
ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 14th 2016, 22:38:50

Originally posted by Celphi:

The formula is flawed. Read my last comment.

Yes I saw it. It looks true, I'm just saying from the wiki language, I was lead to believe TGAL could = 0.

Thanks everyone for the rip-roaring debate.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 14th 2016, 22:34:33

Ok I think my point is taken, now trolling is starting so I'm out. Thanks all.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 14th 2016, 22:34:06


Edited By: ssj4goku17 on Aug 14th 2016, 22:36:11

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 14th 2016, 22:33:13

Originally posted by Qfwfq:
TGAL can be <1 if no new turns have been created though... Just because there's no such thing as being logged in, and every refresh is a log-in, does not mean a turn has always been created at every refresh. The implications of that would be game breaking! ;)

So you're saying TGAL is 0 so long as you're not getting a turn? Lol that IS true...or else private market would always be 0. But cuteness aside, I think you get my point.

If you can Never be in a 'logged in' state(like updating a table with logged in status TRUE when you login...), why differentiate logged in/out in that way? It needs to be rewritten.

Edited By: ssj4goku17 on Aug 14th 2016, 23:19:34

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 14th 2016, 22:32:03

units_on_private_market = (units_on_logoff*(0.985)^TGAL)+bonus*unit_rate*Land*TGAL

This part of the formula calculates decay:

If TGAL can never be less than 1 (i.e. 0), then you HAVE decay. The quote from the wiki states it's possible to have NO decay, which is not true from what you all have said and what I've seen in-game, since there's no way to make TGAL = 0.
"If a country logs out with X troops and logs in before a new turn arrives, there will be no new troops and no decay on the old troops."

I don't think it'd be hard to just query for a logged-in state or not, but that doesn't matter. If the game doesn't check that, so be it. I'm just saying the wiki implies that it does...

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 14th 2016, 22:23:43

Excluding PM of 0, it's impossible to not have any decay if TGAL can never be less than 1....just look at the formula. If you argue that there can be no decay in that, you're not understanding the formula.

Edited By: ssj4goku17 on Aug 14th 2016, 22:47:31

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 14th 2016, 22:16:16

I get what you're saying, I really do. I'm just saying this quote on the wiki is not true, and so it's misleading: "If a country logs out with X troops and logs in before a new turn arrives, there will be no new troops and no decay on the old troops."

Key being 'no decay'(excluding PM of 0), which is impossible if TGAL is always > 0. Does that make sense??

Edited By: ssj4goku17 on Aug 14th 2016, 22:47:14

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 14th 2016, 22:00:54

Originally posted by Celphi:

You have it backwords. You must have 0 units when you sign off. If you don't, the amount you gain per turn will gradually get smaller.
One other important note.

Whenever you sign in-- you want to ensure you buy those units before the next turn hits, otherwise it all resets. So make note of the time when you sign off.

I get what you're saying, but the formula and wiki doesn't say that. You're saying TGAL can never be <1. But the wiki makes clear distinction between logout/logon(which as someone said the game doesn't do), and it also states it's possible to have no reduction in private market which would mean TGAL = 0, ("If a country logs out with X troops and logs in before a new turn arrives, there will be no new troops and no decay on the old troops."), which apparently isn't true.

My key point being 0.985^0 would = 1 and not 0.985, so there would be no deduction. This must have been the intent for the quote above to have been mentioned in the wiki.

If reality isn't matched up with the wiki, it's no wonder this gets asked a lot, per drkprinc

Edited By: ssj4goku17 on Aug 14th 2016, 22:11:12

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 14th 2016, 21:55:56

Originally posted by Qfwfq:
Let me be more clear: There's no such thing as "not logging out" as far as the game is concerned.

Well that's good to know, but it's not what the wiki says. Perhaps the wiki should be made more clear(or correct) if what you say is true. Thanks though.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 14th 2016, 21:51:59

But according to the formula, and the note in the wiki, if I don't logout then the value of TGAL should be 0. Any number to the power 0 is 1, so my private market should not deplete at all while I'm logged on.

Basically you're saying the formula given is wrong?

This quote is impossible is what you're saying, except PM be 0?
"If a country logs out with X troops and logs in before a new turn arrives, there will be no new troops and no decay on the old troops."

Edited By: ssj4goku17 on Aug 14th 2016, 22:46:54

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 14th 2016, 21:28:10

I wonder if it's using my turns on hand to calculate "TGAL" instead of using actual turns gained...and it does it every turn not only after logouts/logins it seems.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 14th 2016, 21:09:08

According to the formula in the wiki, the private market should not decrease at all if you don't log off. I've been logged in and watching my private market drop with every new turn that I get. Is the formula not accurate or is there something else I don't know?

units_on_private_market = (units_on_logoff*(0.985)^TGAL)+bonus*unit_rate*Land*TGAL

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 4:16:34

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Kingme:
I've been told I act to normal to be an IT guy.

What really is normal, KingMe? I'd love a 150IQ interpretation on this too, Scott *chuckle*

Why, you don't know how to spell Google or read a dictionary. Poor attempt at trolling 1/10. I gave you one point out of pitty.

Dictionary comebacks are generally supposed to phase out around 3rd grade, bub.

That wasn't a troll or comeback. I am genuinely curious given you need simple things defined for you.

You're getting weaker by the post, dude. I've concluded you're a persistent turd who won't flush so I'm going to leave you here as a floater for some other poor soul. Fare thee well!

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 4:13:23

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Kingme:
I've been told I act to normal to be an IT guy.

What really is normal, KingMe? I'd love a 150IQ interpretation on this too, Scott *chuckle*

Why, you don't know how to spell Google or read a dictionary. Poor attempt at trolling 1/10. I gave you one point out of pitty.

Dictionary comebacks are generally supposed to phase out around 3rd grade, bub.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 4:08:20

Originally posted by Kingme:
I've been told I act to normal to be an IT guy.

What really is normal, KingMe? I'd love a 150IQ interpretation on this too, Scott *chuckle*

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 4:07:44

Originally posted by Scott:
Also, you made Prime cry and hurt his feelings. He thought he was a good mod :( 😭

Well he's not. Good mods don't mod forums with a bias and stir the pot.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 4:02:04

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Btw, the question about your IQ wasn't serious. It was trolling you from your post about memory and its relation to you IQ when you didn't remember what I said...sorry to everyone reading this for having to explain it.

Then you should have actually articulated it that way... Simply claiming to troll =|= actual trolling.

I did...this must be your 150 IQ showing...

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 4:01:19

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Not trying hard is a fancy excuse for losing. You see, high IQ's don't have to try hard to do well. Exposed again, Scott.

No, logging in and running turns for 10 minutes a day is not the same as sitting at your computer all day and immediatly sending someone a frantic message the instance someone spies them.

You have me beat on that front, you are way better at mindlessly sitting at your computer and playing a text based game... All day.

Keep nerd raging kid. This is fun.

Is he actually making excuses for himself?? Lol that's precious.

This coming from a guy whose spent how many hours now 'mindlessly' posting on this forum with a guy who 'supposedly' sits at a computer playing a text based game all day? So what, you just do it all night then?

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:51:41

Not trying hard is a fancy excuse for losing. You see, high IQ's don't have to try hard to do well. Exposed again, Scott.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:51:03

Btw, the question about your IQ wasn't serious. It was trolling you from your post about memory and its relation to you IQ when you didn't remember what I said...sorry to everyone reading this for having to explain it.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:49:52

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Scott:
Lol I showed you mine you dumb fluff. You are ignoring it desperately trying to poke a hole in the truth.

Remembering what you did a month ago is something I would expect everyone with an IQ of 90 or so to be able to do, given the length and utter nerd rage involved.

What's next, you need my social security card, nail clippings, Video recording of you crying at your keyboard?

Do you have all that evidence? And what am I ignoring exactly? You specifically mentioned about remembering countries from a month missed my point that you Remembered me and you weren't worth remembering. I do recall the country once you showed me, though, as I already stated.

And no Scott, IQ is not related to memorizing useless bullfluff from an online troll. I think that would actually qualify for a lower IQ...

I said "useless" bullfluff. Scott, how many red lights did you hit during the 2nd week of July?

None, my drive to work has only stop signs.

Either you're lying or you really do live that close to a Dairy Queen

Back roads my friend. Management at a defense contractor is similar to DQ though. We do make sweat treats.

I probably don't want to know what you and a bunch of guys are doing making "sweat treats", do I?

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:48:59

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Scott:
Photo from right after you did it... Happy now?

Now I were the only response I got that night.

Wait, I thought you never sent ingame messages... Which is it?

I never said never. You don't remember what I said? It wasn't too long ago...what's your IQ, Scott?

Lol... Touché... Clearly you don't know what trolling looks like.

Also, I haven't had it tested since high school, but it was in the 150s. Not having veins in your neck and all, I would suspect your is incredibly low given the lack of oxygen making it to your brain.

Clearly I don't know what trolling looks like when I've been doing it to you? And yes I'm sure your IQ is in the 150s...your EE play speaks volumes of it. Are you sure that was your score and not how many questions you answered?

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:44:40

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Scott:
Lol I showed you mine you dumb fluff. You are ignoring it desperately trying to poke a hole in the truth.

Remembering what you did a month ago is something I would expect everyone with an IQ of 90 or so to be able to do, given the length and utter nerd rage involved.

What's next, you need my social security card, nail clippings, Video recording of you crying at your keyboard?

Do you have all that evidence? And what am I ignoring exactly? You specifically mentioned about remembering countries from a month missed my point that you Remembered me and you weren't worth remembering. I do recall the country once you showed me, though, as I already stated.

And no Scott, IQ is not related to memorizing useless bullfluff from an online troll. I think that would actually qualify for a lower IQ...

I said "useless" bullfluff. Scott, how many red lights did you hit during the 2nd week of July?

None, my drive to work has only stop signs.

Either you're lying or you really do live that close to a Dairy Queen

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:42:57

Well done, Celphi

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:42:42

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Scott:
Photo from right after you did it... Happy now?

Now I were the only response I got that night.

Wait, I thought you never sent ingame messages... Which is it?

I never said never. You don't remember what I said? It wasn't too long ago...what's your IQ, Scott?

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:40:48

I'm surprised you noticed with sitting in the back of the short bus.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:38:58

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Scott:
Lol I showed you mine you dumb fluff. You are ignoring it desperately trying to poke a hole in the truth.

Remembering what you did a month ago is something I would expect everyone with an IQ of 90 or so to be able to do, given the length and utter nerd rage involved.

What's next, you need my social security card, nail clippings, Video recording of you crying at your keyboard?

Do you have all that evidence? And what am I ignoring exactly? You specifically mentioned about remembering countries from a month missed my point that you Remembered me and you weren't worth remembering. I do recall the country once you showed me, though, as I already stated.

And no Scott, IQ is not related to memorizing useless bullfluff from an online troll. I think that would actually qualify for a lower IQ...

I said "useless" bullfluff. Scott, how many red lights did you hit during the 2nd week of July?

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:37:56

How's that busy life going, Scott? Keeping you busy I imagine, what with you being here to entertain me all night.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:36:08

Originally posted by Scott:
Photo from right after you did it... Happy now?

Now I were the only response I got that night.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:35:19

Originally posted by Scott:
Lol I showed you mine you dumb fluff. You are ignoring it desperately trying to poke a hole in the truth.

Remembering what you did a month ago is something I would expect everyone with an IQ of 90 or so to be able to do, given the length and utter nerd rage involved.

What's next, you need my social security card, nail clippings, Video recording of you crying at your keyboard?

Do you have all that evidence? And what am I ignoring exactly? You specifically mentioned about remembering countries from a month missed my point that you Remembered me and you weren't worth remembering. I do recall the country once you showed me, though, as I already stated.

And no Scott, IQ is not related to memorizing useless bullfluff from an online troll. I think that would actually qualify for a lower IQ...

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:28:23

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
You're gonna show me a noob with my profile? You mean my rankings when I actually play? How many sets have you won, Scott

Again, you keep asking for more and more information. I was simply pointing out your nerd rage.

