Game Profile for Yodal33t on the Free For All Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Thirty-second

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10034#56
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$367,256,516#150
Attack Success96.58%#376
Pop Killed0N/A

Countries on this server

80 100 Hhh (#2252) 248,102$242,349,585 R Yodal33t
80 91 Ggg (#2251) 270,069$254,997,988 R Yodal33t
80 71 Fff (#2250) 330,936$290,164,966 H Yodal33t
80 90 Eee (#2249) 294,812$255,120,938 H Yodal33t
80 87 Ddd (#2248) 317,745$256,786,792 C Yodal33t
80 95 Ccc (#2247) 313,354$248,147,533 C Yodal33t
80 60 Bbb (#2246) 363,769$329,024,910 F Yodal33t
80 56 Aaa (#2245) 334,700$339,301,998 F Yodal33t
78 40 Mm (#614) 307,912$365,917,922 R Yodal33t
78 37 Bb (#613) 322,596$388,128,703 R Yodal33t
78 63 Ll (#612) 327,060$306,889,791 C Yodal33t
78 68 Hh (#611) 312,863$282,003,735 C Yodal33t
78 69 Uu (#610) 306,169$270,943,541 F Yodal33t
78 62 Tt (#609) 299,238$308,051,062 F Yodal33t
78 113 Ff (#608) 107,181$193,917,361 D Yodal33t
78 114 Qq (#607) 107,282$191,045,000 D Yodal33t
77 90 Sigge (#223) 311,071$278,660,511 C Yodal33t
77 104 Sikki (#222) 275,547$188,806,328 C Yodal33t
77 99 Turi (#221) 352,380$245,108,961 H Yodal33t
77 101 Tyri (#220) 400,284$215,508,139 H Yodal33t
77 100 Pappsi (#219) 318,385$237,515,216 F Yodal33t
77 91 Mammsi (#218) 313,211$277,694,660 F Yodal33t
76 42 Yodal33t (#2417) 460,730$283,334,263 H Yodal33t
76 39 Raffe (#2416) 329,420$347,722,922 F Yodal33t
75 96 Tyri (#1501) 331,996$237,191,661 F Metall
75 63 Siggi (#1500) 320,672$341,473,328 R Metall
74 Estrus (#298) 2535$3,307,630 T Yoda
74 Ester (#297) 0$1,601,680 T Yoda
74 Pappa (#296) 70,706$6,753,465 R Yoda
74 Pappsi (#295) 68,744$7,344,248 R Yoda
74 Mammi (#294) 85,183$10,261,314 H Yoda
74 Mammsi (#293) 83,221$10,979,363 H Yoda
74 Turis (#292) 65,694$9,784,847 C Yoda
74 Turi (#291) 9182$5,416,739 C Yoda
74 Diggi (#290) 79,043$8,844,683 F Yoda
74 Siggi (#289) 30,647$11,379,143 F Yoda
73 55 Yodal33t (#1927) 269,366$290,810,600 R Yodal33t
73 56 Pappsi (#1926) 326,435$283,329,140 H Yodal33t
73 64 Mammsi (#1925) 125,086$242,136,150 D Yodal33t
73 72 Estrus (#1924) 122,418$214,646,845 D Yodal33t
73 69 Sigge (#1923) 223,404$216,780,051 F Yodal33t
73 74 Tyri (#1922) 222,288$201,993,032 F Yodal33t
72 44 Pappsi (#2410) 140,661$147,612,380 C Yoda
72 37 Yodal33t (#711) 220,031$193,287,988 H Yoda
72 36 Mammsi (#710) 221,596$205,435,240 H Yoda
72 32 Estrus (#709) 224,428$219,008,323 H Yoda
72 35 Turis (#708) 222,351$209,215,092 H Yoda
72 34 Sigge (#707) 221,723$214,763,065 H Yoda

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism