
tellarion Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 11:22:05

Japan has some crazy fluffin pizza...and they think it's totally normal.

Tuna, corn, mayo!

And it's ridiiiiculously overpriced. A freakin domino's medium(which is like a small in the states) is like $16 for a cheese. $20+ for any toppinged pizza.

Every time I go back to the States I gorge on pizza :D

tellarion Game profile


Nov 4th 2015, 11:15:19

This is a terrible event and I can't imagine what those people have been going through. My condolences are with the people of Romania.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 23rd 2015, 11:49:11

Originally posted by mrford:
It took too long. The server died too much already. I'm allowed to complain about that.

You were a bad mod. Get better. Passing off the last year or so with "you got what you wanted" shows exactly why you were/are a bad mod. Better than I could ever put it.

You are hands down one of the most negative people I've ever interacted with on the Internet. It doesn't matter how benign a topic is, you will surely find a way to piss in everyone's cheerios.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 23rd 2015, 11:44:33

Originally posted by Vic:
can someone explain this thread to me?


tellarion Game profile


Oct 21st 2015, 15:20:18

Originally posted by mrford:
Weird how allowing the server to police itself results in fun.

Tard mods gon tard.

I know you're kind of a sour puss in general, but are you really going to fluff even though you got what you wanted?

Sheesh, there is no pleasing some folks...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 21st 2015, 11:38:34

I'm sure we all know why it ended up this way:

Well played, John Oliver...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 18th 2015, 7:07:00

Cats are definitely assholes.

What type of crust?

tellarion Game profile


Oct 18th 2015, 4:32:28

Pepperoni pizza is my favorite food. Also, I like cats more than dogs(despite having owned many many many dogs).

What do you think?

tellarion Game profile


Oct 18th 2015, 4:30:53

Originally posted by Link:
they close it yet? i got it on pc but never played it.. like all my pc games

Hahaha, I hear you :P Luckily, though, I usually buy my games on extreme discounts(ie humble bundle), so I don't feel so bad about it.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 17th 2015, 9:13:15

PS: You can get it on PC too...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 16th 2015, 15:29:23

This is an incredibly random and amusing thread though :P

tellarion Game profile


Oct 16th 2015, 15:29:08

Don't forget the more modern documentary, Interstellar!

tellarion Game profile


Oct 14th 2015, 12:46:58

tellarion Game profile


Oct 14th 2015, 12:43:16

Originally posted by Heston:
Im just trying to understand tellas perspective on bullying and mass murder. I cant find arrest and incarceration stats for bullying or name calling anywhere. I do see millennials whining about emo fluff that was mainstreamed by them, but thats it other than the actual flufftarded serial killer manifestos.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 14th 2015, 12:40:13

Originally posted by mrford:
Are you really going to ask how facts that skewed are sensationalist? Those stats were created specifically to push an age da, not to represent reality. That by definition is sensationalist.

Start speaking the truth and you will be taken more seriously. I have no desire to enter an intelligent debate with someone displaying no intelligence. You want to remove a tool instead of fixing a problem and you are willing to spew as much bullfluff as required to convince others of your view.

Here's the problem with arguing with you on literally any topic. You don't give a fluff what people say unless they agree with you 100%. And even then, if you don't like what they say, you say fluff like 'I don't want to argue with you because you have zero intelligence'. Obviously that is wrong, because I am fairly well able to articulate my point without resorting entirely to ad hominem attacks and grammatical/semantic critiques in lieu of addressing my opponents' arguments.

Yes, I realize fully well that gun related suicides are included in that visualization. No, I don't think that means we should just ignore that visualization. It is a very important part of the greater picture. We shouldn't focus only on these tragic mass-shootings; we should focus on the causes and other related incidents involving firearms. As I said, I suspect(but cannot prove) that the number of attempted vs successful suicides is greater when a gun is involved. This just illustrates one of the big issues: guns are the 'great equalizer'. It requires little skill or physical ability to operate them, and they dramatically increase the likelihood of death whenever they are involved. If you want to talk numbers, how many people are killed in gun accidents in the home? Or is that just inconsequential and not part of this discussion either?

Originally posted by mrford:
wait, you mean to tell me that an ethnically homogeneous country has a low rate of hate crimes? please, go on.

Who's talking about hate crimes? Did I say anything about that?
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by tellarion:
And Heston, I think that's a great point and something to think about. It also dovetails into issues like bullying which have increased in recent years. Who is tracking the bullying epidemics and for how long? Are you taking the many manifestos written by totally worthless mentally retarded mass murderers to heart?
Did you watch this and cry for him? Is this who drives home your point? Should have stepped up and got him some fluff tella, you prick.

Just because you don't take this seriously doesn't mean that governments and NPOs around the world aren't. Perhaps it's a self-fulfilling prophecy because governmental agencies and media outlets are starting to actually pay attention to this issue, but the numbers are real and they are rising. This is especially true in Japan, where stories about bullying and the resulting aftermath are well documented and quite potent.

Although I think it's odd that you mention the issue of loners and people needing to look out for those that are pushed aside or excluded socially, and then laugh about how bullying isn't a real're pretty much arguing against your own point there...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 13th 2015, 11:57:35

Please send me a message if I did not sign with you. Thanks.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 13th 2015, 11:56:50

And Heston, I think that's a great point and something to think about. It also dovetails into issues like bullying which have increased in recent years.

That being said, these types of issues are endemic to most cultures around the world. Hell, the country I live in has an even more massive problem with this than the US. Nearly every day, one of the train lines I ride on is delayed because someone decided to jump in front of them down the line...suicide here is the leading cause of non-medical related deaths in this country. But there have been no mass shootings in my lifetime, and even the police are incredibly hesitant to use firearms for fear of public backlash.

So obviously this solution wouldn't work in the US without a Constitutional Amendment, and that would never get even close to passing unless(and even if) something even more drastic takes place. Still, you can't dispute the effectiveness of these policies.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 13th 2015, 11:50:27

How is it sensationalist? If it were meant to be that, I would have gone to some mass media site to explain how those numbers mean America is a failed state or some other nonsense. I didn't even add my own opinions or insight to it, I literally just added it and you guys took off from there. Sure, I heavily implied that it was something to look at and think about. Beyond that, I didn't make any claims, but YOU guys did.

But hey, if you'd like to ignore all my points as you usually do and then try to tell me how stupid I am, be my guest. It takes a lot of confidence and intelligence to admit when a situation is beyond one's ability to solve, and ask people with opposing viewpoints for their input. Something you aren't very capable of.

I don't have to say what my solutions would be, since they would instantly be rejected by everyone here, regardless of how I phrased it. So instead of defending my viewpoint and attacking yours, I'm all ears to hear what you have to say.

Given a blank check, how would you fix this issue?

tellarion Game profile


Oct 12th 2015, 10:45:42

Besides, you're just pissy about team, despite the recent changes.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 12th 2015, 10:41:14

Originally posted by archaic:
Is there any argument so bad, so inane, so far gone - that cannot be made worse by adding Cerb and Tella?

Is that your way of avoiding the points I've been making? I think I've been pretty on point here and managed not to resort to ad hominem attacks. In fact, I've been listening to people's opinions and trying hard to formulate the response they deserve. I also notice I managed to shut down counter-arguments in two other threads without people responding to the core of my points. Not bad, imo.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 12th 2015, 5:22:53

Originally posted by sprockitz:
I reported something about 4 & 97 cheating. Had nothing to do with GDI.

I know. I didn't see enough to warrant a deletion :/ I believe 4 was news camping and defending his landfarm. 97 never had enough offense when I looked to do anything about it, either.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 12th 2015, 5:20:30

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by elvesrus:
"prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion"

what you were proposing would require government oversight and they can't do it.

This is something you are worried about? LOL

Islam is NOT a religion, it is a political/social system.

So is Christianity. And Judaism. And Hinduism. And Shinto.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 12th 2015, 5:18:46

It's interesting how incredibly defensive you get by me just simply posting a visualization of data. The data itself is not political. It is not trying to prove a point. THAT depends on how the data is characterized and reacted upon. All I did was post it; I didn't add my opinion. I didn't try to tell you how to interpret it. I thought it was interesting and had a place in these types of discussions.

Instead of attacking me for blindly reposting what 'my side' is mind-controlling me to post, why not use the data to support YOUR points, as well as mine? Yes, those numbers include suicide. But why should we just toss those numbers out and not consider them? One of the common defenses of the pro-gun side is that it's mental illness and the PEOPLE, not the tool. Ok, so why would you make that argument, and then ignore gun-related suicides? I do not know for certain(as in I have not looked up the numbers), but I would guess that the attempted vs successful suicide rates are altered heavily by the involvement of firearms. Again, I have not researched that, so don't attack me for it. Simply a logical insight.

These numbers have an important place in these discussions. As many have pointed out, we spend inordinately more money on terrorism and wars than we do on public safety issues, of which guns are a large contributor. I don't claim to know what the proper solution is, but simply waving your arms in the air and saying this is a liberal conspiracy to TAKE UR GUNZ is absolute lunacy. These same events are repeated year after year in our country, and far far less frequently in others, and yet NOTHING CHANGES. You just slam the brakes and refuse to admit that there is an issue at all. That is the very definition of insanity.

So, given the logical starting point of something needs to be changed, where do you suggest we go?

tellarion Game profile


Oct 11th 2015, 15:31:09

Not at all relevant and certainly not important.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 11th 2015, 15:00:07

I posted this cause someone got rocked and reported the person ingame, saying they must be coordinating with someone else.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 11th 2015, 4:28:42

If you don't join GDI, there are about 3-4 people who will kill you for no other reason.

Always join GDI :)

tellarion Game profile


Oct 10th 2015, 15:49:21

Yeah, and no matter how long it's been, it feels like only yesterday when you come back :D

tellarion Game profile


Oct 10th 2015, 8:15:05

tellarion Game profile


Oct 10th 2015, 8:12:51

And if they're just following the leader and using it because of his location, and they are ignorant of the issues behind the term, then that's fine. Now they know better and they should stop.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 10th 2015, 8:12:19

Vic, that's likely because you are American like me, and we don't have the same history as Europeans do. They're using the term in a derogatory manner to insult him, which is why I drew the comparison to calling someone a Jew. The history behind the term is just as potent, but not as often widely discussed and confronted. Yes, he comes from a country where many gypsies live, but that's not why they're calling him that...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 10th 2015, 7:53:19

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Is gypsy a bad word now? When did that start, and who is in charge of sending out the memos?

Can we still call him a moron?

He's Romanian. Yes, there are gypsies in Romania. No, he is not one of them.

Words have whatever power we give them and they depend on how they are used. In the case of this forum, it is used in a derogatory manner aimed at a specific individual based on the location of his birth. Calling him a gypsy in this manner is the same as calling someone a Jew because they are cheap. They are playing on the stereotypes of an incredibly persecuted group of individuals and lumping him into that group in order to denigrate him and assign him the same stereotypes. How you can't see this as racism is beyond me.

I can't see this as racism because it is NOT racism. Gypsy is not a race. Alin is (presumably) Caucasian, and so are probably 90% of the people here who call him a moron.

If I were to call mrford a redneck based solely on the fact that he's from the South, would that be racist, and result in the deletion of entire threads?

People's use here of the word gypsy to make fun of Alin, and Alin's antisemitism are NOT equal. One is racism, one is not. How you can't see that is beyond me.

Fine, it's not racism despite the fact that Gypsies are a fairly distinct ethnic group. Then it's bigotry.

The problem is with the intent behind the words. Using that term is intended to spite him and label him as part of a group of people that is every bit as persecuted as the Jews. Moreso, probably, since anti-anti-semitism is very strong these days.

To be clear, his use of the term Jew is just as denigrating in my opinion, and I'll continue to delete/edit it when I see it, and he should know that. But just because he's doing fluff like that doesn't make it ok for others to do it to him either. And in case it wasn't clear, I'm not saying calling someone a Jew because they're cheap is ok. It's absolutely not, and is the same type of blatant, ignorant bigotry as calling him a gypsy. They're wrong for the same reasons.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 10th 2015, 6:27:47

Originally posted by Angel1:
Originally posted by Pang:
I was down in New Orleans like 2 weeks ago. It's still very much there :p

Also, without the French America would still be using a U in Harbour. You owe them your freedom!

The American Revolution was merely a proxy war for France against Britain, I don't know why Americans are so high on themselves for it. The more I think about, the more you guys sound like a North American Taliban, right down to the religious fundamentalism.

Oh no, we're much more insidious than the Taliban could ever be. You see, the colonies knew a few things:

1. The longer an Army could be kept in the field, the more the British would be drawn in.

2. The more the British were drawn in, the more likely another European power (likely France) would be to take advantage.

3. Once other European powers were drawn into the conflict, Britain would have much bigger problems than the colonies.

4. As soon as the tide started favoring France and company, Britain would become eager to make peace with the colonies before France could win peace for the colonies.

5. Peace with Britain before winning the war alongside France would mean actual independence.

There was nothing proxy about this war between Britain and France. This was a world war between Britain and France/Spain. Battles were fought in the Pacific Ocean as a result of the opportunity created in British North America. The same thing that protected America until ~the Mexican-American War also gave America our independence. In a one on one fight, many European powers could defeat the United States, but they would never have the opportunity to face the US one on one. It goes back to what mrford said, logistics.

Historically, there has only been one country that has ever fought on two oceans, simultaneously, in an active conflict and come out on top. Even then, the United States did not fight alone, did not equally divide the resources (or even proportionally divide the resources), and did not have the problem of securing safe harbors in hostile lands.

World War Two would be a very different history if even one of these elements was not in place:

1. Britain fending off a Nazis invasion.

2. The Soviet Union sacrificing millions to combat Hitler in the Eastern fronts.

3. The US turning out a military-industrial miracle.

4. Australia/New Zealand holding off Japanese attacks and keeping their mainlands secure.

5. China keeping the fight going on the Asian mainland.

1-3 are basically co-equal top factors in the history of WW2. 4-5 are hugely important supporting factors.

Here's saluting getting off topic,

Well said. Mearsheimer couldn't have explained it better himself.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 10th 2015, 6:23:12

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Is gypsy a bad word now? When did that start, and who is in charge of sending out the memos?

Can we still call him a moron?

He's Romanian. Yes, there are gypsies in Romania. No, he is not one of them.

Words have whatever power we give them and they depend on how they are used. In the case of this forum, it is used in a derogatory manner aimed at a specific individual based on the location of his birth. Calling him a gypsy in this manner is the same as calling someone a Jew because they are cheap. They are playing on the stereotypes of an incredibly persecuted group of individuals and lumping him into that group in order to denigrate him and assign him the same stereotypes. How you can't see this as racism is beyond me.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 10th 2015, 6:19:25

Originally posted by mrford:
gypsy is off limits, but retard is fine.

Spectacular moderation as always tella.

I told Alin to stop using that in private.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 9th 2015, 11:13:57

Stop calling him a gypsy ffs

tellarion Game profile


Oct 8th 2015, 14:00:13

Wow, nice work. You're just lucky I wasn't playing this set :P

tellarion Game profile


Oct 6th 2015, 11:53:05

tellarion Game profile


Oct 6th 2015, 11:37:10

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Non-religious people get married too, you know. Or people from a variety of religions that do not at all agree with each other. I think the opposite is happening here: Conservative Christians are taking what is and has been a fundamental aspect of HUMANITY for generations and stamping their own label on it, then saying nobody else can touch it. That's like me licking a cookie and saying 'it's mine!'. <--show me where it mentions religion?

LOL... I *am* a non-religious person that got married, so you don't need to tell me that happens. But I would have been just as happy with a civil union if that option had existed. I didn't go to a church to get married. As far as the state is concerned, my appearance before a judge was enough.

But to suggest that marriage has no religious context is just nuts. You cannot toss out thousands of years of history and say they just "misappropriated the term". Who is they? That is exactly the point. Lots of different religions use the term with lots of different definitions. Trying to then apply a civil standard to that in a pluralistic society like the U.S. - it isn't surprising we have conflicts emerging.

I'm tired of people arguing that marriage is a religious institution. Marriage predates mono-theism and its connection to religion is secondary -- in that originally, all aspects of life were mixed with the pagan religions (from marriage to planting crops, hunting, giving birth, etc.)

Unless you intend to argue that hunting and gathering food, planting crops, child birth, and rights of passage such as "coming to age" etc. are all religious institutions (they aren't), then you have no case for arguing that marriage is a strictly religious institution. Asking the "god of fertility" or whoever else to bless a union does not make marriage a religious institution anymore than it makes farming a religious institution for asking the gods to bless your crops, or asking the gods for good crop bearing weather.

Originally marriage was about securing breeding rights with a woman and in doing so, trying to mitigate the risks for men in raising and providing for a child that may not be theirs (cuckold avoidance).

Exactly what I was saying. This whole idea that marriage is a religious institution is a crock of fluff. Yes, Christianity and other forms of religion have their own way of celebrating and granting marriages, but the entire concept of marriage goes back to the very roots of our civilization and, as you said, predates every religion in existence.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 5th 2015, 15:02:49

Originally posted by Cerberus:
How goes the invasion? I've seen some news reports out of Germany that there are massive protests by the German people who don't want to have the Muslims there anymore and are opposing the idea that more should come.

There have been numerous reports of rioting and various other anti-social behavior on the part of the "migrants", who's alarming demographic make up is like 95% military aged men, probably looking for Jihad fun activities, like rape, pillage and looting. And they certainly aren't there for any jobs, they are there for the socialist handouts that The European Union is becoming well known for.

I know, a bunch of you are gonna jump up here and claim I'm a racist, etc. Well, let me preempt that for you.

I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK! It cannot affect me in any way. If you want to be deliberately blind to what's happening, that's on YOU, not me.

Massive German protests?

From every report I've seen, the German people have been incredibly welcoming of the Syrian refugees; moreso than any other country in Europe, in fact...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 5th 2015, 14:55:29

Originally posted by Vic:
seems pretty ambiguous to say "next time this type of issue arises"... "Regardless of location"... The "authorities", involved will look to this previous situation? Exactly what is "kind of" how our legal system works in the U.S.?
Care to explain more specifically? Seems really broad and reeks of rhetoric

I thought I was being quite specific. Legal decisions are not made in a vacuum. Situations like this inevitably end up in the courts, and the various parts of our judicial system are constantly observing how each other handle these types of cases. That's how a little 'local' issue ends up making a huge impact at the national level. That's why SCOTUS ended up delivering a ruling about same sex marriage in the first place: it started at the local level and worked it's way up the system.

How is that reeking of rhetoric? As I said, that's how the system works...

Addendum: This was a response to scott saying that this is just a little local issue, so why are people outside of that small local area even considering it. I was pointing out, as I just reiterated, that nearly every major SCOTUS decision starts as a little 'local' issue. It's often hard to tell at the time if a particular situation will expand beyond the initial location and circumstances, but it happens every day, so why NOT talk about it?

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
OK, that's fine by me. :) Set up a state sponsored term for it, and call it that then. Why force the redefinition of "marriage" down everyone's throats.

We have such terminology now. Civil Unions. Clearly it was a mistake for the government to have ever gotten involved in marriage in the first place. A great example of why separation of church and state is important. Marriage is a religiously defined institution and the definition will vary based on your religious views. So keep government out of it. A Civil Union can be defined by the government as a contractual matter without any biases or preferential treatments. Leave marriages to the people and their churches.

