
tellarion Game profile


Jun 28th 2015, 5:17:32

That one? No, I haven't had a chance to finish reading that thread. If you thought it was out of hand, you could have messaged me about it.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 28th 2015, 5:09:17

Originally posted by Bug:
Nerrus: you can think that I'm being a sore loser, but in all honesty with a mod that allows a full blown argument on the forums to get out of hand, don't you think the server deserves better as a whole?

What full blown argument did I miss? If you thought it was out of hand, you would have been best served by messaging myself or another mod so we can step in. As has been said repeatedly, we do not read every thread consistently. Yeah, it sucks. Yes, we need more mods. Feel free to volunteer.

As for the deletions, it was quite explicitly said what would happen, and you guys chose to ignore it. Don't blame me for following through on what I said I would do.

Finally, if you have issues with me, feel free to message martian and/or qzjul, and they will take a look at your complaints.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 15:12:16

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Trife just validated all of this I said on another thread..

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I find it hilarious that the biggest noise comes from the democrats on this issue when in fact it was them (democrats) who supported and promoted slavery back in the day....


Oh those skeletons must really be pounding hard on the liberals closets!!

You don't fool anyone, you libs were and still are the most racist intolerant assholes ever to walk on our soil, but I tip my hat for your dedication to brainwash the weak to believe your lies and deception, it's very entertaining!

Thanks Trife!!!

So basically you're saying that you're unaware of the political paradigm shift that occured between the parties over the past 150 years? You might want to read a history book before spouting off the republican party doctrine.

WE ARE THE PARTY OF LINCOLN! Except...well..everything he stood for goes against what we now believe...BUT STILL!

tellarion Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:59:42

Because I touched your mother. Also because he is apparently a jetsetting millionaire, able to play from multiple locations around the world in a single day. Superman, perhaps?

tellarion Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:37:37


tellarion Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:16:29

Creating a multi to fluff with someone at war? Yeah, don't do that.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 22nd 2015, 15:24:12

Oh it's on!

tellarion Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 12:20:45

Originally posted by Frybert:
I always hear 'better control' but I never actually hear what people think that means.

You hear what that means a lot, but you just tune it out, most likely.

Personally, I think there should be standardization across the country. I'd like to see universal background checks and waiting periods, even at gun shows. I'd like a basic safety course like you have to do with hunting. I'd like to see punishments for losing track of your gun and not reporting it stolen. I want ALL gun owners to be responsible owners.

I don't think these things are so ridiculous. If you really are serious about wanting a gun, jumping through these minimum hoops shouldn't be an issue. It's harder to buy a car than a gun in many places, and I think that's crazy.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 9:56:37

Originally posted by mrford:
the debate is weather it would be best/easier to get the guns, or change the culture

neither would be easy. the proliferation of guns in the US and the culture surrounding them and the perceived freedom make it all but impossible to get them. i wouldnt be too keen if someone wanted to take mine.

changing a culture isnt something that can really be directed. ending poverty could solve a lot of violent crime, but a lot of the mass shootings that grab headlines are not spurred from poverty. not like ending poverty is a simple thing to do anyways. changing cultural priorities and whagt is glorified would be a good start, but that is something a people has to do, government cant force that.

oddly enough, most people dont really care about the thousands murdered daily for drugs or money or pride, they just see the mass shootings every few months. crime is going to be crime. guns might make it easier, but they arnt the cause.

I agree with you for the most part, honestly. But you said it yourself; Guns make it easier, so at the very least, if we have better controls on guns, then it makes many types of crimes harder. Is that not a worthy thing to work towards?

tellarion Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 9:55:46

tellarion Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 8:07:05

I think both sides are wrong. Guns are not the only issue, of course. But they absolutely do intensify the problem. There are far too many guns, and equally as many people who are willing to use them, both of which are the problem, imo.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 5:42:32

Originally posted by mrford:
culture and environment has everything to do with everything. both ways. not the guns.

