
Jer Bu


Sep 4th 2013, 22:54:54

I could give you my informed and accurate (and respected) opinion on the top 23 allainces....but first tell me if you want it by Total Members, Total Networth, or Average Networth.

I will not however, under any circumstances, reveal my source.

MauricXe Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 23:20:05

Originally posted by Makinso:
Read what i'm saying MauriceX.

I don't care about even or fair.
But it's SOLs enemies who claimed they would make the war "fair" I'm saying they were never in it to make it fair but to tilt it into their favor. That's fine just state you are doing that.

I got you.

But I think you miss the mark in your last paragraph.

Pride Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 23:27:37

I think next set will be more interesting.

d20 Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 23:57:07

people need to understand these are just servant's opinions.
dont beat up on him cos he puts out cool rankings. :)
if you dont like it, post some of your own. :)

Ershow Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 23:57:19

Yeah Eric, I know :P. I don't take anything away from that effort.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is the RD/Rival combination is much greater than the sum of it's parts, and should be recognised as such when determining rankings.



Sep 5th 2013, 0:03:18

I wouldn't rank SOL above SoF yet. But I would say SOL is improving each set and I would have to say that SoF hasn't performed as well as I thought they would.

It would be fun for a 1v1 war!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 5th 2013, 0:07:09

Pride smells like tinkle!!!


Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

locket Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 0:09:14

Originally posted by KriSatZ:
Did SoF not beat MD 2-3 sets in a row up until last set?

I know "rankings" are purely opinions, but you seem to be ignoring some facts along the way.

I'd actually have SoF above LaF. Purely because I think if we warred, they would win. I am also fairly sure they can net, they just don't like doing it.

SoF, LaF, SoL and MD. In that order. After that it is a lottery. Membership and results change to frequently set on set to really know.

Any war that Laf prepared for that wasnt a week 1 war Laf would beat Sof since Laf actually builds decent countries. Sof cant really net as a whole either. They have a few but so do MD and other similar clans. Laf hasnt really warred in quite awhile though so it could be true nowadays. When Laf was last fighting wars it could feasibly lose it was a dominant force for its size.

iScode Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 0:38:18

Originally posted by Servant:
I haven'y been around the last 4 sets, and I haven't been investigating everything that happened the last few...and analyizing all the numbers.

I'm going by the performances I'm seeing this set...again I've been gone 4 sets.

LAf tag killing Evo MORE than evened things out. It tilted it solidly in SOF and Rival's favor. yet they couldn't close the deal.

Either A. SOL and company are performing better, than previous sets.
B. SOF has fallen off.

Which is it?

OK lets break things down. Sooo you are claiming, Sol is performing better than SoF in the current war, and this is the whole reason you have based your above rankings as such.

Lets have a look at the stats of both alliances.

SOL - Members 74
SOLidify RIVAL 8,524
SOLidify SoF 28,146
Total 36,670
HPM 495
Total Networth 82,506,617
RIVAL SOLidify 7,929 17 466
SoF SOLidify 26,355 54 488
Total 34,264 71 482

SOF - Members 79
SoF EVOtella 6,828
SoF SOLidify 26,355
Total 37,348
HPM 472
Total Networh 100,553,115
EVOtella SoF 9,404 19 495
MONSTERS SoF 5,539 16 346
SOLidify SoF 28,146 60 469
Total 43,089 95 453

So lets annaylise this

Sof is outrigt outhitting Sol (now i could go on about SoL getting the FS and SoF not hitting in the first week and bla bla bla, but the fact remains, SOF is outhitting SOL)

Networth - Despite mass FA for SoL and SoF receiving none apart from Rival who are in the war(ill address this at the bottom of the thread for you) SOF has a 20million NW advantage, they have a massive breaker advantage over SOL and more completely built countries

Defending - Sof has absorbed a total of 9000 more hits than SoL, has lost 24 more countries, and yet is still out growing and out breaking its opponents, yeah I agree with you somehow SOL is definitely doing better!!!!

The only stat that SOL is beating sof is HPM, While this is an important stat, infact probably one of the most important, however despite sol having the better HPM they are still not performing as well as SOF.

