Game Profile for Wonk83 on the Free For All Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: 1887th

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100UnrankedN/A
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$8,570,631#735
Attack SuccessUnrankedN/A
Pop Killed27,256#1232

Countries on this server

83 2236 wonkville83f2 (#1438) 18,930$4,371,736 C  
83 1937 wonkville83f1 (#1437) 21,116$7,555,136 CG NBK
83 1970 wonkville8314 (#1436) 20,497$6,874,333 CG NBK
83 2006 wonkville8313 (#1435) 20,396$6,301,063 CG NBK
83 2043 wonkville8312 (#1434) 20,654$5,706,009 CG NBK
83 1990 wonkville8311 (#1433) 20,093$6,521,684 CG NBK
83 2309 wonkville8310 (#1432) 19,231$3,477,658 CG NBK
83 1994 wonkville839 (#1431) 20,297$6,488,548 CG NBK
83 1887 wonkville838 (#1427) 22,267$9,168,440 CG NBK
83 1923 wonkville837 (#1426) 20,716$7,886,751 CG NBK
83 1917 wonkville836 (#1425) 21,292$8,156,791 CG NBK
83 1935 wonkville835 (#1424) 21,064$7,609,320 CG NBK
83 1936 wonkville834 (#1423) 20,983$7,570,310 CG NBK
83 1912 wonkville833 (#1422) 21,473$8,307,892 CG NBK
83 1915 wonkville832 (#1421) 22,015$8,235,560 CG NBK
83 2156 wonkville831 (#1420) 21,017$4,888,586 CG NBK
82 2361 wonkville834 (#2981) 12,144$2,131,692 C USAARMY
82 2368 wonkville833 (#2980) 9468$1,897,956 C USAARMY
82 2375 wonkville832 (#2979) 11,015$1,459,166 C USAARMY
82 2354 wonkville83 (#2978) 10,791$2,193,404 C USAARMY
57 Wonk4 (#3304) 4442$581,449 M  
57 Wonk3 (#3303) 3979$492,111 M  
57 Wonk2 (#3302) 5685$746,073 M  
57 Wonk1 (#3301) 6114$568,975 M  

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism