
SkyKing Game profile


Oct 22nd 2014, 13:29:12

I almost never convert. By going early I got a ton of jets and turrets at sub 120 prices. At .6 NW vs the .5 NW at 120 for troops thats a 20% increase on NW based upon equal money. Plus I resold a ton of turrets to add an additional 1M networth. I do agree a could have stocked 2 or 3 more days.

Originally posted by oldman:
SkyKing: You jumped with about 16 days left in the set, which is too early (at least for this set; optimal changes each set). Your optimal move would likely have been the following:
a) tech for another 5 days (8.5k tpt including allies*5 days*$1800*94% gives you another $4b)
b) You would jump with about 11 days left in the set and probably at about 21-22m NW at this point. Place all your food on sale on the public market; put 1/4 of all your military and tech on sale for high prices; and convert to a theocracy. You will lose about 25% of your NW from this switch in government but you get a cheaper private market ($222/nw)
c) I'm assuming you had about $7b to jump from 20m to 50m assuming $230/nw from the public market and maybe still have $1b left. Add that to the $4b you get from teching 5 extra days, you will have about $12b to spend after your bushels sell (being conservative here and assuming you sell your bushels at no gain or loss; could be either way depending on market prices). $12b will get you about 53M nw from your PM over a period of about 8 days.
d) resell for the last 3 days or so.

Starting NW prior to jump: 21M NW
NW after conversion to theocracy: 15.75M NW (assumes 25% loss, should be less)
NW after jumping from PM for 8 days: 15.75 + 53 = 68.75M NW
NW after reselling for last 3 days = ~70M NW (assumes a gain of about 500k/day from reselling)

That should probably be at least 10M higher than what you are going to finish I believe.