
tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2015, 6:48:58

Obama had a pretty spot on point in his response. There are roughly as many guns as people in the US. How the fluff is MORE GUNS the answer to this issue? We've got more than enough guns already!

I can already see the same fluffing responses on this one:

1) It's not guns. They're just a tool. People kill people, not guns.

That's true, but a gun is a tool designed to do nothing but KILL. And they do it incredibly well. Why make it easy to gain access to a deadly weapon? I know most of you responsible gun owners grumble when you legally purchase firearms, and I'm sure you would be fine with better screenings and waiting periods. I have to go through more background checks to get a CAR than a gun.

2) It's not guns, it's mental illness.

Guess what? You're somewhat right! People who truly want to solve this crisis should do both. Responsible, standardized gun control AND muuuuuch better mental illness treatments.

3) Why do dem librals always focus on these 'mass shootings'? Don't they know people get killed every day?!

Again, you're right. A mass shooting at a place that used to be considered safe(school, churches, etc) is obviously much more shocking than a random incident on the street. And the media is doing nobody any favors by cashing in on tragedies like this. But guess what? Responsible gun control can help take care of ALL gun related deaths, publicized or not.

4) If we ban guns, criminals will still get them!!

Again, you're right, but this is a stupid argument. Heroin and other hard drugs are banned, and people still manage to get them. So I guess we should just legalize heroin? Do you realize how nonsensical this is? Cars kill lots of people every year too, which is why we did the sane thing and forced people to carry liability insurance.

Let's face it; your precious second amendment rights are being twisted by one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the US. Why? MONEY. I don't think having one gun for every single man, woman and child was what the founders envisioned when they added the second amendment. Yes, feel free to go ahead and arm yourselves against the government. But do so in a manner that helps promote safety, not detract from it. I don't care if you have a fluffing arsenal in your home, as long as you keep them secure, learn how to properly handle and use them, and jump through some basic legal hoops to acquire them.

Don't just casually dismiss the very idea of gun control as some librul conspiracy to TAKE OUR GUNZ! Gun related violence is a public health crisis and should be treated as such. And I know that most rational gun owners can agree with my basic ideas.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2015, 6:34:00

Originally posted by cyref:

"Sources are saying that Kim Davis, the Rowan County clerk who made headlines for refusing same-sex couples marriage licenses, has signed a seven figure book deal with Forever Faith publishing and her memoir I’m a Survivor will be released just in time for Christmas."


How can anyone stand by her at this point? If I were a devout Christian, I would be absolutely insulted and disgusted at this point....

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2015, 5:44:35

Originally posted by Heston:
Its a local issue. Who gives a fluff about small fluffhole america. Feds should respect her being elected and work around it and not squash her precious jesus rights. Thats the right thing to do to move forward. Bashing her for her beliefs corrects nothing and creates a way bigger problem for everyone, except trife, because he is unreasonable and smells like piss.

They tried to compromise and encouraged her to allow her subordinates to do it instead of her. She refused so she could get her 15 minutes...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2015, 5:38:55

Originally posted by Heston:
When there is nobody to ban, ban your friends. . Gotta do an unfair bias job at the minimum. Bravo for the pc.
👙Mod power🌈!

I can count the number of non-spambots I've banned on one hand.

Nobody volunteers to be a mod for a community like this because they want to go on a power trip...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 2nd 2015, 12:14:42

How long?

tellarion Game profile


Oct 2nd 2015, 11:20:35

Originally posted by braden:
you say its to stir everybody up, as in i say it not because i mean it. then you suggest the exact opposite by saying im no longer pretending but actually mean it?

Don't care, dude. You've been warned countless times and given far more leniency than most others would have received. I'm sick of deleting all your racist posts and warning you.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 2nd 2015, 11:19:10

Originally posted by mrford:
Amature mod warning amature trolls.

Amateur* troll trying to troll amateur* mod. Fails all around.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 1st 2015, 13:03:15


Braden, I don't give a fluff anymore. Stop posting racist fluff to stir everyone up. You have gone past the point of pretending.

Scott, stop it with the homophobic language. Get with the times.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 1st 2015, 12:59:42

Oh you're making a very vague reference to concentration camps and the holocaust? What does this have to do with us being literate or not. Obviously we weren't the only ones to miss your extremely vague hints, since nobody said a damn thing about it..

tellarion Game profile


Oct 1st 2015, 12:58:47

Yes, really. Are you quoting something?

tellarion Game profile


Oct 1st 2015, 12:34:06

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
Are there official standards or is it just an arbitrary decision by whoever is granted mod status?

Just a bit of randomness on the moderation on this board in particular.

It's somewhat arbitrary as each mod has a slightly different take on what is ok and what isn't. I can say that these days, we don't really tolerate racism anymore. There's also a high chance that a thread will get locked if it devolves into people just trading insults back and forth, especially if it's just a run on flufffest between two people(like whenever Celphi and Ford get going at it).

Finally, if people message me complaining about something, there's a much better chance of action being taken.

Also, a lot of the randomness depends on if a mod actually sees the post or not. We don't read everything all the time. That's why we rely on you guys to let us know if stuff is going on and we don't catch it.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 1st 2015, 12:30:58

Originally posted by archaic:

I started the thread and tried hard to get it, but the mods apparently were illiterate. Welcome to no-rules town.

Originally posted by archaic:
I have finally come up with a solution to the 'celphi problem'.

. . . From here forward, he is smoke.

Originally posted by archaic:
. . . but soon enough he'll get on the train.

Originally posted by archaic:
. . . He tends to get hot as a furnace door when people post stupid fluff, so he will probably struggle at first.

Good luck in your own attempts.

I am quite literate but I have no idea what you're trying to show with that?

tellarion Game profile


Oct 1st 2015, 12:28:46

I'm honored!

tellarion Game profile


Sep 29th 2015, 11:43:21

Originally posted by braden:
i am the legit rd (ask silver and plats and yellow and pretty much anybody else you want). and you have yet, still, to remove yourself from your alliance. the haha charade you are is gone, nobody will be hurt when you admit to being rd. fluff, just ask pang, qz, tella, reseda and chartrueseeeseesse)

Reseda is best color.

Braden is worst. Who's ever seen a crayon labelled 'Braden'?

tellarion Game profile


Sep 28th 2015, 11:19:30

Oh man, ford is doomed!

tellarion Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 7:29:44

No longer in effect. Leaving this for posterity.

tellarion Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 5:47:21

Originally posted by elvesrus:
There is no such thing as "enough defense" to stop a grab

Pretty much this. Aside from the first 2 weeks of the set if someone plays a damn good techer, it's impossible to get 'enough defense'. We've had this argument time after time and the only people who play the 'get more def' card are morons who can't net...

tellarion Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 5:40:57

But yeah, try to keep things within reason. Blindsiding people set after set just because and making them give up on the server isn't a good outcome either. If it turns into one coalition pushing its weight on everyone else constantly, we may have to revisit this decision, and nobody wants that.

That being said, the majority of you wanted this, so enjoy :)

tellarion Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 5:37:53

Originally posted by Colo:
Nice call fellas, keep up the good work!

Told you...

tellarion Game profile


Sep 22nd 2015, 14:41:23

I don't have perms on those forums :/

tellarion Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 6:02:32

How did you get that information? Someone leaked!

tellarion Game profile


Sep 12th 2015, 15:29:51

Originally posted by mrford:
When I tailgate I play drinking games. You don't play drinking games with 9% beer for 8 hours. Drinking games with good beer is a waste anyways. Tailgating is literally the only place piss beer is acceptable. Stop being a flufftard for once. The moonshine is if you need to get drunk. Beer is for drinking and chasing.

If I want to drink craft beer and watch a game I will stay at home. Tailgating is a social experience.

Agreed. Cheap beer is fine if you're getting hammered and playing drinking games. Japan, thankfully, has lots of decent lagers/pilsners that are super cheap. Beats coors/bud/miller any day :)

tellarion Game profile


Sep 12th 2015, 3:09:39

Hand holding is not allowed on Team Server.

tellarion Game profile


Sep 11th 2015, 12:50:51

Originally posted by Thunder:
Are you butthurt that we fluffed about Tellarion? come on Beewrong86, you know that a lot that we complained about Tella on team was RIGHT. Don't get grouped with him.


tellarion Game profile


Sep 11th 2015, 12:06:56

Originally posted by Dissident:
I wish i was a mod... im a masochist too

Pretty much this!

I'm super stubborn, which is why I can't just let things go :/

tellarion Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 15:14:20

I'm still here :)

tellarion Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 14:22:04

For whatever it's worth, I put my suggestions in weeks ago, as well as the feedback I've gathered from these boards and PMs. I think you'll be happy with it, whenever it gets presented.

tellarion Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 14:20:44

Haha, that's not very nice

tellarion Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 10:45:42

Originally posted by Colo:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Man, you're not gonna know what the hell to do with yourself once the verdict is announced...

Lol it's 2 options tella. Really simple. Option 1, I am allowed to kill those who jump into our wars. Option 2, netters die until there are none left to jump into the war. Same end result, just different ways to get there. All the mods are deciding is what path to take. So what option are we going with? Long battle?

Well gosh! Why didn't you lay it out so cleanly before?!

tellarion Game profile


Sep 8th 2015, 15:00:47

Man, you're not gonna know what the hell to do with yourself once the verdict is announced...

tellarion Game profile


Sep 8th 2015, 13:10:57

You're not waiting on me, I can promise you that...

tellarion Game profile


Sep 5th 2015, 16:42:47

Originally posted by jayrisafluff:
This thread is as retarded as tella's mod skills.

My mod skills are fully functional. It's my mouth that's got the verbal diarrhea

tellarion Game profile


Sep 5th 2015, 8:31:20

You're welcome! I just poke at fordy and he provides the entertainment!

tellarion Game profile


Sep 4th 2015, 13:44:11

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by tellarion:
I'm not sure what this is about....

I presume he thinks you are japanese?

Not sure why he thinks that...I'm also not sure why braden seems so fkn bigoted recently...

tellarion Game profile


Sep 4th 2015, 13:26:17

Originally posted by braden:
pfft, team server mods tslling lies?

here we thought we were done with tella. ha.


tellarion Game profile


Sep 4th 2015, 13:03:49

I'm not sure what this is about....

tellarion Game profile


Sep 3rd 2015, 11:47:29

I realized it doesn't matter what I say, mrford will have something bitter to say to me. It was fun :)

tellarion Game profile


Sep 3rd 2015, 11:46:19

Oh, I see what you mean.

tellarion Game profile


Sep 3rd 2015, 11:45:04

For the tag??

tellarion Game profile


Sep 3rd 2015, 11:42:56

Happy birthday :)

tellarion Game profile


Sep 2nd 2015, 14:12:40

I want your babies

tellarion Game profile


Sep 2nd 2015, 13:07:19

Always so confrontational!

tellarion Game profile


Sep 2nd 2015, 12:55:09

Please, go cry more. Your tears are the saltiest!

tellarion Game profile


Sep 2nd 2015, 12:10:14

So do I, but we can always elope.

tellarion Game profile


Sep 2nd 2015, 11:51:17

Who's talking about rules? Not me. I pretty much feel this way about talking to you regardless of the context. Hell, I feel this way just reading your posts....

PS: Your nuts are way too large. It's not my fault

tellarion Game profile


Sep 2nd 2015, 11:37:49

You have literally stayed out of it? Then how come you post so godamn much? If that is you 'literally staying out of it', then I dread you getting involved...*shudder*

tellarion Game profile


Sep 2nd 2015, 11:29:08

Originally posted by mrford:
I wasn't aware we talked often. What, 1 pm in the last couple years? 1 or 2 board interactions.

But the banging your head against a brick wall feeling is more you trying to fight through your disability than me not understanding you.

1 or 2 board interactions? HAHA! Does your disability involve counting? Or maybe you're blacking out certain memories of good times here on TT? Put down the bottle.....

tellarion Game profile


Sep 1st 2015, 15:41:58

Srsly though, I'm pretty sure how you feel when talking to Celphi is how I feel when talking to you. Kinda like smashing my head repeatedly against a brick wall.

tellarion Game profile


Sep 1st 2015, 15:40:54


Although why you would dress your turds up to make them smart just doesn't make sense...

tellarion Game profile


Sep 1st 2015, 14:41:14

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Colo:
Honestly I don't know why you even bother ford.

ignorance and stupidity is a pet peeve of mine. a losing battle but a noble cause.

This is what I say whenever I talk to you.