
tellarion Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 2:58:01

The one that matters is the Updated Spirit of the Server thread. I just removed the rest of them, which were only there for reference purposes(hence why they were locked). People who have been following the issue should know which thread is the valid one, but you're right, it was confusing. Confusion gone now.

Reread just that one thread and tell me it's not clear.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 2:05:35

The rules are pretty fluffing clear. No more than 5v5. That's it. This is team server, not alliance.

If you guys have better ideas on how to achieve that goal, then please suggest them. All of these rules were refined WITH the participation of the community, and a lot of effort was put in to refine them and make them as clear as possible. Yes, the initial implementation was vague as hell, which is why I spent hours and hours talking with many of you to refine them and make them more clear.

As far as the moderator team is concerned, we don't want more than 5v5. We will not budge on that. So, again, if you have a better idea on how to maintain that standard, please let us know.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 18th 2015, 14:57:50

Originally posted by Atryn:

You are still ignoring the fact that security at one embassy isn't the personal day job of the Secretary of State. As both the reports on this incident by Congress and State have pointed out, those decisions are made below that level. As an organizational leader, if a bad decision is made in your organization, you make adjustments to the organization's people and/or policies to rectify it, which they did. If a pattern of such incidents occurs without any response from the organizations leadership (such as in the past at the VA or TSA) then you need a change in leadership.

Now, in fact, there has also been a change in leadership at State. Whether that was based in whole or in part on the Benghazi incident and the handling of it by Clinton is a question the President would have to answer, since he made the change.

But regardless, when something goes wrong in your organization, it isn't typically criminal.

What I am hearing described as criminal, even if just "negligence" is an assertion that she should have been second-guessing and over-ruling her regional/area leads who had concluded the extra security was not needed. That comes back to Charlene Lamb, right? If Lamb went to Clinton and said "we need more security in Benghazi now" and Clinton's response was "no, that would be expensive, lets sit on that for a while" - there is a much better case. I haven't seen that though, but who knows what we'll see in those emails. :)

Get your logic out of here!

tellarion Game profile


Aug 18th 2015, 11:11:51

If people are interested in becoming moderators, please send a message to qzjul and pang.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 18th 2015, 3:11:09

Last I heard, they're still breaking even somehow. I think it'll continue until there are no more players left, and I honestly think that'll take yeeeaarrssssss.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 18th 2015, 3:10:25

I don't have perms for General Talk :/

tellarion Game profile


Aug 17th 2015, 3:45:20

Originally posted by Marshal:
replace with whom?

Pretty much this. In the time I've been modding here, we've had maybe 3 people step up and offer to mod this server. Two of them were instantly DQ'd almost unanimously. One is under consideration now and I think we've all said a cautious yes. Need to poke qz and see what's up with that.

Also, ford, eat a bag of fluffs.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 14th 2015, 19:00:30

I agree!

tellarion Game profile


Aug 14th 2015, 18:46:08

If you'd like to sign onto it, please shoot me a PM and I'll add you to the list.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 14th 2015, 18:39:08

Fordy, I spent a fluff ton of time when they first asked me to mod here trying to fix things. I was very very active for a long while. But life catches up with you, and I realized it didn't matter what I did or didn't do, so now I don't spend nearly as much time here as I used to.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 14th 2015, 18:30:27

More are signing, just being slow

tellarion Game profile


Aug 14th 2015, 0:15:19

(tl;dr version and list of signatories at the end)

This resolution is enforcable by every **signed member against all alliances in game**, regardless of signing.

This resolution overrides any and ALL pacting in place without exceptions.

Extreme acts of war (which include kill runs, cripple runs, harmful spy ops and missile runs) may not occur prior to the beginning of the **21st** day of the set. Stray accidental hits are tolerated and recurring infractions will be dealt with harshly.

Countries/tags that participate in EAoWs will be killed by any or all of the alliances that have signed this pact. Participation from all tags signed is expected as it is in place to protect everyone.

The signed parties understand that breaking this pact will nullify ALL other pacts signed, including FDP, LDP and uNAPs.

-EAoW definition:

--10+ special attacks (non-missile) made, by 2+ countries, against any country within 24 hours

--10+ harmful spyops made by at least one country against any single country within 24 hours

--5+ landgrabs by any country on a single tag within 48 hours*

--5+ landgrabs by any tag on a single country within 48 hours*

--5+ missile attacks made, by 2 countries, against any country within 24 hours

* - mutual landtrading and retals are exempt from this definition

-If a set of attacks does not meet EAoW thresholds, then the matter will only be decided between the offender's alliance and the defender's alliance.

**-If a set of attacks does not meet the EAoW thresholds, but is deemed an intentional act of provocation against a signatory by a majority of the EWPP council, the pact may be invoked against the offending alliance.**

-If a set of attacks does meet an EAoW threshold but the parties are able to resolve the situation independently, this pact need not be invoked.

--In the case the offending alliance wishes to resolve the issue independently, as long as a fair offer is made in a timely manner, this resolution may not be invoked.

--Definition of a fair offer:

---Offending alliance detags and kills the suicider ASAP

---Offending alliance makes an offer within 48 hours, to pay fair reps by the formula below to the victim, and payment must take no more than 96 hours unless the victim allows for an extended window.

----Reps in terms of tanks. Accepted rates for reps are as follows: 300tpa first month. 1 tank=3 jets/turrets = 4 troops = $550. Reps for tech points lost will be $3300 per tech point in the first month.

-----If a special attack (other than NM, which is calculated as above) is used and reps are owed, then $60,000 per building is owed in the first month. Military lost will be returned with 10% extra. Stock lost will be returned with 10% extra as well.

-If a country or alliance commits an Extreme Act of War against another and there is no independent resolution, the offending alliance, as a result of this resolution, automatically declares war on all signatories of this resolution.

-If a signatory of this resolution believes a country or spam tag (definition below) is going to suicide on their or another alliance, they are allowed to declare their suspicion on AT up to 24 hours after a pre-emptive EAoW against the suspected suicider. If the suicider initiates hostilities, there is no need for such a declaration as the suicider, by attacking, would have violated the terms of this resolution.

-Definition of a spam tag:

--Any alliance without formal relations to another alliance in the game

--Any tag under 10 members by day 7 that has not played the previous set

--Excludes SoF, SoL, MD, LaF, RAGE, Evo, PDM, DK, TPA, ICN, LCN, Omega, MONSTERS, RIVAL, Stones


After signing, this resolution is active for two sets until the end of the **Oct15-Dec15** set.


Short version: This pact prevents all early wars **against signatories** on the Alliance server for the next two sets. The only early war that should occur is when one alliance declares war on another (or at least commits an extreme act of war), all signatories of the pact declare war on the aggressor. **If two alliances mutally agree to an early war, this pact does not apply.** This does not include suiciders and untagged landfarms.

****Changes: -Lowered the duration of the pact to day 21 from day 29.
-This pact no longer governs the actions of non-signatories, unless directed towards a signatory.
-Added details regarding the handling of provocative attacks that do not meet the threshold.****

Evolution - 8/13/15
Sol - 8/13/15
LCN - 8/13/15
Omega - 8/13/15
Laf - 8/13/15
Sof - 8/14/15
PDM - 8/14/15
MD - 8/14/15
Rival - 8/14/15
Rage - 8/15/15
Stones - 8/16/15
Imag - 8/17/15

Edited By: tellarion on Aug 18th 2015, 2:49:19
See Original Post

tellarion Game profile


Aug 13th 2015, 23:37:11

Dibs is perma-banned. Would you like to join him?

tellarion Game profile


Aug 13th 2015, 23:33:37

You know, you act/sound/post an awful lot likes Dibs when you're sauced....

tellarion Game profile


Aug 11th 2015, 23:26:26

I'm on vacation!!! No work for a MONTH! YES!

tellarion Game profile


Aug 11th 2015, 7:23:39

Fun is off-limits

tellarion Game profile


Aug 10th 2015, 22:51:43

Grudges are not against the rules. Using a grudge to jump into an ongoing war is. For the purposes of the 10+ v 5 rule, only ingame actions in the current set matter.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 10th 2015, 22:34:35

Trife, I'm sorry that the glorious nation of 'Trife Braden Explosion' didn't make it to the top 10 :(

tellarion Game profile


Aug 10th 2015, 8:45:44

Grats guys :) I think this was my lowest non-war finish ever!

tellarion Game profile


Jul 25th 2015, 14:46:56

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by braden:

go ruin team server.

its ruined already so mission accomplished.


tellarion Game profile


Jul 24th 2015, 15:09:46

Originally posted by archaic:

this again huh?

tellarion Game profile


Jul 20th 2015, 12:26:45

If you guys are still talking about #46, he wasn't colluding with anyone. I know who it is and I've spoken with him about it. He was fluffing with you guys.

tellarion Game profile


Jul 20th 2015, 12:19:27

And Trump wants all the Mexican rapists out of the country.