Guns are part of that culture, though. The way we think about guns is markedly different from how other countries think of them..

tellarion Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 5:41:23

They made what....4? I liked the last one, personally :)

tellarion Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 5:19:13

You don't need provocation to kill someone. You DO need it to justify entering an existing war. And to make it clear again, ingame actions determine if a tag is still at war, not posting here. MiM just killed a book country today. They're still at war in my *puts on sunglasses* book.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 16:04:28

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by mrford:
The 2 flags on his jacket in that one popular pic of him were of white apartheid ruled African nations in the 70s or something. South Africa and Rodesia I think.

Low key white power statements.

I think the reason white people were their in the first place was supposed to be to help modernize those countries. It's called the human race, and for as long as we have others who are lagging and falling behind in the race. Than it slows down the rest of us, every nation needs to be on par, the ones who are ahead have an obligation to get everyone else on the same page. It's sad that you have idiots who pervert this and call it power.

Hooooooooollllyyyy fluff, we have a winner here. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen on these boards....

It's ok guys, that whole colonialism thing was really just about helping the backwards natives!!!

tellarion Game profile


Jun 17th 2015, 15:14:37

So posting a public message that you're going to work together to kill people who 'abuse dr' isn't coordination? Erm...good luck with that.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 15th 2015, 14:03:51


tellarion Game profile


Jun 15th 2015, 14:03:24

Originally posted by drkprinc:
If you want to learn how to net like true netter would net on a set to net then come net in LaF

Where do I sign up?

tellarion Game profile


Jun 11th 2015, 16:06:19


tellarion Game profile


Jun 10th 2015, 15:31:11

Wow, I got rid of like 5-6, and then qz came in and smacked em all away, haha

tellarion Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 16:20:33

Oh, the really sad thing about Oden was he gave away some NW. I think he coulda broke 250 with that one :/

tellarion Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 16:09:31

Btw, totally serious post: If you want faster change, the best way is to post on the sugs forum. Qz usually checks there, as well as his inbox. You want his attention, those are the two best ways to get it.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 16:08:20

That was at the beginning of a thread that I have just now finished reading and hadn't read before now. I posted that response when I saw your post, then continued to read the thread. I wish I hadn't, though, as it's devolved into middle school name calling back and forth for 2 pages...ugh...

Not very mod of me? Haha, that's fun.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 15:54:20

Originally posted by Vic:
another funny thing about this guy is that he was put in DR by people he multi tapped. that set when nuk harassed me, I was in temporary DR by some random freak landgrabbing me.
so nuk, i hope you are reporting this guy big time since you misreported me (which is btw, why i wasn't deleted ... didn't remotely break any rule)

By that same token, though, you misreported several people as well :/

tellarion Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 15:51:13

Originally posted by Trife:
nobody cares about how my bowel movements went this morning, either :(

I care...

tellarion Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 15:48:54

Also, how has nobody noticed the 200m+ CI? I believe that's a record?

tellarion Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 15:48:37

Yeah I'm in the teens as an all-x too :P

tellarion Game profile


Jun 3rd 2015, 17:01:30

Originally posted by Vic:
tella is a great guy. i still question his mod skills and his general unbiasedness, but like i said in this thread, i'm fine with him staying :p

You're like at least a year out of date with that line. It might boggle your mind, but the more time passes, the less biased I become. I barely even give a crap what happens on Alliance...

tellarion Game profile


Jun 1st 2015, 14:24:09

We have only deleted for 'DR abuse' if people coordinated to put themselves into DR. If someone is trying to mess you up, and you survive and use that massive DR to gain land from others, that is not a violation of the rules as they currently stand. Never has been.

