Top Players - Express

Next Reset 359th round: Oct 10, 2016 - Oct 16, 2016 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 117 countries in the Express server.

1 (#95) 14,597$50,873,556 DG
2 ashe (#14) 20,125$33,229,655 HG
3 Overlords r teh l33t (#35)  Game profile 13,942$29,568,425 HG
4 There will be blood (#53)  Game profile 10,488$28,838,889 DG
5 I R WoG SuperFly (#26)  Game profile 27,013$27,097,918 CG
6 Meek (#5)  Game profile 18,971$26,599,550 HG
7 Arathodoxia (#9)  Game profile 33,403$24,974,375 FG
8 JOIN Lords of Chaos on FFA (#7)  Game profile 15,683$24,091,472 TG
9 Koshu (#1)  Game profile 28,473$22,789,218 RG
10 oswald electronics (#23) 25,096$21,144,281 R
11 Gougounagoune Kikinakai (#77)  Game profile 7214$19,403,915 HG
12 Silent Hunter (#3)  Game profile 13,120$18,558,569 DG
13 Reinforcement (#70)  Game profile 23,148$17,916,202 CG
14 Hippiesm peace love and dope (#4) 22,245$17,706,915 HG
15 SS N 27 Sizzler (#56) 28,007$16,363,769 CG
16 Crimson (#91) 15,189$16,056,449 HG
17 I always retal (#80) 13,634$15,625,594 CG
18 Controloc (#37) 14,251$15,038,126 D
19 MakeMyDay (#107) 11,126$12,750,137 T
20 Palet Town (#97) 13,694$12,664,528 DG
21 Half Man Half Amazing (#8) 10,904$12,651,255 FG
22 C R O A T I A (#51)  Game profile 13,986$12,277,654 TG
23 Sudnar (#2) 10,647$11,312,374 HG
24 Jag City (#115)  Game profile 14,971$10,198,780 RG
25 Arryn Kylrad (#66) 14,537$10,038,537 R
26 Dilatory (#33) 21,652$9,955,354 TG
27 Un4GvN (#20) 8753$9,876,188 HG
28 Sweet Sixteen (#17)  Game profile 3818$9,752,322 DG
29 Send Lawyers Guns and Money (#29) 17,030$9,711,481 RG
30 Garyland (#113)  Game profile 10,452$9,478,867 C
31 borek (#92)  Game profile 9477$9,243,357 D
32 U L T R A V I O L E T (#48)  Game profile 10,585$9,077,282 HG
33 Trick or Treat Smell my Feet (#60)  Game profile 5819$8,935,015 HG
34 RIP Sweet Scalia (#106)  Game profile 8569$8,906,132 R
35 WeT SHiT HouSe RaT (#10)  Game profile 13,694$8,725,932 IG
36 Vatzooland (#108)  Game profile 14,219$8,551,109 HG
37 Illia Jibar (#24) 12,203$8,431,762 C
38 Caraxes (#86) 17,336$8,281,363 C
39 CP (#111) 9897$7,912,337 H
40 Doe Tough (#44) 12,758$7,886,810 C
41 the Temple (#57) 13,117$7,693,375 RG
42 Dat Cash Money Yo (#105)  Game profile 12,252$7,526,082 I
43 Mafurzytan (#68) 14,169$7,407,404 R
44 Ravenblack Peter Ravenblack (#89) 13,310$7,360,742 C
45 Sina (#88) 14,941$7,087,383 I
46 The Brothers of Durmark (#41) 12,948$7,060,992 R
47 Freeport Bay (#96) 11,156$6,828,906 D
48 Zigmal (#79) 11,972$6,743,969 C
49 Meridan Alkirk (#64) 12,946$6,674,668 C
50 mob Rulez (#12) 10,838$6,663,912 HG
51 Markard (#71) 11,593$6,575,309 D
52 Gai (#69) 12,941$6,555,216 C
53 Achard Grimryder (#36) 13,469$6,393,883 F
54 Sphinx of Cibrock (#93) 13,868$6,380,861 R
55 Calina (#6) 12,540$6,353,784 F
56 Stoker Lena Black (#58) 11,506$6,034,211 R
57 Russias Revenge (#46) 6830$5,968,217 R
58 Wathmon Madon (#81) 12,473$5,956,285 R
59 Seths Apotheoses (#34) 12,278$5,923,797 C
60 Black Sabrina (#28) 10,893$5,648,428 R
61 King Doctor Deer (#83) 11,850$5,528,997 R
62 Steve Darkblade Ravenbeard (#31) 12,115$5,140,255 F
63 landfarm (#94) 14,144$4,973,870 C
64 Captain Thomas Harker (#38) 12,990$4,882,630 R
65 TheLynxArmy (#45)  Game profile 14,069$4,622,359 TG
66 Niktohals Brutes (#61) 12,773$4,481,034 I
67 Genovese (#16)  Game profile 7798$4,456,164 F
68 MustEat (#63) 11,873$4,386,149 I
69 AJax (#15) 13,408$4,041,755 C
70 Meh (#100) 16,668$4,030,605 RG
71 Midkemia (#54) 10,493$3,915,966 C
72 Wicked Angel (#98) 7959$3,446,624 HG
73 Uerthe above the Ancestor (#19) 13,294$3,355,734 I
74 GOD HIS SON AND HOLY WHORE (#13) 10,434$3,274,526 RG
75 Gangland (#76) 7971$3,099,302 C
76 RawDog (#73)  Game profile 9397$3,053,553 T
77 Yours (#120) 13,615$2,902,825 D
78 Los Believer (#72) 13,057$2,702,571 H
79 smalls (#102)  Game profile 3475$2,585,060 M
80 Scruffy Nerf herders of Alderaan (#27)  Game profile 6556$2,526,258 TG
81 The Renegades from Ritic (#47) 12,370$2,484,349 H
82 retals with candy flavor nukes (#30)  Game profile 10,224$2,476,378 RG
83 Firdorn Eloon (#87) 13,056$2,404,508 H
84 1 (#99) 8955$2,119,720 M
85 Never more (#21) 13,266$1,991,576 C
86 IrisIris (#85) 12,772$1,899,629 H
87 Kib (#50) 12,906$1,864,855 H
88 Harker Grace De Belleville (#65) 12,743$1,810,366 H
89 Markard (#55) 12,488$1,747,244 H
90 Lahorn Brutes (#119) 10,375$1,671,691 I
91 My Country (#118)  Game profile 4057$1,598,643 M
92 efil (#101)  Game profile 9014$1,558,970 R
93 Severe Scissors (#75) 12,403$1,553,245 C
94 ally (#25)  Game profile 5148$1,512,721 HG
95 jenga (#110) 4818$1,397,980 I
96 Needless Ruthless Weasel (#52) 12,393$1,277,270 D
97 CULTure Club (#84)  Game profile 4201$1,262,506 CG
98 stanley (#109)  Game profile 6093$1,164,508 H
99 Grotesque Skunk (#67) 12,726$1,124,163 D
100 Izic (#32) 12,254$1,088,811 D

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