
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 16th 2023, 19:10:17

I mean, ultimately you've set a precedent that when someone is killed/harmed as a result of the game going down, cheating, or exploiting, that those players will have their country reinstated with all of their goods, along with the cheater being deleted as he always has. Again. THIS IS A GOOD THING. CAN YOU PLEASE DO THIS GOING FORWARD AND NOT JUST THIS ONE TIME PLZ PLZ PLZ!!!? I'm really really really ok with this so long as this is how we do it now. It's good for the community. Can we just get some guarantee that this is how we do it now. Several of OUR SIDE have been killed as a result of the game going down in the past and did not get this treatment. All we are asking for is that going forward, that if someone cheats or is killed as a result of the game going down, that this is how you handle that now. Please say you'll be consistent or else this is BS.

Like when Black Hole and his buddy colluded on the solo, can you start giving that guy his goods/country back now too because he was harmed as a result of cheating?

Edited By: DerrickICN on Mar 16th 2023, 19:17:28
See Original Post

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 16th 2023, 19:15:13

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I mean, ultimately you've set a precedent that when someone is killed/harmed as a result of the game going down, cheating, or exploiting, that those players will have their country reinstated with all of their goods, along with the cheater being deleted as he always has. Again. THIS IS A GOOD THING. CAN YOU PLEASE DO THIS GOING FORWARD AND NOT JUST THIS ONE TIME PLZ PLZ PLZ!!!? I'm really really really ok with this so long as this is how we do it now. It's good for the community...

I can't speak for what the admins will do in those situations going forward. All I can say is no non-admin is able to do that under present conditions even if they chose to.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 16th 2023, 19:19:42

Thaaaaat's what I figured. Thanks for the clarification Prime. So in the future if I am harmed by a cheater I have to go to Kangaroo Court with qz, if I can find him, and if he will reinstate me after a cheater hit me based on his judgement, I could potentially get reinstated lol. Sick. Boy am I glad to see we're going to have consistency around here. Love that for us lol.

It's no wonder people assume a bias lol.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 16th 2023, 19:53:04

Originally posted by Primeval:
Just a quick FYI: the servers cannot be rolled back.

*Slagpit strolls in, ends the current set, and restarts a new one* Happy?

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Mar 16th 2023, 20:04:44

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Thaaaaat's what I figured. Thanks for the clarification Prime. So in the future if I am harmed by a cheater I have to go to Kangaroo Court with qz, if I can find him, and if he will reinstate me after a cheater hit me based on his judgement, I could potentially get reinstated lol. Sick. Boy am I glad to see we're going to have consistency around here. Love that for us lol.

It's no wonder people assume a bias lol.

For the record, I try to run my decisions through at least one mod, as I am often a little out of touch with the current state of the game. That said! I like to think I'm unbiased, because I have literally no idea what is happening day-to-day on any server.
Finally did the signature thing.

Link Game profile


Mar 16th 2023, 20:26:06

ooooh!!! qzjul sighting!

I Am a meat popsicle.


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 16th 2023, 20:47:43

Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Thaaaaat's what I figured. Thanks for the clarification Prime. So in the future if I am harmed by a cheater I have to go to Kangaroo Court with qz, if I can find him, and if he will reinstate me after a cheater hit me based on his judgement, I could potentially get reinstated lol. Sick. Boy am I glad to see we're going to have consistency around here. Love that for us lol.

It's no wonder people assume a bias lol.

For the record, I try to run my decisions through at least one mod, as I am often a little out of touch with the current state of the game. That said! I like to think I'm unbiased, because I have literally no idea what is happening day-to-day on any server.

Yeah it's certainly a different mgmt team than it was years ago. I remember feeling a strong bias at one time, but I think it'd be pretty insane to argue that you or Prime have a LaF bias. That wasn't true when you guys did play haha. I'm more just slinging mud because I like the way this went down and would like reinstatement in the future when cheating/game outages occur. In other words, super well done. Would be awesome if this was how it went 100% of the time. Good judgement calls etc. Proud? You bet I am....

Not to give you more work ofc, but it'd be really neat if this was a mod tool lol

Edited By: DerrickICN on Mar 16th 2023, 20:50:35
See Original Post

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Mar 16th 2023, 20:59:15

And you all were all over me like frosting on cupcakes last night.

Worst internet fight.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Suicidal Game profile


Mar 16th 2023, 21:34:25

Originally posted by galleri:
And you all were all over me like frosting on cupcakes last night.

Worst internet fight.

He will never stop posting as he continues to find his relevance...some things never change

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Mar 16th 2023, 22:06:07

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by galleri:
And you all were all over me like frosting on cupcakes last night.

Worst internet fight.

He will never stop posting as he continues to find his relevance...some things never change

I said "you all".

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 16th 2023, 23:31:06

Sounds racist.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 17th 2023, 0:19:58

I’m 1/18 Native American, I am offended.
- Premium Patron Member

mdevol Game profile


Mar 17th 2023, 1:09:56

Originally posted by Requiem:
I’m 1/18 Native American, I am offended.

Oh fluff, your last name doesn't happen to be Warren, does it?
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

myerr21 Game profile


Mar 17th 2023, 1:15:41

I think everybody should just relax and get along. Maybe next set we can all come together and make peace.

gains [23:16:55] * Myerr!*@* added to ignore list

cloud-superfly: CP is ok

Dark Demon Game profile

Game Moderator
EE Patron

Mar 17th 2023, 2:59:23

Natural Born Killers

Doug Game profile


Mar 17th 2023, 5:00:17

Good lord, I leave for like a day and y’all have QZ running around like a mad scientist and Galleri banging gavels like she’s the chief Justice at the nuremberg trials.

Quick QZ unplug everything again. lol

En4cer Game profile


Mar 17th 2023, 8:01:29

How about next set we settle this with a netting battle?

oh and Real Man

Real Man


Mar 17th 2023, 13:01:37

Originally posted by En4cer:
How about next set we settle this with a netting battle?

oh and Real Man

what the hell is this low effort crap? this took me 30 seconds:

we are replacing you with tmac should our fearless leader chucknorris ever return:

En4cer Game profile


Mar 18th 2023, 2:46:48

Even mascots needs updating from time to time mate :P

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 18th 2023, 5:33:16

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Superfly, you're stating things like 'not pulling a laf and running 300 espionage ops' without having any proof that actually happened.

In other words, you're PURPOSEFULLY misleading everyone by saying something happened, that you previously have admitted you have no proof happened.

Your alliance cheated, demonstrably and provably. Yet rather than coming on here and apologizing for the extremely dirty moves they engaged in, you keep stating that LaF engaged in cheating, again, with absolutely no proof.

For the record, I was in the LaF chat when all of this happened. And I saw multiple people in LaF state not to exploit anything, as we were all figuring out that there were bugs. We then saw all the attacks on LaF people, and LaF once again said to not do what the cheaters were doing, to not stoop to their level.

I find this declaration that LaF also cheated completely inappropriate at this time. You're attempting to muddy the waters, when you know that you have no evidence they cheated. You're simply trying to poison the minds of others to distract from the obvious cheating that your side engaged in and then laughed about.

Black Hole I also now expect you to post an apology now that two LaF players have been deleted for blatantly cheating.

Looks like these two dirt bags did not listen to all of these so called LaF players yelling don’t cheat and don’t stoop to their level huh?

You owe me an apology for calling me a liar now that QZ has deleted two players on your side.

I will await your response to the now proven cheating by your side.

Btw congratulations looks like your purple ways are running off on your teammates :)

BlackHole Game profile


Mar 18th 2023, 10:05:02


I will admit you were right. So I am sorry that I called you a liar.

I am not entirely sure if you actually knew they cheated, or were just guessing. Either way, you were correct. So I apologize. Cheating definitely shouldn't be tolerated.

Just for the record, since you keep bringing it up over and over for the past few months, and multiple times in multiple threads here....

I don't consider myself a cheater. I've never purposefully cheated. What I have done is accidentally overstep rules on solo servers as it regards to hitting other countries that have been hit by people I know. "Double teaming" others, if you will.

I've made it really clear in the past what happened, and what my position was when those things happened. But I'll say it one more time.

I think, if memory servers correctly, I've been deleted three times. The first time I violated a rule I didn't know was a rule (remember, I am new here). The second time I violated the rule when I thought the way we did it was within the confines of the rule. Pushing the envelope, if you will. And the third and last time I got deleted, I still maintain I didn't deserve to be deleted. What I did was something that has been done to me about 50 times in primary last set, and I reported every time, and nobody else was deleted for. I had a long conversation with galleri and gerdler about it, and disagreed with their logics, but ultimately came away with a better understanding of where the rules are.

Since then, I have not been deleted once. I'd say that I've learned where the lines are.

To draw an analogy, I'd say I was guilty of pass interference a few times, while trying to understand how the refs are calling the game. That doesn't make me a cheater. That makes me new, and it means I needed to learn.

