
Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 21:27:52

Too bad you can't change earthgraphs otherwise you could fool everyone here.

I ran a set with MiM, and Elders jumped us while we were at war. (They all got deleted for rules violation.) (I guess that's your reference to 'just cheat'.)
I ran two sets with Rybka.

Rybka 1- While we were at war with xBaDx (which we won btw, with more kills), DS conveniently started LG'ng and using negative spy ops on our members.

Rybka 2- While we were at war with xyz, (DS, Elders and BElders once again started spamming spy ops to prepare attacking us).

There was no point of playing on TEAM when you clowns can't win a 5v5. You need like 3:1 odds to even go toe-to-toe.

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mrford Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 21:29:31

celphi should have stuck to his posting hiatus.

people started to forget how dumb you really are.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 21:33:17

Originally posted by Dissident:
we spy things ALL the time. Maybe people are paranoid but we spy op villains and drunksex as well. its nice to get a lay of the land. why make decisions with incomplete information?

Originally posted by Dissident:
you had to know we were coming man. we've been bouncing ops off you like a ping pong machine for a few days...


You're right. Your memory lasts no longer than 3 sets.

Edited By: Celphi on Jan 1st 2016, 21:49:45
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

nimrodix Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 21:34:11

Your explanation about why you can't have an arranged war is fail.
I also spy everyone all the time to see how their strats are working and if a tag can retal.
Elders and I spied each other many times this set without butt hurt.
Just make a tag and war elders one on one.
We will see if there is any extracurricular action.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 21:36:39

Read above your post nimrodix.

Exact scenario occurred with MiM and Book. They started spamming spy ops on us, then dbl teamed us. Except they got humiliated when they couldn't kill me with 5 players & with full turns.

Edited By: Celphi on Jan 1st 2016, 21:38:55
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

nimrodix Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 21:40:37

That was then, I wanna see what happens now. Both sides are talking a lot of smack, I wanna see which of you is right.
Just saying.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 21:41:04

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 21:53:16

Originally posted by Dissident:

we knew you were online and we hit anyways. we knew we wouldnt get the kill... but it was fun.

and now your country is hooped. let's see you survive the next killrun.

Remember that Dissident? Did I survive your next kill run? And the next? And the next?
Or how about?

Originally posted by Dissident:
btw, you're terrible at stonewalling.

like... brutal.

you should practice that.

He talked fluff, critiqued my ability to stonewall and his worthless clan couldn't kill one player. Go back to killing your netters & inactives!

Edited By: Celphi on Jan 1st 2016, 21:55:47
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 21:56:01

Jesus. Nobody cares about what happened half a year ago except you.

Your assumption that us spying you this set meant we were going to hit you is faulty. Have you considered that by us spying you, we intended to make you nervous so you would attack us? We needed you to attack us so that it would not be seen as a double team against R.

As you know full well, the other side of your AB war did nothing against you so you were essentially at full strength when you "FS"ed us. If you hadnt blundered the whole thing by doing AB attacks and spy ops, maybe youd have made a dent.

We were truly hoping that you and z and uuu and n and t would have joined forces to stomp us out. We preyed for the rain... but the rain didnt come. Just a lot of hot air. I know for a fact that there was an attempt to organize a run against us... but nobody showed up.

Once again... a lot of hot air.

Edited By: Dissident on Jan 1st 2016, 21:58:25

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 22:04:21

Originally posted by Dissident:
Your assumption that us spying you this set meant we were going to hit you is faulty.

Originally posted by Dissident:
you had to know we were coming man. we've been bouncing ops off you like a ping pong machine for a few days...


I didn't have to assume., it's your own words.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mrford Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 22:11:02

you are contextually retarded.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 22:15:16


In one instance you say I should have known you were going to attack because of failed spy ops,... and now you're saying it's a faulty assumption that failed spy ops means an imminent attack. Which is it?
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mrford Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 22:16:32


Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Link Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 22:45:24

Mind boggling

I Am a meat popsicle.


Dissident Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 22:45:46

Youre presenting these quotes as if they were not several months apart.

Ya... youre just saying things that are convenient gor you after the fact. The fact is you are bad at war and have proven it this set.

I wont engage you about the past. Because i dont give a sht about what happened back then. You waste a lot of time reading archives... i prefer to just kick your ass instead. Oh.. but i couldnt this set because you self deleted like a coward.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 23:00:07

I wouldn't engage the past either if I were in your shoes. And I'm not exactly sure how I waste 'a lot of time reading archives.'??? You do realize that there's a search function right? Takes like 5 secs. Probably about the same amount of time it takes you to finish reading this sentence.

My idea of avoiding attacks from 15 different people at the same time isn't cowardly. Haha. I'll tell you what is...:

It's when a certain player says you don't have enough friends on EE to get 5 players to group with. Guess what happened?
It's when a certain player says you can't wall for fluff. Guess what happened?
It's when a certain player recruits suiciders along side their clan when it's an even 5v5. Guess who did that?
It's when a certain player suddenly has amnesia when it's convenient to him. Guess who that is?
It's when a certain player chooses each set all the easy targets. Guess which clan?

Ryan Leaf looked great in College. What happened when he got to the pros?! Elders looks great vs netters and spam clans, try the pros. #iwishiweretherealdeal

If what I say is ancient history, then when was the last time your clan, Elders, FS a real clan?
Real defined as: Active, uses alerts, has more than 100 troops, and higher than 5% SDI. /crickets.

Edited By: Celphi on Jan 1st 2016, 23:03:10
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Link Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 23:10:03

Don't read any of the crap he posts lol. We already know the score.

I Am a meat popsicle.


Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 23:15:50

Good job Celphi. You have shown that Dissident is a liar. Good job backing up your arguments with facts from the record, that takes a lot of work. It is easy to be like Dissident and just ignore the truth and say whatever facts come into your head even though they are false. Its also lazy and pathetic, just like the way they can only win when they FS unsuspecting netting teams, as you also pointed out. And mrford has to put in his 2 cents worth without even looking at your arguments or acknowledging their truth, which is how he treats anyone's arguments.

Good job walling against Elders. Thanks for being the only allies N actually ended up having from 32 people who we thought were our friends. At least R gave us moral support and it is appreciated.

Link Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 23:17:56

That whole post should be shortened to "thanks for being the only ones that helped n" because it's the only part that's accurate.

I Am a meat popsicle.


Link Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 23:20:51

Originally posted by Getafix:
Its also lazy and pathetic, just like the way they can only win when they FS unsuspecting netting teams, as you also pointed out. .

LMAO man your an idiot if you think this is true. Ask the war tags of your coalition how we spent the last few sets

I Am a meat popsicle.


mrford Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 23:29:28

u mad getafix?

yeah. you mad. doesnt change the fact that celphi is retarded. i have enough encounters with him to know that from the jump. dude misses the simplest fluff, and is incapable of looking at things with any semblance of context. reading isnt required anymore.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 23:30:28

go fluff yourself Link, your offers pf pacts, and this server and the lying ignorant fluffs in your Team.

mrford Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 23:30:42

oh yeah

he mad.

look gramps. you are too old to have your blood pressure spike like that. maybe you need to calm it down. lol.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 23:31:28

I am mad. You are a jerk, mrford.

mrford Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 23:32:48

i would rather be a jerk than stupid. any day of the week. you cant fix stupid.

additionally, you are the one who fluff my name out of your mouth. not the other way around. dont start no fluff, wont be no fluff. pretty simple.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Link Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 23:40:30


I Am a meat popsicle.


Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 23:44:02

Yes, well we've had enough pissing matches already over the past year. It makes me mad to read your stupid posts sometimes. Why you felt a need to jump in to this particular argument I guess is because you think Celphi is unpopular, as well as relatively new, and you never miss an opportunity to throw your venomous crap his way. Do you think you will be more loved by doing that?

Any way, I appreciate Celphi. He has learned to play the game really well in an amazingly short period of time, and he is one of the minority of people who is trying to be an honourable player in this ridiculous hostile environment that we have here.

mrford Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 23:47:43

I dont remember a single argument with you. I must be far more important to you than you to me huh? weird. im alredy married bro, but good on ya!

as for celphi, the dude is hard headed as fluff, and he is an idiot. i mean, he can math, and he can read well, but when it comes time to apply that knowlege, he makes the silliest mistakes, and refuses to see them. i tried explaining the game to him nicely many times, but he is fairly frustrating and i eventually gave up. he can go fluff himself as far as im concerned. there is nothing honorable about his gameplay. he is the most selfish player i have seen in quite some time. you have your rose colored glasses on because he just gave you a handjob, and that is fine. but there is a reason im not alone in my assessment of him.

as for me, you apparently know nothing of my gameplay, because you are new to clan servers. that is fine, but i have helped more people and gave up more than the majority of the people still left in this game. hell, for almost a decade i did nothing other than run war countries in netting clans to kill suiciders. just because i dont help you or celphi, doesnt mean i dont help anyone. i challenge you to find a single gameplay question i refused to answer. maybe you should join a clan that im in to see the real me, and not the entertaining forum me. hell, i remember learning you something a couple weeks ago no? so get over it.

if reading my posts makes you mad, dont read them. even you should be able to understand that!

Edited By: mrford on Jan 1st 2016, 23:52:09
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 1st 2016, 23:54:10

Thats not surprising that your memory is so short ford, and you post so much complete fluff that it must be impossible to remember even 10% of it. This is a public forum where people are free to state their opinions and argue. Your arguments are very often full of nasty personal attacks, lies and bragging and of all the people who play this game are the stupidest, because they just spew hatred without listening to anyone's arguments, and they are incredibly tedious because there is such a huge volume of crap that you spew that I don't even read 20% of it, or I would argue with you every day.

Link Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 23:57:24

You're still welcome to the pact I offered btw no matter how much fluff gets exchanged here lol. You don't have to like us. We aren't in the friend making business.

I Am a meat popsicle.


mrford Game profile


Jan 1st 2016, 23:58:25

point out a lie that i posted.

ill wait. just because you dont like something, or it is a personal attack, doesnt make it a lie. you dont want to be called an idiot? dont be an idiot. pretty advanced fluff, i know.

let the butthurt flow through you old man.

Edited By: mrford on Jan 2nd 2016, 0:00:40
See Original Post
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Colo Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:03:31

Originally posted by Getafix:
and he is one of the minority of people who is trying to be an honourable player in this ridiculous hostile environment that we have here.

LOL do you know how many times he has been purpled? Not just on this server but other servers?? Jesus fluffing christ..the kid can't play..which is why he skirts the rules and cheats. The cheating and crossing the line is why people don't like celphi. He literally threatened to try and have someone killed IRL because of a fluffing forum post (not that he could, he is a puss but it's still the principal of the matter). He goes in and gets peoples REAL identities and posts them on the forums. He is a fluffing CANCER to the game. You honestly think it was a coincidence that N got fluffed over the set they finally recruited celphi to play for them? Players like that are not welcome here..maybe we should finally take out the little community that supports cheating to compensate for not having any raw skill.

Edited By: Colo on Jan 2nd 2016, 0:06:00

mrford Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:11:13

he also said he is unbannable. read into that and you can see he has no respect for boundaries or punishments.

but he is honorable as fluff!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2016, 0:14:38

Do you really think I want to do a search through all the crap you have written in 17,000 posts?? fluff, I don't think so.

What do others think of mrford's posts I wonder? I doubt that I'm alone in my evaluation of them.

Reacting to complete stupidity in a forum is always met with an accusation of being "butthurt" isn't it? Anyone who has a different view or maybe any view at all and who speaks is "butthurt". Stupidity and nastiness does make me mad. Sure I get mad when people in a game kill off the countries of my friends, and when they throw insults at people that I respect I react. That seems to be quite normal, to my mind. Doesn't mean I'm going to go off on some raging destructive running amok, necessarily.

One thing is for sure, you are a challenge to a person's sense of humour.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:16:23

Celphi finds a lot of stuff and posts them out of context. He is equal to a creationism scientist.

He starts with his conclusion and then finds the evidence that suits his conclusion.

The thing about creationism scientists is that they are unshakeable in their beliefs that they are right and anyone else can be refuted.

Getafix, i know youre upset with me and us and whatever... the death of N was a tactical shot in a grander strategy to break up the abc coalition. That was our goal all along. To show that nobody in that coalition is safe. Our mindset thru the whole war was to "burn the whole thing down." I feel like we accomplished that... despite making a lot of you guys angry. Its an unfortunate consequence of what we did. For that, i apologize personally to the netters of N.

But to side with Celphi (who i am convinced is not his original name) is to go down a path you will regret later. Hes a creationism scientist... his theories dont hold water but his conviction is remarkable.

mrford Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:17:11

Originally posted by Getafix:
Do you really think I want to do a search through all the crap you have written in 17,000 posts?? fluff, I don't think so.

What do others think of mrford's posts I wonder? I doubt that I'm alone in my evaluation of them.

Reacting to complete stupidity in a forum is always met with an accusation of being "butthurt" isn't it? Anyone who has a different view or maybe any view at all and who speaks is "butthurt". Stupidity and nastiness does make me mad. Sure I get mad when people in a game kill off the countries of my friends, and when they throw insults at people that I respect I react. That seems to be quite normal, to my mind. Doesn't mean I'm going to go off on some raging destructive running amok, necessarily.

