Game Profile for GeneralofRome on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Twenty-first

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10075#134
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$10,213,042#1074
Attack Success89.29%#726

Countries on this server

732 61 Lalala (#56) 17,282$10,708,842 FG
529 33 pain in my arse (#97) 12,696$7,954,159 CG
527 33 newyearsameme (#92) 13,372$7,822,388 CG
526 45 GangstaSanta (#88) 17,437$6,305,067 F
525 46 jokester (#59) 6249$826,001 T
525 52 shakes that make you quake (#28) 0$189,198 F
524 30 Cream Corn (#78) 14,109$5,254,657 FG
523 30 Left Nut (#75) 17,381$7,307,719 F
522 36 Do I know you (#55) 9231$5,460,275 F
521 41 Trashcan Man (#53) 11,193$7,273,261 F
520 41 ZNation (#106) 16,516$6,392,022 F
519 96 drugs r bad mmkayy (#91) 5974$2,305,128 F
518 24 Live laugh die (#93) 14,884$9,468,227 F
517 62 Du Hast (#91) 9249$4,978,700 F
516 90 Rome (#113) 10,758$2,477,612 F
412 94 Nom nom nom (#114) 5513$1,437,033 F
412 78 nom nom nom (#91) 10,133$2,662,420 F
411 36 horny beaver (#103) 6625$6,713,890 F
410 22 uh oh (#99) 15,124$9,639,188 F
409 23 Ketchum Kill em (#98) 12,507$8,870,130 F
408 57 why kill the juice (#108) 6928$4,334,528 F
408 jungle juice (#70) 4780$1,004,342 F
407 39 stupified (#108) 8615$6,350,841 F
406 33 Kill the fluff (#61) 13,422$7,065,811 FG
405 67 got fluff (#96) 8557$2,617,339 F
404 77 Go fluff yourself (#112) 8800$2,262,150 F
404 hate you long time (#90) 11,791$3,055,558 F
403 32 Killin Nazis (#68) 21,372$7,213,432 T
402 101 I like you (#101) 0$53,655 F
401 68 Ill spidermonkey your arse (#90) 8556$3,557,462 F
400 95 Wtf bruh (#110) 5593$860,135 F
400 No More LP (#56) 12,626$2,334,551 F
399 63 smack ya in yo face (#48) 13,068$4,112,948 F
398 62 smack ya in da mouf (#93) 12,975$3,685,955 F
397 92 Meow (#110) 4014$723,900 F
397 65 I didnt do it (#90) 10,546$3,709,951 C
396 75 steel vaginas (#110) 9573$2,476,098 F
395 47 swaggy p (#80) 12,567$5,482,119 F
394 76 Motherfluffer (#7) 6459$1,568,128 F
393 80 captain underpants (#89) 7406$2,585,970 F
392 83 I like blow (#93) 7829$1,757,237 F
391 54 waitdonthitme (#71) 12,817$4,909,853 F
390 44 Love you long time (#78) 17,097$5,311,912 F
389 65 hung low (#74) 13,540$4,071,593 F
388 93 nutsack (#68) 9551$1,180,130 F
387 56 Live Free (#57) 8982$5,184,578 F
386 59 Here to Kill You (#95) 10,037$4,808,710 F
385 49 ThatfluffinGuy (#82) 12,262$6,310,225 F
384 47 EndGame (#90) 9612$5,713,073 F
383 21 WhatAboutMe (#64) 17,738$10,291,097 FG
382 50 Russianshackedme (#89) 5630$5,102,289 FG
381 23 The Empire (#67) 17,312$8,777,084 TG
380 44 mmmmmk (#92) 16,771$6,284,801 T
379 64 Niro (#91) 12,594$4,088,372 T
378 51 captain underpants (#44) 24,537$3,979,159 T
377 50 Legion (#67) 3886$1,433,910 T
376 44 Legion (#17) 21,598$6,092,492 T
374 49 Blumpkin (#64) 15,727$5,776,568 T
373 25 Blumpkin (#68) 12,893$4,957,287 T
372 38 TheGeneral (#98) 9031$3,495,593 T
359 76 RawDog (#73) 9397$3,053,553 T
358 39 Rome (#116) 8307$6,524,287 T
357 32 Who Done it (#54) 10,162$4,751,227 T
356 45 Rome (#7) 6033$4,287,311 T
355 47 Rome Looking For KOH (#21) 9456$4,389,308 T
354 73 Badlands (#77) 7887$3,243,023 T
353 60 Dark One (#77) 11,402$4,205,004 T
352 58 Darklands (#81) 11,795$5,251,511 T
351 62 Joker (#86) 16,018$4,962,747 T
350 87 DeathFromAbove (#120) 9840$3,641,224 T
349 70 KillEverything (#107) 9084$3,986,967 T
348 67 PlanToDie (#26) 13,942$4,773,737 T
347 77 PurpleHaze (#116) 12,473$3,095,377 I
346 73 Doink (#24) 7051$3,925,902 T
345 92 DeezNutsInUrFace (#23) 8304$3,253,131 T
332 42 Suicidal (#26) 7926$3,612,475 TG
331 45 Rome (#90) 8878$3,608,721 T
297 74 Rome (#73) 10,055$2,669,024 I
296 56 Rome (#100) 11,008$4,277,753 F

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism