan like the bomb wants to ruin your netting. They have to give you 48 hours notice. And if you have a 10 member kill team with a bunch of missiles, they can save up to 120 and eliminate the threat without the netters even having to worry.

Netting tags recruit war dogs again. Blindsides are eliminated. 2 members cant ruin sets anymore. It is THE OBVIOUS solution.