Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
well thats a start atleast some of you are begining to realize your always gonna be bottom of the pile.
Yes, we realize that a group with far superior numbers that has instilled fear in the rest of the server is going to do better than a group with fewer numbers that gets grabbed a fair bit.
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
but for just a second look around. DBD, sanct, rag, OG, teamwork/hunt, and FBI to name a few arn't having issues with us and are doing just fine.
That's because they're afraid of you guys.
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
hell LD nailed one of ours with 8 SS's and was warned off...we didn't kill him
So the 1:kill policy is a lie? Or is it that you were inthe middle of a war at that point and felt it was better to do a kill run on your actually enemies?
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
we've even exchanged hits and killed a member or two of some of those teams and we still get along fine.
Yes, because they're afraid of you. They don't want to get into a big fight so they let you kill their countries.
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
when are all you whiners gonna realize you only have yourselves to blame for the situation your in...ie...dying over and over and over
What whining? You keep saying we're whining, but we've already admitted we're going to lose, and keep fighting anyways.
We're not whining about losing, we're calling your 1:kill policy garbage. Are you telling me you're not man enough to take a little criticism?
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
RD didn't come here to specifically fight you. our first reset we had what 8 countries? 9 maybe? and you guys killed some of us
Good for that reset. I wasn't here then, but didn't you guys stat that war over cross retalling?
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
ok that could have been worked out
Really? Let's see here...
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
but then you get on here and start the trash talking not realizing how many colors had come out of retirement to play with old friends and got beat down
That's more like it. What you're really saying is that it all could have been worked out, but then you guys got more numbers so you didn't feel like it.
Well, that or you're saying you're really so sensitive as to actually care that people online talked trash.
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
it could have end'd there to...everybody could have walked away
Ended where? With you killing them?
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
then you talk more trash...and more trash...and right up until reset end'd more trash....this reset starts and you all hide in unknown tags
Wow, you seem awfully sensitive to the words of a few people online. I would hate to see you in the real world, though I imagine it would involve breaking down in tears which would be pretty funny.
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
small hint if your gonna hide in unknown tags don't use the same frigging country names...totally ruined it for you
Small hint, there's a difference between hiding in unknown tags, and recruiting people into new tags. I believe it's the recruitment part.
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
then you FS us ....and are still here talking fluff
Where have you been? We haven't really said anything this set. In fact it was Charcoal who had to start this thread and start talking. Nas then started talking about us, and saying we should smarten up next set and leave RD alone, at which point we came out and said that we still think the 1:kill policy is garbage, and that even if we lose every set we will continue to fight it.
That's not talking fluff, that's confirming that we will be here set after set with the same goals.
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
for the last 2.5 resets you have all talked such a big game poking the dogs in the cage with your sticks...but suddenly when the cage doors open its our fault you got bit?
Again, you miss the point where none of us said anything this set until you guys did, and where we haven't complained about dying, but rather admitted that it's a losing battle, but one we'll continue to fight.
Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
i hope non of you get the chance to repopulate...air is to precious to be wasted like that
Wow, you're really that sensitive to what is (or in this case is not) said online?
Seriously, this is not real life, there is a whole world beyond your computer, check it out, you might like it.