Thanks for proving my point. I think the lack of veins in your neck may have deprived your brain of oxygen.

I didn't say anything to you about bots and tech in those messages. You tried leveraging a separate forum post for your claim that happened later, this is not being completely honest.

Lol but I knew your country you lieing hunk of fluff. Qui making fluff up. You either know you did it or you are too stupid to remember what you did less than a month ago.

Scott, what's it mean if You know My country and I don't know Yours? It means yours goes unnoticed in the lower ranks. And no, I don't remember what asshole talked what fluff to me a month ago...accept Clint. Maybe you remember all of these things with that 'busy' life of yours

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:26:19

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Kingme:
Fine... I'll show you mine if you show me yours...

2nd Place $40,870,508 NW

But the true question is... Do you have veins or tissues in your neck?

No, I don't eat tissues.

You eat from your neck? You have some fluffed up anatomy.

Do you eat through your ass? Even with you I assumed the standard consumption path of mouth -> neck(which entails the throat if you didn't know) -> esophagus -> rest of your gut

You eat from your neck? You have some fluffed up anatomy.

Edited By: ssj4goku17 on Aug 13th 2016, 3:29:28

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:23:43

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
You're gonna show me a noob with my profile? You mean my rankings when I actually play? How many sets have you won, Scott

Again, you keep asking for more and more information. I was simply pointing out your nerd rage.

Thanks for proving my point. I think the lack of veins in your neck may have deprived your brain of oxygen.

I didn't say anything to you about bots and tech in those messages. You tried leveraging a separate forum post for your claim that happened later, this is not being completely honest.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:22:36

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Kingme:
Fine... I'll show you mine if you show me yours...

2nd Place $40,870,508 NW

But the true question is... Do you have veins or tissues in your neck?

No, I don't eat tissues.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:21:04

You're gonna show me a noob with my profile? You mean my rankings when I actually play? How many sets have you won, Scott

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:20:17

I didn't lie Scott, I asked honest questions. If I remembered every experience with every prick on here my head would get full.

Also, that does remind you're the asshole that messaged me "thanks for the land asshole, still finished better than you" or something along those lines within the last 2 minutes of the set? And then I outjumped your ass and put your properly under my boot? Yea, that was real cute of you to run your mouth and lose did that feel, Scott? How many hours of sleep did you lose ragin' about it?

Also, I'm pretty sure this way all before the posting about bots in forums? You still have no proof of anything. But, yes now that I see that country name I will admit I do remember exchanging unpleasant messages with you about it.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:17:06

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Are we talking NW or top ranked spot?

I was thinking rank as every set is its own game, but both is better I suppose.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:16:10

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:

I have no tissues nor veins in my neck, Scott. Btw, what's your highest Express finish?

If you have no veins in your neck, you should probably think about seeing a doctor. 'Cuz you dead bro.

Fair Enough. Sarcasm taken and reformatted.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 3:06:57

I never said any of that lol. Are you a druggie? I asked from the beginning, what was said, what were the 2 country names, it doesn't sound like something I'd do, but I did post on forums. You just puking out what I said in forums isn't valid. Anyone could say those things(see KingMe's confession), and like I said, I don't believe I gave a long winded lecture about bot hitting to some Express Noob, aka you. Tell me your country name that set and let's check history.

I have no tissues nor veins protruding from my neck, Scott. Btw, what's your highest Express finish?

Edited By: ssj4goku17 on Aug 13th 2016, 3:15:20

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Aug 13th 2016, 2:56:13

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
So my point is don't remember and there's obviously others who talk about bots, and yet you were headstrong in assaulting me with your e-thuggery without clear conscience. Am I still the bad guy here?

No I remembered, was just waiting for you to deny it, like you did, so you would have to backpedal, like you just did.

How is asking what country a backpedal? Claiming a country that's known to be me doesn't help, and you didn't tell me your country # either. You're making half-assed accusations and when someone else says, "oh it may have been me", you don't even acknowledge it. Why are you still posting, Scott? Don't you have a life to live?