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thats a load of stuff in here but i have found this summed up by someone really nicely"
"LaF broke a pact to hit EVO? Yes.
LaF had reasons to do so? Evo didn't have the best intentions with that clausule
I would say this happened because KJ wanted to be a smartass."
i am only interested in the first part. i do not care if laf had reasons (they were not legit). i don't care who wants to be a smartass. i do not care if hanlong is white, asian, gay, smells bad, lies usually, has a lump feet, etc. if a clause was found in pact that "this gets voided if hanlong is one or more of the following white, asian, gay, smells bad, lies usually, has a lump feet". then that would be good to post logs and fluff.
otherwise i don't care how KJ is how hanlong pisses how i scratch my head. it's totally irrelevant and that can only make the player's image bad but the fact that LAF broke a pact still stands.
i don't see where you going with the changing it to "at war" clause next set? did you sign? if you did, why does it matter now?
VOIDING a pact is legit disregarding the clause you do it for (if specified in pact terms, ofc)
BREAKING a pact means you just want to forget you sign that pact without any "legal" clauses written in the pact.
i dont know about others and i don't think LAF will care much (since we're no big threat to you) but if this still doesnt show that you DID NOT BREAK this set's uNAP, i will insist Imag has absolutely no FA relations on the future because they obviously mean nothing to you.
sorry about the incorrect wording.
we voided the pact as per the terms of Evo/LaF pact signed indicated it can be voided if our FDP is at war with the other side.
as such, Rival was in a state of war with Evo before we are.
as many have pointed out, this pact was on autorenew starting the feb 2012 reset for 3 resets, and would be renewed from the current one, which is the reset we are invoking the void clause on.
is that better for you iTavi?
all the logs are already out there. i'm not sure what else you are referring to other than the technicality of the word "voided via pact term" vs "broke the pact via a pact term"... but i'm more than willing to clarify =)