Non-religious people get married too, you know. Or people from a variety of religions that do not at all agree with each other. I think the opposite is happening here: Conservative Christians are taking what is and has been a fundamental aspect of HUMANITY for generations and stamping their own label on it, then saying nobody else can touch it. That's like me licking a cookie and saying 'it's mine!'. <--show me where it mentions religion?

Edited By: tellarion on Oct 5th 2015, 14:58:09
See Original Post

tellarion Game profile


Oct 5th 2015, 12:16:59

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by tellarion:
I absolutely agree with you on this nonsense about assault weapons. That is a distraction that is used to get media attention and isn't the real issue at stake here.

And I am not questioning the context that lead to the second amendment, and I'm not devaluing its place in our culture. What I'm saying is that your biggest champion is TWISTING it to make money for themselves. Eisenhower was spot on when he talked about this 50 years ago. And you'll notice I didn't say in any way shape or form that the second amendment should be removed. I studied politics in college, I understand the second amendment. What I'm saying is it is being twisted by the NRA and the military industrial complex in the same way 'dem librals' twist the whole "assault weapon" stuff. Both sides are using fluff like this to score political points, so instead of focusing only on how 'dem librals' twist it, why not take a look at how your own side is doing the same?

The fact is, this type of fluff doesn't happen NEARLY as much in most developed countries. Gun violence is an epidemic in the US, and it should be treated as such. But please, show me how I'm wrong in that statement. You can't...

You studied political science in college... therefore you understand the second amendment? Get the fluff out of here. I will rewrite your sentence for you so you can edit your post.

I studied politics in college, so I understand what my professor wanted me to understand.

I didn't mean it as a way to toot my own horn. My degree has done very little to me and has no applicability in my life right now. I meant that as 'hey, I had to spend a ton of time studying the Constitution and its amendments'. And you know what makes colleges in the US superior to colleges where I live now(Japan)? The fact that they don't jam facts and data down your throat; instead, they teach you how critical thinking skills so you can apply that, along with your personal beliefs and opinions, and make rational judgements about things. In fact, most of my professors spent a great deal of time presenting arguments from all sides, many of which directly contradicted each other, in order to facilitate a better and more multifaceted understanding of the issues affecting our society.

So yeah, when I made that claim, I wasn't trying to say that I am an expert in Constitutional law. I meant it as I did actually have to sit down and actually STUDY the issues surrounding the second amendment, and I understand the history behind it, and its origins, which is what mdevol was talking about in HIS post.

Not all colleges in the U.S. don't jam it opinions down your throat. In my own experience, State funded schools do in fact jam them down your throat.

Also, you are so easy to get worked up. Thanks.

What makes you think I am worked up? I thought we were having a mature discussion about one of the most contentious issues facing the modern US.

Originally posted by ZDH:
And, us Texans don't much give a fluff if you like us or not.

God willing someday we won't have to be apart of Obamas States of Muslims anymore.

Ignorance is...ignorance?

tellarion Game profile


Oct 5th 2015, 12:14:19

Originally posted by Vic:
Originally posted by tellarion:
The next time this type of issue arises, regardless of location, the authorities involved will look to this whole BS in randomville Kentucky before proceeding.

That's kind of how the legal system in the US works...

say what?


tellarion Game profile


Oct 5th 2015, 11:25:51

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Angel1:
You do understand that similar legal cases don't have to involve marriage at all?

I think we get that you don't care about this because it doesn't involve your little part of the world. I refuse to have such a limited point of view.

Even situations that have no implications for you, personally, can still be interesting.

Perhaps I have important things to do and fluffing about someone not doing the job they were elected to do is low on most Americans list of fluff to give a flying crap about. Unless you are a constitutional lawyer who would like to argue precedence in front of SCOTUS for a similiar issue, no one outside of KY should/will really care.

