
SkyKing Game profile


Oct 24th 2014, 18:35:35

Originally posted by Furious999:
I only tried it once - years ago. I was hopeless too. It's not so easy as it should be somehow.

I mean, get land, put up farms, buy Agri how tough is that?

But somehow, ...... well I did no good at all.
You would think its that fluffing simple.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 24th 2014, 15:44:00

Why am I so bad at farmer strat on express?

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 23rd 2014, 12:50:59

So several non-GDI countries have attempted to spy me. Whatever I end up having NW wise I'm sure I'll be pounded down, terrific.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 22nd 2014, 14:34:54

The question is did I jump too early as a straight techer who had no intention of converting. The answer is clearly yes. I just laid out some rationale for why I made the move. Avoiding retals and jumping on cheap market goods. Who knows how it might have played out if I waited. Maybe someone with strong spy ops demoralizes my entire country, although my spal is probably more than adequate.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 22nd 2014, 14:31:39

Oh, I'm not saying he is wrong by any means but this advice is mostly irrelevant if I had no intention of converting.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 22nd 2014, 13:29:12

I almost never convert. By going early I got a ton of jets and turrets at sub 120 prices. At .6 NW vs the .5 NW at 120 for troops thats a 20% increase on NW based upon equal money. Plus I resold a ton of turrets to add an additional 1M networth. I do agree a could have stocked 2 or 3 more days. More importantly I could have grabbed more aggressively early in the set.

Originally posted by oldman:
SkyKing: You jumped with about 16 days left in the set, which is too early (at least for this set; optimal changes each set). Your optimal move would likely have been the following:
a) tech for another 5 days (8.5k tpt including allies*5 days*$1800*94% gives you another $4b)
b) You would jump with about 11 days left in the set and probably at about 21-22m NW at this point. Place all your food on sale on the public market; put 1/4 of all your military and tech on sale for high prices; and convert to a theocracy. You will lose about 25% of your NW from this switch in government but you get a cheaper private market ($222/nw)
c) I'm assuming you had about $7b to jump from 20m to 50m assuming $230/nw from the public market and maybe still have $1b left. Add that to the $4b you get from teching 5 extra days, you will have about $12b to spend after your bushels sell (being conservative here and assuming you sell your bushels at no gain or loss; could be either way depending on market prices). $12b will get you about 53M nw from your PM over a period of about 8 days.
d) resell for the last 3 days or so.

Starting NW prior to jump: 21M NW
NW after conversion to theocracy: 15.75M NW (assumes 25% loss, should be less)
NW after jumping from PM for 8 days: 15.75 + 53 = 68.75M NW
NW after reselling for last 3 days = ~70M NW (assumes a gain of about 500k/day from reselling)

That should probably be at least 10M higher than what you are going to finish I believe.

Edited By: SkyKing on Oct 22nd 2014, 13:34:25
See Original Post

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 22nd 2014, 2:19:46

Mathematically, I lose out of 7M networth going to early. If you account for the extra 1M i gained to far from reselling (which I wouldn't have done if I was still teching) that leaves me at 6M lower networth than I could have been. On another note, it may have allowed me to outrun a few countries who were going to potentially nuke me down as I'm non-GDI. Only time will tell but I'd be willing to bet I may not even have made it out of the blocks if I hadn't jumped when I did. Next time, GDI for sure and that will allow me the safety of jumping later.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 22nd 2014, 2:16:26

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Need more info. Are you a rep casher? If so keep stocking. Demo casher? Market play can help, and going DMBR might be a good idea, but not quite yet. The casher? Why? :P Dict casher? Should've kept grabbing.

Granseal almost certainly jumped too soon. I think he may have been a little confused abou timing, it's his first set back in a long time.
I most certainly jumped about 3 or 4 days to soon it seems; however, even as a non-demo I have done a really good job of squeezing another 1B out by reselling these turrets. So fellas keep buying!

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 20th 2014, 19:39:56

Originally posted by Serpentor:
Mmmmm... Blow me to hell. Sounds awesome...

/me drifts off into thought
Oh noes. *begs* please spare me sir.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 20th 2014, 19:02:07

I for sure ain't gonna make 100M and am thus not on the list; however, I think I did pretty well for myself first set back in 10 years. (Provided no one decides to blow me to hell)
Originally posted by blid:
Hmmm, for there to be an all 100m top ten, I think all these countries would need to make it:
2 Secretly Quietly and Discretely (#113) 68,306 $37,994,039 RG
3 Vheissu (#2) 60,551 $33,713,919 DG
4 do you eat the chickens butt (#34) 59,314 $31,692,156 CG
5 PuffyCheeks (#147) 58,941 $30,811,497 IG
6 Optimus Prime (#51) 66,760 $30,657,003 DG
7 Adrenaline Junkie (#19) 64,876 $29,474,833 DG
8 To The Top (#20) 53,210 $28,805,693 DG
9 MacXGee (#55) 44,603 $26,291,219 DG
13 eManny said Go Commie Indy (#159) 53,170 $24,111,594 CG
23 Yes Way (#22) 29,656 $19,728,950 DG

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 19th 2014, 13:56:04

I'm not sure lol. I'm not really having issues. I've been trying different things on express. I knew the consequences of my actions. I tried to pillage a guy who had no defense early and then tried to outrun him. I should have played more of my turns and gotten away. In alliance, I was unaware of designated hitters, so what were seemingly good targets where actually bad and I should have topfed the hitters instead. I can still recover in alliance, plenty of time left; however, I'll know better for next time. Primary I'm actually doing pretty well for my government type. Not bad for my first full set in 10 years. We'll see how it holds up in terms of getting attacked at the end though.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 19th 2014, 8:06:25

