Aug 27th 2019, 12:47:58
I actually love things like the CPAC speech from last year.
"Darling is the wind blowing, I'd like to watch television"
"The government was shut down, Melania was in Florida, and i was in the white house alone and I was lonely. I said, "LETS GO TO IRAQ!""
"I met this general I said what's your name, he said "Raisin'". I said "Raisin? Like the fruit?" He said "sir yes sir." I said "whats your last name general raisin?" He said Cane. I said "Raisin Cane? Get outta here"
Just as i can see the fun parts of trump as enjoyable, i can see the hypocrisy as well.
If you really feel like liberal news networks constantly attack Trump, then what would you say the conservative news networks did to Obama or other leading dems?
The real unfortunate thing that i believe rupert Murdoch was on the bleeding edge of, is that hit pieces in the news SELL. You guys love tuning in to listen to some conspiracy about Hillary, and libs love themselves a good conspiracy about Trump. The whole things sells itself extremely well. We're so far gone from the media having any integrity, and both sides seem to try to have unbridled influence, and do something that the people keep tuning in for.
As long as we continue to devour the divisiveness that is their product, we will continue to move further apart idealogically. As long as networks like Fox and NBC affiliates keep doing 60/60/24/7/52/365 hit pieces on politicians across the aisle, i think people will be more apt to realize how close the two parties are on a much larger political spectrum.
I own guns, but I also support needing a license to get them, same as driving.
I believe we have an immigration problem, but i believe our visa program and seemingly completely ridiculous asylum laws are largely to blame for illegal immigration. (FUN FACT: In order to apply for asylum in america, you have to already be in the country. If you claim asylum at a standard port of entry, you're just denied, but if you come in illegally, you get a chance to qualify. That's complete nonsense and clearly promotes illegal entry.)
The fact is, the right and left are at the end of the day, similar in America. Both centre right, but one just a bit further than the other.
We just love to hate each other. We love the divisiveness. We chew on our easy mac and drip ketchup on our white shirts all the same, while we watch our respective extremely biased news do hit pieces on the people we love to hate most.
Trash, it seems, knows no side but television ratings and cash flow.