
tellarion Game profile


Aug 23rd 2015, 14:24:13

Originally posted by Dissident:
I have a hard time with a 1:deletion on teams at war. I think we can find compromise here and find a suitable punishment if there is a persisting problem.

I propose:
C may be allowed 1 landgrab on either A or B... but if C grabs one more time during that war, the mods may detag the offending country forcing him/her to play untagged for the duration of the set. This forces teams to keep their players in line.

This is a compromise between the wild west and complete deletion.

Just an idea

We don't have the ability to detag people. Only admins can do that.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 23rd 2015, 14:23:39

Originally posted by Zorp:
Tella, Colo is exactly right here. If you aren't going to delete the offending tag C country, but you also aren't going to allow tag A/B to kill that country then it seems to me that tags D, E, F, etc. can now just come in and take whatever they want from the smaller/beaten side without repercussions.

It makes no sense to me that it's perfectly acceptable for teams to have 1:kill policies, but once they are at war they're only allowed to respond with SS/PS.

You're missing an important point about our ongoing argument: In Colo's case, Tag C grabbed Tag B, and Tag A wants to retal. No one is saying Tag A or Tag B can't defend themselves against Tag C, it's the concept that Tag A now OWNS Tag B and nobody else can touch them without somehow owing Tag A something...

tellarion Game profile


Aug 23rd 2015, 14:20:58

Originally posted by Link:
exactly... thing is we arent asking anyone to stop playing chess while we constantly have to put up with you fluffing about our ballgame.

who is the bigger asshole?

Speaking as a netter, you're not asking them to stop playing chess; you're forcing them to..

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 9:08:30

Originally posted by Colo:
Ok, protecting yourself to the extent of mods definition. I still 100% say if you force us to take action against you, you can't complain how we do it. Like I said, I would rather have the option to protect ourselves by killing the offending countries, get the message across that it's not ok to come stick your hand in our cookie jar.

Phrase it however you want to, you don't get to retal on your enemy's behalf.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 8:55:00

Originally posted by Colo:
In an ideal world I agree 100%. But if the argument lies in do we have a right to protect our own war (which mods have said no) then I would rather just say no outside influence on any war.

My actual position is we as a tag should have the right to say we will deal with any outside interference in our war. Either by killing the offending countries that couldn't stay out of our affairs, or just slowly bending them over like we did. Both tella and bstrong disagree and say we have no right to handle what happens in our war. If the players are not allowed to protect themselves and their interests, then I wouldn't mind settling for all outside interference.

Protecting yourselves is absolutely OK. It's the other part that is not ok.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 5:32:20

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 3:39:22

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:

Can we just leave fluff alone and not fluff this server up any more? We have adequate rules, just need people to pay attention and enforce the rules. Seems like it would be quicker to mail you a letter to notify an admin of a complaint then to send a pm.

Um, that's where you said it wasn't. You're telling us not to change anything...

And we shouldn't have to babysit the tards. That's the whole reason I'm pushing for your feedback in order to clarify the rules. People keep claiming they don't understand them(and it was Archaic's post to this effect, not Celphi's, that pushed me to act), and then fluff when they get deleted.

And again, if people are violating the rules, report them and message us. Almost every single time someone has messaged me, I look into it and make a judgement. I don't always agree with the reporter, but I almost always look.

Originally posted by Dissident:
What can be done about untags colluding against any given clan? I'm not trying to give proof of any of this happening or posit that it's currently happening... just wondering what adjustments could be made to prevent such possibilities.

You are free to fluff them up in conjunction with other tags as long as they're untagged. If they're joining in on a war, then report them and send me or bstrong(or both) a message and we'll delete them. I've already deleted Celphi twice this set for doing this...

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 3:31:40

Originally posted by mrford:
Activity of mods was the biggest problem. You can say whatever you want, no mods were visibly doing anything about all the recent rerardation, leaving the tards to fight amongst themselves.

Enforce the current rules and let the chips fall.

Celphi is the only one asking all this fluff about the rules, and I am entirely convinced he is just trying to find loop holes.

Which recent retardation? Which violation did we miss?

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 3:16:22

The problem is that some people don't understand the rules. I'm trying to clarify them. How is that not a good thing for you?

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 3:05:40


tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 3:05:14

I'd like to get this detail hammered out, because it seems like the biggest gray area and the other threads are getting polluted.

What I want to hear from you guys is what your stance is on landgrabbing during a war.

-Tag A and Tag B are at war.
1) Is Tag C allowed to LG either side 'at all'
2) If so, should there be a limit? How many hits per tag? Per country? Per day?
3) What is an appropriate response for Tag A and B if Tag C grabs Tag A?

-Also, I am absolutely not OK with trying to bait tags into giving them an excuse to war. ie Tag C grabs Tag A 3 times, Tag C retals 3 times, Tag A says 'That's overretalling!' and goes to war. Any suggestions for how to solve this?

Again, my goal here is to remove any and all gray areas(if possible) so we can all have the same understanding that 5v5 MEANS 5v5. Trust me, I don't want to spend my time sorting out who was right and who was wrong. I'd much rather people just follow the rules and we can all move on.

Please keep this thread civil. Unlike the previous threads, I'm planning to delete posts that aren't contributing or are off-topic. Thank you.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 2:58:03

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by tellarion:
I like how you only read part of my post.

What you guys did wasn't wrong in my book, except for the Demos. But people may feel differently, so I'm trying to form some consensus about how landgrabbing relates to war. Everyone landgrabs, netter or warrer alike, so not sure how that's a 'netter only' thing..

This would be a decent server if you spent half as much time moderating that you spend argueing with colon.

Thank you for your contribution.

You are welcome.

So...did you want to actually contribute to the main thrust of the discussion and offer some suggestions?

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 2:57:32

Originally posted by Thunder:
One other thing, we have suiciders and thats part of this game. So, why is it on other servers are the victims rewarded with restored countries?? Or is it a case of cheating is involved for restoration? I forget. Anyway, suiciding just to delete is ultimate douchebaggery at its finest. I like it :P

If people cheat, then sometimes the admins restore stuff. I can't think of the last time anyone was restored, though...

The admins position on suiciding has been 'yeah it sucks, but some people like to play that way, and it would be ridiculously hard to enforce'.

Colo, again, you are essentially agreeing with me and the other mods' position. If you think that country should have been deleted for 'interfering' in your war, it would only be because they were helping your side and making it a 6v5, not because they 'stole your land'.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 2:54:42

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by tellarion:
I like how you only read part of my post.

What you guys did wasn't wrong in my book, except for the Demos. But people may feel differently, so I'm trying to form some consensus about how landgrabbing relates to war. Everyone landgrabs, netter or warrer alike, so not sure how that's a 'netter only' thing..

This would be a decent server if you spent half as much time moderating that you spend argueing with colon.

Thank you for your contribution.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 2:34:27

I like how you only read part of my post.

What you guys did wasn't wrong in my book, except for the Demos. But people may feel differently, so I'm trying to form some consensus about how landgrabbing relates to war. Everyone landgrabs, netter or warrer alike, so not sure how that's a 'netter only' thing..

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 2:26:18

Originally posted by Colo:
yeah...we keep it 5v5 or 1 tag v 1 tag AT MOST. None of this bullfluff you are allowed to jump into peoples wars if you are a netter. SAME for everyone.

Wont happen though..

I agree. People can't seem to understand the concept, however, so now we have rules..

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 2:14:56

Originally posted by Colo:
I guess it's good to be homies with the game owners. Can discriminate against whoever and act out your silly revenge of the nerds fantasy.

I'm not the game owner.

I have told Celphi off more times than I have helped him.

I am asking you guys, the players, for ideas. It's not my or Celphi's fault if he's almost the only one even posting ideas.

Why the fluff are you fluffing about something that didn't even happen? Were you deleted and/or punished? Nope, now stop whining.

Honestly, I don't think what your boy did was wrong, except for the demos. What I find unacceptable is your justification, and I don't want that justification used in the future. gonna keep whining or present legitimate suggestions?

tellarion Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 2:10:12

It does seem unsustainable when one type of player's enjoyment can completely destroy another's :/

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 16:02:31

I'd rather they didn't slug it out...I'm pretty sure I'm in range :/

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 13:46:57

Politics out, rules discussion in please.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 12:58:34

Originally posted by Dissident:
Im about 8 inches away from running all my turns on icon... just keep chirping and youll see what happens. Both of you.

Pretty sure ford is bigger than that ;)

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 12:21:14

Suiciders are entitled to play how they want to, unfortunately. If they tag up, they have rights, just like you do. If they stay untagged, they forfeit those rights on this server.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 10:30:27

Originally posted by Colo:
Originally posted by tellarion:

Anyway, move along now and let the adults talk.

Adults? Lol slow down champ. The combined IQ in this thread is less than the weight of my left nut. You can't even understand why a group of fighters would be pissed off after we were forced to spend thousands of turns fighting some stupid OOP FS, only to have some fluff netter come in and try to take what was ours? And then to top it off, some douche nozzle mod who couldn't fight a lady bug gets on to not only support but tell us we have absolutely no right to handle OUR business in OUR war? You are a fluffing clown.

Welp, hop on the clown car then.

PS: Ladybugs are terrifying.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 5:17:58

Originally posted by Reckless:
Funny all the input is given by the majority of players who have caused the most bullfluff towards the server.

That's why I continue to ask for real suggestions. If you have a better idea, please offer it.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 4:37:11

Originally posted by Dissident:
there's another reason for having an actual tagup. If you have an untagged suicider killed, he restarts... where is he now?

if he's in a tag, you know exactly where he will be... in that same tag.

Agreed. That was the reasoning behind treating 1-man tags as legit teams, and not providing protection for untags.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 4:30:58

Should we set a specific limit? 2 LGs per country? Per tag? 2 in 24 hours?

If one country LGs a tag at war twice a day, every day, that's war worthy, imo. 2 grabs one time isn't much.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 4:29:26

Originally posted by Celphi:
I think everyone agrees with mandatory tagup-- as do I. But that requires programming by Qzjul. An alternative could be to treat each untag as an individual tag. At least until it gets programmed.

Why would we treat them as an individual tag? This is a team server, not meant for solo players. People choosing not to tagup makes no sense in the scope of this server, so we will not treat them the same as the players who do tag up.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 4:28:25

Originally posted by Dissident:
Do you think there is a squeaky wheel?

and how do you feel about mandatory tagup?

Squeeky wheel gets the attention, not always the grease. If nobody reports something, how are we going to know about it unless we analyze every single war attack on a daily basis? That's a waste of time.

And again, just because someone reports something doesn't mean action is taken. There are many many times where people believe there is a violation and we disagree.

Tagups, I absolutely agree, but that's for qz to deal with. Above my paygrade, sadly :/

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 4:09:23

Originally posted by Dissident:

you guys know that rybka won that war right? Drunksex didn't change the outcome with their 4 grabs.

Precedent. That's what this is about. I want the rules to be clear, just like you do.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 4:02:19

Originally posted by Dissident:
I think the current rules all have positive value. It just seems that, sometimes, the squeaky wheel gets most of the grease.

Elders has had the rules broken on them before. there was a time that we got blasted late in the set (4 or 3 days left i dont recall) by Drunksex because they were bored, while we were at war with someone else. We did not report them for the simple fact that I don't want to be known as the guy who got Drunksex deleted... because of future repercussions. We warred them next set and had fun... after that it all blew over.

I'd rather have fun with a challenge than whine to the referee... unless its somebody who i despise that is.

My query is this: Is it better for a mod to actively watch for infractions and catch them? or is it better for a mod to wait for someone to report or message before action is taken?

It's better for us to wait for someone to complain about it. Some people are ok with multi-front wars. If nobody thinks it's a violation of the rules and they're ok with what happened, then that's ok with me. It's when people DON'T want that interference that we should step in.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 4:00:19

Originally posted by Colo:
Oh nooo someone is a little hurt. Talk again when the bleeding stops, or ban is up? You could always delete me. I couldn't care less. Mods telling players they have no right to protect their war interests goes beyond what a mod should do.

Protect your war interests? Be righteously indignant all you want, it won't help you.

Anyway, move along now and let the adults talk.

Anyone else on thoughts about my suggestion for demo?

Any thoughts about placing a limit on LGs in wartime?

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 3:39:17

Originally posted by Colo:
We, as a tag, have every fluffing right to say that we will come after you if you interfere with our work of art. To say otherwise is complete bullfluff.

Well, sorry to burst your fluffing bubble, but you don't. You do not have the right to interfere in someone ELSE'S war because they attacked your enemy. They did nothing to YOU. I wish I had been able to catch this bs and deleted your ass for it.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 3:29:10

Originally posted by Colo:
Of course tella just up and leaves.

Got cat turd collector written all over him.

Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot the part where I exist to serve your entitled ass.

Do you realize how ridiculous your justification is? You were at war with someone. Someone else grabbed THEM, NOT YOU. So you think you get free retals on them? And wtf does that have to do with policing? NOBODY HIT YOU. Policing has to do with covering YOUR back, not your enemy's...

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 2:54:35

Originally posted by Colo:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Colo:
so now I am donny? I didn't nuke fluff, but it does not give you the right to target our enemies and make war hits on them during OUR war. What the fluff can't you understand about that?? Really it's baffling you haven't forgotten how to breathe yet.

Landgrabs aren't war hits.

Oh right, I forgot you can't kill someone with LG's. Good point.

Not once they get past about 1k acres, you can't.

In any case, someone grabbing YOUR ENEMY during war doesn't mean they are declaring war on YOU. Claiming that you are justified in taking retals on someone in that case is fluffing nuts. If anything, they were HELPING YOU.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 2:51:11

Originally posted by mrford:
My suggestion is to revert all rules and let the server police itself.

The .ods arnt active enough to enforce the existing rules fairly, so remove the rules to even the field.

If the mods suddenly ly become effective enforce the rules on a case by case basis with the spirit of the server in mind.

i.e. people like you using the letter of the rules to defeat the spirit of the rules won't he protected.

Despite what you think, even if I don't check on a daily basis, I DO read my PMs and take action when necessary. There were about 2-3 sets where I got NO messages, and didn't see anything worthy of taking action on in the mod tools. Just because we don't post here doesn't mean we're not active. The problem is when you guys sit here on the forums and fluff about people abusing the rules, but never report or message. So, for the most part, we/I HAVE been enforcing the rules when people actually bring it to our/my attention.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 2:44:01

Can we get back on topic please? I don't give a fluff about your interpersonal drama.

As for demos, if it's used to landgrab someone, I don't personally think that should be considered a 'war attack'. If someone is just sending demos at another tag that is at war, that's definitely deletable, because it does impact their war performance.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Demos should be allowed for grabbing, but not if the target is in a war, because that interferes with their warring ability. Any thoughts?

Edited By: tellarion on Aug 21st 2015, 2:46:51
See Original Post

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 2:43:02

Originally posted by Colo:
so now I am donny? I didn't nuke fluff, but it does not give you the right to target our enemies and make war hits on them during OUR war. What the fluff can't you understand about that?? Really it's baffling you haven't forgotten how to breathe yet.

Landgrabs aren't war hits.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 2:36:37

Originally posted by Uncle James:
What about clan XPLO attacking the SPY clan and starting a war. Now that SPY has started hitting back VILLAINZ has joined the XPLO tag and are gang banging the tag SPY. That is a rules violation so why have they not been deleted they are running two tags and attacking one tag> I guess I should call all my friends in FFA and have them make 5> 5 man teams and we can just kill every clan we do not like.

Ummm....what? Did you look at what #19 did?

Also, you just reported it like 5-6 hours ago. Stop your fluffing.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 20th 2015, 16:38:36

Originally posted by archaic:
How about this, just roll back the 'spirit of the server' rules. No multies, no in-game hate speech, no . . . well - thats about it actually. Team was the wild west before, and as much as I hated the TSO abuse, it was still more fun than this. Its still balls easy to game the system within the rules, so why not just admit the 'spirit' rules were a failed beta and punt.

That's one option. Another option is to get rid of Team altogether. We don't want/need another alliance server. If you want the true wild west, you can play in primary or express.

Not saying it's a completely terrible idea, but the entire reason this whole fluffstorm started was because a LOT of people did not like how things were. There were tons of people leaving the server then, just as there are now. That's not really a net-positive no matter how you look at it :/

tellarion Game profile


Aug 20th 2015, 16:34:20

Originally posted by mrford:
If you are forced to take action the system has failed? What? I get your point but that is a silly thing to say. People will still cheat no matter what rules you implement. Activity is needed out of all mods. Period.

Activity has been in short supply recently. Make a damn ruling and start enforcing across the boaed. Let them fluff, atleast they can't fluff about bias or lazy ass mods.

If someone is straight up running multis and fluff, yes, that's cheating. And yes, we will and do catch them. But that's not what we're talking about here at all.

Moderator/Behavior rules should be clear enough that we don't have to enforce them, because people will follow them and think twice before breaking them. Then, and only then, should we step in. That's what we want, that's what you want. So stop fluffing about moderator activity and give me suggestions.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 20th 2015, 16:32:02

Yeah, not gonna happen.

Here are the two things I want suggestions on:

1) LGing someone at war. How would you like that handled? As it stands, it's a case by case basis, with no hard limits set. Policing is allowed, though, so that's a way to enforce it without mods.

2) Is Demo considered a 'harmful spyop'?

tellarion Game profile


Aug 20th 2015, 10:47:34

Originally posted by mrford:
Free beer.

Or just be active with the modding.

Bit of a Catch-22. Whenever I AM active with the modding, people fluff about abuse and cry about how I'm biased. What i'd like to do is get some legit input from you guys so we can avoid the need for me to do anything. If I am forced to take action, then the system has failed...

tellarion Game profile


Aug 20th 2015, 8:14:04

Ok, I've caught up on this thread.

Celphi, I didn't make the new rules. They were created just before I became a mod for Team. The initial implementation was very vague and was a headache for everyone. I was faced with a choice: Either try to figure something out that would work for most people, or shut the server down. Guess which one I chose?

Anyway, I don't give a fluff about what you guys want to attack each other over. I want suggestions that I can take back to the mod board/admins. I'm hearing a lot of complaining, but not a lot of concrete ideas on how to change things for the better. So I'll say it straight up: What do you want changed?

tellarion Game profile


Aug 20th 2015, 7:50:10

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by tellarion:
This is definitely a gray area, though, since a few grabs aren't a huge deal, but a ton of grabs is not ok. We generally don't like to set a hard limit, because some people take that as a sign to go up to that limit every single time just to push it. What do you think we should do?

Celphi, personally I consider Demos out of bounds and more or less a war activity. I'd say it's not ok, but that may just be my alliance roots showing.


Do you not see how this is exactly what i meant. You said its all very simple and clear - then you turn around and post that. All of the gray areas and 'more or less', and 'generally'. You just handed me my point, nothing us clear at all on Team.

Celphi, FFS, STFU. Seriously, all you are doing is deliberately adding to the confusion. The 3-4 sets since you started playing team have been the low point of an already abysmal server experience. Just stop man, burn one and let it go.

The only gray area I can easily spot is Landgrabs against warring teams. What else is there? I guess Demo as well, since that's sort of a 'war' spy op typically.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 20th 2015, 7:44:25

I live in Yokohama. Let's go to Tokyo Disney Sea!

tellarion Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 4:59:06

Originally posted by Celphi:
Actually 2 is flawed. Perhaps 1:1 is better. So for each time C grabbed B in Vamps scenario then A should get 1:1 on C even in war.

This makes no sense to me. So A gets free retals on C because they were at war with B? If anything, C is doing A a favor and weakening B. I don't understand the logic behind this.

Originally posted by Celphi:
The other issue are clans blantaly violating rules during final days of set--- there needs to be a greater punishment than deletion since a clan has nothing to lose once the set is almost over.

End of set violations are hard for mods to enforce without admin support. But I agree, I'd like to punish people for doing this.

Also, all members should be required to join a clan by day 5.

Agreed, but this is for qz, and has little to do with rules/moderation.

Also, there needs to be clarity that 1 man tags are still tags, so even if that player is identified as a suicider or thought to be one, multiple clans shouldn't be able to attack that player at the same time.

This has already been made abundantly clear. Please reread my spirit of the rules thread.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 3:22:46


tellarion Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 3:22:22

2 per country? 2 per team?

Country A in Tag A can grab Tag B twice. Per day? Or each country in Tag B twice? Per day?

Celphi, as you yourself have found out, sending messages and making sure to report increase the chances of something being dealt with. I'm sorry if it wasn't taken care of satisfactorily, but that's definitely why we need more mods.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 3:14:44

Grabbing is not considered an act of war. This is definitely a gray area, though, since a few grabs aren't a huge deal, but a ton of grabs is not ok. We generally don't like to set a hard limit, because some people take that as a sign to go up to that limit every single time just to push it. What do you think we should do?

Although I'm not sure why Tag A grabbing Tag C would be even remotely a violation...

Celphi, personally I consider Demos out of bounds and more or less a war activity. I'd say it's not ok, but that may just be my alliance roots showing.