
dagga Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 6:46:49

19 members. Beat down. Unfairly targeted. War weary. Gangbanged.

Are they a spent force or can they come back?

And was the targeting and destruction of the game's leading netting alliance worth it? Are those who are responsible for orchestrating Evo's current state patting themselves on the back? Are they happy? Proud?
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

locket Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 7:09:41

Go back under your bridge and talk about improving war ;)

PaleMoon Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 7:30:35

"imo the true issue over there is and always has been palemoon." - Vic (Mr. Clear)

La Famiglia

dagga Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 7:46:43

Talking to a brick wall in both circumstances unfortunately.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Feb 1st 2012, 7:55:35

Evo is just fine. People have just chosen to not restart a country near the end.
I still lubbles you dagga <3

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Jiman Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 8:03:32

Evo was beaten in TNW by Laf one reset becuase they decided to drop people from there tag. At best, people dropped from Lafs tag even when asked not too.

Evo pissed off from this, create country names bashing Laf.
Laf didnt like this, so they decided to FS evo. Evo felt that Laf broke a pact in doing so, therefor calling in two alliances to attack Laf. The entire reset becomes a kitchen sink attempt to see how many people can be called in and win. Laf 'side' wins.

The next reset, Sof strikes Evo for there own purposes seperate from Lafs before Evo could strike Laf.

Laf still fearing being hit because of a lack of an pact by SOL, laf hits them hoping to pre emptivily striking SOL from an apparent FS that may of been coming in the coming week (which isnt true, cause truth be told we were going for a mid set war and had no plans to touch laf or there allies).

SOL not wanting to war during the Christmas season as well as being overwhelmed, decided to CF within 12 hours time. SOL does not make a single hit against laf.

Laf being completely war prepped for the reset, and no longer able to net, hits evo with Rival. Rival hit Evo because Evo was apparently attempting to pick a fight with Rival and wanted to hit them. Laf wanting to protect an ally, decided to find a way to legally break the pact they had this reset to assist an ally who did not wish to war this reset.

This bothers me because of this WHOLE SUPER ideal that was spread from alliance leader to alliance leader this reset. Even wars. No gang banging. No wars that would make one side more uneven then the other.
I find that Laf did not uphold this honorable ideal this reset on multiple accounts.

Yes, Laf did win.
But at what cost?

(end rant)

locket Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 8:15:34

Originally posted by Jiman:
Evo was beaten in TNW by Laf one reset becuase they decided to drop people from there tag. At best, people dropped from Lafs tag even when asked not too.

Evo pissed off from this, create country names bashing Laf.
Laf didnt like this, so they decided to FS evo. Evo felt that Laf broke a pact in doing so, therefor calling in two alliances to attack Laf. The entire reset becomes a kitchen sink attempt to see how many people can be called in and win. Laf 'side' wins.

The next reset, Sof strikes Evo for there own purposes seperate from Lafs before Evo could strike Laf.

Laf still fearing being hit because of a lack of an pact by SOL, laf hits them hoping to pre emptivily striking SOL from an apparent FS that may of been coming in the coming week (which isnt true, cause truth be told we were going for a mid set war and had no plans to touch laf or there allies).

SOL not wanting to war during the Christmas season as well as being overwhelmed, decided to CF within 12 hours time. SOL does not make a single hit against laf.

Laf being completely war prepped for the reset, and no longer able to net, hits evo with Rival. Rival hit Evo because Evo was apparently attempting to pick a fight with Rival and wanted to hit them. Laf wanting to protect an ally, decided to find a way to legally break the pact they had this reset to assist an ally who did not wish to war this reset.

This bothers me because of this WHOLE SUPER ideal that was spread from alliance leader to alliance leader this reset. Even wars. No gang banging. No wars that would make one side more uneven then the other.
I find that Laf did not uphold this honorable ideal this reset on multiple accounts.

Yes, Laf did win.
But at what cost?

(end rant)

thought that was pro Laf for awhile there :P

My only comment on the matter is a question for you. Would Rival vs Evo have been even? I very much doubt that. Evo also apparently wanted an unfair war. Earthgraphs tells me it would have been 51 vs 35. I'd rather his thread not succeed and get people arguing though so thats all i'll comment on :P

Is sol going to hang onto some top 100's Jiman? Noticed you guys had some there. Best "netting" set in EE for Sol? :P

Mr Snow


Feb 1st 2012, 8:19:57

Are you ever not a despicable troll? :)

dagga Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 8:23:36

What's lockets argument? You can see the thinking inside LAF everytime they post. If you're a chance of losing, CALL IN THE SINK!!

