Game Profile for NYYANKSNY TSE on the Free For All Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: 108th

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100UnrankedN/A
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$117,892,939#293
Attack Success93.03%#605
Pop Killed2,553,023#379

Countries on this server

9 2291 NBK SUCKS (#5410) 1717$161,902 F  
9 2300 NBK SUCKS (#5409) 1708$155,316 F  
9 2308 NBK SUCKS (#5408) 1701$150,293 F  
9 2288 NBK SUCKS (#5407) 1801$162,829 F  
9 2287 NBK SUCKS (#5406) 1831$163,299 F  
9 2299 NBK SUCKS (#5405) 1690$156,347 F  
9 2286 NBK SUCKS (#5404) 1742$163,395 F  
9 2524 NBK SUCKS (#5403) 502$43,629 C  
9 2530 NBK SUCKS (#5402) 486$42,957 C  
9 2531 NBK SUCKS (#5401) 490$42,884 C  
9 2535 NBK SUCKS (#5400) 468$42,111 C  
9 2526 NBK SUCKS (#5399) 486$43,123 C  
9 2529 NBK SUCKS (#5398) 485$43,023 C  
9 2513 NBK SUCKS (#5397) 457$49,081 C  
9 Kill this country last (#1831) 17,185$4,862,723 T NBK
9 Kill this country first (#1830) 16,739$4,628,289 T NBK
9 1133 I hate Yank (#1829) 9576$8,226,742 T NBK
9 I Hate Yank (#1828) 17,918$7,912,174 T NBK
9 I hate yank (#1827) 17,915$4,821,717 T NBK
9 Aliyah (#1691) 100$4717 M  
9 Aliyah (#1690) 100$4717 M  
9 AV2 (#1653) 14,945$6,844,406 T NBK
9 1025 AV2 (#1652) 14,430$10,931,792 T NBK
9 AV1 (#1651) 18,299$9,569,693 T NBK
9 QM11 (#1625) 4203$5,536,547 T NBK
9 QM3 (#1624) 18,289$8,320,744 T NBK
9 Galleri (#1623) 100$4717 M  
9 Aliyah (#1622) 100$4717 M  
9 Galleri (#1354) 100$4717 M  
9 Popcom (#1353) 17,469$5,193,686 T NBK
9 Blueice (#1352) 16,462$4,392,539 F NBK
9 Yank Sucks (#1351) 17,525$8,442,751 F NBK
9 Kill4free (#945) 17,313$7,135,242 F NBK
9 QM5 (#944) 16,380$12,905,457 F NBK
9 Yank Sucks (#943) 16,739$5,941,109 F NBK
8 206 This Country Is The Worst (#308) 26,176$92,846,894 HG NBK
8 217 I Suck At Netting (#307) 21,337$89,420,906 HG NBK
8 232 I Am Awful At Netting (#306) 21,719$86,677,982 DG NBK
8 259 I Suck (#305) 21,519$81,736,409 DG NBK
8 288 I Cant Kill (#304) 21,726$76,185,612 HG NBK
8 321 I Cant Net (#303) 21,169$70,942,723 DG NBK
8 349 This Country Is Awful (#302) 21,421$67,212,681 DG NBK
8 339 TSE Couldnt Kill (#301) 20,710$68,271,429 DG NBK
8 273 NBK Cant Do Anything (#300) 22,293$79,245,532 HG NBK
8 211 NBK Cant Kill (#299) 22,763$90,458,818 HG NBK
8 248 NBK Cant Net (#298) 22,240$85,358,812 HG NBK
8 235 NBK Sucks (#297) 22,330$86,448,464 HG NBK
8 124 TSE Couldnt Net (#296) 37,066$112,751,588 HG NBK
8 113 Yank Sucks (#295) 38,189$117,787,161 HG NBK
8 118 This Country Sucks (#294) 34,508$115,073,378 HG NBK
8 108 TSE Sucked (#293) 37,191$120,818,277 HG NBK

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism