
Hellrush Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 18:06:52

This is why most run solo.

A few solo guys run untag because there main clan is a netting tag. Netting ever set gets boring for us. So running solo is away to get our boredom out. This game is a warring game. If your clan can’t handle 1 guy after your tag has farmed them, to fluffing bad for the clan. Its your responsibility to keep your members in line and if you farm someone and they hit you back it’s your clans fault for farming them in the first place.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 18:19:21

Having one of your members run untagged with a bot name, collects hits from two laf members. Retals said hits. I then two step that country and that country continues farming those two countries that hit him.

This seems like an extremely viable way to reach 400k land for members of an established war tag.

I think any war tag opposed should consider this the most viable solution to netters saying this solution sucks.

Im not going to whine about it further. Im just going to exploit it until a better solution comes about. If people in this game want to isolate half the community, then we have a responsibility to tell them they must interact because we love this community most of all in this game. I'd ally with my worst enemies if it means keeping this community together.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 27th 2019, 18:26:12
See Original Post

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 18:32:30

It would be the same as it is now. I don’t participate in war but I know where people I want to talk to are on IRC or discord. Changes nothing really.
- Premium Patron Member

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 18:32:33

I hope they make the bots retal so i can win the server by twostepping bot retal topfeeds.

87Fresh Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 18:36:30

Why not split the server and share the market?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 18:42:08

Originally posted by Requiem:
It would be the same as it is now. I don’t participate in war but I know where people I want to talk to are on IRC or discord. Changes nothing really.
Absolutely it does. How do you know where to find me? How did we meet? Who even is elders if this rule is in place to laf? Just because you know me from old wars, does not mean you'd know me at all were this rule in place. It changes everything.

As far as i remember, before we met on the battlefield, you didnt have much positive to say about me or us at all. And only thru getting to know me did that change. And frankly, we wouldnt have ever had a reason to talk were this rule in place.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 27th 2019, 18:46:14
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 27th 2019, 19:09:47

I am pretty sure I would like to play war sets as well as netting sets in the future. The difference will be that the war sets will be planned and not forced upon me.

Neither LaF, Monsters, Omega or any other netting tag has ever forced a warring tag to netgain and its beyond our power to do so. This is a great disparity between netters and warring tags which they have abused as long as I played this game. With what I can see this disparity would be harder to exploit and wars would be more matched in terms of preparation. Both the warrer and the netter in me think this is a good thing as evenly matched wars are more fun.

As for the suiciders last set on LaF its not SoFs fault but it was possibly SoF members and I say that because of the pacts several of the suiciders had with SoF countries as we spied them during the set to guage their threat level. Its rather unlikely that this comes from SoF leadership tho and more likely that its lower level members, perhaps the same SoF members that act as cheerleaders here on AT when the suicides happen.
Every alliance has idiots in it tho. We had to deal with ~six suiciders last set with only two of them having alliances with SoF that we could find, and these pact could have been there for other reasons than FAing the suiciders to deal more dmg as well.

But those ops are shared between all LaF members and also our allies, and you can believe it's the talk of our war channel and discord for a day when our members see that our suicider is allied to SoF who we just warred the set before. Imagine if it would have been the other way around what the reaction would have been in the SoF camp.

Edited By: Gerdler on Oct 27th 2019, 19:13:41
See Original Post

Savage Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 19:20:22

It seems like you all assume LaF would never war again. I can’t imagine that’s true. I’m not an official voice but I’d imagine every few sets you’d see a war. Perhaps with some different terms

Savage Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 19:22:40

Originally posted by Savage:
It seems like you all assume LaF would never war again. I can’t imagine that’s true. I’m not an official voice but I’d imagine every few sets you’d see a war. Perhaps with some different terms

Gerdler beat me to it, should have refreshed before posting

tfm0m0 Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 19:28:34

As far as being allied to untaggeds I think everyone tries to exploit bots as much as possible so if that runs into a human player that could be the case there. I'm just a regular member in SoF but confident any known suicider would be banned if exposed.

Clan GDI in the form it is proposed would be the death knell to the game as we know it. Long live bot masturbation!

Edited By: tfm0m0 on Oct 27th 2019, 19:47:20
See Original Post

Boltar Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 19:44:05

Being sof leadership. If I knew of sof suiciders I'd boot and ban them. And if xyle had anything to say about it. I'd air my grievance on why I left sof right here on AT

trumpoz Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 19:50:44

If Alliance A (war tag) wants to prod Alliance B (netting tag) in to a war..... its pretty easy under the proposed GDI.

All members of Allliance A declacre war on the biggest 10-15 players in Alliance B (so 2-3 per target in Alliance B). Farm, cripple and wait for the response.

Alliance A will be fully war-prepped and able to absorb a CS or the following set Alliance B will want revenge.

tfm0m0 Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 20:10:43

Originally posted by trumpoz:

Alliance A will be fully war-prepped and able to absorb a CS or the following set Alliance B will want revenge.

Under The proposal suggested by pang alliance A would get decreased returns as well as some other averages to alliance B that I didn't bother paying much attention to as I realized this was just a way to isolate netters.

Savage Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 20:13:03

Originally posted by trumpoz:
If Alliance A (war tag) wants to prod Alliance B (netting tag) in to a war..... its pretty easy under the proposed GDI.

All members of Allliance A declacre war on the biggest 10-15 players in Alliance B (so 2-3 per target in Alliance B). Farm, cripple and wait for the response.

Alliance A will be fully war-prepped and able to absorb a CS or the following set Alliance B will want revenge.

You wouldn’t be able to make that happen and that’s the issue war tags have with it. You can’t attack a player in gdi unless they’ve hit you or your clan

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 20:20:45

but it sounds like any tag joining clanGDI will have no chance at winning, and possibly not even at t10

though i imagine it will still be doable with techer

but if you join everyone is limited to a very few possibilities, so we will see dumbness like multiple tags, and tags entering and leaving gdi and people rotating through tags

so only tags who want to play in peace but arnt really trying to win will join it, like perhaps pdm

ironically what it will be best for is solo players playing in one man tag who want to try to make t10 and couldnt get super fat and farm flat out probably before

although i never saw someone solo tagged trying to go for 200k or 400k or whatever

Savage Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 20:30:00

Originally posted by enshula:
but it sounds like any tag joining clanGDI will have no chance at winning, and possibly not even at t10

though i imagine it will still be doable with techer

but if you join everyone is limited to a very few possibilities, so we will see dumbness like multiple tags, and tags entering and leaving gdi and people rotating through tags

so only tags who want to play in peace but arnt really trying to win will join it, like perhaps pdm

ironically what it will be best for is solo players playing in one man tag who want to try to make t10 and couldnt get super fat and farm flat out probably before

although i never saw someone solo tagged trying to go for 200k or 400k or whatever

How so? If you’re in clan gdi you can attack any untagged you want. Only people who’ve you’ve attacked can hit you.

Essentially as long as you don’t mess up and hit a non bot country you can farm to hearts content and not have to worry.

The two wildcards are Pang mentioned minimum defense and clan gdi costs. I can’t imagine those would be so prohibitively expensive that it would cost you vs. non gdi.

That just leads to basically the same situation right now where netting tags that aren’t LaF have an advantage as they’re more off the radar.

87Fresh Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 20:38:56

Joining GDI in alliance unless untagged is a fluff move anyways. Clan GDI is the ultimate

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 20:40:36

pang clarified to someone that if your in clanGDI to hit someone no matter what you have to declare war as the first clause

then the second about untagged is that you can always hit an untagged if you declare war

but if you declared war on someone in a tag who hasnt hit you then you cant

its a very limited use change, potentially negative if people use not being in clangdi as an excuse that someone deserved to be suicided like already happens in express

and we dont even know cost and mmr yet, dec war is already 10, gdi is already 3, so its going to be higher than 13 which isnt insignificant

all the warmongers are panicking over nothing

Hellrush Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 20:58:22

Stop calling solo guys suiciders. I have no clue who came up with this label.

This is a war game.

If its 1 guy hitting you or a clan of 20+ it’s still a war.

If a clan of 20+ hits a Clan of 20+ in the way your labeling solo guys. The clan hitting is suiciding the other clan.

Monster Sol SoF Elders Mercs Imag Omega LaF Stones EVO and who ever I missed are all suiciders if you want to label people that hit people suiciders.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 27th 2019, 21:02:24

yeah well the costs can easily make it a non-factor so that no one serious about netting can join but that has not been coded yet according to pang.

I don't think declare war is necessary to grab bots, but I could be mistaken. That would make it a no go for me at least for the first 45-50 days of the reset. Maybe we would tag our techers in LaFxTech and join GDI after their grabbing phase is over or some crap like that but for the rest it would be impossible to warrant.

87Fresh Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 21:04:23

I might just run a tyranny next set and only put the biggest bots in 5 DR to fluffblock the bot masturbation as much as possible. 78 hits a day lets me keep 15 bots in max dr. Not much, but it's some form of protest. I wonder if I could convince some other people to do the same

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 27th 2019, 21:07:10

If you make 78 hits a day I will make Primeval delete you.

But by all means go ahead.

mac23 Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 21:11:32


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 21:20:58

It should be prohibitively expensive to pay to not interact with the community. Our interactions is all that have kept us alive. If you truly believe its the game itself, i think that's nuts.

87Fresh Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 21:52:47

Originally posted by Gerdler:
If you make 78 hits a day I will make Primeval delete you.

But by all means go ahead.

What rule would I be breaking? Once again, trying to bend the server to your wishes. Seems ass backwards to get more players in

87Fresh Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 21:53:26

I also like how you're making Primeval seem impotent in his role as mod by saying you'll "make him."

Who's the mod? You or Primeval?

Savage Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 21:57:21

Originally posted by 87Fresh:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
If you make 78 hits a day I will make Primeval delete you.

But by all means go ahead.

What rule would I be breaking? Once again, trying to bend the server to your wishes. Seems ass backwards to get more players in

Think your missing the point here. He was just taking a small shot at your turn count. How many turns do you get a day? How much readiness do you lose after an attack. If you can maintain 78 attacks/day you’re cheating thus the mod inclusion

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 27th 2019, 22:06:54

Yes, I will make Primeval delete a cheater by pointing him out, lol.

If you make 78 landgrabs/special attacks a day consistently you spend 182 turns a day at a minimum with any govt other than democracy. If you do that you either have a turn-hack or you are running more than one country.

Funny how you elect to believe that I control everyone like my puppets rather than thinking it through just one time.

Edited By: Gerdler on Oct 27th 2019, 22:09:16

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 27th 2019, 22:19:08

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
It should be prohibitively expensive to pay to not interact with the community. Our interactions is all that have kept us alive. If you truly believe its the game itself, i think that's nuts.

Then we can shut down the game and keep IRC, the forums and boxcar/ghq running, and see how long the community stays together.

I certainly think that the game is the pillar that holds this community together, and it will be important for LaF and Monsters and other netting entities, regardless of how clan GDI works out, to maintain relations with the rest and to make war at times too just because it gets really boring to only talk to the same few people year in and year out. Need more flavors than that which is why Im sure we will war if we dont have to, which I have only done once so far on 1a and it was honestly one of the most enjoyable sets I've had and I think I share that sentiment with a lot of other LaFers, Monsters and a lot of other players in other tags.

87Fresh Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 22:35:28

I see you're just being a douche to a new player sounds good gargler

87Fresh Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 22:36:16

I could also just send missiles at low SDI countries for readiness that would alsoo be 78 attacks

Hardy Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 22:38:42

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Yes, I will make Primeval delete a cheater by pointing him out, lol.

If you make 78 landgrabs/special attacks a day consistently you spend 182 turns a day at a minimum with any govt other than democracy. If you do that you either have a turn-hack or you are running more than one country.

Funny how you elect to believe that I control everyone like my puppets rather than thinking it through just one time.



Boltar Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 23:06:27

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
It should be prohibitively expensive to pay to not interact with the community. Our interactions is all that have kept us alive. If you truly believe its the game itself, i think that's nuts.

Then we can shut down the game and keep IRC, the forums and boxcar/ghq running, and see how long the community stays together.

I certainly think that the game is the pillar that holds this community together, and it will be important for LaF and Monsters and other netting entities, regardless of how clan GDI works out, to maintain relations with the rest and to make war at times too just because it gets really boring to only talk to the same few people year in and year out. Need more flavors than that which is why Im sure we will war if we dont have to, which I have only done once so far on 1a and it was honestly one of the most enjoyable sets I've had and I think I share that sentiment with a lot of other LaFers, Monsters and a lot of other players in other tags.

As important as u think urself to be. I don't that's ur call to shut it down

Savage Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 23:35:27

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
It should be prohibitively expensive to pay to not interact with the community. Our interactions is all that have kept us alive. If you truly believe its the game itself, i think that's nuts.

Then we can shut down the game and keep IRC, the forums and boxcar/ghq running, and see how long the community stays together.

I certainly think that the game is the pillar that holds this community together, and it will be important for LaF and Monsters and other netting entities, regardless of how clan GDI works out, to maintain relations with the rest and to make war at times too just because it gets really boring to only talk to the same few people year in and year out. Need more flavors than that which is why Im sure we will war if we dont have to, which I have only done once so far on 1a and it was honestly one of the most enjoyable sets I've had and I think I share that sentiment with a lot of other LaFers, Monsters and a lot of other players in other tags.

As important as u think urself to be. I don't that's ur call to shut it down

C’mon man, anyone with a bit of sense can see he was just replying to what Derrick said. He wasn’t implying he wanted to shut the game down, he stated the contrary.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 27th 2019, 23:48:59

It's everyone else who seem to think Im really important when I do almost nothing in reality.

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2019, 23:51:27

Originally posted by Pang:

I think the big takeaway that I have from trying to talk to more folks over the last year or so as I've been working on the UI project is that they feel there's too much advantage to those who want to be fluff disturbers -- FSing clans, suiciders, topfeeders, etc -- who can really screw you over even if you've done nothing at all. It's hard to grow the game with that albatross hanging around the game's, and this server specifically, neck.

This bread has ferrite.

Boltar Game profile


Oct 27th 2019, 23:55:41

Originally posted by Savage:
Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
It should be prohibitively expensive to pay to not interact with the community. Our interactions is all that have kept us alive. If you truly believe its the game itself, i think that's nuts.

Then we can shut down the game and keep IRC, the forums and boxcar/ghq running, and see how long the community stays together.

I certainly think that the game is the pillar that holds this community together, and it will be important for LaF and Monsters and other netting entities, regardless of how clan GDI works out, to maintain relations with the rest and to make war at times too just because it gets really boring to only talk to the same few people year in and year out. Need more flavors than that which is why Im sure we will war if we dont have to, which I have only done once so far on 1a and it was honestly one of the most enjoyable sets I've had and I think I share that sentiment with a lot of other LaFers, Monsters and a lot of other players in other tags.

As important as u think urself to be. I don't that's ur call to shut it down

C’mon man, anyone with a bit of sense can see he was just replying to what Derrick said. He wasn’t implying he wanted to shut the game down, he stated the contrary.

Hey brother he got on fresh about the 78 hits a day thing. If u sling fluff. I sure hope can take it

Red X Game profile


Oct 28th 2019, 0:09:58

I see 1 hit kills become the norm for war tags...
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

87Fresh Game profile


Oct 28th 2019, 0:21:17

I guess the war tags could always FS the netters before they get to the MMR to get clan GDI.

87Fresh Game profile


Oct 28th 2019, 0:21:46

Seeing as this kinda eliminates the need for pacts, they wouldn't be breaking any

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 28th 2019, 0:43:17

Well we don't know how it will work or if anyone will join it but I do think Pang will monitor the first sets and see what type of changes he needs to do in order to get the intended effect. At least that is what I do when I try something new.

So the sooner you find and exploit the loopholes the sooner they are shut. You would be doing the game and Pang a great service by showing them or telling him how you would exploit it.

tfm0m0 Game profile


Oct 28th 2019, 1:25:59

Or pangea could listen to the community instead of one tag.

Red X Game profile


Oct 28th 2019, 1:35:19

Originally posted by tfm0m0:
Or pangea could listen to the community instead of one tag.

He is not listening to one tag. That is just silly.

As much as I hate this idea this is not the finished state and I have been talking to him in private about different scenarios. I do think it will eventually work out in a good way, but right now I think it will be trash.

The fact is the user base is declining. If we keep the current status quo the game will die. He is trying to do things to bring people back. Let's just give it a try and work with him on making it how we feel it should work.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

tfm0m0 Game profile


Oct 28th 2019, 2:27:54

As much as I hate to break kayfabe here on the LaF stuff I know it's not one tag but it's obvious and stated by many over and over that the changes are extremely one sided. It essentially breaks up the server without physically separating it. It was presented like a Trojan horse to reduce "greifing" but out came the real intent to split the server up and change the game on layers that effect the core of the game, specifically the Alliance server.

Red X Game profile


Oct 28th 2019, 2:33:26

Originally posted by tfm0m0:
As much as I hate to break kayfabe here on the LaF stuff I know it's not one tag but it's obvious and stated by many over and over that the changes are extremely one sided. It essentially breaks up the server without physically separating it. It was presented like a Trojan horse to reduce "greifing" but out came the real intent to split the server up and change the game on layers that effect the core of the game, specifically the Alliance server.

It will keep getting tweaked.

Once it comes out we can look at it and state our grievances.

Pang knows it will have to get worked on after its put in. Hopefully there will be a feature addes that let's tags declare war on other tags when disputes happen. Other wise it will force everyone to have planned wars.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 28th 2019, 2:49:04

Ideally the war tags that play for war will stay out of clan-GDI which saves them the costs of being in it while allowing them to FS in a planned or unplanned manner anyone they want outside of it. I could see a scenario where two sides are heading for a showdown and one side joins clan GDI in order to avoid an early war, and ideally then Pang should make costs and leaving conditions such that its not very beneficial to do so.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 28th 2019, 3:00:05

It's got electrolytes.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 28th 2019, 3:27:56

For the record. When laf decides its an appropriate set to war and they come outta their hole to do so, i don't see them having allies in the war clans when they isolate for half a dozen sets before.

It's like you think we will be just licking our lips patiently waiting for the set laf comes out of isolation to fight. That's not the case.

We at elders appreciate our alliance to laf because it has benefits. We mutually kill suiciders. We mutually protect the server against sof being fluffheads, etc. If you iso from us we will come to hate you in the very immediate short term. We legit have no other reason to like you other than your positive interactions with our tag.

I honestly think the goal of any war clan should be to exploit these rules and fluff with gdi clans as much as possible. That's pretty clearly the enemy to our community staying together.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 28th 2019, 3:38:05

Not only that, but any tag i posture in the old sense and let them know im coming (anyone who has ever warred against me has never had any confusion about whether or not im coming. I make it very clear when im pissed. Too clear), could join this to avoid me like a baby back fluff.

Granted the posts of me being like yo this clan is a buncha pussies could be enjoyable, but the game will play like a bag of fluff that set for me.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 28th 2019, 3:45:12

Yall think im sitting around like a do nothing, waiting around for laf to war like its some sort of privilege you all afford me. You wanna keep advertising the fact that you think im your fluff, ypu might find out how much i am.