As for the atempt at humor - SOL has exactly one less total networth crown than LaF in the last 2.5 years. You guys are great!

PS. The last time both SOL and LaF netted in the same reset? SOL 2nd, LaF 3rd :p

Edited By: dagga on Feb 1st 2012, 8:25:43
See Original Post
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

locket Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 8:27:17

Originally posted by dagga:
What's lockets argument? You can see the thinking inside LAF everytime they post. If you're a chance of losing, CALL IN THE SINK!!

As for the atempt at humor - SOL has exactly one less total networth crown than LaF in the last 2.5 years. You guys are great!

uhh what? I simply made a short statement in reply to something Jiman said. Nothing was "Laf thinking".
And fyi, the comments to Jiman were not a joke. I was surpised to see some Sol people in the top 100 and honestly hoped they could finish there. I also don't remember noticing sol there in previous sets due to always warring so I figured it was your best "netting" finish.

Not everyone is as pissy and angry as you are Dagga.

Jiman Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 8:31:15

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Jiman:
Evo was beaten in TNW by Laf one reset becuase they decided to drop people from there tag. At best, people dropped from Lafs tag even when asked not too.

Evo pissed off from this, create country names bashing Laf.
Laf didnt like this, so they decided to FS evo. Evo felt that Laf broke a pact in doing so, therefor calling in two alliances to attack Laf. The entire reset becomes a kitchen sink attempt to see how many people can be called in and win. Laf 'side' wins.

The next reset, Sof strikes Evo for there own purposes seperate from Lafs before Evo could strike Laf.

Laf still fearing being hit because of a lack of an pact by SOL, laf hits them hoping to pre emptivily striking SOL from an apparent FS that may of been coming in the coming week (which isnt true, cause truth be told we were going for a mid set war and had no plans to touch laf or there allies).

SOL not wanting to war during the Christmas season as well as being overwhelmed, decided to CF within 12 hours time. SOL does not make a single hit against laf.

Laf being completely war prepped for the reset, and no longer able to net, hits evo with Rival. Rival hit Evo because Evo was apparently attempting to pick a fight with Rival and wanted to hit them. Laf wanting to protect an ally, decided to find a way to legally break the pact they had this reset to assist an ally who did not wish to war this reset.

This bothers me because of this WHOLE SUPER ideal that was spread from alliance leader to alliance leader this reset. Even wars. No gang banging. No wars that would make one side more uneven then the other.
I find that Laf did not uphold this honorable ideal this reset on multiple accounts.

Yes, Laf did win.
But at what cost?

(end rant)

thought that was pro Laf for awhile there :P

My only comment on the matter is a question for you. Would Rival vs Evo have been even? I very much doubt that. Evo also apparently wanted an unfair war. Earthgraphs tells me it would have been 51 vs 35. I'd rather his thread not succeed and get people arguing though so thats all i'll comment on :P

Is sol going to hang onto some top 100's Jiman? Noticed you guys had some there. Best "netting" set in EE for Sol? :P

Maybe Laf could of sent some countries over instead of using the entire alliance? Maybe a smaller ally could of helped Rival?
Just becuase making wars even in this game is hard doesnt mean we should just give up on it.
I think a lot of the game issues start falling back to the games population over and over again. Which means we as a community have to push harder and come up with new ideas to get past these issues that present themselves.

In terms of the netting set:
I screwed up my jump by not knowing that military bases makes bushles sale costs on private market fall. -_-

I think there are a few solers who know what they are doing. O:


Ya that brief 'history' is a obversation of events that occured. Everyone has a compeltely different opinion on what happaned. Everyone has different facts on what happaned.
In no way is what I said going to be all correct.
It was only a brief 'run down'.
If someone thinks its all wrong, sue me :P

Edited By: Jiman on Feb 1st 2012, 8:36:02
See Original Post

locket Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 8:36:36

Originally posted by Jiman:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Jiman:
Evo was beaten in TNW by Laf one reset becuase they decided to drop people from there tag. At best, people dropped from Lafs tag even when asked not too.

Evo pissed off from this, create country names bashing Laf.
Laf didnt like this, so they decided to FS evo. Evo felt that Laf broke a pact in doing so, therefor calling in two alliances to attack Laf. The entire reset becomes a kitchen sink attempt to see how many people can be called in and win. Laf 'side' wins.

The next reset, Sof strikes Evo for there own purposes seperate from Lafs before Evo could strike Laf.

Laf still fearing being hit because of a lack of an pact by SOL, laf hits them hoping to pre emptivily striking SOL from an apparent FS that may of been coming in the coming week (which isnt true, cause truth be told we were going for a mid set war and had no plans to touch laf or there allies).

SOL not wanting to war during the Christmas season as well as being overwhelmed, decided to CF within 12 hours time. SOL does not make a single hit against laf.

Laf being completely war prepped for the reset, and no longer able to net, hits evo with Rival. Rival hit Evo because Evo was apparently attempting to pick a fight with Rival and wanted to hit them. Laf wanting to protect an ally, decided to find a way to legally break the pact they had this reset to assist an ally who did not wish to war this reset.

This bothers me because of this WHOLE SUPER ideal that was spread from alliance leader to alliance leader this reset. Even wars. No gang banging. No wars that would make one side more uneven then the other.
I find that Laf did not uphold this honorable ideal this reset on multiple accounts.

Yes, Laf did win.
But at what cost?

(end rant)

thought that was pro Laf for awhile there :P

My only comment on the matter is a question for you. Would Rival vs Evo have been even? I very much doubt that. Evo also apparently wanted an unfair war. Earthgraphs tells me it would have been 51 vs 35. I'd rather his thread not succeed and get people arguing though so thats all i'll comment on :P

Is sol going to hang onto some top 100's Jiman? Noticed you guys had some there. Best "netting" set in EE for Sol? :P

Maybe Laf could of sent some countries over instead of using the entire alliance? Maybe a smaller ally could of helped Rival?
Just becuase making wars even in this game is hard doesnt mean we should just give up on it.
I think a lot of the game issues start falling back to the games population over and over again. Which means we as a community have to push harder and come up with new ideas to get past these issues that present themselves.

In terms of the netting set:
I screwed up my jump by not knowing that military bases makes bushles sale costs on private market fall. -_-

I think there are a few solers who know what they are doing. O:

I'd agree with the community bit for sure :P it is usually them who ruins games like this. I also like your suggestion about sending just some countries since I didn't feel like warring anymore anyways ;) I'd assume people will need to be more friendly all around before everyone will agree on making the real wars more fair though. It seems like some want that though.. QZ and Hanlong seem to talk a lot... who knows.. maybe we will see a miracle happen sometime :P

locket Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 8:36:51

Damn quote is getting long...

Marco Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 9:18:15

Evo was faing imag this set.

Rival expected and went to full save turns(while warring imag)
Imag was offered a cf from Rival, so that Rival could fight Evo by themselves. Imag refused a cf, even after being beaten.

Evo wanted war, they got war. Im so tired of seeing "unfair" war comments. I bet you are all the type to say ball kicking isn't allowed in a street fight. Its war, alls fair in love and war, including being out maneuvered politically. Evo tried to set it up to where it would be Rival vs Evo, which is unfair for Evo. They'd need at least another another 50 members to be fair against Rival. Evolution set up a pact with LaF thinking they would come in and damage Rival, not happening. Evolution also used threats against Rival(threatening war) to force us into a pact, not happening. Being that Imag declined a CF, and Rival will not lose a fight, we called in help. It was so uneven (Evo was war prepped) They lasted a whole 3(I think) days. Congratulations to the powerhouse Evolution and their smaller counterparts Imaginary Numbers.

All that said, there is no grudge from Rival towards Imag or Evolution, next set will be a new. I can't say the same in reverse after seeing the actions taken this set from both.

Evo essentially being destroyed? Evolution members can blame a select few of their heads. If any Evolution members want to see a friendly family oriented alliance, feel free to hit me up. Nowadays Rival is welcoming and warm to new members.

Marco Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 9:18:43


SPIN begins


bertz Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 9:19:39

Heh why would Evo be destroyed. Evo is like a grass, we keep on growin even if others kept on smokin.

dagga Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 9:24:55

Oh Marco. You're straight out of the laf school of fluffwits who justify poor behavior in this game. Pathetic.

"They'd need at least another another 50 members to be fair against Rival. "

Guess what, we'll never know. Because you pussies took the gangbang option, all we know is that RIVAL are a bunch of limp wristed nancy boys.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

LaFinglolrik Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 9:27:52

lol. Evolution is a good place! Long live the Yank!

Marco Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 9:39:44

dagga if you were in irc more often then almost never you would see I am now known as DonMarco. Address me as such, please.

Justify? Rival defended ourselves in war, and now we need to justify the reason for defending ourselves. Yes that's definitely douchebaggery at best. Poor behaviour... yes, Thats Rival and Laf to a t.

As for never knowing? You may find out sooner then you think, lets see how we get treated after getting a tag kill with help from our FRIENDS so quickly. It's like there wasn't even any resistance. By your rules the movie 300 would have been over in 30 seconds. "We're outnumbered, screw this"

So Evolution got, what they were trying to push onto Rival this set. Rival beat Evolution at their own game. Yes, Rival really needs to justify itself.

Also just so everyone knows, I know this isn't a thread by, for, or from Evolution. Dagga perhaps you should go back to worrying about SoL, and let Evolution worry about Evolution as Rival, Laf, and Evolution are already in the process of working all of this out. We're all a bit over the constant useless wars.

Jiman Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 9:40:27

Macro, I dont think you understand.

This isnt just about playing a game. I am fine with EVERYTHING that is happening "IF" the game wasnt so low in population.

You are acting as if the game is still nice and huge. As if the game is gaining more players then losing them.

Please. For a memont. Think of the players trying to have fun with the game. When one alliance is fighting the same alliance set after set, making there time playing the game horrible because of 'unfair' tactics, they are attempting to force 16% of the games population away.


Besides that, I never said unfair. I did say uneven. And I said it with great purpose.

I am saying wars should not be uneven because in a game where population is so slow as it is, uneven wars have that much more of a greater impact. You are not warring different alliances every set as it once was. You are warring the same alliances set after set. We are trying to preserve the game.

You could say that those who are saying "this war is unfair" isnt just saying it because they are sad they lost the war. They are saying it becuase they can see what these types of actions will affect the game and its player base.

I want Laf to war another alliance on fair terms.
I want SOL to war another alliance on fair terms.
Win or lose. I want to see people win a war through skill.
I want those netting to win through skill.

Right now, I want everyone to have fun.

Marco Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 10:21:25

"You are acting as if the game is still nice and huge. As if the game is gaining more players then losing them. "

I believe the majority of Rival and MD are new players to EE. So, I personally do believe the game is growing. Almost weekly I see at least 1 new member or old timer returning.

As for the negative effect of wars on player base, the only ones losing(speaking of this set directly) Perhaps heads should think of themselves before pushing for a war. Why do you want to see Laf war, they are netters. Why does sol need to war, didnt they net this set? Every sets wars are fought for different reasons, bs reasons, legit reasons. Every war has reason.

Do you know the card game war? Its a 2 player game. Player base wont alter the terms of war.

TNTroXxor Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 10:28:05

Nope ! Evo is alive and well ! At least for a couple more sets till most member decides Evo could never net again and jump tag
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

Marco Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 10:36:12

Originally posted by TNTroXxor:
Nope ! Evo is alive and well ! At least for a couple more sets till most member decides Evo could never net again and jump tag

I agree, Evo seems to give up pretty easily in war. They are obviously not war oriented nor do they put forth that image. However every set they come back large and close to in charge. i hope to see a fully returning Evo next set.

anoniem Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 10:36:49

people talking out of their arses again.

rival refused to pact evo this set several times.
evo were never going to fs rival, so rival always were going to have the FS advantage, also the fact that evo had warred sof from OOP, gave them another advantage.

so dont talk nonsense.

once evo get back on top - i'm sure we'll see another 2-3 reset gangbang on us - just to make sure we're put back in line and know who's "boss".

anoniem Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 10:39:26

Originally posted by Marco:
Originally posted by TNTroXxor:
Nope ! Evo is alive and well ! At least for a couple more sets till most member decides Evo could never net again and jump tag

I agree, Evo seems to give up pretty easily in war. They are obviously not war oriented nor do they put forth that image. However every set they come back large and close to in charge. i hope to see a fully returning Evo next set.

52 evo countries get fsed (3/4 of which are restarts), by laf (72 members) and rival (35 members), so what do you think is going to happen mid-reset, when you (rival+laf) have avg nws of 5-7mil? the war was over after the FS. dont talk about giving up when you have 103 countries fsing 52.

anyway, the wars are moot. nobody will do anything, so let's go back to our respective holes and hope the pain goes away.

Marco Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 11:53:56

I dont understand how imag is left out of the country counts vs rival.

Also, last few days of set and imag is still restarting, beaten before evolution even joined the war.

What do I think is going to happen? I think even outnumbered and beaten, you restart. No ifs, ands, or buts. With all do respect Ano, their is an obvious pattern no matter the advantage/disadvantage when Evo begins to lose, they give up. Its a shame imo, and I expect more from a main tag, but war isnt your thing, I get it. No big thing.



Feb 1st 2012, 12:04:33

I can see both sides arguing and this is what I see:

Rival has a point, EVO were being asses to them, trying to force them to FS EVO with would have been a nice almost even war (in favor of EVO) the problem is that imag refused to CF with Rival, even if Rival had the FS, they where SURE to lose, we can argue that imag was dead, but their members post a lot in AT, so to me is clear they weren't dead at all.

Rival vs EVO + 50% of imag is super unfair, let alone imag at 100%.

So claiming EVO was pushing for an even war is a false statement because it wasn't going to be even at all.

Now Rival asking LaF for help was beyond overkill, MD? Overkill, only way it was going to be semi even was to ask Monsters/Rage or SoF, and if neither of those are Rival FDP's then forget about it.

On the other hand we have LaF, can you honestly say any war with LaF this set was going to be even?

Only a 1 vs 2 was going to be semi even, and only if the 2 were part of the top 10 alliances (member wise)

Maybe if LaF had FSed Sol+KSF+Rage?
Or SoL+PDM; but that would have been fluff because LaF had no reasons to FS anybody but SoL, as everyone else that is in their public enemy list was already warring (maybe SoL+TIE? Nah still not enough).

Also I can also see the point of the LaF/SoF side about last set when they say their enemies made the war unfair first, they had to be the bigger man (being the aggressors) and call just enough to make it even, but it was their call and they went with the roll stomp, can't really blame them for that as I would had done the same.

Marco Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 12:07:56

Also Evo warred sof oop giving Rival the advantage if we chose to fs. I seem to recall Rival hitting a pretty large speed bump as well (Imag). How is it that a war gives Rival an advantage while it gives Evo a disadvantage? Did evo not have time to recoup? Evo was tagkilled? You were all restarts?
35(Rival) vs. 75-25(imag)/50(Evo)
Is fair to everyone, yet
105(Rival/Laf) vs 75 is completley uneven.

No one except the winners will ever be happy.

anoniem Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 12:09:44

this is just going to go around in circles, so i'm going to forget about this, as certain people are trying to twist the events and pass blame where it is not due.

evo suck. that is all that matters :)

p.s. imag had an avg nw of around what 300k nw (only because evo faed them)? hits per day 100?

Edited By: anoniem on Feb 1st 2012, 12:12:23
See Original Post

Marco Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 12:18:20

Ano, you and I both know if we fsd alone imag would have been oppurtunists and been right back in the fight. I do agree with the circles. Our war is over I was just attempting to answer daggas post. I don't think Evo has been destroyed, I'm sure evo will be back next set. I was just stating for this set evo is where it is because of fa packages and getting what they wanted. (war)



Feb 1st 2012, 12:27:37

Finishers are still finishers and turns are still turns, and you can't deny that 35vs46+imag was super unfair, if imag had agreed to the CF then yeah, why not...

As long as a side has enough breakers/midbreakers networth advantage is meaninless.

Anyways, I never said EVO sucks, just that you should understand that pushing Rival to war when they were still in "theorical" hostilities wasn't nice.

Marco Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 12:32:06

Oh btw Ano, if Evo never planned on fsing you should probably let some of your guys know Rival won't sign pacts under duress.

"Right now evo is war prepped and rebuilding. We need a target. We have pacted out to most excluding you. Sign a 3 set unap or I can't say you wont be our target"

Threats to pact have been tried several times, your guys should give up. It really does nothing but give me the urge to blindside netters endset.

NukEvil Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 13:26:41

Number of countries remaining at end of reset:

Now: 788
October - December 2011 reset: 737
August - October 2011 reset: 902
June - August 2011 reset: 906
April - June 2011 reset: 766
February - April 2011 reset: 755
December - February 2011 reset: 741
October - December 2010 reset: 678
August - October 2010 reset: 660
June - August 2010 reset: 691

Why did this server suddenly gain ~140 countries, then lose ~170 countries 2 resets later? I'll let you all debate that.

Oh, and LaF didn't beat us in TNW when they dropped countries 2 sets ago; they dropped countries to win ANW, to keep us from winning "their" triple crown again, then FSed us next set to keep us from ever being able to take "their" triple crown again. And the rest of the community just sat there and let them break pacts to do it. I'm done with this dead game.

Edited By: NukEvil on Feb 1st 2012, 13:30:18
See Original Post
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

anoniem Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 13:28:04

I didn't send you that message, nor did yank or qzjul, so i would say ignore it marco :P

blindside all you want. nobody will bat an eyelid.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 1st 2012, 14:02:54

Stop the trolling, dagga.

there's been much laughter in private about how your tone has changed with SoL+ally's political fortunes. you're basically echoing the policies that you flamed me for a year or two ago. it makes you look entirely transparent.

let the server/politics evolve on their own, eh? :)

evo will bounce back because they have some solid leaders there, namely qz. same way laf bounced back, solid leaders. both alliances have a solid vet core and as you boil down to that vet core the heart of the alliance grows stronger. that's what gave laf the strength to come back from what looked to be a parade of endless wars to satisfy the appetite of over-aggressive war alliances.

Edited By: Pang on Feb 1st 2012, 14:10:35
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 1st 2012, 14:07:43

They've been beat down a bit, but I suspect that most of them decided not to restart or play untagged once the war was basically over.

If they have to war too many sets in a row it might endanger the tag as they like to net gain. They are a good group of netters who were giving LaF a run for their money or in the least some good competition. LaF couldn't handle it and turned into a bunch of babies/ lamers.

To me LaF has turned into a joke. LaF has always had shady things but the LaF of today is a utter joke if you ask me. I know I'm not the only person that has this view and in the court of public opinion that is all that matters.

anoniem Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 14:32:22

I don't see this thread as trolling.

Take a look at ICN and NA for prior examples.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 1st 2012, 14:51:37

it's trolling because of the way it was introduced. and the fact that the first mentions of those other alliances are in your post above mine sort of shows that.

why not talk about the alliances who were on the ropes from being pushed around by bully alliances but responded, rebuilt and grew? The LCN's, the LaF's, the PDM's...

when times are tough you get to know who you can count on and who is going to be there for the alliance. despite not getting along with a lot of evo folks, I definitely want them to succeed as an alliance and I have every expectation that they will continue to be a going concern moving forward.

if you haven't noticed yet, the political trends in this game are cyclical.

Edited By: Pang on Feb 1st 2012, 15:00:24
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Trife Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 15:39:24

Originally posted by NukEvil:

Why did this server suddenly gain ~140 countries, then lose ~170 countries 2 resets later? I'll let you all debate that.

i'm going to guess that it was because slagpit was a huge fluff to people for no reason for quite some time and he drove people away from the game.

all because he didn't get the hug he so desperately needed!!1

archaic Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 15:42:36

OMG! Through a combination of strategic warfare and political manipulation Laf has succeeded in placing themselves at the top of the server. This is a startling revelation, who could have ever seen this coming?

This giggles me, Laf played the game on their own terms and won (again). Nowhere in the rules do I see where it says that they had to make friends getting to the top.

Now lets see how long they can stay there.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Feb 1st 2012, 15:45:04

In the history of this game, no one has been able to stay on top of the server for more than a year or so.

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


bertz Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 15:49:48

My head ached reading those logic by Marco. lol
Damn politics. Just give us all DNH and we net in peace!

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 1st 2012, 15:57:02

Originally posted by martian:
In the history of this game, no one has been able to stay on top of the server for more than a year or so.


things are cyclical... a year ago the fortunes were reversed. a year from now they'll probably be reversed again and we'll be talking about whether [insert alliance name here] is destroyed.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

anoniem Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 16:01:46

Originally posted by bertz:
My head ached reading those logic by Marco. lol
Damn politics. Just give us all DNH and we net in peace!


martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Feb 1st 2012, 16:07:03

we wont' stop until sweaty boot rash is destroyed!
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


maverickmd Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 16:08:38

Join MD

Atryn Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 16:47:19

Nukevil: in most online games that increase period is explained by "Summer". Not sure what the full spring/summer looked like the year before, but I've always expected higher active player counts during summer months in online games. Some folks stick around while school is starting and then remember that they don't have time for it.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Feb 1st 2012, 17:34:16

Originally posted by Marco:
Evo was faing imag this set.

Congratulations to the powerhouse Evolution and their smaller counterparts Imaginary Numbers.

This would have all been avoided had a pact been given out...during your so called netting set.

Edited By: galleri on Feb 1st 2012, 18:11:58. Reason: martian holograms
See Original Post

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

PG Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 19:06:16

Why should we "pact out" cause we want to net?
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 20:03:03

because All x is a great way of getting top 10... NOT :D
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2