He did enough. Not gonna bother playing it out.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 18th 2014, 17:54:25

It's like your my brother from another mother.
I knew what the video would be before I even clicked the link.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 18th 2014, 13:09:34

On I side note, I'm getting better at this whole farming deal. Unfortunately, way to many farmers this set.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 18th 2014, 13:04:15

Well played. You got me just before I made my jump. I saw u was naked. So I thought I could NOM NOM some land and outrun you. I almost got away with it if it hadn't been for you snooping kids.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 17th 2014, 19:07:55

Maybe they were under DR.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 17th 2014, 16:18:12

Bounced one today because I was using my alliance spreadsheet. Wrong tech % blarg.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 17th 2014, 14:46:51

I hope that demo does think they can hold onto that market. I have LOTS of research to sell.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 16th 2014, 10:07:00

Deary Diary,

Now I remember why I stopped playing. Griefers gonna grief.

PS I realize it was partially my fault. Next time, I'll just remember to pull my stockpile before bedtime and reapply it to the market. This is what happens when you don't play in over a decade. Sure, no one will hit me at 3am in the morning when I'm sleeping. LOLZ

Edited By: SkyKing on Oct 16th 2014, 12:24:01
See Original Post

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 15th 2014, 21:45:28

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
We will be the invading army of dark dragon!
I spit out some water when I read this. True story. BTW Blame it on SLADE!

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 14th 2014, 20:37:46

Oh I'm playing techer next set if those two aren't. Millions of dollas millions of dollas.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 14th 2014, 19:00:27

I'm not try to net though, I'm just looking at it from a growth perspective. More efficient to LG and grow than batch explore if you have the targets for it. Unfortunately, everyone I want to hit is DNH. I see some really poorly managed countries that appear to relying on "tags" for protection. I won't step out of line though. I'm a good little soldier, but this early going has really hampered my enthusiasm for this particular server.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 14th 2014, 18:48:35

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Insite, click on the "quick land" link.
I have :) I see far juicier targets. I guess that's just my primary mindset. Find the fatties and hit em.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 14th 2014, 18:46:31

I guess when over 3/4 of the pop is marked DNH it gets pretty fluffing boring to pickout good targets. Plus I don't want to cause I thermal nuclear meltdown. I'm like theres a good one, hmm, tags no good. Theres a juicy one, tags no good.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 14th 2014, 18:41:23

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Note: not official policy lol check the embassy to make sure it isn't an ally.
So many fat targets everywhere. When did doing a simple lgs, become acts of war? I just think if you make yourself a target (FAT) you deserve to be hit for land. I guess I just don't understand this server at all.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 14th 2014, 18:34:54

Everyone is just exploring with impunity with no real care for defense because of this silly agreement. If your fat you deserve to be hit once. This is fluffing ridiculous. All explore button = dumb. This is not why I came to this server, I wanted it to be carebear free.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 14th 2014, 12:03:44

Nothing wrong with teching. :)

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 13th 2014, 16:15:40

Disadvantage of tyranny. You have to play every two hours and hope you don't run out of targets to pop or people who get mad you "ruined" their set with one attack on a server this short.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 13th 2014, 12:34:52

I <3 tyranny teching.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 12th 2014, 15:15:42

I'm not on this server but I've been following some of the moderation thats been coming on with other servers. Mods jobs are tough, especially when they probably aren't getting paid. Be happy the game is still running and has some people are willing to try their best to keep it running (players). That being said, moderators should be above personal attacks and recognize that whiny gamers gonna whine. You got to rise above the personal attacks and not throw words like morons back at the people you are moderating. It's unprofessional and makes it appear that you would be biased against them in the future. For justifications, point to the rule broken and move on. If they appeal look at the data, make a call, and move on. Your job is to regulate, nothing more.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 11th 2014, 23:05:00

Left, Left, Up, Up, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left
Bonus points for the skill I just used.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 11th 2014, 20:05:06

But I don't want to. NOM NOM turrets.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 11th 2014, 19:23:13

Did I mention I'm cheap.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 11th 2014, 17:48:17

I need moar, I'm scared.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 11th 2014, 16:38:36

Those guys moving up the charts right now are farmers/cashers?

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 10th 2014, 16:59:32

Please msg with me your number.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 10th 2014, 16:57:33


SkyKing Game profile


Oct 9th 2014, 20:33:47

Gonna hit ya with a rock hard body blow.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 9th 2014, 5:01:13

Deary Diary,

Biniz bout to pick up.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 9th 2014, 5:00:04

Gonna probably need another defensive ally. 10M turret minimum.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 8th 2014, 17:48:13

One should declare war on the other for our amusement.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 8th 2014, 17:05:31

I'm holding onto hope that it prices dips some but I'm not counting on it.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 7th 2014, 12:55:06

Dear Diary,

I gave these farmers lots of good tech. Where's my grains for cheap.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 23:00:58

The key is to make sure they can't retal. If not well YOLO. It's express show him whose da boss. Put him in the dirt.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 21:47:38

Ughhhh. And on top of that I'm going to leave like 150 turns on the table. I've made a decent enough surge considering how awful I've played. We'll see where I end up and you guys can review my set.

PS Looks like 180 unspent turns or about 3.4M networth.

Edited By: SkyKing on Oct 5th 2014, 23:13:50
See Original Post

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 21:38:37

Cheaper food inbound.

SkyKing Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 17:44:39

My patience has been rewarded. XD