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Brigg, i think its fair to say that randomly spyopping countries is not unlike what drunksex did to us, just with a lot more force and focus :)
thats all this is, no one is telling you how to play, and no one can tell others how to play, either.
You stole tech and did other spy ops to random countries, which is entirely acceptable, and if you want to continue to do it, no one can stop you with words on a message forum. You are playing within the rules. Some OTHER random countries focused their turns and killed our team; Again, entirely within the rules. The damage isn't equal, but the behavior is. The appropriate response would be to:
A) Make netting intentions known, and do not instigate and fights
B) Coordinate our attacks and fight back. (Our tag is a SPAM tag by definition.. I created the tag and password, then sent it out to random untagged countries, i don't give us a whole lot of chance at winning a war)
Express is a fun server because if something like this happens, you usually have a ton of turns on hand to retaliate, and if not, the game only lasts a week. Just chaulk it up as experience and create a new country the next week.
TEAM is nice because the games are relatively short as well, but with formal alliances being allowed, this kind of thing happens.
My poor excuse for a country isn't dead yet, and i will try to do some damage before i get killed, next set (if you want to play again) we can always try to make our intentions known, but even that that doesn't guarantee us immunity from a coordinated attack.