One thing is for sure, you are a challenge to a person's sense of humour.

then stop reading my posts. or back your claims up. i dont care what you or others think of me. my clan mates like me, and that is really all that matters. im not running for prom queen, so popularity isnt a goal.

it is funny you accuse me of lying and not posting facts, but you do the same thing! you said a majority of my posts are lies and slander. so it shouldnt be too hard to show me a lie. unless you are full of fluff. i think you are just butthurt and reaching for anything to hold onto.

you getting early onset or something? if you respect celphi you are either misinformed, or he gives really good head.

Edited By: mrford on Jan 2nd 2016, 0:20:42
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Viceroy Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:17:47

fluff you and your apology, you arrogant asshole. (edit for clarity, this is in response to pissident)
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Colo Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:24:21

My money is on really good head. Something tells me he can suck a mean fluff.

DruncK Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:28:43

The only one who had a say as to whether Celphi was allowed to be in ABC was me, because I would let any player in and given them a fair shot.

I know what it's like being on the short end or doing some really stupid and immoral things in this game in the past. He was not cheating or breaking any rules and has a different way of seeing war here. I get what he's trying to accomplish in his war efforts but that doesn't matter if you don't thoroughly destroy a country. You have to keep pounding the into the dirt time after time depending on the intelligence of the defender.

Thing is that takes a LOT more turns then hitting them all separately. You could cripple a country but its the population that is the key which ABs don't touch. Also with the amount of turns required after breaking and mid breaking a restart is just as effective as an original if they are used appropriately(especially with the new restart rules).

Celphi did not do a single thing wrong when he was in ABC and treated each of his members as leaders. I have respect for him, doubly so because he is so new to Earth. Gotta analyze your war strat tho man.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:37:19

Why does everyone assume hes "new"? He is not new. The name is new... that's about it.

nimrodix Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:38:21

So everyone is pissed at Elders but not one pissed off team wants to say ok I'm sick of this fluff lets do this... Us vs you.
You said they just hit netters and don't want a real fight... Then how about maning up and takeing them on. The whole server would be very interested in watching.

I'm pretty sure Elders would be more than happy to take you on.

Colo Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:39:07

Drunck, I am not sure if you fully understand when I say he cheats...I absolutely 1000% don't believe it's cheating to suicide (I know he has convinced you that team was an isolated situation because of suiciding blah blah blah). He literally breaks the rules in all the servers he plays, so to say he didn't do anything wrong since he was in ABC is inaccurate. There is no short end of his is situation, he openly admits to it as well as mocks real mods to try and catch him. That is not welcome here..

mrford Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:40:57

i have played this game for 20 years, and have 0 purples.

he has played for a year and has how many?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Link Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:46:30

We would happily accept an arranged war by the way. With police killing suiciders on both sides to try to keep it fair

I Am a meat popsicle.


Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2016, 0:52:15

I remember when Celphi started playing, it was on Express, and he had about 1 million stupid questions. He is new. Considering how many cheaters were getting away with cheating at the time Celphi started its not surprising that he would test the limits of the rules. I remember an interesting case where we tested the definition of "DR abuse" in Express. I think it makes sense to challenge the rule limits, though I do think he really crossed the line with the posting of personal stuff. But, many of us have crossed different lines and had warnings. I like the way Celphi is playing now, it is creative and as reasonable as can be expected around here. He has also gained some good allies such as Nerrus, another newer player that I like.

Maybe Celphi has purples, but that is not so bad. I prefer that to someone who cheats and doesn't get a purple. I will not forget the case of cheating with mrford and CX that was identified by Izarcon with a 98% certainty, but no purple, and lies from the cheaters in question.

mrford Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 0:55:19

lol, you still think i JUST bought CX's tech? is that this lie you keep yapping about? you think purples arnt that bad because you got caught? not getting caught is worse?

so, threatening someone in real life is forgivable, but buying tech isnt? what is wrong with you!

you are nothing more than an old, butthurt fool. i dont cheat. i didnt get deleted. deal with it!

Edited By: mrford on Jan 2nd 2016, 1:00:20
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2016, 1:04:36

Cheater! cheater cheater cheater! fluff eater!!!

take that troll, lol

Link Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 1:05:28

We took a purple to kill celphie lol. Only one since 97

I Am a meat popsicle.


mrford Game profile


Jan 2nd 2016, 1:17:08

Originally posted by Getafix:
Cheater! cheater cheater cheater! fluff eater!!!

take that troll, lol

You fluff about the butthurt retort, and then resort to the troll cop out.

Classic! You are a funny old man. Senile, but funny.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2016, 1:20:00

I try to be funny though I think I fail pretty often. Better senile than an idiot though!