We should care because it is linked to the rest of the country, legally. A NATIONAL court decision was handed down, which means it is applicable at all levels of government. If someone tries to argue against it, the process of said argument has legal ramifications that can impact how similar situations are dealt with in the future. The next time this type of issue arises, regardless of location, the authorities involved will look to this whole BS in randomville Kentucky before proceeding.

That's kind of how the legal system in the US works...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 5th 2015, 11:16:41

Running out of tools rather quickly. This is more or less a last ditch effort here..

tellarion Game profile


Oct 4th 2015, 15:26:03

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by tellarion:
I absolutely agree with you on this nonsense about assault weapons. That is a distraction that is used to get media attention and isn't the real issue at stake here.

And I am not questioning the context that lead to the second amendment, and I'm not devaluing its place in our culture. What I'm saying is that your biggest champion is TWISTING it to make money for themselves. Eisenhower was spot on when he talked about this 50 years ago. And you'll notice I didn't say in any way shape or form that the second amendment should be removed. I studied politics in college, I understand the second amendment. What I'm saying is it is being twisted by the NRA and the military industrial complex in the same way 'dem librals' twist the whole "assault weapon" stuff. Both sides are using fluff like this to score political points, so instead of focusing only on how 'dem librals' twist it, why not take a look at how your own side is doing the same?

The fact is, this type of fluff doesn't happen NEARLY as much in most developed countries. Gun violence is an epidemic in the US, and it should be treated as such. But please, show me how I'm wrong in that statement. You can't...

You studied political science in college... therefore you understand the second amendment? Get the fluff out of here. I will rewrite your sentence for you so you can edit your post.

I studied politics in college, so I understand what my professor wanted me to understand.

I didn't mean it as a way to toot my own horn. My degree has done very little to me and has no applicability in my life right now. I meant that as 'hey, I had to spend a ton of time studying the Constitution and its amendments'. And you know what makes colleges in the US superior to colleges where I live now(Japan)? The fact that they don't jam facts and data down your throat; instead, they teach you how critical thinking skills so you can apply that, along with your personal beliefs and opinions, and make rational judgements about things. In fact, most of my professors spent a great deal of time presenting arguments from all sides, many of which directly contradicted each other, in order to facilitate a better and more multifaceted understanding of the issues affecting our society.

So yeah, when I made that claim, I wasn't trying to say that I am an expert in Constitutional law. I meant it as I did actually have to sit down and actually STUDY the issues surrounding the second amendment, and I understand the history behind it, and its origins, which is what mdevol was talking about in HIS post.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 4th 2015, 15:20:18

Considering she is violating a SCOTUS decision, yes, it's a national issue.

You realize that's how the judicial system works, right? It has to start with a 'local' issue and work it's way up, since the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is incredibly limited(thanks to Marshall).

tellarion Game profile


Oct 4th 2015, 12:49:10

I absolutely agree with you on this nonsense about assault weapons. That is a distraction that is used to get media attention and isn't the real issue at stake here.

And I am not questioning the context that lead to the second amendment, and I'm not devaluing its place in our culture. What I'm saying is that your biggest champion is TWISTING it to make money for themselves. Eisenhower was spot on when he talked about this 50 years ago. And you'll notice I didn't say in any way shape or form that the second amendment should be removed. I studied politics in college, I understand the second amendment. What I'm saying is it is being twisted by the NRA and the military industrial complex in the same way 'dem librals' twist the whole "assault weapon" stuff. Both sides are using fluff like this to score political points, so instead of focusing only on how 'dem librals' twist it, why not take a look at how your own side is doing the same?

The fact is, this type of fluff doesn't happen NEARLY as much in most developed countries. Gun violence is an epidemic in the US, and it should be treated as such. But please, show me how I'm wrong in that statement. You can't...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 4th 2015, 12:40:35

Mdevol, without going into a point by point response, you do realize who is responsible for drafting and passing legislation, right? That's like fluffing at Obama for not taking care of the budget, despite the fact that it is CONGRESS who fails to pass them, not the President...

tellarion Game profile


Oct 3rd 2015, 6:56:11