So despite SoL getting the FS, despite SoF not actually doing much hitting for the first week, despite SOL getting fluff loads of FA, SOF has out hit, absorbed more hits, has the better networth by 18mill, has more countries above 2mill nw (17 vs 9). They have better breaking power, better middle hitters and produced faster kills (-10 second kill on Dragon for example)

And with all this information sitting there right in front of you you still think SoL is outperforming SoF in this war?

Now the FA situation, I have admin tag access, i dont give a fluff what the leaders say, where would you like me to send a full copy of the admin news to show you? There is a total of 3 packages of FA received from alliances that are not involved in this conflict.

1 from RD which was received today, which compared to what SOL and co got is understanable, I hope we receive more!
2 from MD, which were reps, and I am sure MD would be able to confirm this.

So where would you like the admin news sent Servant? How the fluff can you sit there and say your rankings are not biased but them claim to base it SOLELY on this war, which alliance vs alliance, SOL vs SOF, Sof is completely outperforming SOL in nearly every single stat of warring. Not to mention the fact we are outgrowing them despite them receiving FA. Seriously please explain to me how your result was not biased, or is it simply that you do not know how to read war stats?
God of War


iScode Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 0:56:34

Also only 3 sets ago we also demolished MD 1 on 1 when they had nearly all the advantages, even after the FS they had more members and networth and breaking power, not to mention stock and still scrounged around for FA.

I won't deny MD know how to run better countries/net than SoF but we certainly know how to war a lot better than them.

Its ok Servant, we understand you do not like SoF now, no need to be so biased though...
God of War


locket Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 1:11:59

Considering the Evo breakers were destroyed by Laf and Sof/Rival was able to target a smaller selection of breakers you have to admit the situation is quite different between the two. Arguments can be made the other way too I am sure but if Evo had those breakers alive then some of the Sol ones would also be alive too. Then they might be outhitting and have similar breaker power left. Laf really changed the war by destroying the other sides best countries.

Ershow Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 1:15:46

SoL lacks quality war leaders and strategists. This was evident by their failure to turn last resets war around when they brought DK in. They really did make a dogs breakfast of that.

DK should have been given a few days to bump their SPAL's and then coordinated a FS consisting of pure AB cripples against RD/Rivals remaining breakers. That would have done the trick. Any war head worth a fluff would have realised this. Instead they dropped the ball and ended up throwing DK under a bus.

#4 is the right spot for them.

Edited By: Ershow on Sep 5th 2013, 1:17:51
See Original Post

Ershow Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 1:17:12


Pain Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 1:22:44

of course rankings are a little bit opinion and a little bit bias. the only way you could have a true ranking is if there was a measurable metric to base it on, kinda like TNW and ANW

you can really only rank alliances at the end of each set, because alliances have ups and downs between sets.

Your mother is a nice woman

iScode Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 1:25:51

Originally posted by locket:
Considering the Evo breakers were destroyed by Laf and Sof/Rival was able to target a smaller selection of breakers you have to admit the situation is quite different between the two. Arguments can be made the other way too I am sure but if Evo had those breakers alive then some of the Sol ones would also be alive too. Then they might be outhitting and have similar breaker power left. Laf really changed the war by destroying the other sides best countries.

You are bringing other alliances into it, Servant was basing his ranking of SOF compared to SOL. I am simply comparing the two alliances without involving other alliances. When discussing the stats i did not mention any other alliances apart from SOL/SOF. Arguments can be made both ways with regards to outside alliances, as you said, so if you remove arguments and look at facts, SOF is outperforming SOL in this war...

Despite receiving more hits, and having more countries killed, they have still outhit sol, this is not debatable, this is fact, therefor SOF is outperforming SOL...

If you disagree with this, you are being biased.
God of War




Sep 5th 2013, 1:32:48

lol scode



Sep 5th 2013, 1:35:06

Originally posted by iScode:

Despite receiving more hits, and having more countries killed, they have still outhit sol, this is not debatable, this is fact, therefor SOF is outperforming SOL...

If you disagree with this, you are being biased.

If you base this on a pure numbers basis, then sure. But where did Servant say this is based purely on numbers?