Yes, many people think that's bullfluff. Yes, as a player I agree with you that it shouldn't be that way. I think qz should make a change to put special attacks and LG dr on separate counters, personally, which would remove this entire issue. Unfortunately, that never happened. Sorry.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 1st 2015, 13:55:53

Was that a quote by me?

tellarion Game profile


Jun 1st 2015, 13:54:59

You guys are all very confused about what constitutes 'DR Abuse'...

tellarion Game profile


Jun 1st 2015, 11:44:19

tw at? Taiwanese Attorney? Man, I wish...

tellarion Game profile


May 31st 2015, 16:55:56

Originally posted by braden:
(who else is waiting for tella to change his name just so we shut the fluff up with this fluff?)

Why would I do that?

tellarion Game profile


May 31st 2015, 15:37:40

Oh yeah, and if you want faster mod response, it helps to send us messages. That's what usually gets my attention. Posting on the forums alone will almost never get someone to look, but a forum message might. Cover all your bases, more or less.

tellarion Game profile


May 31st 2015, 15:32:53

I like this conversation

tellarion Game profile


May 31st 2015, 15:31:47

If you or anyone else would like to step up and become a mod, please send a message to martian and/or qzjul(but green man first). We are honestly always looking for reliable and trusted people to mod the game and/or the boards, and we're pretty much always short handed.

Keep in mind that to mod a server, you would no longer be allowed to play on said server.

tellarion Game profile


May 31st 2015, 15:29:09

Originally posted by Celphi:
That's probably why. I rarely see the mods take action unless a person reports it. My suggestion would be to avoid all personal attacks all together. Just keep it to game trash talk. (And when I say game trash talk, it must remain within the context of the game only).

And yeah, that's more or less where I draw my line. Trash talking within the bounds of the game is fine. I tend to take a more active stance when it's just insults back and forth and flame wars, but that's just me.

tellarion Game profile


May 31st 2015, 15:27:47

As for why I looked into this particular situation, it's because I had some messages, which caused me to login to the mod tools, and I saw about 4-5 people all accusing each other of abuse, so I looked into the situation. You made a borderline inappropriate comment, so I sent you a polite message asking you to tone it down. You're not deleted, I didn't target or harass you. I don't know why you're getting so worked up over this, honestly.

tellarion Game profile


May 31st 2015, 15:23:55

Game Moderator
Feb 9th 2014, 4:28:15
As an added clarification: SHARING SPY OPS 'WILL' GET YOU DELETED!

I realize there has been some gray areas in there before, but now it's clear for everyone to see.

If you send a message such as 'Hey, hit this guy #xxx because his break is only 5m', that will not violate these rules and you will be fine. After all, you can lie about that kind of stuff."

I even put it in caps for you, Vic.

tellarion Game profile


May 31st 2015, 11:20:06

Don't post ingame information...

tellarion Game profile


May 30th 2015, 17:35:38

Hi Pain :)

Azn is super netting treehugger these days!

tellarion Game profile


May 30th 2015, 17:19:29


tellarion Game profile


May 27th 2015, 16:58:27

You forgot option 4: Weedy steals Tella's heart and rides off into the sunset ;(

tellarion Game profile


May 25th 2015, 15:01:27

You know when lines have been crossed. Please knock it off.

The guy who ruined anything and everything related to this server

tellarion Game profile


May 24th 2015, 16:49:10

Usually you talk to your allies directly, not call them out on AT.....

tellarion Game profile


May 24th 2015, 16:34:24

Celphi, don't ever fluffing do that again.

tellarion Game profile


May 21st 2015, 14:45:48

So people actually follow through on filibusters sometimes? Good to know.

tellarion Game profile


May 20th 2015, 16:37:25

Oth, you must not know who incin is. He could write a book on suiciding.

tellarion Game profile


May 20th 2015, 16:36:34

At least you don't have to deal with this in the States:

Guy misappropriates government funds, gets caught....cries about it....

tellarion Game profile


May 19th 2015, 16:00:37

So not only did he opt himself out of healthcare coverage, but he is a smoker with diabetes as well? I mean, if you have to sleep in the bed you make for yourself.....yikes...