I get that you REALLY hate me. I get that your side see's my name and immediately goes into a rage. You're fine to kill my country every 2 days in alliance. I think it's a waste of resources, and to be honest, am honored you keep deeming me the most important threat to deal with, but you're totally fine to do it.

What I wish you would stop doing, however, is calling me a cheater. I don't believe that moniker is accurate, and I think you're using it unfairly.

In fact, I'll take this a step further (so sorry req and link, didn't intend the length here, but what can i say!)

I've even started to abide by the norms and culture of EE, after having so many people tell me why I was a bad guy and why I had to change my ways. You, Coalie, Simba, DD, Req, and all the others have told me, CONSTANTLY, that ABing OOP was a toxic thing to do in a war. You said that you only do it if you're seeking to ruin the game for others, and actually want to run them out of the game.

You've also told me it's extremely ineffective, so there is no reason to do it.

And then what happens? On the server where you guys were practically begging for us to come back and play (team) you've AB'd us OOP. Which again, totally fine. I don't care. But I just find it ironic that you're calling me a cheater, you constantly chastise me for being a toxic player, or a bad person, then you go and do the thing I've been chastised for.

And before you go and claim 'we were just ABing you cause we knew you were going to do it'.

1. No we weren't, and I have plenty of chat logs I can share that proves I told everyone not to attack for awhile (I legitimately wanted a fun war, LOL. Dumb me).

2. If we were going to do it, we would have done it. But we didn't.

So to sum up, Superfly.

I am sorry for calling you a liar. Two LaFers did cheat (or at least one, I guess it's not clear if you're on the receiving end of getting FA if you're a cheater. You didnt actually take any action... you just benefited from it).

I'm also sorry that two people from my side of the war cheated. That's unfortunate, unacceptable, and I wish it hadn't happened.

But please stop calling me a cheater. I don't think it's warranted.

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 18th 2023, 13:00:51

Ok bro you are right. You have not been deleted for coordinating ever since. I won’t bring it up further.

I like you bro and I don’t wanna pick on you further so I apologize to you as well and I have told you many times that I do not hate you. I like you hence our bantering all the time.

Let it be known to the entire game that SuperFly does not hate black hole. I don’t even dislike black hole.

I got love for the black hole!

Edited By: SuperFly on Mar 18th 2023, 13:04:35

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 18th 2023, 13:57:18

Originally posted by SuperFly:

I got love for the black hole!

Darker the berry sweeter the juice. Y'all got jungle fever!

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 18th 2023, 14:05:04

Originally posted by En4cer:
How about next set we settle this with a netting battle?

Uh how about another OOP AB SS FS 60 day war again x another 10 sets cuz 12 step program?

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by SuperFly:

I got love for the black hole!

Darker the berry sweeter the juice. Y'all got jungle fever!

Oh yea! Once you black u never go back!

Suicidal Game profile


Mar 18th 2023, 14:18:58

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by En4cer:
How about next set we settle this with a netting battle?

Uh how about another OOP AB SS FS 60 day war again x another 10 sets cuz 12 step program?

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by SuperFly:

I got love for the black hole!

Darker the berry sweeter the juice. Y'all got jungle fever!

Oh yea! Once you black u never go back!

Why be dumb enuff to do it twice?

Lord Milk Game profile


Mar 18th 2023, 18:05:46

hey qzjul do you think you could look at my country flag suggestion i posted when u get a chance i think it could help the game a lot
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 18th 2023, 19:43:10

*qzjul has left the game*

En4cer Game profile


Mar 18th 2023, 21:57:56

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by En4cer:
How about next set we settle this with a netting battle?

Uh how about another OOP AB SS FS 60 day war again x another 10 sets cuz 12 step program?

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by SuperFly:

I got love for the black hole!

Darker the berry sweeter the juice. Y'all got jungle fever!

Oh yea! Once you black u never go back!

If it has to be that way - i guess i'm down :P

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 18th 2023, 23:20:14

Originally posted by En4cer:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by En4cer:
How about next set we settle this with a netting battle?

Uh how about another OOP AB SS FS 60 day war again x another 10 sets cuz 12 step program?

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by SuperFly:

I got love for the black hole!

Darker the berry sweeter the juice. Y'all got jungle fever!

Oh yea! Once you black u never go back!

If it has to be that way - i guess i'm down :P

It’s what Gains and Gerdler said on allaince news and they also added that it could be until SOL is run off the game. The 12 step program was not started by us but by LaF lol