Personally, I think comparing 2 alliances' performances in a war where there are other involved parties without looking at anything but numbers is a bit unrealistic.

iScode Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 1:37:27

pure numbers is the only realistic thing you can look at. when comparing TWO alliances.
God of War


bertz Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 1:50:07

I'd rank SoF above SoL and MD because they are politically on better position. They have LaF on their asses.



Sep 5th 2013, 1:50:58

But you're comparing TWO alliances in a war where there are more than TWO alliances.

If it was pure SoF vs SOL then those numbers would hold more weight.

Or are you saying the rest of the clans in the war have not had any influence on those numbers?

tellarion Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 1:55:53

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
SoF's enemies (like SOL) are receiving FA (from MD). They also got FSed by much larger numbers. Thus I call your ranking bias :P

Sol's enemies (like Sof and Rival) are receiving FA (from Laf and RD). They also called in an 80 member alliance to decimate one of the alliances involved and completely throw the balance out of whack. Thus I call fluff on your statement.

iScode Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 2:04:19

Originally posted by Cornfed:
But you're comparing TWO alliances in a war where there are more than TWO alliances.

If it was pure SoF vs SOL then those numbers would hold more weight.

Or are you saying the rest of the clans in the war have not had any influence on those numbers?

no not at all, monsters and rival maybe but Evo would be the most influential alliance in the war, despite being hit by laf they are performing very strongly.

However if you are ranking alliances and want to differentiate between one rank, then comparing individual alliances based soley on stats is the right thing to do.

Majority of the stats provided can only be influenced by the alliance in question, no outside force will change these facts.
God of War


Sov Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 2:17:52

If everyone thinks we are receiving mass FA, maybe we should just start receiving mass FA because at least we will benefit from it rather than just being accused of it. Let's do it. But then everyone will cry even harder about how unfair we are.

I don't know why you bother arguing iScode. We'll just do what we do and fight set after set and see where everything is at in a few sets time.

iScode Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 2:24:05

im arguing because i do play this game straight up, and I am sick of people like servant, who lie and backstab and fluff people over claiming they are not biased and are being 'fair and honest'

bunch of bullfluff.
God of War




Sep 5th 2013, 2:30:48

Originally posted by iScode:

no not at all, monsters and rival maybe but Evo would be the most influential alliance in the war, despite being hit by laf they are performing very strongly.

However if you are ranking alliances and want to differentiate between one rank, then comparing individual alliances based soley on stats is the right thing to do.

Majority of the stats provided can only be influenced by the alliance in question, no outside force will change these facts.

If Evo didn't lose most it's original countrie to LaF, would the current state of the war be the same? If LaF didn't cease it's attack and kept on vs SOL and Monsters, would the current state of the war be the same? If either of those were true, would those numbers be different? Would they still hold as much weight? That's my only point, I'm not bashing SoF or glorifying SOL, just don't think it can boil down to pure numbers.

Sov - It's never been a war of fairness, people on both sides will cry foul no matter what, it's the nature of this game.

iScode Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 2:37:58

Originally posted by Cornfed:
Originally posted by iScode:

no not at all, monsters and rival maybe but Evo would be the most influential alliance in the war, despite being hit by laf they are performing very strongly.

However if you are ranking alliances and want to differentiate between one rank, then comparing individual alliances based soley on stats is the right thing to do.

Majority of the stats provided can only be influenced by the alliance in question, no outside force will change these facts.

If Evo didn't lose most it's original countrie to LaF, would the current state of the war be the same? If LaF didn't cease it's attack and kept on vs SOL and Monsters, would the current state of the war be the same? If either of those were true, would those numbers be different? Would they still hold as much weight? That's my only point, I'm not bashing SoF or glorifying SOL, just don't think it can boil down to pure numbers.

Sov - It's never been a war of fairness, people on both sides will cry foul no matter what, it's the nature of this game.

"If Evo didn't lose most it's original countrie to LaF, would the current state of the war be the same? "

of course not.

"If LaF didn't cease it's attack and kept on vs SOL and Monsters, would the current state of the war be the same?"

of course not.

" If either of those were true, would those numbers be different? Would they still hold as much weight? That's my only point, I'm not bashing SoF or glorifying SOL, just don't think it can boil down to pure numbers."

Yes the amount of attacks would be roughly the same, yes they would still hold as much weight in comparing sof to sol.

Laf's actions effected the overall situation of the war, I will not deny that but it did not effect sof's overall performance of total output.

Lots of things can change the factors of war, but your alliances total output is effected only by the members of said alliance. You then have to analysie that output compared to the current situation of the war to get your over all opinion based on the performance of the war.

I still stand by that sof has outperformed sol in nearly every facet of this war.

God of War




Sep 5th 2013, 2:57:08

SoF outhit SOL by 700. Say LaF never killed Evo's countries. That would mean less SOL'ers dead early on, since more of SoF's hits would have been on Evo. When a country is killed the first 100 turns can't be used for attacks, not to mention losing any turns when killed. The 700 hits could have easily been made from that if LaF did not take out Evo.
Not to mention Evo would have had more breaking power to take out more SoF completely built countries. Which would have meant lost turns from more SoF restarts.
If LaF had stayed in, this would have been over weeks ago.
I highly doubt the numbers would be the same given either of those two things happened.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 2:59:36

Guys, this is Alliance rankings. Not Alliance War Rankings.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 3:00:47

And Cornfed, that argument is a bit weak, because SoF ate the FS, and SoF could make the same argument about having dead countries from the FS with 100s of turns lost.

BobOnThis Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 3:09:47

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
And Cornfed, that argument is a bit weak, because SoF ate the FS, and SoF could make the same argument about having dead countries from the FS with 100s of turns lost.

Except what you're saying is my point. Ranking on pure numbers doesn't work. There's too many outside factors to do that.

iScode Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 3:22:19

Originally posted by Cornfed:
SoF outhit SOL by 700. Say LaF never killed Evo's countries. That would mean less SOL'ers dead early on, since more of SoF's hits would have been on Evo. When a country is killed the first 100 turns can't be used for attacks, not to mention losing any turns when killed. The 700 hits could have easily been made from that if LaF did not take out Evo.
Not to mention Evo would have had more breaking power to take out more SoF completely built countries. Which would have meant lost turns from more SoF restarts.
If LaF had stayed in, this would have been over weeks ago.
I highly doubt the numbers would be the same given either of those two things happened.

SOF wasnt killing early on, they were growing, so no your assumption more solers would be dead early on is incorrect.My country is a restart, its bigger than quite a few originals and has put out a fluffload more hits than quite a lot of originals, not to mention surviving 4 attempted kill runs.

Your assumptions, thats what they are, assumptions, are incorrect, my conclusions are based on fact.

I highly doubt the numbers would be the same given either of those two things happened as well, but one thing is certain, sof would still be out performing sol regardless of the scenario.

God of War




Sep 5th 2013, 3:41:14

Originally posted by iScode:

SOF wasnt killing early on, they were growing, so no your assumption more solers would be dead early on is incorrect.My country is a restart, its bigger than quite a few originals and has put out a fluffload more hits than quite a lot of originals, not to mention surviving 4 attempted kill runs.

Your assumptions, thats what they are, assumptions, are incorrect, my conclusions are based on fact.

I highly doubt the numbers would be the same given either of those two things happened as well, but one thing is certain, sof would still be out performing sol regardless of the scenario.

They're not assumptions, they're variables. Variables that could have affected numbers in either direction.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 5th 2013, 3:43:47

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
SoF's enemies (like SOL) are receiving FA (from MD). They also got FSed by much larger numbers. Thus I call your ranking bias :P

Sol's enemies (like Sof and Rival) are receiving FA (from Laf and RD). They also called in an 80 member alliance to decimate one of the alliances involved and completely throw the balance out of whack. Thus I call fluff on your statement.

Post up the proof of SOF getting FA from LAF and RD then besides what scode mentioned. All I see is talk........ Anyone can say it, but prove it. Walk your walk tellarion.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

iScode Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 4:25:48

I asked him for proof on irc, he is going to go 'FA Hunting'
God of War


Warster Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 4:26:15

And what break forum rules galleri ???
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332



Sep 5th 2013, 4:28:24

I haven't looked into it myself, but if I had to guess I'd put my money on Rival receiving more FA then forwarding it onto SoF.

iScode Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 4:32:19

[quote poster=Warster; 26260; 485325]And what break forum rules galleri ??? [/quote

You can post supporting evidence without breaking forum rules, which you know all too well :P
God of War




Sep 5th 2013, 5:04:06

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by locket:
Considering the Evo breakers were destroyed by Laf and Sof/Rival was able to target a smaller selection of breakers you have to admit the situation is quite different between the two. Arguments can be made the other way too I am sure but if Evo had those breakers alive then some of the Sol ones would also be alive too. Then they might be outhitting and have similar breaker power left. Laf really changed the war by destroying the other sides best countries.

You are bringing other alliances into it, Servant was basing his ranking of SOF compared to SOL. I am simply comparing the two alliances without involving other alliances. When discussing the stats i did not mention any other alliances apart from SOL/SOF. Arguments can be made both ways with regards to outside alliances, as you said, so if you remove arguments and look at facts, SOF is outperforming SOL in this war...

Despite receiving more hits, and having more countries killed, they have still outhit sol, this is not debatable, this is fact, therefor SOF is outperforming SOL...

If you disagree with this, you are being biased.

You did bring other alliances into it scode. If you want just Sol vs Sof then the numbers clearly show Sol with 28,513 attacks and 60 kills to sof's 26,803 attacks and 55 kills.

So if you remove the other tags and look at the facts, Sol is outperforming sof.

If you disagree with this, you are being biased.

/end troll



Sep 5th 2013, 5:05:29

Looks fairly good, I'll take a stab.

1. LAF- I don't think anyone can contest that.

2. SoF- Able to beat MD one-one, also much better politically situated. MD is catching up in ability.

3. MD- planning wars and politics are what holds them back the most. While they control their side of the coaltion wars, they seem inept at being able to plan out battles that should end up in thier favor and basically force themselves out of it. Sooner or later something will click and they'll move up to #2 or even #1 on this list

4. RD- They've beaten a larger SOL (20-25% larger) and won, then combined with Rival lay the beat down on SOL/LCN/DK and aid. Needless to say their current ability as well as mix of allies I feel puts them ahead of SOL. As SOL isn't capable of beating RD currently.Quite a climb from a year and a half ago when RD was considered a 12-15th alliance in these rankings.

5. SOL- Something has slipped over the past year and a half. I'm sure sooner or later though they'll bounce back.

6. Evo- pretty solid fighting, plus are able to put up great netting numbers.

7. Rival- Much stronger than anyone else below them, only lose out to Evo based on Netgaining ability.

8. Omega- Isolationists, they are what Monsters was a about a year ago.

9/10, LCN/PDM - I think this is pretty much a wash currently

iScode Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 5:12:47

Originally posted by ColoOutlaw:
Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by locket:
Considering the Evo breakers were destroyed by Laf and Sof/Rival was able to target a smaller selection of breakers you have to admit the situation is quite different between the two. Arguments can be made the other way too I am sure but if Evo had those breakers alive then some of the Sol ones would also be alive too. Then they might be outhitting and have similar breaker power left. Laf really changed the war by destroying the other sides best countries.

You are bringing other alliances into it, Servant was basing his ranking of SOF compared to SOL. I am simply comparing the two alliances without involving other alliances. When discussing the stats i did not mention any other alliances apart from SOL/SOF. Arguments can be made both ways with regards to outside alliances, as you said, so if you remove arguments and look at facts, SOF is outperforming SOL in this war...

Despite receiving more hits, and having more countries killed, they have still outhit sol, this is not debatable, this is fact, therefor SOF is outperforming SOL...

If you disagree with this, you are being biased.

You did bring other alliances into it scode. If you want just Sol vs Sof then the numbers clearly show Sol with 28,513 attacks and 60 kills to sof's 26,803 attacks and 55 kills.

So if you remove the other tags and look at the facts, Sol is outperforming sof.

If you disagree with this, you are being biased.

/end troll

god i hate you, im sitting here wanting to answer you but knowing your trolling!!!

well played sir, well played!!
God of War


NorCal SOL


Sep 5th 2013, 5:38:38

Interesting rankings Servant. Last reset I think SoF would have been ranked higher than SOL, this reset I believe it is a toss up as to which one should be ranked above the other.

As far as the FA issue and the constant complaining of SoF being outnumbered keep in mind two facts...

1) SOL & Allies hit out of protection. All of SoF had not tagged up yet. Based on the numbers last reset this should have been about 110 verses 110 +/- a couple.

2) When SoF had all their countries tagged up the count has been pretty steady and as of today it is SOL & Allies 113 countries and SoF/Rival at 111 countries.

This was an even war once the 20 non tagged SoF countries were added in. The LaF situation created a reversal of who was on top. I have never been one to want FA in a war, but I think SOL would be stupid not to get FA when pacts have been seen going the other way and the FS on EVO (88 vs 22) unbalanced the whole thought of it being a fair war.

So, I think at this point everyone should simply stop the accusations and get back on the battle field and play the game. We still have 30 some days left. At this point, I do not know who will win or if there will be a winner. Both sides are getting smacked around and neither side seems to be giving up.

I applaud the stamina of all players involved. I do not think it helps either side to complain or argue so lets continue the fight and hopefully it won't have to be a repeat next reset...

SOL members, please do not post anymore on this thread.
Thank you!

dannydk Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 5:39:43


Sov Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 5:49:16

How was SoF supposed to be 110? SoF has not been over 100 members in 2 years (when Rage merged). Your logic is flawed lol

NorCal SOL


Sep 5th 2013, 5:53:55

Please read before commenting Sov.
I clearly stated SoF/Allies.

I think everyone on the server knew as soon as we hit SoF then Rival would hit us. The total numbers are based on using our allies that are involved and would have been involved.

Tokyousr Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 5:55:16

when wars are done due to things that happened in the previous resets, and to have ones opinion without those facts is just stupid. so the man who started this thread has my "dumbanddumber" vote.

I agree with prank, sol is currently not at the same warring level as sof, but theres always room for improvement. next set should be fun, as laf has made their stance clear towards sof.

bertz Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 6:04:46

Rankings should be done at the end of the set.
But if you're looking at the current situation, it's really hard to tell the ranks 2 to 4

1. LaF
2-4 SOF, SoL, MD
5. RD
6. Evo
7. I don't care.

bertz Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 6:07:21

Originally posted by Sov:
How was SoF supposed to be 110? SoF has not been over 100 members in 2 years (when Rage merged). Your logic is flawed lol

LOL. Sov needs a reading glass. j/k

Tokyousr Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 6:17:42

This thread should be changed to :

Which alliance do you think has the best FR team.

although a great leader and solid IA team is a fundamental element to having a powerful alliance, I think the FR team have key roles to making sure their alliance is in the right position at the right time. and its up to them in making sure when they go to war, they know well enough what they are getting into, and what kind of future sets are to be expected.

As for this current war, i think both ends have had some mis-calculations which is great, i think that future sets will be more entertaining !

Darrian Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 6:51:19

So if we were an older alliance, I am curious where Rage would be.
~bad as i wanna be~

locket Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 7:20:05

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Cornfed:
But you're comparing TWO alliances in a war where there are more than TWO alliances.

If it was pure SoF vs SOL then those numbers would hold more weight.

Or are you saying the rest of the clans in the war have not had any influence on those numbers?

no not at all, monsters and rival maybe but Evo would be the most influential alliance in the war, despite being hit by laf they are performing very strongly.

However if you are ranking alliances and want to differentiate between one rank, then comparing individual alliances based soley on stats is the right thing to do.

Majority of the stats provided can only be influenced by the alliance in question, no outside force will change these facts.

Are you pretending to ignore things here? If Sol Evo and Monsters fight Sof and Rival and then Laf smashes Evo then the best Sol countries are more likely to be targeted than they were if Laf never entered. This leaves more top Sol countries dead which is 1) a loss of networth 2) a loss of turns and 3) takes away their ability to function as well in the war in hits/spies etc etc.

So tell me again how you can ignore what happened to their allies?