I won't even get into the wackos like Michelle Bachman, et al....

tellarion Game profile


Jul 20th 2015, 12:17:44


tellarion Game profile


Jul 19th 2015, 5:02:59

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Hostages will remain as such, good to know!

Thanks Obama!

Obama says prisoners.
Hostages will stay until a non democrat potus is elected.

Bring back Reagan!

But first, please read up on the last time that happened....

tellarion Game profile


Jul 14th 2015, 14:24:05

Hello Reka :D

tellarion Game profile


Jul 13th 2015, 12:42:41

Hey what's goin on in this....erm...Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your circle jerk....

By all means, please continue.

tellarion Game profile


Jul 12th 2015, 17:03:28

ARCHAIC! How could you???

tellarion Game profile


Jul 12th 2015, 5:02:07

You're not concerned if he's violating the rules, but you mention him violating the rules multiple times in this thread? What was the point of this thread then??

tellarion Game profile


Jul 10th 2015, 15:46:54

1) Don't think he's coordinating.

2) You're lucky I read this. If you're concerned about rules violations, please report them ingame or send me a PM.

tellarion Game profile


Jul 10th 2015, 15:33:28


tellarion Game profile


Jul 10th 2015, 15:33:05

Check your messages.

Lots of fluff being talked in this thread..

tellarion Game profile


Jul 9th 2015, 16:10:40

Stop cherry-picking:

"4) Untagged countries are NOT protected by these rules. If you want to play untagged, I suggest playing on Express, Tourney or Primary(our solo servers). Multiple teams ARE ALLOWED to attack untagged countries."

Untagged countries have nothing to do with the spirit of the server rules.

And the reason he implicated rybka is because he's fluffing with you.

PS: He's not cheating, or else he would have been deleted already.

tellarion Game profile


Jul 9th 2015, 15:51:23


tellarion Game profile


Jul 8th 2015, 15:32:03

Originally posted by Twiz:
Originally posted by Marshal:
rd disappeared after they got deleted due hacking of game etc and you should remember it.

logging in != hacking

I wish the millions who say they have been hacked on facebook would understand that. It kind of bugs me heh.

How did they get the credentials to login? Oh, right, by hacking.

tellarion Game profile


Jul 8th 2015, 15:28:49

Originally posted by Thunder:
We did. Just waiting to see if anything is done. Even if nothing is done, something will be done ;)

If this is about the untagged player hitting Elders, don't hold your breath. He's not violating the rules.

Pro-tip: Untagged players are not protected by the spirit of the game rules, therefore all of you can gang up on him without fear of moderator action. Have fun.

tellarion Game profile


Jul 5th 2015, 14:47:32

Yeah, Canada pretty much sucks.

tellarion Game profile


Jul 5th 2015, 14:18:36

I'll be around, please send me a pm :)

tellarion Game profile


Jun 29th 2015, 17:15:56

If you come with me, sure.

And if you think the US isn't involved in Africa....holy hell man....

tellarion Game profile


Jun 29th 2015, 17:02:20

Hi KC :)

tellarion Game profile


Jun 29th 2015, 16:10:44

Originally posted by Heston:
Perhaps mexico is a good example for the usa. No guns allowed there. Cuba has their fluff together. The middle east is a beacon of justice. Africa clearly could add something . Dont really need to travel the world to know what a backwards fluffhole it truly is.

At this point, I feel obligated to ask you why those areas are having problems. Couldn't have any connection with the US, could it?

tellarion Game profile


Jun 28th 2015, 5:45:12

When we first started doing these new rules, I was emphatically told over and over again that you guys did not want us to meddle in politics and tell people how to war. At the same time, people didn't want to get gangbanged and have zero chance at surviving, cause that's not fun either.

These rules are pretty cut and dry. If someone is at war, don't mess with them unless they hit you first. If someone is still dumping all their turns into killing someone else, they're at war. Who are you or I to tell them they can't enjoy playing that way? That's the feedback I got over the past year and a half.

Honestly, there are plenty of other targets for you guys to hit and avoid this issue. Go get him next set if you're hellbent on killing him. As of last night, they were still spending the majority of their turns killing. That's war.

tellarion Game profile


Jun 28th 2015, 5:19:12

Ok, you know I posted on that thread, right? I'm not sure what you think was so out of control that I should resign over it...